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HomeExclusiveHow To Help Allergies In Eyes

How To Help Allergies In Eyes

Nosh On Berries To Fight Histamine Release

How To Stop RED & ITCHY Eyes | 5 Tips on How to Stop Allergies | Doctor Steve

A flavonoid called quercetin which is present in blueberries, bilberries, and blackberries and which gives them their trademark color can stop your body from producing and releasing histamine. One study even found that when people took a quercetin glycoside 4 weeks before pollen counts became high in the atmosphere, they experienced relief from symptoms such as itching and watering of the eyes caused by cedar pollen.12 So start snacking on yummy berries before pollen season gets here to beat your eye allergy.13

Are There Other Therapies For Eye Allergies

Allergen immunotherapy is also an excellent treatment option for allergic conjunctivitis. If this is appropriate, an individual is seen by an allergist and completes testing for common airborne allergens. Based on the results, an allergist can prescribe immunotherapy that can not only improve symptoms but may also help get rid of existing allergies and also prevent future environmental allergies. Although immunotherapy is effective and safe, there is a small risk of allergic reaction .

Historically, immunotherapy requires frequent visits to the allergist for subcutaneous injections. As of 2014, the FDA has approved sublingual immunotherapy that can be administered at home for grass and ragweed allergy, so this may be an option for treatment depending on individual sensitivities There is less risk for an allergic reaction with this type of therapy compared to allergy shots.

What Not To Do

  • Dont rub your eyes.Though it may be tempting, this can spread the allergens around and irritate the eye further. Although it feels great in the short-term, it often makes things much worse, Dr. Vasan said.
  • Avoid redness reliever medications.Eye drops marketed as redness relievers are effective in hiding signs of eye allergies making the eyes nice and white but they dont do much to make you feel better. And, whats worse is that people can build a tolerance to these medications. When they stop taking the drops, their eyes become red.
  • Dont ignore signs of other problems.Red, irritated eyes can be signs of eye conditions other than allergic conjunctivitis. If you notice a thicker discharge coming from the eye, see an eye doctor, as it could be a sign of a viral infection.

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Can Allergies Cause Dry Eyes

If your eyes feel dry and irritated in the winter months when there are fewer outdoor allergens, then you may have a form of tear dysfunction known as dry eye, or keratoconjunctivitis sicca. This is not an allergic reaction it happens when your eyes either do not make enough tears or the tears they make go away very quickly.

Many people have dry eye, including about one-third of older adults. Its commonly found in people with eye allergies as well. Symptoms are sometimes worse when its cold or windy outside, after you turn on the heat in your home, or if youre in a dry environment. Some medications, including oral antihistamines, sleeping pills and anti-depressants, can cause symptoms.

Natural Allergy Relief Options

Tips to Help You Tackle Eye Allergies

What helps relieve allergies fast? Watching what you eat, getting plenty of fresh air and drinking enough water are some of the natural remedies that can relieve allergies by improving functions of the immune system.

It may take several weeks for your symptoms to subside, but they are likely to be better kept under control when you tackle the root causes. Here are nine ways to get natural allergy relief.

1. Eat an Anti-Inflammatory, Alkaline Diet

First and foremost, start eating an anti-inflammatory diet to reduce your risk for allergies and many other health problems. Caring for your body with nutrient-dense foods gives your immune system the ability to repair itself, bringing it back into balance so it can fight off common allergies in your environment.

Here are some of the best foods and ingredients to incorporate into your diet to help you beat allergies:

Although its not abundant in many foods, vitamin D is also important for immune function and may help manage allergy symptoms. In fact, certain studies have shown that children who live farther from the equator are more likely to develop allergies and suffer higher rates of hospital admissions due to allergic reactions.

You can get enough vitamin D by spending about 15 minutes in the sun most days without sunscreen and by eating foods like whole milk and some mushrooms for natural allergy relief.

2. Local Raw Honey

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

4. Quercetin

5. Neti Pot

6. Stinging Nettle

  • Ginger
  • Horehound

8. Probiotics

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Eye Allergies: What To Do About Itchy Eyes

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Itchy, watery eyes during allergy season can drive you crazy. Mass. Eye and Ears Dr. Ryan Vasan has some tips on how to feel better.

After another snowy, cold winter in Boston, spring has finally arrived! As the weather warms and flowers begin to bloom, plants are shedding all kinds of stuff like pollen and ragweed. Of all the ways spring allergies can drive you crazy, itchy, watery eyes may be the most frustrating and disruptive to daily life.

Our eyes are also perhaps the most vulnerable parts of our body to allergies, says Mass. Eye and Ear ophthalmologist Ryan A. Vasan, M.D., because the surface of the eye is always exposed.

We have little hairs in our noses that trap allergens, and the acid in our stomachs often kills off anything that might cause a reaction to the food we eat, he explained. The main defenses for our eyes are tears, eyelids and eyelashes but our eyes are otherwise exposed to allergens.

Use With Contact Lenses

Speaking of contacts, its important to make sure the eye drops are safe for use with your lenses.

Most eye drop instructions recommend waiting 10 to 15 minutes before putting in your contacts, says Dr. Dass, who emphasizes the importance of reading the instructions that come with your brand of eye drops .

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Differential Diagnosis What Else Could It Be

There are a number of conditions that can cause red eyes, and some of these are emergencies. Conditions such as viral or bacterial pink eye are usually easily treated, whereas conditions such as glaucoma can result in vision loss without early diagnosis. Warning signs that suggest that something other than eye allergies include severe eye pain, significant light sensitivity decreased vision, colored halos, and a history of trauma to the eyes.

What Is A Lash Allergy

How To: Reduce puffy allergy eyes naturally

When someone has an allergic reaction to their lash extensions, the most common cause is cyanoacrylate, which is found in all lash extension glues. It is an irritant for the eyes, skin, and respiratory system. Despite what some companies claim, there are currently no hypoallergenic glues on the market, meaning there are no alternatives that will completely eliminate allergies.

Unfortunately, lash extensions are not available to people who are allergic to this chemical ingredient. In addition, lash glue allergy isn’t always present. Your client might be well one day and then have an allergic reaction on their second, third, or even twenty-fifth visit.

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Use Medicated Eye Drops

In addition to sterile rinses, medicated eye drops may help relieve some of the discomfort associated with seasonal eye allergies. Decongestant or antihistamine drops can control redness, itchiness, and other symptoms.

You may also want to use artificial tears to help maintain correct eye lubrication. Before you begin a new eye health regimen, consult with your optometrist to determine which brand and formula is best for your symptoms.

Antihistamine Pills And Eye Drops

Antihistamine pills and liquids work by blocking histamine to relieve watery, itchy eyes. They include cetirizine , diphenhydramine , fexofenadine , or loratadine , among others. Some may cause drowsiness.

Antihistamine eye drops work well for itchy, watery eyes. You may need to use them several times a day, but donât use the over-the-counter kinds for more than 2-3 days. Prescription kinds include azelastine hydrochloride , cetirizine ophthalmic , emedastine difumarate , levocabastine , and olopatadine .

They are often combined with other kinds of drops, including some that shrink swollen blood vessels in your eye. You shouldnât use these kinds of drops, called or âget the red outâ drops, for more than a few days at a time. They can also lead to a rebound redness if used too frequently. Donât use them at all if you have glaucoma.

Over-the-counter antihistamines include ketotifen fumarate .

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Home Remedies For Bags Under The Eyes

There are a few things you can do yourself at home to decrease puffy eyes and undereye bags.

  • Use a cool compress.While sitting upright, gently press a damp, cool washcloth to your eyes for a few minutes. This can reduce swelling.
  • Quit smoking.Smoking can thin the skin under your eyes and contribute to more rapid collagen loss.
  • Raise your head during sleep.Propping the head of your bed up a few inches or adding an extra pillow can elevate your head. This can help to keep fluid from settling around your eyes while you are asleep.
  • Use a chilled tea bag.Placing caffeinated black tea bags on your closed eyes for a few minutes can help to reduce puffiness. Caffeine works to constrict blood vessels, which can reduce swelling.
  • Apply makeup.Cosmetic products like concealer can help to mask the appearance of shadows and bags under the eyes. Eye cream, applied at night, can often help to reduce puffy eyes when used on a consistent basis.

Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis Or Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis

Eye Allergy Symptoms &  Relief for Your Itchy Eyes

Pollen is the most common allergen to cause conjunctivitis in countries that have cold winters.

If conjunctivitis results from pollen, there will likely be other symptoms, including sneezing, an itchy, blocked, or runny nose, and itchy and watery eyes.

Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis or allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is also known as hay fever.

It usually happens during the spring and summer months. At this time, plants, and especially grass, trees, and flowers, are in pollen. Some people have symptoms during early fall.

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Avoid Indoor Allergy Triggers

Indoor allergens may trigger eye allergy symptoms. Protect yourself by keeping windows closed at home and in the car. Run the air conditioner to help filter the air. Skip window fans that draw air with pollen and other allergens from outside and bring them inside. Take measures to protect yourself against dust and mold. If you go outside, change clothes and shower as soon as you get indoors because pollen sticks to clothing and hair. Pollen counts are highest in the early evening and mid- morning. Avoid going outside during these times, if you can. Do not allow cats and dogs to be in the bedroom. Pet dander on the floor or on bedding can be especially problematic for allergy sufferers and those with asthma.

Drink Oolong Tea To Ease Allergy Symptoms

Oolong tea, which is essentially tea thats been partially fermented, has been found to help relieve the symptoms of eye and nasal allergies. A Japanese study found that it reduced allergy symptoms like itchy eyes and tears even during a period when pollen count was high.10 Oolong tea can add to the effects of anti-allergy agents and even help you cut the use of these medicines. So sip on a cup of soothing tea to deal with that irritating allergy.

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Eye Allergy Treatment And Tips

The best way to treat eye allergies is to mitigate exposure to the allergens causing the issue. This can be especially true if you have seasonal allergies. Try to limit time outdoors when pollen is at its peak, and clean your air filters in the fall and winter to help prevent cold-weather allergies.

Tips To Manage Eye Allergy Symptoms

Eye Allergy Treatment (3 WAYS TO TREAT EYE ALLERGIES)
  • Clear the air of allergens by using air filters on all of your cooling systems. Keeping your home as clean as possible will also help reduce airborne allergens.
  • Use cold eye compresses to alleviate symptoms. You can either purchase a cold eye compress at your local drugstore or easily make one at home. Soak a clean, soft washcloth in cold water, wring it out, and place it over closed eyelids for a few minutes at a time or until it is no longer cool. The coldness will help to soothe irritated eyes and reduce swelling.
  • Try removing your contact lenses, as they can attract and accumulate allergens and irritants on their surfaces. Switching to glasses or daily disposable contacts during allergy season may help to reduce your symptoms.
  • Use medicated eye drops to reduce redness and itching. There are over the counter options as well as prescription eye drops, which can be prescribed by Dr. Anania. Antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, multiple-action, and decongestant eye drops can all help manage eye allergy symptoms.
  • Wear protective eyewear while outdoors, such as wraparound glasses, to shield your eyes from direct contact with airborne irritants and allergens. Opt for eyewear with larger lenses that provide fuller coverage.
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    How To Treat Puffy Eyes Caused By Allergies

    It is important to note that not all cases of puffy eyes are caused by allergies when seeking treatment, be sure you are treating the appropriate underlying cause. Lack of sleep, aging and diets heavy in salt can all cause swelling in the eye area.

    However, when puffiness is caused by allergies, some degree of itching is usually present.

    Many allergy sufferers find relief by using OTC products formulated to alleviate the symptoms of allergies in the eye area. Eye drops are a common option and include tear substitutes, antihistamines, and ones that contain mast cell stabilizers.

    Tear substitutes help to form a barrier over the eye that protects it from airborne allergens, and helps to flush out potential contact allergens. Antihistamine drops work to reduce swelling and puffiness that have already been initiated by the allergen by blocking histamine receptors. Eye drops that contain mast-cell stabilizers will inhibit mast cells from producing antihistamines, therefore preventing an inflammatory allergic reaction.

    Other than eye drops, certain sprays and oral medications can be effective in treating puffy eyes caused by allergies. Studies suggest that liposomal sprays may be as effective as antihistamine eye drops when it comes to alleviating allergy symptoms.

    Oral antihistamines may also provide temporary relief from allergy symptoms these medications block the bodys production of histamines and prevent a reaction to the allergen from occurring.

    Which Allergies Cause Puffy Eyes

    Allergies that cause puffy eyes are a result of three different forms: airborne, contact and ingested. For each type, the allergen enters the body and causes the immune system to overreact, releasing histamines which in turn cause the inflammation.

    Airborne allergies often affect both the eyes and nose. Among the airborne allergies that cause puffy eyes are seasonal allergies, caused by increased pollen in the air from various sources, including various grasses and ragweed. Other airborne allergens include mold spores, pet dander and dust mites.

    Contact allergies are caused by direct physical contact with the allergen, and are contained within the range of that contact. Common contact allergens to cause puffy eyes are makeup, contact lenses and certain eye drops.

    Allergies that cause puffy eyes via ingestion are often food allergies, which may also cause swelling of facial tissues. Those who suffer from lactose intolerance may experience puffy eyes as a side effect of overall bloating caused by this condition. Shellfish allergies also cause inflammation that can affect the eye area.

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    Treat Your Red Itchy Eyes

    Allergic conjunctivitis is a common eye allergy that causes red itchy eyes. Its caused by exposure to allergens like pollen and dust and can be seasonal or chronic.

    The good news is there are many remedies for eye allergies. There are over-the-counter eye drops or prescription medications like antihistamines.

    Want to know more about treating eye allergies? Check out our other guides for more helpful information and tips.

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    Why Do Allergies Cause Puffy Eyes

    Eye allergies affect more than 7 in 10 people with ...

    Allergies are triggered by exposure to certain environmental agents that are harmless to most peoples systems. However, for those with allergies, the immune system reacts defensively by releasing histamines into the bloodstream to fight these allergens. These histamines cause the blood vessels in the eye to become puffy and swollen.

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    Cosmetic Treatments & Surgery

    Noninvasive cosmetic procedures, such as fillers, chemical peels, and laser resurfacing, are skin therapies that can tighten the skin under your eyes and reduce the appearance of bags. These often require multiple treatment sessions and may need to be combined to completely eliminate the bags under your eyes.

    There is also a surgical option to remove excess fat and skin from under the eyes called a blepharoplasty. This procedure is generally only considered after other methods have failed.

    • FillersA filler jelly-like material is injected under the eye to smooth it out. Results typically last about six months to a year.
    • Chemical peelsA chemical solution is applied to the skin under the eyes to remove the top layers. This can reveal the brighter and tighter skin underneath. Results can last for a few years.
    • Laser resurfacingA laser is used to remove the surface layers of the skin, much like a chemical peel. Results can last several years, depending on your skin type and exposure to the sun.
    • BlepharoplastyThis is a lower eyelid lift. It involves tightening up the skin and muscle, and manipulating the fat tissue to smooth out features and eliminate bags under the eyes.

    Puffy eyes and bags under the eyes can be an annoyance, but they can be minimized, treated, and even eliminated through a variety of options.


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