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How To Say Allergies In Spanish

I Cannot Eat Gluten In Spanish

How To Say (Do you have any allergies?) In Spanish
  • “No puedo comer gluten”

If you also want to make sure that wait staff truly understand what gluten is, what foods contain gluten, and that you can become sick if you eat it, we recommend:

  • “I have celiac disease and I cannot eat gluten. Gluten is in wheat, barley and rye. Is this food safe for me?”

This translation is lengthy and hard to remember. To help, we created a Spanish Gluten Free Translation Card that is plastic, the size of a credit card and meticulously accurate. These gluten free dining cards help take out some of the stress of communicating in Spanish, while urging servers to take your request seriously.

Translating Medical Conditions & Allergies

Note: This step may require a Spanish speaker. If you don’t speak Spanish, you can use our to get started.

Follow the instructions below to translate your Medical Conditions and Allergies lists so they appear on your forms in Spanish. Eaglesoft users, skip this step.

  • From the YAPI Dashboard, click Tools. Select Administrative Tools, then Utilities, then Translation.

  • When prompted, enter your YAPI password.

  • In the Translation window that pops up, select Spanish: Medical Terms from the options on the left-hand side. Then, click Load MC.

  • In the Spanish column, double-click the empty space next to each condition and enter its Spanish translation.

  • Dentrix users, skip this step. Open Dental users, once you’re finished translating your medical conditions, add your list of allergies and their Spanish translations:

  • In Open Dental, click Lists in the toolbar and select Allergies to view your Allergies list.

  • Back in YAPI, scroll to the bottom of Medical Conditions list. Double-click the empty space in the English column to add the first allergy from your list. Then, double-click the empty space next to the allergy to add its Spanish translation. Repeat this for each allergy on your Allergies list from Open Dental.

  • From the YAPI Dashboard, click Tools. Then select Administrative Tools, then Lists, then Medical Conditions.

  • Click Save. When asked if you want to update your online list, click Yes, then Yes again.

  • Once the window closes, your translation setup is complete!

  • Common Spanish Dishes That Contain Gluten

    Many of these dishes can easily be prepared with gluten-free products. However, celiacs should avoid ordering these unless you know for sure that you are at a place that uses gluten-free alternatives.

    • Salmorejo, ajo blanco and even some versions of gazpacho get their thick texture from bread or bread crumbs.
    • Filete empanado: Similar to a German schnitzel, this lunch menu staple consists of breaded chicken breast or pork fillets.
    • Pan con tomate: A popular breakfast option, this simple yet delicious dish is essentially toasted bread topped with fresh tomato.
    • Croquetas, or croquettes, are coated in bread crumbs before being fried.
    • Albóndigas: Spanish meatballs are a popular option at many restaurants, but often contain bread crumbs.

    Recommended Reading: How To Treat Dog Allergies At Home

    Thousands Protest In Spains Andalusia In Defence Of Public Health Services

    Thousands of protestors took to the streets across Andalusia in defence of public health services on Saturday, demanding a stop to the deterioration of public services and slow privatisation of the region’s healthcare system.

    Thousands of people demonstrated in several cities across Andalusia in defence of public health services on Saturday.

    The main demonstration was held in Seville, the southern regions capital, where police say 4,000 people took part. Organisers of the protest put the figure at 20,000.

    Up to 400 protesters took to the streets in Cádiz, and around a thousand in Granada, though police claim there were just 200.

    Protestors demanded the regularisation of 12,000 false contracts given to doctors in the Andalusian Health Service who arrived as reinforcements during the pandemic, as well as face-to-face care within 48 hours of requesting an appointment, 12 minutes of care per patient, and the boosting of rural emergency and preventive community care.

    How To Talk About Breathing Allergies In Spanish

    Food Allergy Poster (Spanish)

    Cough, fever, red eyes and difficulty breathing when all you want to do is enjoy your sweet holiday in Argentina? No, thank you! Well, if you manage to warn the people around you of your allergies, you might be able to avoid them in the first place ! Here are the most common respiratory allergies:

    • el polen la alergia al polen
    • el polvo la alergia al polvo
    • el moho la alergia al moho
    • los perros la alergia a los perros
    • los gatos la alergia a los gatos
    • las mascotas la alergia a las mascotas
    • la lana la alergia a la lana

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    Tengo Alergia A Los Frutos Secos/nueces De Arbol

    If you really want to make sure they understand that you have a tree nut allergy, and be taken seriously, we recommend listing all of the individual tree nuts in Spanish.

    This is why we’ve made Spanish Tree Nut Allergy Translation Cards. They help take out some of the stress of communicating in Latin America, while being taken seriously with a professional plastic card.

    Important Spanish Vocabulary For Dairy Allergies

    • Soy alérgico/a a⦠= Iâm allergic toâ¦
    • No puedo comer⦠= I cannot eatâ¦
    • ¿Tienes algo que no lleveâ¦? = Do you have anything that does not containâ¦?
    • ¿Esta comida contieneâ¦? = Does this dish containâ¦?
    • productos lácteos = dairy products
    • Sin salsa por favor = No sauce, please!
    • ¡Gracias por tu ayuda! = Thank you for your help!

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    Eating With Allergies In Madrid Faqs

    How do I say gluten free in Spanish?

    The most commonly used phrase for âgluten freeâ in Spain is sin gluten.

    How do I say lactose intolerant in Spanish?

    Lactose intolerant in Spanish is translated as intolerante a la lactosa. To describe your own needs, use it with the verb soy at the beginning of the sentence: Soy intolerante a la lactosa.

    What is trigo in Spanish food?

    Trigo means wheat, so itâs a good word to look out for if youâre gluten free.

    How do you say allergic in Spanish?

    If you identify as male, say alérgico. If you identify as female, it would be alérgica.

    Do Spanish restaurants accommodate allergies?

    Most, if not all, restaurants in Spain will go out of their way to ensure your food doesnât contain any risky allergens, as long as you tell them so.

    Update Notice: This post was originally published on August 8, 2018 and was updated with new text and photos on May 31, 2021.

    Important Spanish Vocabulary For Gluten Allergies

    Safe Food Matters!: Allergen Awareness (Spanish)
    • Enfermedad celiaca = celiac disease
    • Yo soy celiaco/a = Iâm celiac.
    • No puedo comer productos que tengan como ingrediente: trigo, centeno, cebada o avena = I cannot eat things that contain wheat, rye, barley or oats.
    • Libre de gluten OR sin gluten = gluten-free
    • Almidón de trigo = wheat starch
    • Soy celiaco/a y debo seguir una dieta sin gluten = Iâm celiac and must follow a gluten-free diet.
    • ¿Esta comida contiene trigo, centeno, cebada o avena? = Does this dish contain wheat, rye, barley, or oats?
    • Puedo comer alimentos que contengan arroz, patatas, verduras y frutas, huevos, queso, leche y pescado = I can eat dishes with rice, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, eggs, cheese, milk, and fish.
    • Sin salsa por favor = No sauce, please!
    • ¡Gracias por tu ayuda! = Thank you for your help!

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    Eating With Gluten Allergies Or Intolerance In Madrid

    Despite their affinity for bread and beer, Spaniards are becoming increasingly aware of the needs of those who need to avoid gluten.

    For an even more complete look at eating with allergies in Madrid if youâre gluten free, check out our gluten free guide to Madrid. The Madrid Association for Celiacs & Gluten-Sensitive People also has some great recommendations for fully gluten-free eateries in the Spanish capital.

    In the meantime, here are some quick pointers on how to eat safely anywhere.

    Common Foods Containing Dairy

    Be careful with anything that includes all i oli. This garlic mayonnaise is a popular condiment all throughout Spain, especially here in Barcelona, but is often made with milk instead of eggs. And unfortunately, croquettes are a no-go most of the time as well. These creamy little bites are made with bechamel sauce, which contains milk. However, many places offer bechamel-free croquetas, so if youre not sure, just ask! When it comes time for dessert, stay away from crema catalana, which has milk as a primary ingredient as well.

    Also Check: What Can Cause Allergies In The Fall

    Play It Safe Use An Equal Eats Card

    Dont take a chance with an online translator app that will simply state tree nut allergy in Spanish. Communicate your allergy in Spanish with confidence! Our Spanish allergy cards is one of our bestsellers partly because it is the official language of 20 countries, many of which are popular travel destinations.

    Common Foods Containing Nuts

    Thriving With Allergies: Spanish Peanut and Tree

    Guests with tree nut allergies should be cautious of any food labeled a la catalana. This regional twist on common dishes implies the use of pine nuts. Another local specialty, romesco sauce, makes the perfect accompaniment to grilled calçots. However, this traditional sauce includes any variety of nuts more often than not.

    Take special care when ordering dessert. Many Catalan treats contain tree nuts. Turrón , popular around the winter holidays, comes to mindâthis rich nougat is made with a large amount of almonds. Other treats like coca de Sant Joan and panellets are seemingly everywhere on certain holidays. However, both contain pine nuts, and panellets usually have almonds as well.

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    Common Spanish Dishes That Contain Nuts

    Some common items youâll see at tapas bars and restaurants contain nuts, even if you donât realize it. Occasionally the ingredients are obvious from the name of the dish, but not always.

    Hereâs what guests with nut allergies should avoid ordering or eating.

    • Revuelto de frutos secos: Itâs all in the name! This ânut mixâ is a common snack that servers at bars will bring with your drink. Ingredients can vary, but common additions include peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds.
    • Ajoblanco: This traditional cold soup from Malaga contains almonds.
    • Salsaromesco: A staple sauce in dishes from northeastern Spain, those with nut allergies should avoid romesco as it may contain almonds and/or hazelnuts.
    • Turrón: A favorite treat at Christmas, this typical dessert is a nougat made with almonds.
    • Some salads come with nuts sprinkled on top. Ask your server before ordering.
    • Spanish cheese is well worth a try, but many nicer restaurants will garnish cheese boards with nuts. Again, itâs always best to ask to be on the safe side.

    Checking Over Your Spanish Forms

    Before using your new forms with patients, we recommend having a Spanish-speaker in your office check them over. Also, make sure members of your team are familiar with recognizing and selecting Spanish forms on an iPad .

    Once you’ve had a Spanish-speaker check over the forms and if you want them available online, schedule an appointment with a member of our Customer Support team. The process takes about 15-20 minutes depending on how many Spanish forms you’re using, so scheduling a dedicated time ensures that we’ll have a representative available to assist you. After your forms are available online, you can for your Spanish-speaking patients!

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    Explaining Food Allergies In Spanish

    One of the very best things about cultures of the Spanish-speaking world is the food. Tapas, paella, arepas, ajiaco, burritos, tacos, tamales, empanadasbut hit pause. Allergies come first! The last thing you want is to feel your worst in a restaurantabroad. So here are some common food allergies in Spanish:

    Eating With Peanut & Tree Nut Allergies In Madrid

    Allergen training video – English

    Nuts can be quite sneaky, as those with nut allergies certainly know. You may be surprised which foods they can end up in. This section of our guide to eating with allergies in Madrid outlines how to avoid nuts safely.

    Important note: Peanuts are rarely used in Spanish cuisine. Those with strictly peanut allergies will not have as much to worry about, but may find these tips useful just in case!

    Read Also: Is Goat Milk Good For Allergies

    How To Convey Nut Allergy

    We will be traveling to a spanish speaking area and will be dining in many establishments where it would be imperitive we be able to communicate the severity of my daughter’s allergy to peanuts and tree nuts. I would like to know what I would need to say to communicate this to the wait staff/chef. Specifically what I say here in a restaurant is : My daughter has a severe allergy to peanuts and tree nuts. If she eats anything with nuts in them or anything that has touched nuts or been prepared with nuts, she could die. Can you recommend anything on the menu and/or does your restaurant cook with any nuts or nut oils? Thank you!

    -My daughter has a severe allergy to peanuts and tree nuts. If she eats anything with nuts in them or anything that has touched nuts or been prepared with nuts, she could die. Can you recommend anything on the menu and/or does your restaurant cook with any nuts or nut oils? Thank you!-Mi hija es alérgica a los frutos secos. Si ella come algo que contenga algún ingrediente procedente de los frutos secos puede morir. ¿Puede usted comentarle/sugerirle al cocinero que prepare alguna comida exenta de frutos secos o de aceites de frutos secos? ¡Gracias!

    Also, although “frutos secos” is indeed the correct way to refer to such foods, I wonder if some Spanish speakers might interpret it as dry fruit.

    quick question: is “aceite de cacahuete” acceptable for peanut oil?

    Spanish Translations For Allergy Cardsjuly 22 201: 42 Am Subscribe

    internet fraud detective squad, station number 9Grab Bag2 users marked this as a favoriteHeyAllie8:08 AMfalsedmitri8:57 AMin this docterretu9:03 AMeleanna9:51 AMeleanna9:56 AMSoy alergico y no puedo comer…Por favor revisemelas/los nuevamente por alergenospuedo comer estos alimentossi va a hacer un buffet, ponga por favor etiquetas y listas de ingredientesPor favor hagame saber si puedo comer el/la/los/las…Sencillo esta biensin aderezo por favorsin salsa por favorProductos lacteos si,cualquier cosa que venga de una vacaBadgerDoctor10:01 AMsoy alergico/atengo alergicas aHagame saberdejeme saberhagame saberpor favor aviseme si puedo comersencilloestá bien sin adornosin guarniciónprovenir devenirSi, todo lo que proviene de una vacajesourie12:09 PMipsative3:03 PMAlergicas was a typo–I totally meant alergia.jesourie6:31 PMI am allergic to and cannot eatPlease double check these for allergensI can eat these thingsIf you are serving buffet-style, please label ingredientsPlease tell me if I can eat the Plain is fineNo dressing, pleaseNo sauce, pleaseDairy Yes, anything that comes from a cowI will just eat my own foodsukeban12:22 AM« OlderNewer »

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    How To Say Youre Allergic To Something In Spanish

    All you have to say is Soy alérgico, using the letter o if you identify as a male and the letter a if you identify as a female. Then, you follow that up with al/ a la/ a los/ a las, depending on the allergen youre talking about. Read the examples below to see what that looks like in practice:

    • Soy alérgica a la soja.
    • Soy alérgico al polen.
    • Soy alérgico a las mascotas.
    • Soy alérgico a los perros.

    Would you be ready?

    Would you be ready to explain your allergies to a waiter, a friend or a doctor in a Spanish-speaking country? You might have to, but it wont be so difficult after practicing some of these phrases out loud! Let us know how you did!

    Common Spanish Dishes That Contain Dairy Products

    Thriving With Allergies: Spanish Peanut and Tree

    Many times, foods containing dairy products will jump right out at lactose-intolerant diners on the menu. You probably wouldnât be ordering a cheese plate, for example.

    However, sometimes dishes that contain milk products arenât as obvious. Here are some common dishes that those with dairy allergies should avoid.

    • Many sauces are thickened with cream to add texture. Check with your server before you order.
    • Some of the most common types of croquetas get their creamy and delicious interior from bechamel sauce, which contains milk and butter.
    • Alioli is a common accompaniment to everything from potatoes to seafood. This garlic mayonnaise is traditionally made with raw eggs, but dining establishments use milk instead to comply with food safety laws.
    • Arroz con leche is Spainâs answer to rice pudding and made with whole milk. Itâs a common fixture on the dessert menu at traditional restaurants.
    • Leche frita is a traditional Spanish dessert. Its name translates to âfried milk,â but itâs more of a deep-fried custard concoction. Go with something else for dessertâjust not helado !

    Leche frita

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    Pollen Allergies In Spain: What You Need To Know

    More than a third of the population in Spain has some allergy to pollen and health issues caused by these outdoor allergens are only set to increase in the coming years. Here’s everything you need to know about hay fever in Spain.

    Allergies affect eight million people in Spain, according to the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology and people are mainly affected during the spring and summer seasons.

    High temperatures caused by climate change are increasing the amount of pollen in the air, which in turn is causing the number of pollen-related allergies such as hay fever to rise too.

    According to Dr. Ángel Moral, president of the Seaic Aerobiology Committee, more than a third of the population in Spain has some pollen allergy problem. This could be in the form of an itchy nose, watery eyes, sneezing or even breathing difficulties, which makes it one of the most frequent illnesses in the country.

    Why do allergies increase in spring and summer and where in Spain are they the worst?

    Allergenic pollens vary according to the time of year and the type of vegetation. In general, tree pollen dominates during the winter and early spring, while grasses produce higher levels during spring and summer, according to the University Clinic of Navarra.

    Olive pollen, the other main species in May, is almost non-existent in the northern provinces, but high in the south and the Mediterranean.

    What types of plants and pollen are people allergic to in Spain?


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