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HomeHealthCan Chest Congestion Be From Allergies

Can Chest Congestion Be From Allergies

What Does It Mean If I Have Chest Congestion But Im Not Sick

Sinus & Head Cold Advice : How to Relieve Sinus & Chest Congestion

Chest congestion is generally a sign that something is off in your lungs. Even if you do not have other symptoms of illness, it is important to see your doctor if you have any chest congestion lasting more than 3 days. If you do not feel sick, other than your chest congestion, you could be experiencing symptoms of allergies, asthma, pneumonia, COPD or even lung cancer or heart failure. As such, chest congestion should be taken seriously, even if you do not feel sick. Take note of how you feel overall, noticing if you may also be experiencing symptoms you may have ignored, like fatigue or weakness, hoarseness, weight loss or gain, swollen lower extremities, chest, back or arm pain or shortness of breath. These symptoms may indicate more serious concerns with your heart or lung health. If you feel chest congestion, but not sick at all, it is still important that you get checked out by a doctor, just to make sure that nothing else is wrong.

Can Allergies Cause Chest Heaviness

Almost anything, including foods, animals, medications and airborne substances, can cause an allergic reaction.Allergy symptoms can range from mild to severe. Most allergic reactions are mild and easily treatable, but occasionally a severe reaction can become life-threatening. One symptom that has the potential to become very serious is a feeling of tightness or heaviness in the chest. If you have chest heaviness, seek medical attention.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Cold

When youve got a mild cold, the only symptoms might be a runny nose, mild sore throat and cough, and general fatigue. If your cold is more serious, you may also have body aches, and all over pains, a fever, trouble sleeping, and your cough and sore throat may be worse.

While some of these symptoms are the same as other conditions, you wouldnt usually experience aches and pains, or a sore throat with allergies.

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What Causes Chest Congestion And How To Get Rid Of It

Written byBel Marra HealthPublished onJuly 7, 2017

Chest congestion is a common respiratory symptom that could be an indication of the flu or cold. However, there are also cases where it can be a sign of a more serious health issue, like an infection or heart disease.

Most people understand that chest congestion is a sign of excessive mucus in the lower airway. It is normally due to inflammation of the airways and lungs and involves some degree of restricted airflow. Chest congestion can be really uncomfortable. For some individuals, it can even be painful because the lungs fill up with excess mucus and other fluids. Coughing is the bodys natural way of getting rid of the mucus that has built up.

What Is Chest Congestion Causes Symptoms Treatment

Remedies For Chest Congestion 14 Home in 2020

Somehow, you managed to pick up the bug that was going around the office last week, or maybe it was the one your 8-year-old brought home from school that took you down. Now, after a few days, what started out as a sore throat and stuffy nose has turned into an uncomfortable cough that may bring up thick mucus from your lower airways. Your cough sounds deeper. These are some of the signs and symptoms of chest congestion. DayQuil SEVERE LiquiCaps⢠can relieve your chest congestion related to a cold or the fluâbut understanding what causes chest congestion and how to prevent it are equally as important as treating the symptom.

It can take up to a month to fully recover from lingering cold or flu symptoms, such as cough.1

What is Chest Congestion?

Chest congestion is the accumulation of mucus in the lungs and lower breathing tubes . It is usually accompanied by a wet, productive cough that brings up thick mucus. Chest congestion may cause you to hear or feel wheezing or crackling sounds when you breathe in and out.

What Causes Chest Congestion?

Infection with a cold or flu virus is among the most common causes of chest congestion and happens when the infection progresses from the upper respiratory tract â your nasal passages, sinuses and throatâinto the lower respiratory tractâyour breathing tubes and lungs.

Chest Congestion Treatment


Sinex LiquiCapsâ¢

How to Prevent Catching and Spreading the Viruses that Cause Chest Congestion

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Allergic Asthma: Symptoms And Treatment

Ashley A. Sullivan, MSN FNPStudent, Samuel Merritt University, Oakland, CaRN, California Pacific Medical Center

Natalya M. Kushnir, MDDirector, Allergy and immunology Clinic of East BayBerkeley, CA

H. Henry Li, MD, PhDFAAAAI, FACAAIInstitute for Asthma and AllergyWheaton and Chevy Chase Maryland

Michael A. Kaliner, MD FAAAAIMedical Director, Institute for Asthma and AllergyChevy Chase and Wheaton, MarylandProfessor of Medicine, George Washington University School of MedicineWashington DC

The Asthma Is Usually Linked To Allergic Rhinitis

Environmental allergies can affect your airway in unique ways:

  • Allergic rhinitis affects your nose and sinuses, and may cause sneezing, congestion, and an itchy nose and eyes.
  • Asthma mainly affects your lungs, and may cause coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath or rapid breathing.

But when you have allergic asthma, youll likely develop both sets of symptoms at once.

In children, the signs can be more subtle, notes Dr. Purcell. Kids may say theyre too tired to play, but parents should check for wheezing or coughing. If the other kids are running around playing, and your child wants to sit on the sidelines, he or she may be having trouble breathing, he says.

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Can Allergies Be Responsible For Shortness Of Breath

Allergy is one the most common conditions affecting about 10-30% of the population worldwide. It is associated with symptoms like itchy, watery eyes, nasal congestion and in rare cases, shortness of breath.But how can a severe symptom like shortness of breath be associated with such a common condition? You may ask. Here we will cover how common allergies cause shortness of breath in many people.What Causes Allergy?Allergy occurs when our immune system responds to a non-threatening substance like pollen, dust mites or animal fur. It is a hypersensitive immune reaction also termed as allergic response.An allergic response initiates when your nasal lining comes into contact with an allergen. Your body starts synthesizing IgE proteins that combine with the allergen and trigger the production histamine which is responsible for all the symptoms that normally associated with an allergy.

Types Of AllergiesThe type of allergy depends upon the trigger or the allergen. There are several types of allergies some them being more severe than others. Most common types of allergies are:

  • Food Allergy.

Allergens or triggers can be categorized according to the type of allergy they cause:

  • Airborne allergens: Pollen, dust mites, animal dander, and mold
  • Foods: Peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, eggs, fish, shellfish, and dairy
  • Insect stings: Bee or wasp stings
  • Drug or medications: Penicillin or penicillin-based antibiotic

When To See A Specialist About Your Asthma


Asthma is not always easy to diagnose, Fineman says, but you should see your doctor if youre having repeated episodes of wheezing and coughing or shortness of breath. If youre diagnosed with the condition, work with your doctor to develop an asthma management and action plan.

Although your primary care doctor may be able to diagnose and treat your asthma, if your symptoms dont respond to a first-line therapy of inhaled and short-acting bronchodilators, Asciuto recommends that you see a lung specialist or allergy and asthma specialist.

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How To Protect Your Lungs From Seasonal Allergies

Check the outdoor air quality levels and pollution forecasts before you venture outside. If you do go outside, scope out the environment for obvious allergy triggers.

Do gardening and lawn maintenance in the early morning or in the evening, while pollen counts are at their lowest.

Stay away from citronella candles, bug sprays, strong-smelling candles, and other seasonal products that can irritate your lungs. Opt for mosquito repellants in lotion form rather than in sprays.

Use medications as prescribed and keep your allergy medications handy.

Consult with a medical professional. Doctors can diagnose seasonal allergies, prescribe medications, and recommend imaging tests to evaluate the health of your lungs. For more information, make an appointment today with Virtual Imaging, Inc. at .

Chest Congestion Caused By Allergies

Chest congestion caused by allergies can be a scary situation to handle at first as the individual suffers from cough, chest pains, and difficulty in breathing. However, with certain modes of treatment, you are sure to feel better.

Chest congestion caused by allergies can be a scary situation to handle at first as the individual suffers from cough, chest pains, and difficulty in breathing. However, with certain modes of treatment, you are sure to feel better.

Chest congestion is the excess fluid and mucus that accumulates in the lungs. An individual who is suffering may feel extremely uneasy while breathing and may also counter bouts of attacks where breathing becomes very difficult, accompanied with an ebbing chest pain, cough, and wheezing. Severe congestion in the chest is audible in the form of wheezing, and is also characterized by crackling sounds evicted when the affected individual coughs. There are certain causes that lead to this condition. Chest congestion due to allergies is the most common. Some other potential causes could be the administration of post-nasal drip, sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Can Allergies Cause Chest Congestion?

Yes, Allergies can cause chest congestion.You may be surprised to know that there are a number of individuals who suffer from this health trouble, however, do not even bother to consult their family physician. I hope you are not one amongst them.


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The Triggers Are In Your Environment

While many different substances can trigger allergic asthma, they all have one thing in common: Theyre in the environment, not in your food or your medication.

Pet dander, dust mites, cockroaches, mold and pollen can all trigger allergic asthma, says Dr. Purcell.

If pollen or mold trigger the condition, it may occur only seasonally. If your pets or the dust mites on your bedding trigger it, you may suffer year-round, he notes.

How Cold Air Affects Your Nose

Pin by Anne Deiss

Most people assume that sinus issues are due to colds or allergies, but that may not be the case. Your nose has incredibly sensitive nerve endings. When activated, they cause blood vessels to swell and increase activity in mucous membranes, which leads to congestion or a runny nose.

Aside from allergies, common sinus triggers include:

  • Cool, dry air
  • Infections
  • Hormones

This nasal sensitivity is why you may notice your nose running or growing stuffy when walking outside on a cold day or stepping into a cool, air-conditioned room. However, these reactions should be temporary. If you notice that your sinus congestion continues, you could also be suffering from allergies.

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History And Physical Examination

Your physical examination will include checking your vital signs, such as your temperature, pulse, and breathing rate. A fever can be an indication of an infection. Rapid breathing or a rapid heart rate can be a sign of a severe infection or an impending asthma attack.

Your doctor will listen to your breathing sounds with a stethoscope, which will help determine whether your congestion is on one side of the lungs or both.

  • Generally, with asthma and allergies, congestion affects both lungs.
  • Congestion can be limited to one lung or one section of a lung when there is another cause, such as an infection.

Listening To The Symptoms

Right now many people are anxious and concerned with COVID-19 being so widespread, Dr. Siegel says. But I tell parents that while the symptoms of allergies and COVID-19 can be similar, there are some concrete ways to tell which one their child is experiencing so they will know how to treat it.

Here are several differences that can be important clues:

  • An illness like COVID-19 causes a system-wide response, while an allergy, which is an overreaction of the immune system in response to exposure to a trigger, is usually more localized. For instance, a child with a flu or COVID-19 may have a fever, body aches, chills, a sore throat, weakness, and respiratory symptoms. Someone with allergies will be more likely to have the symptoms centered on the nose, eyes, and throat, and they usually wont have a fever.
  • Allergies cause itchiness: itchy eyes, itchy nose and sneezing, and a tickle in the throat, she says. Itchiness is usually not a symptom of illness.
  • COVID-19 doesnt seem to cause much in the way of nasal symptoms, Dr. Siegel says. That means if your child is sneezing a lot, its more likely allergies, a cold, the flu, or another illness that isnt related to COVID-19.
  • Children with allergies may also have asthma, which can cause wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness. While many people with COVID-19 also have a cough and chest tightness or difficulty breathing, most of the time this isnt accompanied by wheezing, Dr. Siegel says.

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What Causes Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

There are more than 300 known allergens that, when inhaled as a fine dust, can cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Some breathing problems have names based on where the allergen comes from:

  • Farmers lung. Seen in farmers and cattle workers, this condition is caused by inhaling mold that grows on hay, straw, and grain.
  • Bird fanciers lung. Also called pigeon breeders disease, this condition is caused by inhaling dust specks from feathers or droppings of many types of birds.
  • Humidifier lung. This condition can develop by inhaling a fungus that grows in humidifiers, air conditioners, and heating systems, especially if they are not cleaned regularly.
  • Hot tub lung. This condition may develop by inhaling germs found in the water mist coming from indoor hot tubs.

Are There Conventional Medicines To Help Me

Sinus Congestion or Allergies?

If your congestion is causing you to suffer from sinus pain, then you may find that painkillers help to relieve this symptom. Speak to your doctor or pharmacist to find a painkiller specifically for sinus pain.

However, decongestants and painkillers both ease the symptoms of congestion but do not target the seasonal allergies at the root of the problem. A doctor or pharmacist is likely to suggest anti-histamines to reduce the bodys production of histamine in response to the pollen allergen. Some anti-histamines cause drowsiness so should not be taken if you are driving or working machinery.

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Can Allergies Cause Tightness In Chest

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Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

Questions To Ask Your Health Care Provider

Making notes before your visit and taking along a trusted family member or friend can help you through the first appointment with your doctor. The following are questions you can ask your health care provider:

  • I have hypersensitivity pneumonitis from workplace dust. Is it safe for me to continue working?
  • Are there things I cant do at work?
  • Do I have to give up my pet birds?
  • Should I stay out of hot tubs?
  • Can my family members get the disease if I have it?
  • What tests will I need to find out if I have hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
  • How often should I get lung function tests?
  • How often should I get chest X-rays and CT scans?
  • Do I need to be on medications ?

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Avoiding Infection And Staying Comfortable

Help boost your immune system during cold and flu season or throughout the year by taking immune support supplements. To help you stay healthy, many of these immune supplements contain vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals. If you’ve already come down with a cold, soothe a sore throat with lozenges or throat sprays that come in different flavors. Most contain oral anesthetics for fast relief.

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When Allergies And Illness Co

5 Remarkable Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Remember that children with seasonal allergies can still get sick. With chronic nasal congestion, people dont clear germs as well from the nose. Therefore, they can get more viruses and those viruses can linger longer, Dr. Siegel. This means that if your child has allergies and then gets new symptoms that dont respond to allergy medications, its important to check with your pediatrician.

Anyone who has any illness symptoms must make sure to quarantine at home to avoid spreading the germs.

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Wheezing Is Also A Symptom Of Whats Known As Allergic Asthma A Person May Be Allergic To Something That Sets Off Wheezing And/or Coughing Fishbein Said Every Once In A While Someone Will Not Have Asthma And Have Very Isolated Allergic Reactions To Things Mostly Seen With Pets Like Cats Or Dogs They Will Only Wheeze In That Scenario But Never Other Times

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, half of the 20 million Americans who have asthma have the allergic type of asthma, in which something specific sets off their attack.

Bronchitis, meanwhile, mostly occurs as the result of an infection. However, adult smokers who cough a lot are said to have chronic bronchitis. Again, this is semantics, and one physician might call something bronchitis that another calls asthma, Fishbein said.

Patients likely would need a methacholine challenge to discern whether they have asthma, said Fishbein. Physicians can administer the methacholine challenge test , which is widely used to evaluate for airway hyperresponsiveness, a hallmark sign of asthma.

Regardless of the diagnosis or the cause of the symptoms, patients with any difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing or chest tightness should see their primary care doctor for an evaluation. If their doctor suspects an allergic cause, patients may be referred to an allergist. If at any time breathing becomes extremely difficult, patients should head straight to the emergency room.


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