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How To Choose Allergy Medication

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Ask the Allergist: When Taking Allergy Medications, Timing is Everything

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Side Effects Of Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is well tolerated, and most people do well with it. The rare side effects of allergy shots include redness, inflammation or irritation at the site of injection, with occasional allergic reaction to the allergy shot. There are no reported side effects or issues from the use of allergy drops. If you are interested in taking the easiest route to a long-term solution with no side effects, schedule an appointment with us to begin the process of allergy drop treatment.

Allergic Rhinitis And Allergic Conjunctivitis

In light of the ARIA 2008 and ARIA 2010 documents, the second generation antihistamines are the drugs of first line treatment of periodic allergic rhinitis of mild or moderate/severe clinical course and mild chronic allergic rhinitis with evidence of strength of recommendation A . Antihistamines are also a component of therapy of chronic allergic rhinitis of moderate/severe clinical course as an add-on drug to nasal glucocorticosteroids . The second generation antihistamines could also be administered in paediatric patients over 12 years old in combination with nasal glucocorticosteroids .

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Add A Nasal Steroid Spray

Antihistamines can relieve the mild congestion that comes along with most bouts of allergies, but some people may experience more severe congestion. If this sounds like you, Dr. Hays recommends using a nasal steroid spray in addition to taking an antihistamine.

Until recently, nasal steroid sprays were offered only by prescription. Now, there are a few you can buy over-the-counter, including:

  • Budesonide
  • Triamcinolone

“Nasal steroid sprays won’t help with all of your allergy symptoms, such as itchy and watery eyes, but they do help with nasal congestion, post-nasal drip and scratchy throat,” Dr. Hays explains.

Just like antihistamines, Dr. Hays says that nasal steroid sprays need to be used every day to be effective. The good news is that they’re also generally safe and well-tolerated.

“However, unlike antihistamines, nasal steroid sprays don’t provide quick relief from allergy symptoms,” Dr. Hays says. “It can take a few days for a nasal steroid spray to take effect.”

Trustcare Offers Allergy Treatment

Allergist Chicago

With a typically mild condition like seasonal allergies, most people try to solve the problem themselves. There are times, though, when you just cant figure it out yourself or youve grown tired of half efforts. To really find relief, then, youll need to seek out medical advice from a qualified physician.

If youve been experiencing allergy symptoms that you cant control with over-the-counter medications, TrustCare can help you finally find relief. Drop by one of our convenient locations today.

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Is It Safe To Take Otc Allergy Medications Every Day

Generally, yesthough you should consult with your healthcare provider for guidance. Nasal steroid sprays may take a few weeks to become effective. If you have occasional symptoms, it is okay to take antihistamines as needed, following the package directions.

If your allergy symptoms persist, you may have a sinus infection. Sinusitis treatments are similar to allergy treatments but in some cases, a provider may prescribe corticosteroids or antibiotics.

Tips For Optimal Use Of Medication

For seasonal-allergy medication to be as effective and safe as possible, you must take it correctly. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Start taking your oral antihistamines a few days before the start of allergy season to relieve your symptoms even more rapidly.
  • Make sure that the medication you are taking does not make you drowsy before you drive a car, operate heavy machinery or undertake any other activity requiring your full attention.
  • Never take more medication than what is recommended.
  • If you are mostly experiencing symptoms at night, choose first-generation antihistamines. They will help you sleep better.
  • Avoid using a nasal-spray decongestant for more than three to five days in a row.
  • Discard eye drops 30 days after opening the bottle.

You shouldnt worry so much about the arrival of allergy season. Treating its symptoms with the right medication will allow you to fully appreciate the joys of spring and summer. Although most of these products are available over the counter, some do pose a few risks if you suffer from other health problems. Dont forget that your pharmacist is a medication expert!

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Short Term Vs Long Term Relief

If youre looking for short-term allergy relief on a budget, over-the-counter allergy medication is a great way for you to get relief. But, if youre looking for a long-term solution and want to train your body to fight allergies better in the future, allergy drops are a great solution. There are pros and cons to both options, but we suggest meeting with an allergy specialist to determine what choice is best for you.

Parents Struggle With Choosing Allergy Medicine For Their Children

Which Medication Should I Choose for my Allergies?
Michigan Medicine – University of Michigan
Dosing, labeling and a seemingly endless range of allergy medication options can make picking the right medicine a complicated task for some parents. More than half of parents say seasonal allergies affect their kids, with some unsure how to choose the right medicine and 1 in 7 giving allergy medicine labeled for adults.

Tulips, songbirds and itchy little eyes — all are sure signs of spring.

As allergy season kicks into high gear, many parents are likely searching for over-the-counter medications to help relieve children of symptoms like sneezing, coughing and congestion.

But dosing, labeling and a seemingly endless range of allergy medication options can make picking the right medicine a complicated task for some parents, suggests today’s report from the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health at the University of Michigan.

“Parents often face an overwhelming selection of allergy medicine without clear guidelines on how to choose the right one for their child,” says poll co-director and Mott pediatrician Gary Freed, M.D., M.P.H.

“Some parents may be picking allergy medication based on their interpretation of different advice they’ve heard, which may not always be accurate.”

The majority of parents who gave children allergy medicine used medication they already had in the house, with one in five not checking the expiration date first.

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Treats Mild To Moderate Inflammation In Allergy Sufferers

Mast cell stabilizers are often used alongside OTC allergy treatments to help alleviate mild to moderate inflammation. These allergy relief treatments work by preventing histamine from being released by the mast cells, which are the cells that produce and store histamine.Mast cell stabilizers are available as redness reliever eye drops for itchy eyes, also called allergic conjunctivitis, and as nasal sprays for nasal allergies. As with many drugs, it may take several weeks to start working at its best.

Which Medication Is The Best For Seasonal Allergies

Hay fever often comes on in spring, summer, and early fall and is caused by an allergic sensitivity to airborne pollens from grass, trees, and weeds, according to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology.

Sneezing, congestion, runny noses and itchy, watery eyes are the most common symptoms of hay fever. It can also cause headaches and other issues. Almost 8 percent of people 18 and older in the United States have hay fever, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

An estimated 2.3 percent of Americans missed work because of rhinitis, researchers with the academy also found.

Experts say nasal sprays with steroids are considered the best option for most people with hay fever, but few people picked that medication in this study.

Instead, researchers said many of the 296 participants who qualified for the study chose oral antihistamines to improve their symptoms instead of the nasal sprays.

The fact that most people in this study choose the wrong allergy medication came as no surprise to Dr. Maria Garcia-Lloret, a pediatric allergist at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

Garcia-Lloret said since many prescription allergy drugs became more widely available for OTC purchase, fewer people are visiting with physicians or consulting pharmacists about their allergies. That means people are spending more money and are left undertreated.

However, the symptoms may be signs of other health issues.

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Can I Drink Alcohol With My Allergy Medications

Generally, it is not advisable to combine allergy meds with alcohol. Combining the more sedating antihistamines with alcohol can be very dangerous, increasing the risk of side effects and impairment. Combining the newer, less sedating antihistamines with alcohol is less dangerous, but should still be avoided.

Benadryl Vs Zyrtec Vs Claritin Vs Allegra And More

Choosing an over

Beth Coopman, PharmD, Network Health PharmacistOriginally published on April 29, 2020, at 9:14 a.m. CST

Spring is here, and summer is right around the corner.

With the days getting longer and the weather warming up, well be spending more time outdoors, which means individuals who suffer from seasonal allergies will begin to experience the telltale teary eyes, congestion and sneezing. While these symptoms can be annoying, when allergies are left untreated or not well managed, it can lead to more serious problems such as asthma, sinus infections, severe fatigue, headaches and even gastrointestinal problems.

In this three-month series of articles, we will be tackling the topic of seasonal allergies, giving you tips and tricks to stay ahead of your allergy symptoms to keep you as healthy and comfortable as possible, so you can get the most out of your spring and summer seasons.

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Best Treatment To Manage Allergies Long Term

Immunotherapy is a great allergy relief option for anyone who suffers from severe symptoms, especially for those with year-round allergies. It works by exposing you to gradually increasing levels of an allergen to help your immune system slowly build a tolerance to it. This helps relieve a wide range of allergy symptoms and even prevents new allergies from developing.

Allergy shots are a form of immunotherapy that require frequent office visits to be administered by a clinical immunologist. Daily allergy drops are a revolutionary form of immunotherapy that can be taken under the tongue from home to relieve your allergies long-term. They treat symptoms without the bitter taste of liquid allergy medication. Both forms of immunotherapy can be prescribed by a doctor after specific allergies like outdoor allergies are determined by an allergy test. This is a long-term approach to allergy relief and management, with most patients using these methods for a period of three to five years.

Allergy Medicine For High Blood Pressure: How To Choose Safely

Allergy Medicine for High Blood Pressure: How to Choose Safely

Finding a safe allergy medicine for high blood pressure can be tricky if you dont know what to look for. Dont make the mistake of assuming that a product is safe for everyone just because its available without a prescription. Many medications marketed for allergy treatment can raise your blood pressure, which isnt desirable if yours is too high to begin with.

Avoiding medications that can worsen hypertension starts with reading the labels carefully. Here are some tips to help you select a safe medication for your allergies:

Allergy Medicine for High Blood Pressure: How to Choose Safely

Most medications that can help to clear a stuffy nose or clogged sinuses contain medications known as decongestants, which may raise your blood pressure. Decongestants are most likely to affect your blood pressure if you take them by mouth , however, this can even happen when you use them in the form of a nasal spray. Some examples of ingredients to look out for when reading labels include phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine, and oxymetazoline.

Look for labels with the letter D in the name

> Read the warnings and cautions on the label before choosing an allergy medicine for high blood pressure

Any allergy medication that could raise your blood pressure should have a warning on the label that says so. These warnings are usually in very small print, though.

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Use Of Antihistamines In Treatment Of Viral Infections Of The Upper Respiratory Tract

Taking into consideration the pathophysiology of upper respiratory tract infection, the non-sedative antihistamines of the second generation could have symptomatic activity, improving quality of life of those patients. This question has been relatively rarely studied, and to date fewer than 100 articles on this topic have been published. The results of a meta-analysis of available clinical studies showed that drugs from this therapeutic class could have important symptomatic activity during the initial period, especially in the first days of infection . They are effective mainly in adult patients . It seems that apart from the relatively weak effect blocking the H1 receptor, the extra-receptor anti-inflammatory activity could be even more important. For example, bilastine, inhibiting release of IL-6 and IL-8, could potentially have some effect . Obtaining convincing results of clinical trials and formulating unambiguous conclusions require further in vivo and in vitro studies.

How To Choose An Allergy Medication

Seasonal Allergies: Which Medication is Right for You?

An allergy refers to your immune systems damaging reaction to a normally harmless foreign substance that manages to get inside your body. The immune system always activates a response whenever it detects an invader, and this response usually prevents us from getting sick due to bacteria and viruses.

But sometimes, the invader is a harmless one, and yet the immune system responds with an allergic reaction. Allergy reactions can be mild, but they can also be life-threatening.

No matter what the scenario is, if you experience an allergic reaction, you need to take an allergy medication as soon as possible.

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In Search Of The Optimal Treatment

People who, year after year, suffer from the many hassles of seasonal allergies are often in solution-searching mode. These days, there are so many medications available on the market that its always surprising to see that many individuals are still not adequately treated for this affliction. At the beginning of the season, we see tons of commercials on television and online praising the merits of allergy medication with images of runny noses, itchy eyes, red faces and violent sneezing. If you feel like youre seeing a caricature of your seasonal-allergy self in these commercials, what follows might interest you.

Kirkland Signature Non Drowsy Allerclear

  • 24 hour allergy relief of, Sneezing, Runny nose, Itchy, watery eyes, Itchy throat or nose
  • 1 Pack, 365 Count, Compare to Claritin Active Ingredient
  • AllerClear active ingredient is Loratadine 10 mg, an original prescription strength medication approved for the treatment of both indoor and outdoor allergy symptoms.
  • Loratadine 10 mg./Antihistamine/Indoor/Outdoor Allergy Relief Non-Drowsy When Taken as Directed
  • AllerClear, an antihistamine, is approved to treat indoor and outdoor allergy symptoms in adults and children 6 years and over.

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Whats Happening: The Allergic Response

Allergies are the immune systems response to normally harmless substances that it mistakes for harmful substances. Exposure to what is normally a harmless substance, such as pollen, causes the immune system to react as if the substance is harmful. Substances that cause allergies are called allergens.

When you come into contact with an allergen, your immune system kicks into gear. If you are allergic to pollens or other substance that you breathe in, the membranes in your nose might become irritated, swollen, and inflamed, leading to symptoms such as sneezing, a runny nose, headache, and/or congestion in your nose and head. Your eyes also might water and itch. If you are allergic to something that comes into contact with your skin, you might break out in hives or a rash. Taking the right medicine for your symptoms is important.

Considerations For Choosing An Allergy Medication

How Long Does It Take for an Allergy Medicine to Work?

Part of the reason there are so many different medications and approaches to allergy treatment is that specific allergens and related symptoms can have varying degrees of severity and frequency depending on the person. Because of this, it is hard to make generalizations about which medications are best or most effective. For most forms of mild seasonal allergies, a bit of trial and error is required to find the best option for your needs. Nevertheless, here are some considerations and questions to keep in mind while considering the options:

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Symptom Prevention As Allergy Treatment

Allergens can be anywhere and everywhere, so taking steps to control your environment and allergy triggers are key.

  • Remove clothes and shower when you enter your house after spending time outdoors
  • Dont hang your clothes outside to dry
  • Ask a friend or family member to handle outside chores like mowing or weeding
  • Use your air conditioning and equip your home with high-efficiency filters to reduce pollen
  • Work around the weather
  • Stay inside on dry and windy days
  • Venture outside after it rains
  • Avoid morning outings, when pollen counts are the highest

Allergen avoidance alone may not be enough to manage symptoms. Over-the-counter oral antihistamines can help with itching, runny nose and sneezing, but do not help with congestion.

For those who suffer from severe allergies, starting the medication a few days before allergen exposure can minimize initial symptoms. Individuals who suffer from less severe allergies can use medication as needed to reverse temporary symptoms for a short period of time.


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