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HomeMedicineWhat Kind Of Allergy Medicine Can A Pregnant Person Take

What Kind Of Allergy Medicine Can A Pregnant Person Take

What Is A Sinus Infection

Allergy Medications Explained – Can You Take More Than One?

Sinus infections are a type of infection that occurs when the nasal cavities become inflamed, swollen, and infected. While viruses are the most common cause of sinusitis, sinus infection causes also include bacteria and fungi.

Sinusitis is classified based on its duration and cause. The two types of sinus infection include:

  • Acute sinusitis is a temporary inflammation of the sinuses, and most often follows a cold or allergies. With a compromised immune system, women may develop new allergies and get sick more often during pregnancy. During a bout of acute sinusitis, swelling blocks the sinus openings and prevents normal mucus drainage. This causes mucus and pressure to build up. Symptoms usually worsen, then peak and disappear.
  • Chronic sinusitis occurs when the symptoms of sinusitis last anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Unlike acute sinusitis, symptoms may come and go and vary in intensity. Continued symptoms will strain the immune system, which is important to avoid if youre pregnant and the immune system is weak as it is.

A combination of antibiotics, antihistamines, and decongestants is used to fight chronic sinusitis, although many of these medications may not be safe if you are pregnant. According to Robyn Horsager-Boehrer, M.D. at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, pregnant women should avoid taking unnecessary drugs during pregnancy.

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Pronounced Anxiolytic Effect Of Hydroxyzine

Taking such drugs causes transient hypotension in newborns, especially in the third trimester. CNS and respiratory depression in newborns are also common adverse outcomes. There are frequent cases of spontaneous abortions and fetal malformations.

Hydroxyzine crosses the placental barrier and thereby increases the concentration of the drug in the fetus. It is much higher than that of the mother, which is the most toxic and life-threatening for the baby.

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Types Of Cold Medications To Consider

Even after your first trimester, it is best to speak with your doctor about the types and brands of cold medications that are safe to take. Typically speaking, you should avoid any multi-symptom product, which could include ingredients that range from painkillers and decongestants to expectorants and cough suppressants.

Instead, get the drug to treat the symptom youâre experiencing. There are a number of over-the-counter drugs considered to be safe in pregnancy, such as:

  • Anesthetic cough drops such as Chloraseptic or Cepacol lozenges
  • Expectorants containing guaifenesin to help clear mucus
  • Alcohol-free cough syrups containing dextromethorphan, such as Tussin DM
  • Combination guaifenesin/dextromethorphan drugs
  • Tylenol to treat fever and minor aches and pains
  • Menthol rubs such as Vicks or Mentholatum ointment

When buying any over-the-counter cold or flu remedy, always read the label closely. In some cases, there may be ingredients you should avoid. In others, there may be ingredients you donât need.

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Alternatives To Allergy Medication

You might also find the following tools helpful to avoiding taking allergy medication while pregnant

-limiting exposure to triggers to your allergies

-using an over the counter nasal saline spray to flush allergens

-using a nasal irrigation system like a Neti-Pot

-getting physically active, which can reduce inflammation

-using nasal strips for sleep, as well as elevating pillows

With many safe options for medications over the counter, prescriptions and remedies, you dont have to suffer from your seasonal allergies while pregnant! Subscribe to our newsletter for a free handy guide for medication usage for allergies to reference.

Safe Otc Allergy Meds To Take During Pregnancy

Allergies can become serious if not treated properly at the right time ...

These over-the-counter allergy meds have no known harmful effects during pregnancy when you take them according to the package directions.

Note: Do not take the ‘D’ forms of these medications in your first trimester.

Check with your doctor before taking any medicines during your pregnancy. Be especially cautious in the first trimester, a crucial time for your baby’s development.

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Can You Take Otc Antihistamines While Pregnant

Antihistamines can be prescription or over-the-counter. There is a common misconception among the population that if the drug is dispensed without a prescription, then it is harmless. This is fundamentally wrong! Always carefully read the instructions, and study the composition, contraindications, and features of the action of the components of the drug.

OTC drugs are no different from prescription drugs and can also be dangerous to the fetus. They are often used to relieve symptoms of asthma, swelling of the nasal mucosa, and rashes. Even topical ointments can be harmful if they have a high degree of penetration. Always consult your doctor before using a medicine.

Is It Safer To Skip Allergy Medication Altogether When I’m Pregnant

If your symptoms aren’t bad, your doctor may suggest other treatments instead. You could allergy-proof your home or rely on saline nasal sprays.

But if allergy symptoms are a big problem — making it hard to sleep, for instance — taking medication may be better for your health and your baby’s.

If you have allergic asthma, you need to take the medication as prescribed. Uncontrolled asthma can cause serious problems during pregnancy.

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What Else Could It Be

Symptoms of hay fever are similar to those of the common cold, but unlike a cold, hay fever is not caused by an infection and it is not contagious.

Another common condition in pregnancy is pregnancy rhinitis. Symptoms are very similar to allergic rhinitis but are not associated with an allergic trigger.

People with allergies are also more likely to have asthma. While around 8 in every 10 people with asthma also have allergies, not everyone with allergies has asthma. Symptoms of asthma include wheezing when breathing out , a persistent cough , shortness of breath. and chest tightness.

If you experience any of these symptoms, ask your doctor whether it might be asthma.

Diagnosis Of Allergy During Pregnancy

What is Allergic Rhinitis?

The diagnosis of allergy in pregnant women should focus on a detailed medical history and symptom analysis. For diagnosis, a diary of allergy symptoms and avoidance of suspected allergens accompanied by monitoring of changes of allergic symptoms may be helpful. It has to be emphasized that it is important not to put the mother on a rigid elimination diet for diagnosis of food allergy, as this could negatively influence the nutritional status of both the mother and the growing infant.

In vitro diagnostic tools such as serologic tests for allergen-specific IgE, e.g. ImmunoCAP or radioallergosorbent test , or the lymphocyte transformation test for type IV allergy diagnosis are preferred to skin and provocation tests, which should be postponed until after birth because of possible, though rare, anaphylactic reactions . The same applies to food and other challenge tests. Despite the fact that there are no harmful effects of patch testing during pregnancy or lactation known, most physicians deter testing as general precaution, and furthermore because test results can interfere with immunological changes due to pregnancy .

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What If Nothing Works

The last line of defense for all allergy sufferers is allergen immunotherapy. This can be in the form of allergy shots or tablets that dissolve under the tongue. Immunotherapy has been shown to be effective in adults and older children, and particularly in preventing allergic asthma. While women may not start immunotherapy during pregnancy, you may be able to continue the treatment during pregnancy if your provider tells you its OK to do so. If youve tried other medications and they didnt relieve your allergies, see your healthcare provider. They may refer you to a specialist for allergen immunotherapy.

Reviewed April 2021.

Pain Or Headache Relief

Acetaminophen is the drug of choice for pain during pregnancy. Its widely used with very few documented adverse effects.

Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , on the other hand, should be avoided during pregnancy.

NSAIDs include:

If your pain is particularly severe after a surgery, for example your doctor may prescribe a short course of opioid pain relievers. When taken as directed, they may not affect fetal development.

That said, opioid use during pregnancy does carry the risk of withdrawal, called neonatal abstinence syndrome , after delivery.

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Key Findings: Antihistamines And Birth Defects

Pregnant woman talking to her doctor about medication use.

In a new CDC study, researchers reviewed more than 50 published scientific articles to see if there was a risk of birth defects from using antihistamines, like allergy medication, during pregnancy. Researchers found the evidence to be generally reassuring: most antihistamines do not appear to be linked to birth defects. However, researchers need to study certain antihistamine medications further to determine if they increase the risk for birth defects. You can read the articles abstract hereexternal icon. Read more below for a summary of the findings from this article.

Does A Stuffy Nose During Pregnancy Mean I Have Allergies

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Pregnant women often develop stuffy noses. Nasal congestion usually starts sometime in the second trimester causing mucus membranes to swell and soften. Your doctor may refer to this as pregnancy rhinitis.

Pregnancy rhinitis can make you as stuffed up as if you had a cold or an allergy. It can result in nosebleeds during pregnancy and/or post nasal drip that may make you cough or even gag at night.

The good news is that pregnancy rhinitis typically goes away soon after pregnancy ends.

How can you tell the difference between allergies and a bad case of pregnancy congestion? If you have allergies, youll most likely experience symptoms such as congestion, coughing, sneezing and itchy eyes. If noticeable itchiness and sneezing arent plaguing you, it could be hormone-related congestion of pregnancy. If youre not sure, talk to your doctor.

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Should I Continue My Allergy Shots During Pregnancy

It is appropriate to continue allergy shots during pregnancy in women who are not having reactions to the shots, because they may lessen your allergic or asthma symptoms. There is no evidence that they have any influence on preventing allergies in the newborn. It is not generally recommended that allergy shots be started during pregnancy.

To summarize: It is extremely important to monitor closely any asthma or allergic problems during your pregnancy. In the vast majority of cases, you and your child can look forward to a good outcome, even if your asthma is severe, so long as you follow your doctorâs instructions carefully. At the very first signs of breathing difficulty, call your doctor.

Remember the danger of providing an inadequate supply of oxygen to your baby is a much greater risk than taking the commonly used asthma medications.

The best way to take control of your allergies and have a healthy pregnancy is to speak with an allergist.

This page was reviewed for accuracy 4/17/2018.

Allergy Medications To Avoid

While most antihistamines are safe to take during pregnancy, some other medications often used to treat allergy symptoms may not be. Expectant moms should be mindful of combination allergy formulas that include other ingredients unsafe for pregnant women, like aspirin or other NSAIDs, and some cough suppressants or expectorants.

You should also take care to avoid allergy medications with decongestants like pseudoephedrine , says Dr. Jones, unless your physician or midwife has approved it.

Although decongestants are unlikely to cause problems with the fetus, they can cause an increase in blood pressure in certain individuals, Dr. Jones explains.

There is some research suggesting a slightly higher risk of birth defects associated with pseudoephedrine, although so far, those possible risks have only been identified during the first trimester.

That means Sudafed may be a limited-use option for women in their second and third trimesters who do not have any previous hypertension issues .

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Transient Neurological Symptoms In Newborns

Sometimes the effects of taking allergy medications appear only after the birth of the baby. These include neurological problems. The most common are lethargy, inactivity, hypothermia, prolonged jaundice, and marbling of the skin. The reason for this reaction is most likely a long-term effect of antihistamines on neurotransmitters.

Prescription Medications Youre Already Taking

Allergy – Mechanism, Symptoms, Risk factors, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention, Animation

Before pregnancy, you may already be taking prescription medications for thyroid issues, high blood pressure, or other conditions. Speak with your doctor about continuing these medications, especially if youre already pregnant or plan to become pregnant in the near future.

In many cases, you may safely take your medication during pregnancy. Sometimes you may need to either adjust dosages or switch to another medication thats considered safer for you and baby.

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Do Allergies Get Worse During Pregnancy

It depends on the woman and the severity of allergies during pregnancy. About one-third of moms-to-be find their allergy symptoms tend to worsen during pregnancy. Another one-third find their allergy symptoms stay the same. And another one-third find their allergy symptoms actually improve during pregnancy.

Chapel Hill Obstetrics & GynecologyAll Articles, Pregnancy

As if you didnt have enough on your mind.

Not only are you managing the challenging time of pregnancy , but allergy season is in full bloom. This means you can add watery eyes, sneezing, a runny nose and other symptoms to your already crowded plate.

But before you grab your regular remedy, you have to carefully determine if allergy medicine is safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

While it is safe to take certain allergy medicines while pregnant, you must carefully read labelsnot all over-the-counter medicines are appropriate to use.

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What Is The Right Time To Get A Perm During Pregnancy

The perm process is relatively straightforward. But the perming lotion can be a matter of concern.

It contains chemicals like ammonium thioglycolate, which is first exposed to your scalp and might get absorbed into your bloodstream. This might further disturb your fetus.

During pregnancy, the first trimester, which is 1st to 3rd month, is critical for your fetuss development. So its safe to not put your babys growth at risk and postpone your perm plans for the second and third trimesters.

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Is Benadryl Safe To Take While Pregnant

When youre pregnant, you may have questions about the safety of certain medications, including medications available over-the-counter. Many over-the-counter medications are considered safe during pregnancy, while others arent. One medicine commonly used is Benadryl. However, is Benadryl safe to take while pregnant? In general, can you take allergy medicine while pregnant? Benadryl is a brand-name allergy medication, and its classified as an antihistamine. The active ingredient in Benadryl is called diphenhydramine. Diphenhydramine can help with symptoms of not only allergies but also a cold and hay fever. Some of the symptoms people might use Benadryl for can include itchy, watery eyes and nose, a cough and sneezing. In some cases, the active ingredient in Benadryl is also used to help people who struggle with nausea, vomiting and motion sickness. Benadryl and other similar allergy medicines are available as liquids, tablets or capsules.

Mild And Severe Allergies

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Mild allergies may respond well to lifestyle measures. If you need some extra help, the following OTC oral antihistamines are generally considered safe:

  • diphenhydramine

If your allergies are more severe, your doctor may suggest taking an OTC corticosteroid spray at a low dose along with an oral antihistamine. Options include:

You may also try the following lifestyle changes:

  • Avoid going outdoors or opening windows on high pollen days.
  • Take off clothing youve been wearing outdoors. Rinse off pollen from skin and hair with a quick shower.
  • Wear a mask while completing outdoor chores or enlist the help of someone else for tasks like mowing.
  • Rinse nasal passages with saline spray or a neti pot.

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Supplement Use During Pregnancy

Discuss any supplements you take or plan to take during your pregnancy with your doctor.

While prenatal vitamins are recommended to support levels of essential vitamins and minerals, like folate, other supplements may pose risks to your baby. They may also interact with medications youre already taking.

Note that just because something is labeled all-natural doesnt always mean its safe. Supplements are by the FDA in the same way as prescription drugs. Approach them with caution and discuss using with your doctor before starting any.

Main Findings From This Study

  • Scientific research suggests that using most types of antihistamines during pregnancy is not linked to birth defects.
  • Out of 54 studies examined, 9 studies showed potential links between certain antihistamines and certain birth defects. Researchers need to study these potential links further.
  • Researchers found many studies on antihistamine medications typically used to treat allergies, asthma, or nausea and vomiting .
  • Examples of H1-receptor antagonists include diphenhydramine , dimenhydrinate , loratadine , and cetirizine .
  • In contrast, researchers found relatively few studies on antihistamines typically used to treat indigestion .
  • Examples of H2-receptor antagonists include ranitidine , famotidine , and cimetidine .
    • Talk with your doctor if you are pregnant and you have taken any medicine or are thinking of taking any medicine. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as dietary or herbal products.
    • Pregnant women should not stop or start taking any type of medication that they need without first talking with a doctor.
    • If you are planning a pregnancy and are using any medications, please talk to your doctor about which medications are necessary and should be continued.

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