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Do Dogs Have Seasonal Allergies

What Causes Dog Seasonal Allergies

Causes of Seasonal Allergies in Dogs and How To Treat Them

Seasonal allergies in dogs occur when they inhale or come in contact with something that they’re sensitive to. Going a little deeper: allergies happen when the immune system becomes less tolerant of an allergen. After that, any time the immune system encounters that allergen in the environment, it goes haywire with an inflammatory response that causes all or some of the reactions mentioned above.

Seasonal allergies are brought on by factors only present during specific times of the year, such as tree and grass pollen, dust and dust mites, mold and mold mites, flea bites and fresh grass in the fall or summer.

Are There Any Dangers Or Warning Signs Related To Seasonal Allergies That Warrant Urgent Care

In general, environmental allergies are a chronic disease that rarely require emergency treatment. An allergic reaction resulting in swollen eyes, swollen tongue, raised welts on the skin is more likely due to a bug bite or direct exposure to a plant. If this happens, contact your vet immediately to determine the best treatment and to relieve symptoms.

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How To Keep A Dog’s Seasonal Allergies At Bay

You’ll also want to limit your dog’s exposure to allergens. After outside playtime, use a baby wipe on their underside, paws and legs before letting them inside this can remove allergens from your dog’s skin.

Weekly baths with oatmeal shampoos can also be helpful, but make sure the water is lukewarm, as hot water can dry and irritate their skin. Dogs tend to respond well to a bath with a medicated shampoo that contains antihistamines or steroids. Prescription-strength lotions and sprays are also available.

While seasonal allergies are a thing every single year, their impact on your dog’s well-being can be reduced with proper treatment and active prevention measures. Not every approach will be right for every dog, but with a little trial and error, you can figure out how to keep seasonal allergies from slowing your pet down.

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What Are The Different Types Of Allergy

There are several ways of classifying allergies. Some examples of classifications include:

  • Allergen – flea allergy, food allergy
  • Route the allergen takes into the body – inhalant allergy, skin contact allergy, or food allergy
  • Time it takes for the immune reaction – immediate-type hypersensitivity, also called anaphylaxis or shock, and delayed-type hypersensitivity
  • Clinical signs – allergic dermatitis or allergic bronchitis
  • Inherited forms – atopy or seasonal allergies

Symptoms Of Seasonal Allergies In Dogs

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Were all pretty familiar with seasonal allergies in humans, but they can manifest quite differently in dogs. And unlike people, dogs arent able to let us know whats bugging them, so its our job to watch for the telltale signs.

But this isnt always as easy as it seems. Determining whether your dog has seasonal allergies can be complicated by the fact that some food allergies will present the same way in pets, and sometimes seasonal allergies can happen pretty much all year round.

Here are some signs that warrant further investigation:

  • Scratching and biting
  • Respiratory problems

Scratching and biting might be one of the most common signs of a seasonal allergy in dogs, and it also may cause some secondary symptoms like hotspots, which can then get infected. Excessive scratching can also lead to excessive shedding and dry skin, so it is important to relieve symptoms as soon as possible.

According to PetMD, dogs develop histamines in their extremities, so they might be most affected by seasonal allergies in places like their paws, ears, face, andunfortunatelytheir bottoms.

This, of course, leads us to another secondary symptom: scooting their butts across the floor to relieve itching.

Some breeds of dogs are more prone to ear infections, and as you might expect, these dogs might exhibit ear infections as a result of seasonal allergies.

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Other Common Types Of Allergies In Dogs

In addition to seasonal allergies, dogs can experience reactions to things like medicine and food. Many kinds of dog allergies can be challenging for their owners, and the symptoms of different types can overlap. Below are some of the most common types of reactions to watch out for in your pup:

  • Skin atopy. This type of allergy is extremely common. Skin allergies are also known as atopic dermatitis and, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual, affect about 10% of dogs.
  • Food allergies. Dogs that have food allergies tend to be sensitive to one of the protein sources most commonly found in dog foods, like beef, chicken, or pork. These allergies can even affect your dogs digestive system and can develop spontaneously.
  • Medical allergies. Dogs can be allergic to certain kinds of medications. Its also possible that the symptoms you think are allergies can be attributed to an underlying medical concern.

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  • We all love to scamper outdoors when the weather is inviting, and your best pup pal often leads the way on every excursion. But have you noticed when you return home that they start to scratch, shake their head, or lick their paws a lot? It’s possible dog seasonal allergies are creating pesky problems for your pet.

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    What Are The Signs Of Allergies In Dogs

    Your dog may exhibit a range of telltale symptoms, including itching and scratching especially when its excessive or in moist, red, flaky-looking skin. Once you notice these signs, its time to act and find a proper solution to the problem.

    Sometimes dogs will also experience runny noses, droopy eyes, or suffer canine ear infections. The dogs ears may itch and produce a foul-smelling liquid. Some dogs may itch at the base of their tale or along their back, although its typically observed in dogs with flea allergies.

    Other signs of allergies include sneezing, vomiting, or diarrhea in your pet dogs due to an allergic reaction. Dogs may also lick themselves obsessively as well as chew their paws. Sometimes our canine friends may even snore due to allergies as a result of inflammation in their sinuses and in the throat.

    Last but not least, dogs suffering from any kind of secondary bacterial or yeast infection may experience hair loss accompanied by crusty-looking skin.

    Allergies can develop at any time in a dogs life and there is no way to make them immune to allergens.

    Geneticists believe that some dog breeds are more susceptible than others, but it really depends on the dogs immune system, eating habits, and the environment they live in.

    Signs And Symptoms Of Seasonal Allergies

    Itchy Paws from Seasonal Allergies | What to Do

    Several types of allergies can affect dogs. Food allergies, environmental allergies, and skin allergies are the most common culprits. The symptoms of all these allergies can overlap, making it even harder to determine the exact allergen harming a dog.

    An allergic reaction occurs when the body’s immune system has an exaggerated response to foreign substances. Such antigens are harmless to the general population, but allergic animals are hypersensitive to them.

    Before finding out the particular cause of a reaction, you must first know when its taking place. Recognizing various signs and symptoms of an allergic response goes a long way in finding medical help for your pup to help alleviate the suffering.

    If your dog shows irritation only at certain times of the year or day, they may have seasonal allergies.

    Diagnosing an allergy in your pup is time-consuming because there are multiple health issues to rule out. Until the exact cause is determined, here are 7 signs and symptoms of allergies you need to look for:

    1. Scratching

    Compulsive scratching in dogs is a telling sign of an ongoing allergic reaction. Moderate scratching is typical in dogs as a form of mental stimulation if they are bored or nervous. If the scratching gets out of hand, your pup may be in the initial stages of an allergic reaction.

    2. Excessive licking

    3. Rubbing the Face and Body

    4. Sneezing

    5. Swelling of the face and other body parts

    6. Red, inflamed skin

    7. Itchy eyes and ears infections

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    Reducing Seasonal Dog Allergy Symptoms

    There are dog-safe wipes available for purchase that make it easy for you to wipe your dogs legs and feet down after they have been outside. This will reduce the amount of time they are exposed to pollen and can help them feel better while they are inside. You may also simply use a towel and some water.

    Managing Dog Seasonal Allergies With Medication

    One way to manage seasonal allergies in dogs is by using the allergy serum prescribed by your dog’s dermatologist. This requires a series of allergen injections that slowly increase in dose over time. The needle you’ll use is very small, but you can perform these injections at home with professional guidance.

    Allergy injections tend to have low levels of side effects, which can make them a good option for dogs with moderate to severe allergies.

    If your dog only has mild seasonal allergies, they may respond well to several over-the-counter and at-home remedies, such as antihistamines.

    Oral prescription medications are another option. Anti-itch medicine that can work quickly and can be discontinued without negative side effects could be an option for your dog. There are even medications that modulates the immune system’s response to allergens. Both are available via prescription from your local veterinarian and require annual examinations and/or blood work.

    Both of these types prescription medications have side effects, so be sure to talk with your vet about how taking them could impact your dog’s health. In general, it’s always a good idea to ask your vet before introducing anything new to your dog’s system especially with over-the-counter medicine so you can give your pet the option and dosage best for their unique needs.

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    Diagnosing Environmental And Food Allergies

    Just like in people, diagnosing food and environmental allergies in dogs can be a challenge.

    When it comes to diagnosing food allergies, the best and most accurate method is to use an elimination trial. An elimination trial is when you feed your dog a hypoallergenic diet for eight to twelve weeks to test whether their symptoms improve. The diet must not contain any ingredients that the pet has eaten in the past including treats, foods, or supplements.

    In addition to elimination diets, your veterinarian may be able to perform a blood test to help determine whether your dog is allergic to specific foods. These are known as serum IgE tests.

    Diagnosing environmental allergies in dogs can be performed using two techniques: RAST testing or intradermal skin testing.

    Diagnosing Seasonal Versus Other Allergies

    Do Dogs Suffer from Seasonal Allergies?

    Because our pets seasonal allergies manifest as itchy skin, they can be hard to tell apart from the two other types of skin allergies food and flea bites that also cause itching. For this reason, you should schedule a vet visit as soon as you notice symptoms.

    Things your vet will look at might include a seasonal or cyclical pattern to your pets symptoms, the body area where the itching occurs, and any recent diet changes. They will also look for signs of flea bites and flea dirt. If your pet is a long-haired breed or has dark skin, these may be difficult to see yourself.

    If they suspect seasonal allergies, your vet may do intradermal skin testing to determine the specific substance your pet is reacting to.

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    What Breeds Are Most At Risk For Developing Seasonal Allergies

    While any breed of dog can experience allergies some are more prone than others. Dogs like Pit Bulls are especially prone to skin allergies and boxers are prone to both skin and food allergies. This is especially true of diets high in soy, wheat and corn.

    Cocker Spaniels, German Shepherds, Maltese, Golden Retrievers and Labradors are all breeds that are also prone to allergies. As allergies can be costly to treat, do your research before adopting or purchasing a pup if you are concerned about cost.

    Often, if you have health insurance for your dog, these costs may be at least partially covered. Check with your insurance plan if you arent sure.

    Stage Two Seasonal Allergies In Dogs

    The main problem with seasonal allergies is the secondary infections they lead to, like bacterial infections , along with fungal infections . As time progresses, the allergic reactions will become more persistent and last longer. Unfortunately, you will find over-the-counter medications becoming less effective. The allergies will agitate your dog to the point of interfering with their comfort and sleep. At this stage, it is important to see your veterinarian. You may require prescribed antibiotics medications or injections, anti-itch vaccines, anti-fungal medications and prescription-strength topical cortisone creams.

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    How To Treat Allergies In Dogs

    Unfortunately, there is no cure for dog seasonal allergies, but you can treat your dogs symptoms to reduce or eliminate their discomfort. Once your vet has diagnosed your dog with allergies and run tests to identify their allergy triggers, theyll develop a treatment plan that may include a combination of prescription and over-the-counter medications along with environmental or behavioral changes.

    Signs Your Pet Has Seasonal Allergies And What You Can Do To Help

    How To Determine What Type Of Allergy Your Dog Has And How To Treat It

    Some days it seems like you step outside into a thick cloud of pollen, ragweed, or even worse, mold. Hello, seasonal allergies!

    Thankfully humans have remedies that let us enjoy the outdoors without itchy eyes and inflamed sinuses. But what about your pet? If you notice your pet is scratching themselves, sneezing more than normal, licking their paws, or shedding worse than before, they too could be suffering from seasonal allergies.

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    Food Allergies Vs Seasonal Allergies In Dogs

    If you suspect that your dogs daily roll in the grass causes allergic reactions, such as excessive paw licking and rigorous belly scratching, you may be surprised to learn that he could actually have a food allergy.

    While its common for dogs to suffer from seasonal allergies to things like the pollen they come in contact with while playing in the yard, several types of dog allergies can manifest themselves in similar ways, said Dr. Sarah Nold, an on-staff veterinarian for Trupanion, a Seattle-based insurance company.

    Food allergies and environmental allergies can cause similar symptoms. These symptoms can include itchiness, hair loss, skin infections and ear infections. In addition, other conditions can cause similar symptoms. This is why your vet may need to start with diagnostics to first rule out skin mites, fungal infections and endocrine diseases, such as hypothyroidism and Cushings, Nold said.

    Dr. Joseph Bartges, a veterinary nutritionist and professor of medicine and nutrition at the University of Tennessees College of Veterinary Medicine, said that seasonal allergies typically occur during certain times of the year while food allergies have no seasonality.

    However, they do overlap, and approximately 30 percent of pets with the food-responsive disease also have seasonal allergies or allergies to fleas, he said. Many of these allergies present themselves either with skin problems and/or gastrointestinal signs , he added.

    Does My Dog Have Seasonal Allergies

    Ah, spring! The birds are chirping, the blossoms are blooming, the grass is greening, and the dog? The dog is sneezing every five minutes. According to Dr. Bryan Gelman, DVM, dogs of all ages and breeds are susceptible to seasonal allergies, just like the rest of us. The uptick in free floating pollen at this

    Ah, spring! The birds are chirping, the blossoms are blooming, the grass is greening, and the dog? The dog is sneezing every five minutes.

    According to Dr. Bryan Gelman, DVM, dogs of all ages and breeds are susceptible to seasonal allergies, just like the rest of us. The uptick in free floating pollen at this time of year can cause our dogs all sorts of discomfort, from itchy paws and runny eyes to irritating skin infections.

    We sat down with Dr. Gelman to get the deets on our sneezy best four-legged friends.

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    Do Dogs Have Seasonal Allergies

    About this time of year, many of you pet parents may be experiencing itchy, watery eyes, a runny nose, and sneezing fits that never seems to end. Just like you, your dogs may be experiencing similar symptoms. One question we hear a lot here at Eagle Animal Hospital and Pet Resort is Do dogs have seasonal allergies? And the simple answer is yes.

    Does Your Dog Have A Seasonal Or Food Allergy Heres How To Tell

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    Experts agree that defining the source of a dog allergic reaction is challenging because symptoms overlap. But one thing is certain seasonal allergies are more frequent than food allergies.

    Here are the main differences between the two types of allergies:

    • Environmental allergies come and go depending on the season.
    • Food allergies can happen at any time and cause chronic gas, diarrhea, or vomiting. These symptoms arent very common with environmental allergies.

    If you still cant tell which is which, a trip to the vet will solve your dilemma.

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