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HomeCan Acupuncture Help Food Allergies

Can Acupuncture Help Food Allergies

It Offers Quick Relief From Allergy Symptoms

Acupuncture Can Help Children With Food Allergies

If alleviating the symptoms alone isnt enough, you will be happy to know that this treatment alleviates those symptoms quickly. Studies show that it tends to offer relief from allergies more quickly than medication does, and the effects last longer. This makes the treatment preferable, as it wont need to be done so often.

How Do Food Allergies Affect Nutritional Health

When someone has a food allergy, they might feel like they have fewer options in terms of what they can eat. Its really important to work with someone who can give you ideas, recipes, and meal plans to help replace what youve lost so that your overall nutritional health doesnt suffer. Its important to make sure that even when cutting things out, you are still nourished.

Loss Of Taste And Smell Treatment Regain Your Sense Of Smell Naturally With Acupuncture

Losing the ability to smell and taste is more than just annoying it can steal the simple joy from everyday life and could even have dangerous consequences.

Thankfully, if youve lost your sense of smell after being infected with Covid-19, you can smell and taste your favorite things again. With an individualized acupuncture treatment plan for loss of smell, we can help reduce post-viral inflammation, repair damage, and stimulate your senses.

Ready to awaken your senses and experience all the smells and tastes of life again? Book your Wellnest Denver Acupuncture visit today!

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Other Benefits Of Acupuncture

It is important to point out that acupuncture can be used for many other areas of your life. While youre getting this treatment for reducing allergy symptoms, you can also discuss the many other benefits of the treatment and see if any of your other ailments can be resolved or lessened. The process is mostly the same for all issues, only with different pressure points being stimulated.

An experienced acupuncturist may be able to offer treatment for:

Are Food Allergies A Yin Or Yang Problem

Can Acupuncture Help with Allergies?

Some specialist acupuncture physicians such as Mr Alan Jansson on Australias Gold Coast, breaks down food allergies into two main types. He says The classic text books always remind physicians that they must first look to see if the disease is yin or yang. In this instance, there are Yin reactive food allergies and there are Yang reactive food allergies. Yang reactive food in-sensitivities are quick to come after the allergic food has been ingested and give red fire yang like symptoms, like hives. Yin reactive food in-sensitivities are slow to appear and for example can make the patient tired, dull, and bloated and cause diarrhea. Depending on the patients other signs and symptoms, Mr Alan Jansson may use lung root or liver root treatments to address the underlying cause.

Scott Pearson of the Newtown Acupuncture Centre in Wellington said Research from 2012 has shown that a specialized Chinese herb formula has been found to completely block anaphylaxis in the animal studies that were used. He also said that the difference between the western medical approaches is that modern pharmaceuticals try to suppress symptoms. Chinese herbs aim to improve the immune system and make the patient healthy with the goal that they dont have to avoid the allergic food.

Filed Under: Other conditions

About the Author: Heiko Lade

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Using Acupuncture For Loss Of Smell And Taste: What To Expect

If youve lost your sense of smell or taste after having Covid-19, acupuncture can help.

At Wellnest Denver Acupuncture, we use a range of acupuncture techniques to help stimulate your sense organs and help you smell and taste again.

In most cases, we recommend a course of treatments over a 10-week period to start. Acupuncture treatments are cumulative, meaning the effects of each treatment build upon the last. As such, regular treatment gives us the best chances of restoring your sense of smell and taste permanently. You will also get specific diet and lifestyle recommendations to encourage a speedy return of your sense of smell.

Is It Allergies Or Covid

Right now, during the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is so easy to stress about every sneeze or tickle in your throat. You ask yourself, does what Im experiencing feel like allergies or COVID-19? There are several big differences that can help you tell. One is the presence of a fever. With allergies, you wont run a fever, which is a temperature above 100.4.

Another big difference between allergies and COVID is that fatigue will be more intense with COVID and might be accompanied by body aches. Allergies do not cause body aches or chills. Lastly, allergies cause itchiness and viral infections do not. However, if you arent sure and suddenly start having symptoms that are associated with COVID, its always best to get tested and to stay home until your test results come back.

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Tcm Allergy Treatment Plan

Our acupuncturists will make treatment plans based on your specific health history and diagnosis. Your body and discomfort level will help guide us on how often you need treatment. However, the following will give you some idea of what to expect:

For general seasonal allergies, you can expect to get treatments weekly for 4 weeks then we will reassess. You will likely be treated with acupuncture, cupping, and possibly an herbal prescription. For milder allergies, acupuncture and cupping are often sufficient for treatment. For more serious symptoms we usually recommend herbs and other lifestyle or diet modifications.

After the initial treatment plan, our acupuncturists will reassess with you and develop an ongoing treatment plan, which often calls for coming in once or twice a month, depending on your symptoms. If you decide to take herbs, well maintain your prescription in between treatments. Once your allergies are resolved or are more manageable, you can pause treatment and come back if you have a flare-up. For patients who have allergies during a specific season, we usually recommend starting treatment before the season starts and adjusting treatment accordingly throughout.

How Long Do Seasonal Allergies Last

How Acupuncture can help Children

Seasonal allergies tend to last for the duration of the active allergen, which is approximately 2-3 weeks, according to the Asthma Allergy Foundation of America. However, if you are symptomatic to more than just one allergen at the same time, your symptoms might linger for a longer period of time due to the different peak times of various allergens.

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When Is Allergy Season

Allergy season is getting longer and longer with climate change and warmer temperatures in Washington, DC. Traditionally tree pollen comes first toward the end of February, and it peaks in mid-April.

Tree pollen affects many allergy sufferers with spring allergies. Grass pollen tends to start in April. Grass pollen peaks in early June and ends sometime in August.

Next up is ragweed. Ragweed starts in August, peaks in September, and then ends in October . Typically allergy sufferers get a reprieve after the first frost here in Washington, DC.

If you have allergies to other year-round allergens, such as mold, pet dander, or dust mites, then its always allergy season, unfortunately.

Loss Of Smell And Taste Covid

Loss of smell and taste quickly became a common side effect of Covid-19 early on in the pandemic.

With more and more reports of people being unable to smell or taste their food post-infection even in the absence of other Covid-19 symptoms doctors agreed that this was a key symptom of a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Studies even found that self-reported changes in smell and taste were more accurate in tracking the spread of the disease than other measures.

While most people get their sense of smell and taste back after overcoming Covid-19, some still havent recovered these senses months later. For a smaller group of Covid long haulers, their sense of smell has become distorted a condition called parosmia. This condition makes what were once pleasant smells and tastes now seem repulsive.

So, why does Covid-19 cause the sudden loss of taste and smell? Well, we dont know precisely why this phenomenon occurs yet. SARS-CoV-2 is a novel virus, and researchers are still learning how it operates.

There is, however, a consensus that the virus likely infects cells in the nose that support sensory neurons . When those cells stop functioning properly, we lose the ability to smell and therefore taste.

Interestingly, losing your sense of smell and taste after a Covid-19 infection is more common in those who experienced milder cases of the disease. While most people regain their senses after six months, these side effects may linger longer.

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What To Expect With Acupuncture For Allergies

If its your first appointment with an acupuncturist, expect to answer several questions about your overall health and allergies. After assessing your situation, a treatment plan will be established. The plan may include a set number of acupuncture sessions.

While the needles are being inserted, you may feel slight discomfort, such as an ache. But most people do not feel pain. The length of time the needles stay in may vary. During this time, youll be encouraged to relax.

Acupuncture may not be effective for everyone with allergies. Treatment may also require several sessions or more. Keep in mind allergy symptoms may not be 100 percent gone, but they may be reduced.

Acupuncture For Seasonal Allergies Treatment

How Acupuncture Can Help Your Allergies  The Complete ...

Acupuncture for allergies is a proven method. And if you are suffering from seasonal allergies, then acupuncture is the best healing process. Commonly known as allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergy is associated with certain times of the year which trigger allergic responses.

Allergies are part of the seasons like spring and fall. Seasonal allergies can have different symptoms like sneezing, running nose, watery eyes and headache accompanied with fever. Acupuncture addresses the underlying imbalance in the body. It treats the root issue of allergic rhinitis. Western medicines come with side effects like drowsiness etc. But oriental treatment like acupuncture for allergy is safe and time tested as well.

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Food Allergy And Food Intolerance

What is Food Allergyand Food Intolerance?

We understand that sometimes food allergy and food intolerance are often thought to be the same thing. So, we wanted to raise awareness about the differences between them. After all, accidentally mixing the two could be life-threatening if an individual has a food allergy. We teamed up with research company OnePoll to ask 1000 UK respondents what they thought a food intolerance and a food allergy meant to them and heres what we found From these results, its clear that theres a gap in knowledge between the two terms and we want to help bridge that gap. So what are the differences?

What isthe difference between food intolerance and food allergy?

Food Intolerance and Food Allergy areoften thought to be variations of the same thing but the biological processesbehind them, and how they affect you, are very different.


Food allergy is quite rare, affectingabout 2% of the adult population. During an allergic reaction, the bodysimmune system believes it is being invaded and produces IgE antibodies to fight off the food or drink ingredient it mistakenly considersto be harmful.

The bodys inflammatory response in thiscircumstance can vary from mild to severe and can affect one or more systems inthe body, such as the digestive system, respiratory system or the skin. Inextreme cases, the immune system triggers a response throughout the whole body,resulting in a systemic reaction which is potentially fatal.

Food Intolerance

How Does Acupuncture Help Allergies

Acupuncture strengthens your immune system and alleviates common systems such as runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, and headaches. We will work on strengthening your bodys defense or what we call Wei Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Think of Wei Qi as your first hand protection against environmental pollutants and stressors. Along with strengthening your Wei Qi, we also treat the whole body and address underlying causes that contribute to a weak Wei Qi.

For example, if a patient is prone to water accumulation, what we refer to as Dampness in Chinese Medicine, we would work on alleviating the dampness using acupuncture and herbs and this in turn would have an effect on the Wei Qi.

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It Can Help With The Underlying Problem

One of the best things about this type of treatment for allergies is that it does more than just alleviate the symptoms. It also helps fix the underlying issue that causes the allergy, which means that it may not be such an issue in the future. This isnt to say that you will never have an issue again, but you may notice that you can go longer between treatments than you could with other remedies for allergies.

How To Set Up An Acupuncture Appointment

Acupuncture and Allergies

If you are anything like me, you have no idea where you can find an acupuncturist in your town. Before I had ever been to one, I really didnt even think there was an acupuncturist in my city. I quickly found out that I was wrong, however, so you shouldnt have any trouble finding an acupuncturist in your city.

Chances are, however, there is a professional in your area who specializes in this treatment option for allergies. A simple internet search should bring up the ones nearest you. Simply search for acupuncturist near me , read reviews, and check ratings online before calling to make an appointment.

You should be sure that the professional acupuncturist you choose is:

  • licensed
  • experienced with using this technique for allergies
  • providing an experience you are comfortable with

Find a reliable, trusted acupuncturist in your area and talk to them about the treatment. Theyll be able to answer any of your questions, so you can determine if their style and practice are right for you.

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Dietary Supplement And Botanical Drug Development

TCM therapy, including herbal medicines and acupuncture, is a part of mainstream medical practice in China, Japan and Korea and is being used more and more in the United States. Acupuncture needles have been approved by the U.S. FDA as medical devices. Chinese herbal medicines are currently viewed as dietary supplements, and their cost is not covered by medical insurance. However, this situation may change in the future. In recent years, the U.S. FDA has provided guidance for investigating botanical drug products, including complex formulas containing several herbs, focusing on efficacy, safety and consistency. The National Institutes of Health/National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine provides grants to support clinical and basic research on CAM, including herbal medicines. Thus, some Chinese herbal medicines may become prescription botanical drugs if sufficient evidence on safety and efficacy is demonstrated in appropriate clinical trials. FAHF-2 has received approval as an investigational new drug by the U.S. FDA, and a phase 2 clinical trial is on-going. This review will focus on the evidence-based research investigating FAHF-2 for the treatment of food allergy. In addition, there are other TCM and TCM derivatives that show potential for treating food allergy.

How Acupuncture Can Help You Recover Your Sense Of Smell And Taste

Studies show that acupuncture helps improve the sense of smell and taste by clearing blockages, increasing circulation, and restoring nerve function. Lets take a closer look at how acupuncture works:

Acupuncture reduces inflammation in the nose.

Some researchers believe that loss of smell from Covid-19 could be related to increased inflammation in the nasal passages. Acupuncture helps reduce inflammation and restore the nasal tissue to a healthy state, potentially returning the sense of smell.

Scalp and ear acupuncture directly stimulate the brain and sense organs.

Along with traditional styles of acupuncture, focused methods like focusing on the scalp or auricular acupuncture for loss of smell offer promising results. Why? These styles of acupuncture communicate directly with the brain due to their close proximity. They are best suited to those who lost their sense of smell due to nerve dysfunction or cellular damage post-infection.

Acupuncture addresses the entire sensory system.

Rather than focusing on just the nose or the tongue, acupuncture takes a holistic view of the senses. In Chinese medicine, each sense organ links to an organ system that determines how well that sense functions.

For instance, the nose is appropriately associated with the Lung system, the tongue is associated with the Heart, and the mouth is associated with the Spleen. By addressing the health of the entire organ system, we can make faster progress towards regaining full use of our senses.

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What To Expect During Acupuncture For Allergies

Most acupuncture sessions take place in a clinic setting. During your first visit, the will carefully assess you and explain where the needles will be inserted you can ask any questions.

A typical acupuncture session lasts about one hour. You wont likely feel any or discomfort as the acupuncturist inserts the needles because they are so fine and are not inserted deeply into the tissue. Once the needles have been inserted, the acupuncturist will leave them in place for about 30 minutes while you rest. She may dim the lights and turn on some soothing music. Some patients doze.

At the proper time, the acupuncturist removes the needles.

Some patients experience allergy relief soon after an acupuncture appointment others require multiple sessions before they notice improvement. Some allergy professionals recommend beginning acupuncture a few weeks before allergy season starts.

Together, you and your acupuncturist can determine the timing and frequency of treatments for optimal symptom control.

Treating Allergies With Acupuncture And Oriental Medicine

Can Acupuncture Cure Food Allergies?

With springs sunshine and flowers come wind and pollen, which for many people signals the onset of allergy season. Tree pollens are the most prevalent pollens in the spring and many trees are prolific pollinators. Grass and weed pollens follow in late spring and summer, and airborne mold spores can be found almost year round, as well as other common allergens such as dust, dust mites, and animal dander.

While many over-the-counter remedies promise symptomatic relief, practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine believe that addressing the causes of allergies, treating the whole person, and focusing on balancing the immune system leads to substantial long-term health benefits in managing allergies.

What are allergies?

Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, is an example of misplaced immunity. It is a learned response by the immune system wherein rapid physiological changes resulting in itchy eyes and throat, sinus congestion and sneezing, asthma, and even diarrhea are produced. Typically, exposure to an allergen such as tree pollen elicits a massive release of IgE antibodies which attach to white blood cells known as mast cells. These cells are mostly located in the lungs and upper respiratory tract, the lining of the stomach and the skin. When these cells are stimulated, they release a number of chemicals including histamine which produce the allergic symptoms.

Allopathic Treatment of Allergies

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