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Can Allergies Affect Your Ears

Whats It Mean When Your Ears Itch

Episode 4 Differences between a cold and allergies, sinus infections and children ear infections.

The most common causes of itching are a nervous habit, fungal infection or the beginning of an infection. Other causes can be skin diseases such as psoriasis or dermatitis. Some people with allergies complain of Itchy ears. The ear canal may be normal on examination or there may be scaling of the skin.

Find Out Why Your Allergy May Be Causing Blocked Ears

Blocked ears usually occur due to the production of too much histamine which irritates the lining of the ears and as a result, causes hearing problems and sometime tinnitus. This causes a lot of discomfort so to help you out, here our allergy advisor Louise Baillie discusses the issue in detail and offers some information on the various treatment options available as well.

Louise BaillieAsk Louise

Allergies And Dizziness: The Cause And The Treatment

If youre feeling dizzy, you might be wondering whats causing it. Dehydration, medications, and a variety of conditions can cause you to feel dizzy and nauseated.

While dizziness might seem like a mild condition, it can actually be very disruptive to daily life. It can even be so severe that it leaves you stuck in bed for hours or days.

Dizziness can sometimes be caused by allergies.

An allergy is the immune systems response to a foreign substance thats not typically harmful to your body. These foreign substances are called allergens. They may include certain foods, pollen, or pet dander.

Allergy-related nasal and sinus congestion can lead to dizziness or a more severe type of dizziness called vertigo.

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Otitis Media Or Ear Infection

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If you have inflammation, earache and itchy middle ear on the space behind your eardrums, it is likely you have otitis media. This condition is common in children but might affect adults too. In children it might make them pull their ears, cry, and have irritable sleeps, fever, reduce eating among symptoms.

Ear infection is commonly accompanied with common cold, flu since the middle ear is connected to your upper respiratory track via Eustachian tube. When this tube is clogged or does not work well can lead to infection especially by bacteria which are often responsible for pneumonia and sinusitis. Viral infections such as flue, cold, allergies can also cause otitis media.

Recurring or constant itchy ears and/or drainages through ear might indicate a faulty or clogged Eustachian tube. Seek professional medical help.

How Allergy Medication Helps

Can Allergies Affect Your Ears?

The good news is there are several options you can get over the counter to meet your allergy needs. Some of these might require proactive use, such as taking them before you begin to experience any symptoms. The most common over-the-counter options include antihistamines and decongestants.

If your allergies include earaches or ear infections, you might need additional medication. For some people, pain medication can do wonders. If you prefer not to medicate your ear pain, consider using a warm washcloth.

When symptoms persist or become severe, your doctor may prescribe stronger medication. For example, there are some ear drops that may reduce the feeling of pressure build-up in the ear and reduce the pain. If your doctor determines you have an ear infection, he or she might also prescribe antibiotics.

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How Do I Deal With These Issues

The first thing to do to deal with allergy-related ear issues is to address your allergies. First, make an appointment for an allergy test. Once you know what is causing your allergies, your doctor can prescribe a treatment plan that best suits your needs. This can include anything from over-the-counter medicines to immunotherapy.

If you have an ear infection, your doctor may prescribe medicine to treat it, too.

If you do have sudden hearing loss, make an appointment with your doctor right away. While it may just be an allergic response, it could also be the sign of something much more serious.

Remember, allergies may be a nuisance, especially if they affect your ears, but CEENTAs ENT doctors are here to give you the care you need.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. Dr. Kilde practices in our Albemarle office. To make an appointment with him or an ENT doctor near you, call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.

Allergy And Hearing Aids

In addition to causing you some discomfort, allergens can also clog the microphone ports in your hearing aids, affecting the way your hearing aids function. You can replace the covers of microphone ports easily. Of course, regular cleaning of your hearing aid is always advisable, especially during allergy season.

Some people seem to experience an allergic reaction to their hearing aids. If this is the case, be sure to talk to your hearing health professional. The allergy may be caused by poor fit, moisture in the ear, wax accumulation, dry skin or an allergy to the earmold material. Many hearing aid manufacturers have options for people with sensitive ears such as hypoallergenic shell materials or coatings that provide relief.

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How To Prepare For Allergy Season

If you experience seasonal allergies, dont wait until you begin to experience symptoms to seek help. By getting a headstart on your allergies, you are in the best position to reduce them before they spiral into pain. In some cases, you might prevent them altogether.

As allergy season progresses, if you experience new symptoms, your ear doctor can modify your treatment plan accordingly. A proactive approach is especially important if you work outdoors or if the symptoms are so bad that they interfere with your ability to live a normal life.

If you still have questions about how allergies affect your ears, feel free to contact Happy Ears Hearing Center. Start by finding a location near you. We look forward to taking care of you and your family.

Your Blood Sugar Is Too Low

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Your hormones work to regulate your blood sugar levels. But if your blood sugar starts to dip too low , certain hormones spike to help your body produce more glucose. When this happens, your stomach experiences a surge in signals that can create the sensation of nausea, says Dr. Lee.

Low blood sugar can also affect your autonomic nervous system, similar to the mechanism of nausea associated with anxiety, says Dr. Hoch.

Nix the nausea: To help keep your blood sugar steady, go for foods on the lower end of the glycemic index , says Dr. Hoch. The GI measures how quickly the carbs in various foods are broken down to sugar and released into your blood. Most fruits, non-starchy vegetables, legumes, and oats are all great options, according to the American Heart Association.

The timing of your meals matters, too. Hypoglycemia can be prevented by consuming small frequent meals throughout the day, says Dr. Hoch. Keep your portion sizes under control, include a mix of lean protein, quality fats, and low-GI carbs , and aim to eat every 3 to 4 hours.

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Signs Your Symptoms Arent Caused By Allergies

1. Your snot is green. Its not pretty, and its a sign of infection.

2. You have a fever. Hot flashes and chills are symptoms that are never linked to allergies.

3. You feel pain in your cheeks. While allergies can trigger sinus pressure around the eyes and temples, pain that extends through the cheeks and even to the teeth can signal inflammatory build-up thats common in sinus infections not allergies. And that could require antibiotics to clear up.

4. You have a cough but thats not all. You have to look at the constellation of symptoms because its very hard to differentiate between an allergic cough and one caused by post-nasal drip related to a virus, Dr. Corn explains. So a cough, plus anything else on this list = something more serious than allergies.

5. Congestion + bad breath. Terrible congestion is the hallmark of seasonal allergies, but it can occur for a host of reasons. When paired with smelly breath or a foul taste in the mouth, its probably a sign of infection.

If you think youre sick : See your doctor to rule out an infection that requires antibiotics , strep, and the flu.

When To Seek For Medical Help

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If you have tried the various ways to stop each years without success or you have sudden and really itchy ears , you are severely bleeding, or excessive drainage, and you might be required to see your ENT doctor. Furthermore, if itching is a symptomatic of a serious anaphylactic reaction, which impairs breathing causes swelling, fainting and vomiting and is considered a medical emergency.

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Ear Popping And Fullness

Ear popping and sensations of the ear feeling full are common symptoms of allergies, states the American Academy of Family Physicians 1. This can occur if the mucus produced by an allergic reaction, drains into the Eustachian tube. This tube travels from the back of the ear into the throat. Its job is to drain excess fluid from the ear and equalize the pressure in the ears. If the lining of this tube becomes inflamed, then the ears may start to feel full and pop.

Since the ears play a role in maintaining balance, inflammation can lead to a loss of balance, dizziness and even vertigo. The first step in treatment, is to identify the allergen that is triggering the symptoms, and then taking steps to lower exposure when possible

  • Ear popping and sensations of the ear feeling full are common symptoms of allergies, states the American Academy of Family Physicians 1.
  • If the lining of this tube becomes inflamed, then the ears may start to feel full and pop.

Whats The Difference Between Having Allergies And Getting Sick

How Allergies Affect Your Ears, Nose, and Throat

The big distinction between having allergies and being sick is that you canât actually give anyone your allergies â but you can give them your cold. âAllergies are not contagious and, while annoying, are usually harmless,â Dr. Jain says. âHowever, most viruses and bacteria illnesses are contagious.â

To try and detect a difference, pay attention to certain key symptoms. âIf you have a fever or swollen lymph nodes, it is likely an infection,â says Dr. Tania Elliott, M.D., a clinical instructor of medicine and immunology at NYU Langone. Itâs also about when symptoms start. âAllergies come the same time every year and are worse when you are exposed to an allergen ,â she explains. Youâll want to pay attention to how long your symptoms last, too. Allergies will stick around for a few months, Dr. Elliott says, while upper respiratory infections typically wonât stick around longer than a week or two.

If you have itchy or watery eyes, clear mucus, a runny nose for more than a week, and your symptoms are consistent each day, youre likely dealing with allergies, which can usually be relieved with over-the-counter allergy medications. Allergy symptoms generally stay the same, whereas cold symptoms tend to intensify and peak before they ultimately subside.

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Histamine Can Cause Stomach Upset

When histamine is released in the gastrointestinal tract, it can cause symptoms like stomach pain, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and constipation.

Underlying conditions and imbalances can also cause too much histamine to be released.

A few examples are small intestinal bacterial overgrowth , underlying or low-grade infection, poor diet, heavy metal toxicity, nutrient deficiencies, and food sensitivities.

What is referred to as histamine intolerance or histamine sensitivity is usually a combination of a few underlying factors .

In a case of histamine intolerance, an individual can become sensitized to histamine-containing foods, histamine-releasing foods, as well as classic environmental allergens.

A common treatment for histamine intolerance is to be on a special diet and take supplemental medication but those with histamine intolerance will only have moderate success without personalized treatment to address the underlying cause.

Read more about Histamine Intolerance

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Allergy Prevention And Treatment

The only truly effective way to prevent allergies is to avoid their triggers, but that would involve taking extreme precautions such as remaining indoors for months at a time. Yes, Phoenix summers are often oppressive, but its unlikely youre willing to hole up between now and October. In lieu of that, you can take steps such as limiting your outdoor activities to morning and evening hours, using an air-conditioner instead of opening windows both at home and while driving, taking a shower after doing yardwork and keeping your pets out of the bedroom.

To ease allergy symptoms, try over-the-counter antihistamines and decongestants. Ibuprofen can help relieve pain, and eye drops should help with itching. Placing a warm washcloth over the affected ear will be helpful in reducing ear pain.

If your symptoms dont clear up in a few days or recur frequently, schedule an appointment with your Phoenix ENT to discuss long-term treatment strategies.

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What About Herbal Remedies

If your symptom of blocked ears is caused by seasonal allergies, then seeking treatment for the underlying problem is likely to bring the most effective, long-term relief, and will also help with other symptoms of hayfever you are experiencing.

Herbal remedies such as Pollinosan Allergy Relief Tablets combine seven different tropical herbs designed to target the symptoms of hayfever. It is a non-drowsy medication so will not affect your ability to drive or use machinery.

If you are looking for a herbal remedy specifically to target blocked ears, then Plantago is often found to be effective. It is thought to reduce the amount of inflammation present in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Why Do I Suffer From Itchy Behind Ears

Episode 20 – Flu vaccine, allergies, BPPV and clogged ears

Itchy behind ears could be due to a number of conditions that include:

  • Seborrheic dermatitis also common on the outer ear characterized by lesions, plagues, and white and flaking, or yellowish, oily, and sticky dandruff
  • Ringworms characterized by a scaly silvery or red rash or patch, itchiness and inflammation
  • Head lice can also be responsible for itchiness not just behind your ears but also in your scalp

Itchy behind ears can also be caused by bug bites, allergic reactions, infections contact dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema among other skin related problems if they affect this particular area.

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Regular Swimming Or Wet Itchy Ears

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Regular swimmers tend to develop inner ear itching problem than those who do not swim regularly. This is due to too much moisture in ear, and possible exposure to the many germs in water bacteria and fungi. This case will be worse if your inner ear skin is broken.

Use a swim cap or ear plugs when you go swimming and use a cool blow dryer to remove any moisture from your inner ear after a shower or swimming. Ensure you do not get burnt.

How To Know If You Have Food Allergies

Nasal congestion, eye irritation, throat irritation, cramping, vomiting, nausea, asthma and inner-ear irritation are all common symptoms of a food allergy 2 .cause: The American Academy of Otolaryngology states that allergies can cause excessive swelling in the ear, leading to a secondary ear infection 3.

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Itching Ears Due To Psoriasis

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This is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales patches can be itchy or sore. If it affects your ears, you can end up with itching ears. There is not cure for psoriasis but it can be managed by tropical products such as corticosteroids, vitamin D analogues, phototherapy or systemic treatments when it is severe.

Can Food Allergies Cause Ear Problems

How Can Allergies Affect Your Ears?

Some food allergies, particularly to milk, egg and grains cause a less intense reaction. These reactions can range from increased nasal congestion, mucous production promoting Eustachian tube congestion, which may lead to ear infections, skin irritation that can promote a flare-up of atopic dermatitis, or wheezing.

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Your Hearing Can Be Affected By Environmental Allergies

by Audiology Associates of DFW | Mar 2, 2021 | Hearing Loss Articles

The entire year is allergy season in some locations. From pet dander to pollen, allergies can range from a minor annoyance to a daily battle that affects your quality of life. Itchy eyes and a runny nose are the symptoms that are most familiar and can be the first indication that youre suffering from allergies.

But more advanced symptoms, such as poor balance, tinnitus, and hearing loss sometimes occur. Increased pressure in the middle and inner ear are responsible for these symptoms.

How To Prevent Itching Inside Ear

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Prevention is better than cure, to minimize the chances of getting an itchy ear , try the following:

  • Always clean your ears , dry and moisturize them,
  • Do not clean your ears with cotton swabs, balls, paper clips or bobbin pins.
  • Ensure your jewelry is anti-allergenic
  • Dry excess water with solution if you swim frequently
  • For those who produce too much earwax, see a doctor for help and advice on safe earwax removal techniques.

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Itchy Ears Treatment How To Stop And Ear Drops For Itchy Ears

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While looking at each of the causes, we covered something on itchy ear treatment that is specific to the cause. Most of these treatments will either deal with the cause or relieve itchy ears.

Common ways to treat, relieve, heal or cure for itchy ears include antibiotic ointments , baby oil , tropical anti-inflammatory especially steroids such as 0.1% percent bethamethasone cream and 1% hydrocortisone cream, swimmers ear eardrops, hydrogen peroxide, dilute rubbing alcohol solution, acetic acid, antihistamines, antifungal drops, etc.

When your itching ears come with fever and pus or blood drainage, a doctor might recommend oral antibiotics as an additional treatment for itchy ears. Other ways to stop itchy inside ear or provide ear itchiness relieve include:

  • Problems such as inadequate lubrication by earwax, too much water in ears, and presence of foreign particles that often cause broken skin in ear can be fixed easily by a doctor.
  • When caused by allergic reactions, avoid allergens and use antihistamines
  • Avoid using any ointment or ear drops for itchy ears before you consult your physician since some of these products can cause inflammation and worsen the situation
  • Avoid use of any ear drops if your eardrums are damaged.
  • Cotton ball or ear plugs should be worn during bubble shower or bath to reduce amount of moisture getting into your ear.
  • Do not use headphones, earplugs or hearing aids if your ear is already infected.


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