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How To Stop Pollen Allergies

Talk With Your Doctor About Allergy Testing Or Allergy Shots

Allergy Symptoms & Treatments : How to Get Rid of a Pollen Allergy

Allergy testing can help your care provider diagnose your exact allergies and come up with a treatment plan to help relieve your symptoms.

Allergy tests are pretty simple. The tests are performed on your skin at your clinic, to determine what allergens are causing your symptoms.

Depending on how severe your allergies appear to be, your doctor may recommend immunotherapy with allergy shots to help reduce and maybe even eliminate your bodys reaction to environmental allergens.

These shots help teach your body to not be allergic and are given over the course of a couple of years until a target dose is reached. Once the right dosage has been reached, your doctor will work with you on a maintenance schedule.

Allergy shots are the most effective way of treating allergies and work better than most prescription medications. A course of allergy shots can give you long-term symptom relief for three to five years. Many people have symptom relief the rest of their life. You can discuss the cost of allergy shots with your insurance provider.

When To Consider Allergy Shots

If over-the-counter-medicines and nasal sprays dont seem to be working, you might want to consider allergy shots. Dr. Eidelman says they can help lessen your sensitivity to pollen and more.

Allergy shots, also known as immunotherapy, can make you less sensitive to all the things that youre allergic to. For example, if youre allergic to tree pollen, you would get an allergy shot thats made out of tree pollen protein.

So what does that mean?

In a lab, they extract the protein from tree pollen and they make an extract with it. That extract is then used to desensitize or make the patient less sensitive to tree pollen. Allergy shots are very effective and many controlled studies have reflected this. Allergy immunotherapy is the only treatment that has the potential to cure allergic rhinitis, Dr. Eidelman says.

Whats Causing My Seasonal Allergies

Like any allergy, hay fever develops when your bodys immune system becomes sensitized to certain particles in the environment that it considers dangerous. The seasonal allergies you have depend on the time of year when common outdoor allergens, according to American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, like molds and fungi release their spores or when grasses, trees or weeds release pollen into the air.

During springtime, tree pollen is the most frequent culprit of allergies. Springtime is also coincidentally pollen season when pollination is at its peak. Then, summer tends to bring grass pollen allergies and fall ragweed allergies. To fight against any perceived invader, or allergen, your body releases chemicals, including histamine, into the bloodstream. And for allergy sufferers this results in allergy symptoms your irritating cough, runny nose or itchy throat.

The best route to take is to first test for allergies to see what it is that is causing the allergic reaction.

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How Is It Treated

There is no cure for allergic rhinitis. One of the best things you can do is to avoid the things that cause your allergies. You may need to clean your house often to get rid of dust, animal dander, or moulds. Or you may need to stay indoors when pollen counts are high.

Unless you have another health problem, such as asthma, you may take over-the-counter medicines to treat your symptoms at home. If you do have another problem, talk to your doctor first. Others who also should talk to their doctor before starting self-treatment include older adults, children, and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

If your allergies bother you a lot and you cannot avoid the things you are allergic to, immunotherapy may help prevent or reduce your symptoms. To have this treatment, you first need to know what you are allergic to.

Finding the treatment that works best for you may take a little time.

Medicines For Dust Allergy

Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine

Your doctor might prescribe antihistamines to relieve sneezing and runny nose and nasal corticosteroids to combat inflammation. Decongestants are given to shrink stuffy nasal passages. However, though antihistamines can help lessen allergy symptoms, they can worsen the next attack. Corticosteroids can make your mucous membranes thinner and make things worse in the long run. Therefore, take these medicines only under medical surveillance.

In addition to these remedies, you can also follow the tips mentioned below to reduce your exposure to indoor dust.

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Asthma From Pollen Allergies

Pollen can be breathed into the lungs and directly cause asthma in some people. This can be unrelated to hay fever symptoms. Symptoms of asthma include:

  • chest tightness or pain
  • blocked sinuses
  • extreme tiredness.

One in five Australians experience hay fever symptoms and they can be debilitating. People with hay fever are more likely to develop sinus infections, and can have interrupted sleep that leads to extreme tiredness. Severe hay fever symptoms can affect learning in children and productivity in adults. Hay fever can also make it more difficult to control asthma in those who are more likely to get it.

Home Remedies For Dust Allergy

Coming on to the ayurvedic treatment for dust allergy, the prospects are quite extensive. Whatever the condition be, there are quite an extensive range of things lying around in your house itself that can effectively help get rid of the symptoms associated with the condition.

In here, we are going to be discussing about the extensive range of home remedies for dust allergy that work wonders.

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Causes Of Pollen Allergies

For all allergies, the immune system reacts to specific allergy trigger molecules . Your immune system produces antibodies that detect the allergen and cause inflammatory reactions and the release of a chemical called histamine. Histamine causes hay fever symptoms, such as itchy and watery nose and eyes, and sneezing.In general, pollen from grass, weeds and trees that are not native to Australia cause more allergies than native plants. Wattle is rarely a cause of allergic symptoms, although people can think it is the cause of their hay fever symptoms.In Victoria, inland areas tend to have higher pollen counts and northerly winds can bring pollens from inland regions to the coastal areas, including Melbourne. In contrast, the east coast of Australia often has less pollen, because winds tend to blow in from the sea and the Great Dividing Range protects the coast from inland winds. In South Australia and Western Australia, levels of pollen in the air vary, depending on wind direction.

What Actually Is Hay Fever And What Are The Symptoms

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Hay fever is a type of allergy that occurs when your body reacts to pollen from trees or shrubs as though it was a harmful organism. To fight this supposed harmful organism, a hay fever sufferers immune system will start producing antibodies to try to prevent it spreading.

The histamine produced by the body leads to the sufferer developing typical hay fever symptoms such as:

  • Sneezing
  • Disrupted sleep, tiredness and irritability

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Other Tests For Allergies

In most cases, you do not need testing. But your doctor may suggest some tests to make sure that another condition is not causing your symptoms. These tests include:

  • Imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. These tests can show if you have a sinus infection , chronic inflammation of the sinus lining, structural defects of the nose, or, in rare cases, cancer.
  • Rhinoscopy or nasalendoscopy. Both of these tests look for nasal polyps and other problems that may block the nasal cavity.
  • Mucociliary clearance testing. This test looks for abnormal cilia in people who have very thick nasal discharge. Cilia are tiny hairs on the lining of the nasal passages. These tiny hairs beat back and forth to remove particles from the nose. Certain rare diseases can cause problems in the cilia, which can lead to more nasal discharge.

Top 9 Natural Allergy Relief Home Remedies

By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

According to the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America, one in five people, or an estimated 50 million Americans, suffer from some type of allergies. The chances are high that you or someone you know deals with ongoing allergies, whether seasonal allergies, food allergies or another type, and could use allergy relief at least from time to time.

Most people who struggle to find allergy relief go to the doctor to be treated and/or are routinely given pharmaceuticals ranging from acetaminophens to antihistamines, both of which may actually further aggravate the symptoms they were given for. If you prefer not to take prescriptions to keep your symptoms under a control, what can help allergies at home?

Home remedies for allergies including symptoms like congested sinuses, headaches, and watery or itchy eyes include using frankincense essential oil, eucalyptus oil and quercetin. Below youll learn about nine amazing, all-natural home remedies for allergies that can help provide fast allergy relief.

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Keep Your Home Safe From Allergens

There are many steps you can take around your house to help with seasonal allergies.

Use humidifiers and dehumidifiers at the right times

In the spring, summer and early fall, remove excess moisture from the air using a dehumidifier or air conditioner. This can help reduce the growth of mold and mildew spores known to cause some allergies.

In dry winter months, a humidifier can add moisture to a room to soothe dry, irritated nasal passages. Make sure to clean and change the filter regularly. Unfortunately, moisturized air can also cause dust mites to grow.

Change to HEPA filters for your heating and cooling system

A HEPA filter can trap airborne allergens like pollen, dust and pet dander, helping keep more irritants out of the air. Just make sure youre regularly replacing filters particularly during high usage times. A good rule of thumb is to check your filter once a month to see if it needs replacing.

Consider adding an air purifier, too

Air purifiers can also be used to clean finer particles and fumes that your furnace or air conditioning filter cant catch. There are several different types of air purifiers and each works differently to clean the air you breathe. So, research your options to determine which may be the best fit for you needs.

Other ways to reduce allergens in your home:

Bacterial And Viral Infections

How to Treat Allergies with Bee Pollen â

Chronic diarrhea is a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection.

The most common viral infections that cause diarrhea include rotavirus, norovirus, and adenovirus.

The rotavirus in particular is a common cause of baby diarrhea every morning.

Bacterial infections can cause serious cases of diarrhea, often occurring after the consumption of contaminated food or water.

Shigella, Salmonella, and Campylobacter are the most common bacterial strains that cause diarrhea.

Other symptoms associated with bacterial and viral infections include inflammation, fatigue, cramping, vomiting, fever, sneezing, and coughing.

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How Do I Manage Hay Fever

These unpleasant and sometimes debilitating symptoms can be relieved by avoidance of the allergic triggers and the use of antihistamines. Find our 3 top tips below:

  • Monitor pollen forecasts daily and stay indoors wherever possible when the count is high . Rain washes pollen from the air so counts should be lower on cooler, wet days
  • On high pollen days, shower and wash your hair after arriving home and change your clothing
  • Avoid drying washing on a clothes-line outside when pollen counts are high
  • Apply an effective allergen barrier balm around the edge of each nostril to trap or block pollens and other allergens and help prevent a reaction.
  • For more detailed information about hay fever and for more useful tips on management and treatment, please find further useful resources below.

    What Is A Grass Pollen Allergy

    Grasses are one of the most common causes of allergy. Each year, plants release tiny pollen grains to fertilize other plants of the same species. Unfortunately for people with grass allergies, this pollen triggers allergic reactions. Symptoms of a grass pollen allergy include:

    • Runny nose
    • Itchy nose, eyes, ears and mouth
    • Stuffy nose
    • Red and watery eyes
    • Swelling around the eyes

    You may not see the grass pollen in the air, but your body can react to even small amounts.

    Many people know pollen allergy as hay fever. Experts usually refer to pollen allergy as seasonal allergic rhinitis.

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    Common Seasonal Allergy Triggers

    If you sneeze and cough during certain times of the year, you may have seasonal allergies. However, occasional allergies arent something you just have to live with.

    In many areas of the United States, spring allergies begin in February and last until the early summer. Tree pollination begins earliest in the year followed by grass pollination later in the spring and summer and ragweed in the late summer and fall. In tropical climates, however, grass may pollinate throughout a good portion of the year. Mild winter temperatures can cause plants to pollinate early. A rainy spring can also promote rapid plant growth and lead to an increase in mold, causing symptoms to last well into the fall.

    The most common culprit for fall allergies is ragweed, a plant that grows wild almost everywhere, but especially on the East Coast and in the Midwest. Ragweed blooms and releases pollen from August to November. In many areas of the country, ragweed pollen levels are highest in early to mid-September.

    Other plants that trigger fall allergies include:

    • Burning bush
    • Sagebrush and mugwort
    • Tumbleweed and Russian thistle

    While the timing and severity of an allergy season vary across the country, the following climate factors also can influence how bad your symptoms might be:

    Find expert care with an Allergist.

    An allergist can pinpoint the cause and help you find relief.

    What Causes Nighttime Allergies

    Stop suffering from allergies -to pollen- with this.

    You may spend the day with few or no allergy symptoms, only to experience sniffles and itchy eyes when you go to bed. Many triggers of morning allergies can cause bedtime allergies, as well.

    For example, if your bedroom has more dust mites than elsewhere in your home, they may trigger symptoms as soon as you get into bed. If you donât spend as much time with your pet during the day, your furry friend may not cause your allergies to act up until they have settled into bed with you at night.

    Unfortunately, cockroaches may be another possible cause of nighttime allergies, especially in urban homes. Like dust mites, they can shed saliva, feces, and even body parts that trigger allergy symptoms. They can even cause sinus or ear infections. According to ACAAI, the National Pest Management Association says that 63 percent of all U.S. homes contain cockroach allergens, but this number may be 78 percent to 98 percent in urban areas. Cockroaches may enter the home through windows and cracks in the walls or doors.

    While pollen counts tend to be higher in the morning, it can also cause nighttime allergies. Warm temperatures push pollen into the air, but cooler evening air means that pollen falls back down to cover outdoor surfaces at night. If you collect pollen in your hair or clothes over the course of the day, it can cause bedtime allergy symptoms once youâre in for the night.

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    Easy Ways To Beat Seasonal Allergies When The Pollen Count Spikes

    If your seasonal allergies are making you miserable this spring, you’re not alone. More than 50 million Americans experience allergies each year. The good news is there are measures you can take to minimize the impact of seasonal allergies.

    Seasonal allergies are usually caused by three main types of pollen: trees, grass, and weeds. They’re called “seasonal allergies” because each type of pollen has a season where they’re most potent. Here’s a general timeline of common pollen seasons:

    • Some outdoor molds also peak in the fall months

    When you’re monitoring pollen counts for your specific allergy, here are 10 ways to cope:

  • Stay inside if it’s windy and warm.
  • Pollen counts tend to rise on dry, warm, and windy days, so if it’s breezy outside, try to stay indoors.

  • Go outside at the right times.
  • Pollen counts are highest in the morning and again at night, so if you need to go outside, try to do it when counts are low.

  • Know which pollen you’re allergic to, and respond accordingly.
  • When it comes to seasonal allergies, it’s important to know exactly what you’re allergic to so you can take appropriate action.

    “I have patients who come in saying they’re allergic to pets, then we perform a skin test and it turns out they’re actually allergic to oak trees or another pollen the pet is bringing inside on their fur,” says Erin Willits, MD, an allergist and immunologist at Intermountain Alta View Hospital.

  • Start your medication regimen early
  • Close windows and doors
  • What Causes Grogginess After Sleep

    Grogginess after sleep can be referred to Sleep inertia which most people experience after getting up from the bed. It usually lasts for 2 minutes to 4 hours but typically lasts for 15-30 minutes on average. During this period, one feels like he or she is deprived of much energy to take the days actions, feel lazy and tired even after the sleep. Usually lack of sleep or sleep below 8 hours can get this groggy feel after sleep. Sometimes they are mild and can be ignored as they naturally get cleared off with the days job. However, at times the level of impairment in the condition can be serious. .

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    Pollen Allergies Are Seasonal

    The season for pollen allergies can last for several months and occurs when the plants are flowering. This will vary depending on location and the type of plant. For instance:

    • Non-native trees tend to pollinate in late winter and spring.
    • In Victoria, winds from the north tend to bring pollen from non-native grasses growing inland between October and December.
    • White Cypress pine is the only Australian tree that produces highly allergenic pollen and it flowers between late July and the end of August.
    • Species of casuarina or Australian oak trees produce pollen throughout the year and can cause hay fever symptoms at any time.

    The medical specialists who diagnose allergies have online calendars showing when common species of pollen cause allergies in the states and territories of Australia.


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