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HomeMust ReadCan Allergies Make Your Chest Hurt

Can Allergies Make Your Chest Hurt

Are My Allergies Covid

Respiratory Allergy Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment | Dr. Mitesh Dave

Posted in Allergies | April 12, 2021

The warmer weather in spring comes with allergens. As allergies begin to flare up, its essential to know the difference between allergies and COVID-19.

While the symptoms of COVID-19 and allergies can appear quite similar and even have several overlapping symptoms, some are rarer than others.

Its not unusual with the ongoing pandemic to feel a bit anxious at the first sign of a sniffle.

So, how can you tell the difference between the two? Keep reading to find out!

Can Allergies Be Responsible For Shortness Of Breath

Allergy is one the most common conditions affecting about 10-30% of the population worldwide. It is associated with symptoms like itchy, watery eyes, nasal congestion and in rare cases, shortness of breath.But how can a severe symptom like shortness of breath be associated with such a common condition? You may ask. Here we will cover how common allergies cause shortness of breath in many people.What Causes Allergy?Allergy occurs when our immune system responds to a non-threatening substance like pollen, dust mites or animal fur. It is a hypersensitive immune reaction also termed as allergic response.An allergic response initiates when your nasal lining comes into contact with an allergen. Your body starts synthesizing IgE proteins that combine with the allergen and trigger the production histamine which is responsible for all the symptoms that normally associated with an allergy.

Types Of AllergiesThe type of allergy depends upon the trigger or the allergen. There are several types of allergies some them being more severe than others. Most common types of allergies are:

  • Food Allergy.

Allergens or triggers can be categorized according to the type of allergy they cause:

  • Airborne allergens: Pollen, dust mites, animal dander, and mold
  • Foods: Peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, eggs, fish, shellfish, and dairy
  • Insect stings: Bee or wasp stings
  • Drug or medications: Penicillin or penicillin-based antibiotic

Reaction Causing Chest Pain

Hi everyone,I am 19 and have had a peanut allergy since i can remember. In the last few years my reaction has changed significantly. I now suffer severe chest pain from my aesophagus spasming. This usually lasts around 20 minutes, but yesterday it happened, was the most severe pain i have ever experienced…and it has also lasted from 10:30am and has continued occational spasms, still occuring now Is there anyone else who has come across this type of reaction? What do you do to relieve the symptoms? My doctor has never suggested me to have an epipen, but i am getting more paranoid as the reactions are getting worse.Thanks in advance!

I haven’t experienced these kind of reactions, however if you have a peanut allergy or any food allergy period you definitely need TWO epipens with you at all times! Ask your Dr for prescription with refills. also, bottle of Benadryl and pepcid.

Welcome Holly,Hon, you get yourself 2 epipens right away!!! Your MD should give a presciption, no problem. If they don’t, you need a new MD.How often are you having reactions?Amy

Holly,Yikes! I second what Going Nuts said. You need epipens and I would recommend that you see an allergist too!

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Allergies Temperature Changes And Spine Pain

Allergies from pollen often peak in the spring, while temperature-related issues can cause problems in the fall. Seasonal allergies can cause the bodys immune system to overreact to pollen or something in the environment, and inflammation is the bodys natural defense mechanism. When joints inflame, movement becomes more painful and it can cause soft tissues to become compressed.

Temperature changes can also cause problems in your joints. Changes in temperature and barometric pressure can lead to swelling inside the joints, potentially restricting movement or causing painful movements. Again, this can cause problems on its own, or it can complicate certain conditions like osteoarthritis of the spine.

What Can You Do To Ease Hay Fever Symptoms

Atypical Acid Reflux Signs

You can ease your hay fever symptoms by taking measures such as putting Vaseline around your nostrils to trap pollen, wearing wraparound sunglasses when youre outside to stop pollen from getting into your eyes and showering and changing your clothes when you come inside to wash the pollen off, the NHS states.

It is also advisable to stay inside and keeping your windows and doors shut as much as possible.

A pharmacist may also be able to advise you on what products may help you, such as antihistamine tablets or nasal sprays.

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What You Can Do At Home

To control or loosen mucus at home, you can try the following remedies:

Drink lots of fluids. Drink plenty of water and other fluids, but not things that can dehydrate you, such as coffee and alcohol.

Humidify. Try a cool mist humidifier or hop into a steamy shower to keep your airways moisturized.

Dont smoke or vape anything. Whether from tobacco or , smoke is an irritant and can cause your body to make more mucus.

Try a teaspoon of honey. Though honey doesnt get rid of mucus, it can calm your cough temporarily.

Check air filters. Other irritants in the air can make mucus production worse, so make sure your heating and cooling system filters are clean and up to date.

Take an expectorant. Some cough medicines contain guaifenesin, which loosens mucus so you can cough it up.

Chest Congestion Caused By Allergies

Chest congestion caused by allergies can be a scary situation to handle at first as the individual suffers from cough, chest pains, and difficulty in breathing. However, with certain modes of treatment, you are sure to feel better.

Chest congestion caused by allergies can be a scary situation to handle at first as the individual suffers from cough, chest pains, and difficulty in breathing. However, with certain modes of treatment, you are sure to feel better.

Chest congestion is the excess fluid and mucus that accumulates in the lungs. An individual who is suffering may feel extremely uneasy while breathing and may also counter bouts of attacks where breathing becomes very difficult, accompanied with an ebbing chest pain, cough, and wheezing. Severe congestion in the chest is audible in the form of wheezing, and is also characterized by crackling sounds evicted when the affected individual coughs. There are certain causes that lead to this condition. Chest congestion due to allergies is the most common. Some other potential causes could be the administration of post-nasal drip, sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Can Allergies Cause Chest Congestion?

Yes, Allergies can cause chest congestion.You may be surprised to know that there are a number of individuals who suffer from this health trouble, however, do not even bother to consult their family physician. I hope you are not one amongst them.


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Chest Pain After Eating: Causes And Natural Remedies

Written byBel Marra HealthPublished onMarch 1, 2018

Suffering from chest pain during or after eating is not uncommon, unfortunately. There are many potential causes of chest pain in association with eating and these will be discussed later in this article. For most, the sensation of chest pain is short-term and will resolve itself without the need for medical intervention. If the pain persists, however, it may be indicative of an underlying cause and medical attention should be sought. If any of the following symptoms are experienced, contact emergency services: shortness of breath, pain that intensifies and does not respond to antacids, dizziness or fainting, severe nausea, vomiting , or intense abdominal pain.

What Other Symptoms Might Occur With Chest Tightness

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Chest tightness often occurs in conjunction with other symptoms, which vary depending on the underlying disease, disorder or condition. For example, if chest tightness is related to an infection, you may have a and body . Pain can travel from the neck, back, and belly area to your chest.

Coexisting symptoms can also be related to the organs and tissues in your chest or abdomen, such as the lungs, stomach, esophagus, ribs, pancreas, gallbladder, muscles and nerves. Some signs or symptoms may only be evident through medical testing, such as low oxygen levels and high carbon dioxide levels, so always seek medical care if you have chest tightness.

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An Introduction To Tight Chests And Hayfever

People afflicted by asthma may also be prone to hayfever. In fact asthma and hayfever are often grouped together and termed atopy by doctors. This is because the individual has an increased tendency to develop allergies and typical symptoms of chest tightness and wheezing often occur in both conditions. Atopic individuals can also be prone to skin allergies or eczema.

Seasonal Allergies Are Chronic

Seasonal allergies are a chronic disease, meaning they occur annually during pollen and mold seasons. The seasonal allergies typically being in the spring and run through the fall. Symptoms can vary from mild to severe depending on the pollen and outdoor mold counts at certain time so the spring, summer, and fall.

Although seasonal allergies are most common during the spring through fall, you can certainly be allergic to things indoors, like dust or mold. If thats the case, then these allergies can occur throughout the year. If you notice that you experience symptoms at the same time every year, you likely have an allergy.

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Other Potential Remedies Include

  • Consuming a cold glass of milk with a tablespoon of raw honey mixed in. These substances can work together to soothe the lining of the digestive tract.
  • Consuming carom seeds can help to alleviate the symptom if it is caused by excess gas or bloating.
  • Eating yogurt as a regular part of your diet.
  • Avoiding taking medications on an empty stomach, unless specifically prescribed that way.
  • Practicing some simple yoga postures designed to promote good digestion.

Chest pain after eating is an unfortunate medical condition that is highly common. The pain will usually alleviate itself within a short period of time after eating. If it persists or is experienced on a regular basis, consult your doctor, as there may be an underlying medical condition at play.

Some of the most common causes of chest pain after eating are related to diet or acid reflux. With small dietary adjustments, this type of symptom can be alleviated quite simply. If the pain is chronic, it may be indicative of a larger medical issue, ranging from hiatal hernia to esophageal ulcers. Keep an eye on your symptoms and their potential causes and keep in mind the natural remedies that can reduce pain in the chest after eating.

Medications For Temporary Relief

10 (or more) Dust Mite Allergy Symptoms

For many people affected by hay fever, short-term medications effectively treat the symptomsof hay fever on a temporary basis. Alleviating the symptoms when they flare up is usuallysufficient for someone with hay fever to maintain a normal quality of life.

Antihistamines relieve the symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, skinirritation and watery eyes. They can be administered as needed as nasal spray, tablets oreye drops.

Nasal corticosteroid medications are very effective at reducing the symptomscaused by allergies. Used over time, they can help to desensitise the nasal passageway tothe allergens which cause hay fever.

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Asthma And Sinusitis: Double Trouble

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the tissue in the sinuses, leading to discomfort, discharge, and difficulty breathing, among other symptoms. It can be caused by a virus, bacteria, or other conditions.

Asthma is characterized by inflammation of airways in the lungs. It causes shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing, and coughing. It may be caused by allergies, exposure to dust, fumes or other irritants, or other medical conditions.

Since the sinuses and lung airways are connected, it may seem intuitive that problems with one might affect the other. And they do. This link between sinusitis and asthma has been confirmed by many studies. The medical community has come to refer to this link as the Unified Airway.

These studies examined various facets of the relationship between the conditions, including how surgery for sinusitis sometimes improves asthma symptoms as well.

Signs And Symptoms Of Anaphylaxis

Symptoms of anaphylaxis can develop rapidly after exposure to an allergen, usually reaching peak severity within 5 to 30 minutes, but this may be delayed up to 2 hours. Sometimes, a second phase reaction can occur 6-36 hours after the initial anaphylactic reaction in as many as 20% of individuals. Biphasic reactions have been reported to occur even as far out as 72 hours after the initial reaction, though this is rare.

Anaphylaxis signs and symptoms that may occur alone or in any combination include:

  • Mouth: swelling of the lips, tongues, or palate
  • Eyes/Nose: runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, watery red eyes, itchy eyes, swollen eyes
  • Skin: hives or other rash, redness/flushing, itching, swelling
  • Gut: abdominal pain , vomiting, diarrhea, nausea
  • Throat: hoarseness, tightening of throat, difficulty swallowing, hacking cough, stridor
  • Lungs: shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, chest pain, tightness
  • Mental: anxiety, panic, sense of doom
  • Circulation/Heart: chest pain, low blood pressure, weak pulse, shock, pale blue color, dizziness or fainting, lethargy

Symptoms of the throat, lungs, and heart are all immediate and potentially life-threatening. When you, or someone you know, begin to experience symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

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Questions To Ask Your Health Care Provider

Making notes before your visit and taking along a trusted family member or friend can help you through the first appointment with your doctor. The following are questions you can ask your health care provider:

  • I have hypersensitivity pneumonitis from workplace dust. Is it safe for me to continue working?
  • Are there things I cant do at work?
  • Do I have to give up my pet birds?
  • Should I stay out of hot tubs?
  • Can my family members get the disease if I have it?
  • What tests will I need to find out if I have hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
  • How often should I get lung function tests?
  • How often should I get chest X-rays and CT scans?
  • Do I need to be on medications ?

Ways To Manage Your Springtime Asthma

Asthma & Allergy Tip: Respiratory Allergies

If youre one of the 25 million Americans who suffer from asthma, the allergens of spring can make it difficult to breathe.

Asthma is a chronic condition in which the airways of the lungs become inflamed and narrow, often due to one or more triggers in the environment. Up to 80 percent of children and half of adults with asthma experience attacks when they come in contact with specific allergens.

During the spring, tree pollens, mold spores and grass all have the power to inflame and narrow the air passages of people who are sensitive to these natural triggers. Wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing are some of the common symptoms that occur during an asthma attack.

Among the most common triggers for asthma are:

  • Outdoor allergens

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Managing Allergies And Preventing Body Aches

Seasonal allergies usually strike during spring, summer, or fall, depending on your specific allergens. Unfortunately, there’s no way to prevent seasonal allergies and body aches. However, there are things you can do to help manage your symptoms.

Avoid your allergens whenever possible: Plan outdoor activities during times of the day when allergen levels are lower. For example, pollen levels tend to be higher in the mornings than in the evenings.

Wear a mask: If you have to be outdoors for significant periods of time during allergy season, consider wearing a mask to help filter allergens out of the air you breathe.

Watch the forecast: Weather can have a significant impact on seasonal allergies. While rain washes pollen away, pollen levels can spike right after a rainfall. Other allergens, such as mold, thrive in hot, humid weather.

Stay inside on windy days: Wind lifts allergen particles off the ground, making you more likely to breathe them in.

What Causes Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

There are more than 300 known allergens that, when inhaled as a fine dust, can cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Some breathing problems have names based on where the allergen comes from:

  • Farmers lung. Seen in farmers and cattle workers, this condition is caused by inhaling mold that grows on hay, straw, and grain.
  • Bird fanciers lung. Also called pigeon breeders disease, this condition is caused by inhaling dust specks from feathers or droppings of many types of birds.
  • Humidifier lung. This condition can develop by inhaling a fungus that grows in humidifiers, air conditioners, and heating systems, especially if they are not cleaned regularly.
  • Hot tub lung. This condition may develop by inhaling germs found in the water mist coming from indoor hot tubs.

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The Asthma Is Usually Linked To Allergic Rhinitis

Environmental allergies can affect your airway in unique ways:

  • Allergic rhinitis affects your nose and sinuses, and may cause sneezing, congestion, and an itchy nose and eyes.
  • Asthma mainly affects your lungs, and may cause coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath or rapid breathing.

But when you have allergic asthma, youll likely develop both sets of symptoms at once.

In children, the signs can be more subtle, notes Dr. Purcell. Kids may say theyre too tired to play, but parents should check for wheezing or coughing. If the other kids are running around playing, and your child wants to sit on the sidelines, he or she may be having trouble breathing, he says.

Understanding The Differences Between Allergies And Covid

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If your child has a cough, a sore throat, and a runny nose, you probably wonder: Is it allergies or could it be COVID-19?

Allergy season has kicked off earlier this year than usual. This means that all of the time families are spending outdoors while social distancing could be leading to symptoms that look similar to COVID-19, the coronavirus that is making so many people sick in the area. But in many cases, these symptoms are actually triggered by a reaction to pollen or grass.

Dr. Subhadra Siegel the director of the Allergy and Immunology Program at Boston Children’s Health Physicians, says its important for parents to know how to tell the difference between allergies and illnesses, such as the flu and COVID-19, so they can respond appropriately.

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