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Can My Throat Hurt From Allergies

The Effects Of Allergies On Your Ears Nose And Throat

Is My Sore Throat Caused By a Bacteria Infection or Allergies? Real Medical Advice from a Real Docto

How Allergies Affect your Ears, Nose, and Throat

An allergy involves a reaction by your immune system, often to harmless substances. Allergy symptoms can make miserable and put you at risk for life-threatening reactions. An Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor can help you manage your allergies. West Coast ENT, which has offices in Simi Valley, Camarillo, Ventura County and Thousand Oaks, CA, offers treatments for allergies. Read on to find out how allergies can affect your ears, nose, and throat.

Tips To Prevent Sinus Infections

In order to avoid ear pain and temporary hearing loss due to clogged ears as a result of sinus infections one must prevent sinus infections. Here are some tips to help you prevent sinus infections and avoid the complications associated with it.

  • Control your allergies.
  • Take a nasal spray or decongestant prior to flying.
  • Dont smoke, which can aggravate sinusitis, or quit smoking.

These tips can better help protect you against sinus infections. If you do develop a sinus infection, begin treatment right away to reduce complications.

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Mohan Garikiparithi got his degree in medicine from Osmania University . He practiced clinical medicine for over a decade before he shifted his focus to the field of health communications. During his active practice he served as the head of the Dept. of Microbiology in a diagnostic centre in India. On a three-year communications program in Germany, Mohan developed a keen interest in German Medicine , and other alternative systems of medicine. He now advocates treating different medical conditions without the use of traditional drugs. An ardent squash player, Mohan believes in the importance of fitness and wellness.

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What Are The Potential Causes

Experiencing a sore throat and ear pain together could be caused by a number of conditions. They are as follows:

  • Tonsillitis: This is an inflammation of the tonsils, and is more common in children but can happen at any age. It is caused by bacteria or viruses, and can also come with pain when swallowing, swollen lymph nodes and fever.
  • Allergies: Allergies are caused by pollen and dust that cause an inflammation of mucus membranes. Sneezing and nasal congestion may also be present.
  • Acid reflux: This is a common condition that occurs when the stomach acid or contents of your stomach back up into your esophagus. You may find that your symptoms worsen when lying down or after a heavy meal. Heartburn is the most common symptom. You may also get indigestion and a lump in your throat.
  • Mononucleosis: Sometimes called mono, this is an infectious disease caused by a virus. The symptoms can last for several weeks and can be severe. People in their teens and early 20s usually experience the symptoms, but it can happen to anybody. Fatigue, muscle aches and weakness and ear fullness are usually accompanying symptoms.
  • Strep throat: This is a contagious infection that is caused by a group of bacteria. This can be quite painful and comes on very quickly. You may also notice tiny red spots on the roof of the mouth and have a fever.

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Hand Foot And Mouth Disease

As the name implies, this viral illness usually causes sores to form on the hands, feet, and mouth. Sores can develop in the back of the mouth, near the sides of the throat, and one side may be more affected than the other.

Hand, foot, and mouth disease usually occurs in children under 5 years of age , but it can also spread to older children and adults.

The recommended treatment usually comprises rest, fluids, and over-the-counter medication for pain relief. However, the disease can cause dehydration, especially in young children. A person should see a doctor if they are unable to drink.

Overusing or misusing the voice can lead to lesions or sores on the vocal cords. A lesion may form on one side, causing one area of the throat to be sore.

A person with a vocal cord lesion will usually notice a change in their voice, such as hoarseness.

These types of lesions are usually treatable. Resting the voice and vocal therapy are typically used to correct vocal cord lesions. In some cases, lesions will require surgery.

Is Your Sore Throat Caused By Cold Or Allergies

Sore Throat Earache Dizziness Count Throat Sore Pollen _ V ...

But, how to tell whether your sore throat is caused by allergies or just cold? The best way is to pay attention to the duration. How long does it last? A common cold will get pretty bad for a day or so, but they will often go away within a few days at the most, the common cold lasts for ten days. The flu lasts for about the same period of time, and is accompanied by muscle aches and fatigue among other symptoms. But allergies are persistent. They can go on for weeks or even months. Seasonal allergies often occur during the spring, and tend to come around every year, no matter what you do to try to avoid them.

You can also tell the difference between a cold and allergies by the mucus. Colds cause mucus that is yellowish, while allergies lead to a thin and clear mucus discharge. You might also notice a difference in symptoms: the cold tends to cause coughing and congestion, while allergies can include itchy eyes and a sore throat.

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How Is Anaphylaxis Treated

Someone with anaphylaxis needs help right away. The reaction can get worse very quickly. So doctors usually want people with allergies to carry injectable medicine called epinephrine. Epinephrine enters the bloodstream and works quickly against serious allergy symptoms.

Doctors prescribe auto injectors. These should always be with the person with allergies, including at school, sports, jobs, and other activities. The auto injector is small and easy to use.

If you’re prescribed epinephrine, the doctor will show you how to use it. Always have two auto injectors with you in case one doesn’t work or you need a second dose.

Your doctor also might instruct you to take antihistamines in some cases. But always treat a serious reaction with epinephrine. Never use antihistamines instead of epinephrine in serious reactions.

What About Herbal Remedies

If your earache is caused by seasonal allergies, then treating the underlying problem is most likely to bring you effective relief for this and other symptoms. Pollinosan Allergy Relief Tablets are made to an original A.Vogel recipe and combine several herbs to target the effects of the bodys abnormal reaction to seasonal allergies.

If you are looking for a herbal remedy specifically to target earache, then Plantago is often found to be effective. It is thought to reduce inflammation of membranes in the upper respiratory tract, and also to contain naturally occurring antibiotics. It is for this reason that it is often found to be effective in the treatment of ear problems.

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How Is A Sore Throat Diagnosed

Your doctor will do a physical exam. They will look at the back of your throat. Your doctor may swab the back of your throat. This is called a throat culture. It is done to collect a sample of bacteria. This also is used in a rapid strep test. This is a quick test to diagnose strep throat. The test wont tell if your sore throat is caused by something other than strep. The results of a throat culture takes between 24 and 48 hours. If your doctor thinks you may have mono, they will probably do a blood test.

Tooth Infection Or Abscess

Why is My Throat Itchy? Peanut Allergies Explained for children – Ask Dr.Smarty

A dental abscess is a pocket of pus at the tip of your tooths root caused by a bacterial infection. An abscessed tooth can cause severe pain that radiates to your ear and jaw on the same side. The lymph nodes in your neck and throat may also be swollen and tender.

Other symptoms include:

  • sensitivity to heat and cold
  • pain when chewing and swallowing
  • swelling in your cheek or face
  • fever

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Are There Conventional Medicines To Help Me

Initially, a doctor or pharmacist is likely to recommend anti-histamines to help to ease all symptoms of seasonal allergies and a nasal decongestant to help clear the Eustachian tubes. However, if your earache persists, they may check for signs of infection. If this is the case, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or drops.

What Are The Possible Causes Of Food Allergy

Food allergies may be due to several factors. These may vary from the foods being ingested to the sensitivity of the body towards several substances and environment, which can cause throat swelling after eating and other signs listed above.

  • Pollen-food allergy syndrome. Food rich in protein may trigger allergies. This may include food sources such as shellfish, peanuts, fish, eggs, milk, wheat, and soy. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and spices may also cause allergies due to the process is known as cross-reactivity.

  • Age and family history. The person’s age and family history can increase the risk of allergies. Children are more susceptible to be affected by this condition. Family tree also plays a big role as it can also increase the risk of members having asthma, eczema, and allergies.

  • Exercise-induced food allergy. Some foods tend to cause itchiness and nausea after performing exercise routines. Eating foods hours before exercising should be avoided to prevent the occurrence of allergies.

  • Food intolerance and other possible reactions. The food intolerance of a person may vary. Some may eat small amounts of problem foods without suffering from any reactions. However, there are some who may experience allergy even after eating tiny amounts of food. Always be aware of the foods being eaten as well as the ingredients present in each meal.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Coronavirus

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , COVID-19 symptoms include shortness of breath, cough, and a fever. You just dont get fevers from allergies like you do with the flu, COVID-19, or the common cold, Kobernick says.

It is also rare to have a stuffy or runny nose with COVID-19. The disease causes symptoms like body aches and tiredness that arent associated with environmental or perennial allergies.

Unlike allergies, a viral infection occurs as a cascade of events, mediated by chemical messengers as a result of being infected. The cause is different, says Kobernick, but the end result can look very similar.

Allergies are generally prolonged, whereas COVID-19 symptoms are contracted and progress more seriously over a shorter period of time.

How To Know If You Have An Ear Infection

Health Care SHTF. Part 1 Strep throat  The Medic Shack

An ear infection can occur out of nowhere, with no underlying cause, and is typically very painful.

Its common for an ear infection to be accompanied by a cold, the flu, allergy flare-ups or a sinus infection.

If youve developed an ear infection, you may also experience pain in the ear, fluid in the ear, swelling and the feeling that there is pressure in your ear.

Other common symptoms of an ear infection for adults include pain in the ear, difficulty hearing, drainage of fluid from the ear and a low-grade fever.

Most ear infections are a result of bacterial or viral infections in the middle ear, which are more likely to occur in children than adults.

In fact, around half of all infants will deal with a middle ear infection before they turn one year old.

Childrens symptoms will also differ from those of an adult, with a middle ear infection causing loss of appetite, loss of balance, a decrease in sleep, headaches, irritability and crying, a fever, ear pain, drainage of fluid from the ear and tugging at the ear thats infected.

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How Allergies Can Cause A Sore Throat

The glands in your nose and throat make about one to two quarts of mucus every day, reports the American Academy of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery Foundation. This mucus has many important functions, such as keeping your nose clean and moistening the air you breathe, and you usually swallow it without realizing. Other times, people may notice mucus dripping down the back of their nose or pooling in their throat. This unpleasant sensation is known as postnasal drip, and it can be caused by allergies.

If you have postnasal drip, the trickle of mucus can irritate your throat and cause soreness and other symptoms, such as feeling a lump in the throat or swallowing more frequently. It may also make you feel the need to clear your throat more often.

Keep Your Throat Moist

Sip plenty of liquids to stay hydrated. Warm drinks — not hot ones — can soothe your throat. Try broth or herbal tea with honey or lemon. Caffeinated drinks like coffee or soda may dehydrate you, so skip them.

Suck on a throat lozenge, crushed ice, ice pop, or a piece of hard candy to get your saliva flowing. Try a peppermint, since its main ingredient, menthol, thins mucus and helps break up it up.

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About Sore Throat And Ear Pain

Ears and nose are two of the important sense organs of the human body. It may be interesting to note that ears, nose, and throat have a connection between them which links all the three to one another. Infection or an allergy affecting any one of these three structures results in discomfort in all the three. The middle ear and the throat are connected by a narrow tube known as Eustachian tube. Sore throat almost always blocks this tube, which is a result of swelling of the tube, and this in turn results in increased pressure in the ear causing ear pain.

However, in some cases patients also experience one-sided sore throat and ear pain. This happens when the infection affects only one side of the throat. In such cases the pain only affects on one side leaving the other side pain free.

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Is My Sore Throat Covid

Flu & Allergy Treatments : Treatment for Mucus in the Throat

A sore throat is pretty common, as far as symptoms of illness go. Sore throat can be caused by illnesses ranging from the non-serious to the dangerous.

You can get a sore throat from the common cold. And if youve ever woken up with a sore throat after spending the day before cheering your heart out at a football game or screaming along to the lyrics at your favorite bands concert, you also know you dont need to be sick at all to get a sore throat.

So, when should you worry about a sore throat? Thats a question made even more pressing by the COVID-19 pandemic. A sore throat is also a common symptom of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

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Asthmatic Chest Congestion Symptoms

Chest congestion can be an uncomfortable and especially persistent effect of asthma. You may cough up phlegm or you can feel like you need to do so, but cant . Your breathing might be loud, with the sound of noisy mucus that seems to be coming from your nose, throat, and/or chest.

Chest congestion can also cause a number of bothersome issues including:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness

When you have asthma, you may also have nasal congestion or postnasal drip along with chest congestion.

What To Do If You Have Anaphylaxis

Give yourself epinephrine right away if you start to:

  • have trouble breathing
  • feel tightness in your throat
  • feel faint
  • have two or more milder allergic symptoms together

Don’t try to use an inhaler or antihistamine and wait to see what happens. Go straight for the epinephrine! Seconds count during anaphylaxis.

If you have signs of a serious allergic reaction:

  • Use the epinephrine auto-injector right away. Then call 911.
  • Lay down with your legs raised while you wait for the ambulance.
  • Go to the emergency room, even if symptoms improve after epinephrine. You must be under medical supervision for several hours. This is because a second wave of serious symptoms often happens. You can get more treatment at the emergency room, if you need it.
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    When To See A Doctor

    Persistent throat pain with unknown causes should be evaluated by a physician to rule out serious causes that can lead to dangerous health complications.

    If an infection is causing your throat pain, you will likely have other symptoms such as a fever, cough, fatigue, or sore muscles.

    It can be difficult to tell the difference between a bacterial and viral cause of throat pain at home. Because strep throat can lead to serious complications if left untreated, when in doubt, you should get tested. Almost any doctor, including family physicians and after-hours clinicians, can perform a strep test.

    Extreme pain or severe swelling of the tonsils are both reasons to see a doctor.

    Throat pain accompanied by a rash is often bacterial in nature. A doctor should determine if antibiotics are needed.

    A sore throat accompanied by post-nasal drip is rarely associated with emergent or serious conditions. However, if this persists longer than a few weeks, you need to see a doctor to determine the root cause. Your family doctor is a great place to start, but you may ultimately need to see an allergist to be tested for allergies.

    While not an emergency, throat pain that is worse in the morning or accompanied by symptoms such as stomach pain or heartburn should be evaluated by a doctor. Family doctors and general practitioners often diagnose acid reflux and are capable of performing diagnostic tests or referring you to a more specialized doctor if necessary.


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