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Do Allergies Affect Your Ears

How Allergies Affect Your Hearing

Clogged Ear Due to Ear Infection or Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

About one out of every five people in Georgia experiences allergies. In addition to the usual barrage of cold-like symptoms that includes itchy, watery eyes runny nose sneezing nasal congestion cough sore throat and post-nasal drip, allergy sufferers are also at risk of experiencing temporary hearing loss.

Treating Ear Pain Caused By Allergies

The best way to treat ear pain caused by allergies is to address the allergies themselves. Management options include:

  • Practicing avoidance of allergens. Strategies include staying indoors when pollen counts are high, running the air conditioner, installing a HEPA filter, bathing pets regularly and avoiding triggering foods.
  • Taking allergy medications. Daily over-the-counter antihistamines are highly effective for managing most peoples allergies.
  • Talking to your doctor about immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a long-term allergy solution that works by exposing your body to small amounts of allergens to help build up a tolerance.

For more information about allergy management options or to schedule an appointment with an expert allergist, call ENT of Georgia today.

Allergy Ear Relief Made Easy With Senses Natural Ear Mist

When trying to find the right allergy ear relief for your needs, all the options can seem a little overwhelming. Sometimes you just don’t know who to trust.

Here at ENT Naturals, we stand behind our 100% all-natural ear spray for allergies because Dr. Patrick M. Fitzpatrick DO put only the best into the product. The ingredients used are all 100% natural and organic, ensuring you get only the best in your search for allergy relief.

Our manufacturing process preserves all the natural benefits of each ingredient, so you know you are getting top quality when you use our products.

Do you have questions regarding our all-natural ear spray for allergies? Then contact us today for more information!

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How Allergies Affect Your Ears Nose And Throat

posted: Dec. 02, 2021.

Most of us who live in Indiana have had some kind of allergy reaction at some time in our lives. But how do allergies actually affect your ears, nose, and throat, and what can you do to treat them? An Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor should be your first call to help you to manage your symptoms and prevent future discomfort. If you are looking for an ENT doctor to treat your allergies in Carmel, IN, consider reaching out to Northside ENT.

How Do Allergies Affect Your Ears

Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies

Allergies develop whenever your immune system reacts to a typically nontoxic object as though it were a genuine threat to your health. It responds by releasing antibodies that fight the allergen and releasing a chemical known as histamine.

Histamine causes the sinuses to generate excessive mucus, which can subsequently stream down the cavity of the middle ear, causing ear pain as well as throat irritation. Simultaneously, tissue swelling may hinder fluid outflow, resulting in congestion. Because the ear canals link to the Eustachian tubes, you may develop ear pain allergies and other symptoms.

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What Is An Allergic Reaction

Your immune system works to protect your body from diseases, viruses and infections. But for the more than 50 million Americans, their immune system mistakes harmless substances such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, certain foods, mold and insect stings as a dangerous intruder. An allergic reaction occurs when your body is exposed to one of these harmless substances, known as an allergen, and your immune system overreacts.

In order to fight off the intruder, your immune system releases antibodies called Immunoglobulin E , which causes your cells to release histamine. Histamine can increase your mucus production and cause swelling and itching this is what causes your allergy symptoms.

  • Swollen lips, tongue and eyes
  • Dry and red skin

When To See A Doctor

It is best for a person experiencing any ear pain to see a doctor. They will be able to confirm if an allergy or infection is causing the ear pain. They will also be able to rule out other potential causes.

If the doctor believes that allergies are causing the ear pain, they may refer the person to an allergist or immunologist for a thorough diagnosis.

If a person has symptoms of an ear infection that do not improve over 48â72 hours, they should see their doctor.

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Why You Suffer Allergic Reactions

Some people can run through a field of blossom-laden trees and flowers and never utter a cough or sneeze. For others, spring blossoms and other allergens can provoke a wide range of cold-like symptoms. The varying reactions to allergens come down to your immune system and how it sees these allergens.

Some peoples immune systems, see the beautiful spring blossoms as a threat when it enters the body through inhalation or contact with the eyes. This then leads to the production of antibodies, which produce histamine. This is why the primary way to treat allergies is to take anti-histamines.

Can Allergies Affect Your Ears

Top 5 Causes of Itchy Ears (and Treatment Too!)

You likely know someone who battles with allergies or perhaps you even do yourself. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, from hay fever and dust to pollen and cat dander, allergies affect more than 50 million Americans. More people than ever struggle with allergies today and that number is on the rise, says Cara Watts, M.D., a board-certified otolaryngologist with Riverside Ear, Nose and Throat Physicians & Surgeons.

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Home Care Remedies For Ear Allergy Relief

There are dozens of different home care remedies that have been providing ear allergy relief to people for years.

One common home remedy includes applyinggentle heat to the affected ear with either a warm washcloth or a heating pad set on a low setting. This heat is said to relieve pain and help “melt” any excessive earwax that may be building up due to the swollen and irritated eustachian tube.

Anothercommon treatment is applying an icepack or cold washrag to your ear to help dull pain and reduce inflammation in the area. While you’re at it, it’s also recommended to remain in an upright position as opposed to lying down so that any backed-up fluids can drain adequately.

Finally, a less common treatment option that may be worth exploring is chewing gum, as the chewing motions help relieve the pressure associated with ear pain.

How Allergy Medication Helps

The good news is there are several options you can get over the counter to meet your allergy needs. Some of these might require proactive use, such as taking them before you begin to experience any symptoms. The most common over-the-counter options include antihistamines and decongestants.

If your allergies include earaches or ear infections, you might need additional medication. For some people, pain medication can do wonders. If you prefer not to medicate your ear pain, consider using a warm washcloth.

When symptoms persist or become severe, your doctor may prescribe stronger medication. For example, there are some ear drops that may reduce the feeling of pressure build-up in the ear and reduce the pain. If your doctor determines you have an ear infection, he or she might also prescribe antibiotics.

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Can Allergies Contribute To Ear Pain

Once your immune system starts releasing histamine, you may experience ear pain. Ear pain caused by allergies typically occurs due to three different issues:

  • Inflammation blocks the drainage of your Eustachian tubes
  • Fluid build-ups in the middle ear, creating pressure
  • Bacteria can grow in this fluid and lead to infection

How Can You Get A Diagnosis

Ear Pain and Blocked Ear

To get a diagnosis, you must consult with a doctor. If you see a physician in person, they complete a physical exam to check for inflammation in or around your Eustachian tube. They may ask questions and review your medical history.

If it’s deemed that your ear pressure or blocked ear is the result of an allergic reaction, you may need an allergy test to determine your specific allergens.

Allergy tests mainly come in two varieties. The first is a skin prick test, which must be administered in an allergist’s office. A specialist places drops with different allergens on your back, then pricks the skin under the serum. If you have an allergy, a red, itchy hive develops.

The other type of test is a blood test. At Wyndly, we offer an at-home test kit that requires only a single finger prick. Follow the easy-to-understand directions and return the test in the provided packaging. Once the results are in, an allergy doctor creates a personalized treatment plan to address your allergic reactions.

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Can Allergies Cause Ear Infections

If you have allergies, youre at an increased risk for developing an ear infection. The fluid buildup in your ear is a prime location for bacteria to grow and multiply. And bacteria can lead to an infection known as otitis media. Symptoms of this type of ear infection can include:

  • Dizziness and other balance issues
  • Ringing in your ears
  • Trouble hearing

How Do Spring Allergies Affect Your Ears

According to the calendar, its officially spring. Many people look forward to this time of year as a welcome reprieve from cooler wintertime temperatures. Plus, the birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, and colors are vibrant.

If you suffer from spring allergies, however, you may look forward to this season with dread. Thats because allergies wreak havoc on your eyes, nose, and throat, causing you to itch, sneeze, or cough throughout the day. You may even find that spring allergies affect your ears and possibly your hearing. Lets take a look at why that is and also what can be done about it.

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The Ins And Outs Of Ears And Allergies

When people think of allergy problems, what comes to mind most often are the classic symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Many people dont realize that the ears can be affected by allergies, too.

The ear can be divided into three sections: outer, middle and inner.

The outer ear is made up of the ear we see, called the pinna, and the ear canal. The pinna and canal help catch and funnel sound vibrations toward the middle ear. The middle ear begins with the eardrum or tympanic membrane and contains the auditory bones-hammer, anvil, and stapes- which transmit sound vibrations to the inner ear or cochlea . The cochlea converts those vibrations into nerve impulses which can be interpreted by the brain as sound. The cochlea also contains the bodys balance apparatus- the vestibular system.

Treatment With An Ent Specialist

Ear Infections? Do This! | Dr K & Dr Wil

An ENT doctor is a specialist in conditions affecting the ear, nose, and throat, such as allergies. They are the best type of doctor to decide if your symptoms are from allergies, or maybe a sinus infection, or perhaps both. Following a consultation regarding the causes of your allergies and the symptoms affecting your life, ENT doctors may prescribe medications, suggest allergy testing, or order a sinus CT scan to look at your sinuses. And for some patients with severe allergies, they might suggest immunotherapy to treat the source of your allergies rather than just cover up the symptoms with medication.

If you are looking for relief from allergies in Carmel, IN, look no further than Northside ENT. They have everything in one location to take care of you. For questions or to make an appointment today, please call 844-5656. Your ears, nose, and throat will thank you!

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Ear Health Reminder During Allergy Season

Avoid scratching an itch by putting anything inside your ear canal .

Wash your ears gently with a warm, wrung-out washcloth and dry them thoroughly.

If your allergy or hearing loss symptoms persist or experience ear pain, see an Audiologist or ENT physician to ensure your symptoms are evaluated and managed for the best overall results.

Are There Other Kinds Of Treatment

Fortunately, allergy specialists have multiple solutions for treating ear pain related to allergies. They may recommend a combination of nasal sprays, antihistamines, or decongestant tablets. Your healthcare provider might also suggest:

  • Chewing gum to alleviate ear pain
  • Reducing exposure to your allergens
  • Putting a cold pack over your ear
  • Trying allergy immunotherapy

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Inflammation Of The Eustachian Tubes

The Eustachian tubes are the narrow passageways that connect the middle ears to the throat. They allow fluid to drain and equalize pressure between the ears and your environment.

When allergies cause inflammation, it can affect the Eustachian tubes. This causes a feeling of pressure, fullness or pain in the ears and can cause fluid to become trapped.

Allergy Prevention And Treatment

Pediatric ENT at Advanced ENT

The only truly effective way to prevent allergies is to avoid their triggers, but that would involve taking extreme precautions such as remaining indoors for months at a time. Yes, Athens summers are often oppressive, but its unlikely youre willing to hole up between now and October. In lieu of that, you can take steps such as limiting your outdoor activities to morning and evening hours, using an air-conditioner instead of opening windows both at home and while driving, taking a shower after doing yardwork and keeping your pets out of the bedroom.

To ease allergy symptoms, try over-the-counter antihistamines and decongestants. Ibuprofen can help relieve pain, and eye drops should help with itching. Placing a warm washcloth over the affected ear will be helpful in reducing ear pain.

If your symptoms dont clear up in a few days or recur frequently, schedule an appointment with your Athens ENT to discuss long-term treatment strategies.

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How Allergies Affect Your Ears Nose Throat And Eyes

If you have allergies, the changing of the seasons can be a difficult time of the year for you. The CDC estimates some 50 million people have allergies. Some of these allergies can even develop in adulthood, or change throughout your life.

The area of the body most commonly affected by routine allergies is your ears, nose, throat, and eyes.

Were going to take a look at each of these parts of the body and explain why our bodies may react the way they do. All of these allergies are the result of a foreign substance causing sensitivity in your body. When this happens, your body responds by producing antibodies that release histamine.

It is this histamine that causes the itching and mucus reaction that comes with many common allergies.

What Can Allergies Do To My Ears

Allergies can cause swelling and irritation of your outer ear. Nasal swelling and inflammation can also cause pressure and fluid to form in the middle ear. Both of these conditions can cause hearing loss by blocking your ear from receiving sound waves.

You may know that babies and young children often get ear infections through fluid buildup in the middle ear. Allergy-related fluid buildup can also cause infections in both children and adults.

Allergies can also cause inner ear problems, too, such as Menieres disease. Menieres disease is a condition that causes vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. While the exact cause is not known, allergies or the related infections can be a trigger and lead to worsening symptoms, CEENTA ENT doctorJohn Kilde, MD, said.

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Why Ears Are Sometimes Affected

The ear can be divided into three main sections: the inner ear, middle ear, and outer ear. Allergies can affect each area in varying degrees. It is also not uncommon to experience different symptoms throughout the season or from year to year.

One common ear-related symptom some people experience is an itchy outer ear. The ear might even swell and turn red. This happens when the outer ear has an adverse reaction to the presence of pollen or other irritants.

Discomfort in the middle ear can happen when mucus build-up affects pressure in the ears and makes drainage difficult or impossible. This can cause pressure to build up, which can lead to discomfort and pain. It can often cause itchiness, as well. Middle ear infections are fairly common among children while their immune systems are developing.

The worst discomfort and pain arises if your inner ear becomes involved. Your ear plays an important role in your ability to maintain balance and equilibrium. So, disturbances in this region could lead to nausea, dizziness, and loss of balance. Some people might even experience temporary hearing loss.

Sometimes, your ear-related symptoms might not have started in the ear. Instead, congestion can build up pressure that radiates to the ears and cause pain and discomfort. This is why its so important for people not to self-diagnose and self-medicate by using drops in the ears without a doctors directions.

If Youre Experiencing Ear Pain It May Be Allergies

Lymphatic Drainage and Sinus Massage for Allergy, Cold Congestion, and Sinus Pressure Relief

Is there anything more relaxing than a nature hike at Northside Trail? That is, unless youre plagued by allergy symptoms such as itchy eyes, congestion, runny nose, sneezing and even ear pain.

You may be surprised to learn that ear pain can be the result of allergies. We review the connection below.

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How To Prepare For Allergy Season

If you experience seasonal allergies, dont wait until you begin to experience symptoms to seek help. By getting a headstart on your allergies, you are in the best position to reduce them before they spiral into pain. In some cases, you might prevent them altogether.

As allergy season progresses, if you experience new symptoms, your ear doctor can modify your treatment plan accordingly. A proactive approach is especially important if you work outdoors or if the symptoms are so bad that they interfere with your ability to live a normal life.

If you still have questions about how allergies affect your ears, feel free to contact Happy Ears Hearing Center. Start by finding a location near you. We look forward to taking care of you and your family.


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