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HomeExclusiveHow To Help Puffy Eyes From Allergies

How To Help Puffy Eyes From Allergies

Cucumbers Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes And Swollen Eyelids

How To: Reduce puffy allergy eyes naturally

This great vegetable is a great remedy for swollen eyes. Cucumbers contain astringent properties and are not only cooling but soothing as well. They help in constricting blood vessels around the eyelids and thus help in getting rid of the swelling. In case there is any skin irritation with the swelling, cucumbers contain caffeic acid and vitamin C which will be nourishing to the eyes and which help to reduce it.

  • Slice a cucumber into thin circles.
  • Place these into the refrigerator for some time to cool them.
  • While leaning back, place a slice on each eye for 10-15 minutes.

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What Are The Treatments And Home Remedies For Puffy Eyes

For normal puffy eyes that are not caused by other eye conditions, there are many ways to reduce the swelling. The following is a list of ways to treat puffy eyes:

  • Wash face with ice cold water
  • Ice or cold packs
  • Increase vitamin and mineral intake
  • Drink plenty of water to clean out your system
  • If puffy eyes are caused by allergies, discontinue using the item that causes the allergic reaction doctors may also provide shots or prescribe medication
  • Cream for puffy eyes: Try a soothing eye cream with aloe and Vitamin E also look into certain products such as Revitalume and Swanson Creams Vitamin K cream
  • Eye masks to apply mild pressure to the eyelids at night

You may have noticed that common cucumber and tea bag treatment methods are not mentioned here. This is because these items are not recommended by eye care professionals. Cucumbers are over 90 percent water, and the rest is mainly inert fiber.

Although cucumbers do reduce puffy eyes, it is the coldness of the cucumber that does the trick, not the cucumber itself. Coldness is known to constrict blood vessels, which reduces the flow of fluid into soft tissues.

Eye care professionals recommend using a washcloth dipped in cold water, which has the same effect. The reason cucumbers are not recommended is that food sometimes contains bacteria. Putting a possible bacteria source directly onto the eyes can lead to eye infections. The same is true of tea bags.

Medical Options For Under

If youre fed up with under-eye bags, these medical treatments can improve and even eliminate them:

Nonsurgical optionsThese noninvasive treatments smooth the under-eye area:

  • Filler: This treatment places a filler material where the under-eye area and cheek meet to create a smooth transition. The injection is performed in a doctors office under local anesthetic. Results last six to 12 months.
  • Laser resurfacing: This treatment uses a laser to remove surface layers of wrinkly skin in the under-eye area and stimulate new collagen growth, resulting in firmer skin. Results can last years, depending on your skin type and sun exposure.
  • Chemical peel: A chemical peel also treats wrinkly under-eye skin by removing superficial top layers. An in-office application of a chemical solution dissolves old skin cells to reveal tighter, brighter skin. Depending on your skin type and sun exposure, results can last a few years.

Surgical optionA lower eyelid lift is an outpatient procedure where the surgeon readjusts the fat in the lower eye area and tightens the muscle and skin to create a smooth appearance. In most cases, a lower eyelid lift gets rid of under-eye bags for life its rare for people to need future touch-ups.However, says Desai, sometimes patients require multiple therapies to treat under-eye bags, such as combining laser resurfacing with filler or an eyelid lift.

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Treat Your Red Itchy Eyes

Allergic conjunctivitis is a common eye allergy that causes red itchy eyes. Its caused by exposure to allergens like pollen and dust and can be seasonal or chronic.

The good news is there are many remedies for eye allergies. There are over-the-counter eye drops or prescription medications like antihistamines.

Want to know more about treating eye allergies? Check out our other guides for more helpful information and tips.

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When To See A Doctor For Swollen Eyes

The 5 Must

If swollen eyes suddenly appear without an explanation or if they persist despite treatment at home, consider seeing an eye doctor to address the condition. Swollen eyes could lead to worse conditions or an infection if not treated properly.

In some cases, swollen eyes can indicate a bigger issue and require different treatment.

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Diy Home Remedies To Treat Puffy Eyes

Dr. Kiran Sethi, a Delhi-based celebrity dermatologist and integrative aesthetician suggests the following at-home treatments for puffy eyes. These remedies cause vasoconstriction of vessels resulting in less fluid accumulating in the under eye area, she says.

  • Use cold cucumber slices on your eyes for 10 minutes
  • Place cold used green tea bags on eyes for 10 minutes
  • Try using a cold spoon or face roller on your eyes for 5-10 minutes

Flush Irritants Away With Saline Drops Or Artificial Tears

Normal saline drops or artificial tears can be used to flush away irritants that can cause inflammation. While there are many DIYs to make saline drops at home, its critical that you do this in a sterile environment and ensure all utensils and ingredients are uncontaminated. You could also use simple store-bought ones instead. Also, clean your eyelids and the area around your eyes with a wet washcloth to remove any allergens if youve been outside.3

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Rinse Out The Swollen Eyes

Rinse out the eyes if you can with a little bit of water, and thats usually helpful. That will loosen the allergens from the inside of your eyes and help to flush them out.

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How To Use Essential Oils For Puffy Eyes

Reduce Puffy Eyes with home made cold compreses

The first step in finding an effective treatment is identifying the cause of your puffy eyes, and choosing the oil that is best suited to addressing your symptoms.

Once you have selected your oil, it must be diluted with a carrier oil before application. Carrier oils are typically vegetable oils such as avocado or coconut oil and are used to deliver concentrated essential oils safely to the skin.

While the exact dilution will vary by oil, for most, combine 12 drops of essential oil with one fluid ounce of carrier oil.

Since essential oils are relatively safe to apply topically, you can incorporate them into a daily skin care routine. However, as some individuals may experience irritation, it is advised to perform a patch test with your diluted product on the inside of your wrist to determine any sensitivities. If you see no signs of a reaction in the next 24 hours, it should be safe to use.

Be aware that it is very dangerous to apply essential oils, diluted or otherwise, directly to the eyes. This can lead to eye scarring and even blindness. Therefore, when applying the essential oil to this area, be sure to keep a safe distance, and use a minimal amount to avoid any dripping into the eyes.

Typically, essential oil should be applied after cleansing. To use the oil:

  • Moisten a cotton ball with a small amount of diluted oil and apply aroundbut not too closeto the eyes
  • Allow the oil several minutes to penetrate the skin
  • Gently wipe around the eye area and rinse your face
  • Recommended Reading: What Allergy Medicine Is Stronger Than Zyrtec

    When To See An Eye Doctor

    Puffy eyes are not an emergency, but they can be mistaken for swollen eyelids, which may have a serious underlying medical cause.

    Therefore, its a good idea to schedule an exam with your eye doctor to determine whether you have puffy eyes or swollen eyelids and the most effective treatment for it.

    HAVE MORE QUESTIONS? See our Swollen Eyelid FAQs

    Schedule an exam

    Are There Other Therapies For Eye Allergies

    Allergen immunotherapy is also an excellent treatment option for allergic conjunctivitis. If this is appropriate, an individual is seen by an allergist and completes testing for common airborne allergens. Based on the results, an allergist can prescribe immunotherapy that can not only improve symptoms but may also help get rid of existing allergies and also prevent future environmental allergies. Although immunotherapy is effective and safe, there is a small risk of allergic reaction .

    Historically, immunotherapy requires frequent visits to the allergist for subcutaneous injections. As of 2014, the FDA has approved sublingual immunotherapy that can be administered at home for grass and ragweed allergy, so this may be an option for treatment depending on individual sensitivities There is less risk for an allergic reaction with this type of therapy compared to allergy shots.

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    Other Kinds Of Eye Drops

    Some eye drops work only when you take them before your symptoms hit. They take longer to work than antihistamine eye drops, but the effects last longer. Sometimes they are combined with antihistamines. These eye drops need a prescription:

    Ketorolac (Acular or Acuvail0 is another kind of eye drop. It relieves itchy eyes, usually in about an hour. It can sting or burn at first.

    Steroid eye drops like loteprednol treat severe, long-lasting eye allergies. They are usually used only for a short time because they can cause serious side effects.

    If youâre still having symptoms, your doctor may suggest allergy shots. With allergy shots, your body is exposed to increasing amounts of an allergen over time and gradually gets used to it. Depending on the cause of your allergies, oral tablets or drops that work much like allergy shots could be used instead.

    Treatment Options For Swollen Eyelids

    Tip of the day: Puffy eyes can be caused by seasonal ...

    You can treat most cases of eyelid swelling at home with easy home treatments such as cold compresses for periodic eye redness and swelling.

    Chronic cases should be examined by a doctor immediately.

    Common medical treatments for swollen eyes include:

    • Allergy treatments
    • Antibiotic eye drops for bacterial infections
    • Antiviral eye drops for viral eye infections such as herpes
    • Administration of corticosteroids to ease the inflammation
    • incision and drainage of styes and chalazions
    • Surgical removal of foreign objects in the eyelid

    Common home remedies for swollen eyelids include the following:

    • Clean the skin around your affected eyelids gently using water and baby shampoo, then gently pat the area dry.
    • Use artificial tears to rinse and moisten your eyes if you’re experiencing dry eyes
    • Apply cool compresses on the affected area
    • Rest with your head elevated to drain fluids away from the eyes
    • Avoid contact lenses until your swollen eyelids fully recover

    Contact a healthcare expert immediately away if your eyelids swell as a result of a serious allergic reaction.

    Self-care techniques may still help minimize swelling. An injection of epinephrine at the doctor’s office or emergency room may be required to calm the reaction.

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    Splash Face With Cold Water

    Sometimes, it only needs a splash of cold water on your eyes and face. Most of the times, the puffs under eyes form due to faulty fluid circulation within your face. A splash with cold water constricts the blood vessels and starts the fluid circulation thus reducing swelling in no time. You can even put some ice in the water to make it really cold. However, beware! Dont apply this extremely cold water to the skin around your eyes more than a couple of seconds!

    2. Spoon Remedy for Eye BagsTeaspoons are not only for having food and for measuring spices while cooking but it is also a very effective and fast remedy to make your eye bags disappear, even if temporarily. You just have to cool off the spoons, close your eyes and place the cold spoons with curved side down on your closed eyes. There are various ways, however, to make your magic spoon cold:

    • Place 6-8 spoons in a refrigerator and when they get very cold, take them out. Place two spoon on your both the closed eyes. When they get warm, use the next two cold spoons and so on.
    • Put a lot of ice cubes in a bowl filled with water and place 4 spoons in it. Take out two spoons when they are cold enough for the purpose. Place them on closed eyes. When they come to normal temperature, put them again in the cold waters bowl and take out the other two spoons. Now place these two spoons on your eyes. When warm change the spoons. Keep on doing till you see your eye puffs gone.

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    Natural Allergy Relief Options

    What helps relieve allergies fast? Watching what you eat, getting plenty of fresh air and drinking enough water are some of the natural remedies that can relieve allergies by improving functions of the immune system.

    It may take several weeks for your symptoms to subside, but they are likely to be better kept under control when you tackle the root causes. Here are nine ways to get natural allergy relief.

    1. Eat an Anti-Inflammatory, Alkaline Diet

    First and foremost, start eating an anti-inflammatory diet to reduce your risk for allergies and many other health problems. Caring for your body with nutrient-dense foods gives your immune system the ability to repair itself, bringing it back into balance so it can fight off common allergies in your environment.

    Here are some of the best foods and ingredients to incorporate into your diet to help you beat allergies:

    Although its not abundant in many foods, vitamin D is also important for immune function and may help manage allergy symptoms. In fact, certain studies have shown that children who live farther from the equator are more likely to develop allergies and suffer higher rates of hospital admissions due to allergic reactions.

    You can get enough vitamin D by spending about 15 minutes in the sun most days without sunscreen and by eating foods like whole milk and some mushrooms for natural allergy relief.

    2. Local Raw Honey

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    What Causes Puffy Eyes In The Morning

    While we sleep, we dont blink and this is part of the reason why eye puffiness develops.

    Dark circles can form under the eyes from stress or lack of sleep.

    Blinking for eyelids is like walking for legs. When idle, some people develop swelling in their lower extremities that goes away as soon as they start walking and muscles in the legs begin milking the trapped fluids , which are released back into circulation.

    A similar action takes place in the eyelids. During sleep the closed, non-blinking eyelids can potentially swell in certain people prone to this problem. So, in the mornings, you might wake up with unusually puffy, swollen eyelids. After you open your eyes and start blinking, some of this swelling can diminish in an hour or so.

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    Inflammation Of The Cornea Can Also Be Associated With Allergy

    How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes & Dark Circles | Eminence Organics

    The cornea has very few blood vessels , and is seldom involved in an allergic reaction. However, there are a number of causes of small pinpoint defects in the cornea, a condition called epithelial keratitis, which is usually due to drug and chemical exposure, for example:

    • Drug toxicity and drug allergy.
    • Vernal conjunctivitis.
    • Contact sensitivity to topical eye medications such as neomycin, idoxuridine, atropine and derivatives, thiomersal and some topical anaesthetics.

    Specific conditions involving the cornea, which are associated with allergy are listed below.

    Atopic keratoconjunctivitis

    • A combined inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea, most often associated with atopic dermatitis/eczema.
    • Usually results in red, scaly and weeping skin of the eyelids.
    • Secondary infection with Staphylococcus aureus is common and may cause infection of the eyelash follicles.
    • The conjunctiva may be swollen, red and with a tenacious clear or pus containing discharge.
    • The condition can persist for many years and causes severe photophobia, weeping and itching.
    • If the photophobia is severe, it can be difficult for people to open their eyes in direct sunlight.
    • Conjunctival scarring may occur if the persistent condition is not treated properly.


    • May be associated with the severe form of atopic dermatitis in about 8-10% of sufferers.
    • Occurs in children and young adults, even in the absence of steroid therapy.

    Vernal keratoconjunctivitis

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    Puffy Eyes In The Morning

    When we’re sleeping, we don’t blink. And this is part of the reason why eye puffiness develops.

    Dark circles can form under the eyes from stress or lack of sleep.

    Blinking for eyelids is like walking for legs. When idle, some people develop swelling in their lower extremities that goes away as soon as they start walking and muscles in the legs begin “milking” the trapped fluids , which are absorbed back into circulation.

    A similar action takes place in the eyelids.

    The closed, non-blinking eyelids during sleep potentially can swell in certain people prone to this problem. So in the mornings, you could wake up with puffy eyes. When you wake up and start blinking, some of the puffiness gradually goes away.

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    How Do I Reduce Puffy Eyes

    Puffy eyes can occur for a number of reasons, including allergies, eating too much salt, or from crying, among others. It is usually possible, though, to reduce puffy eyes at least slightly with a few simple steps. One of the best ways to target puffy eyes is with a cool compress this can be something as simple as a cool wash cloth or a dedicated eye mask that is put in the refrigerator to cool off. Increasing water in-take as well can help to reduce the amount of salt in the body, and help prevent retaining water. Certain allergy medications can also help to reduce puffy eyes too, in addition to other symptoms like sinus congestion.

    Before you can reduce puffy eyes you need to determine why it is happening. A diet high in salt is a common cause of puffy eyes, because it causes the body to retain water. Cutting back on salt and drinking more water, though it might seem illogical, is one of the best ways to reduce puffy eyes. In addition, the way you sleep can play a role in causing puffy eyes. Sleeping on a very low pillow can cause the eyes to swell at night, so sleeping at a slight angle might help it is also important to be sure to get six to eight hours of sleep each night to prevent tired, swollen eyes the next day.

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