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How To Stop Morning Allergies

How Is It Treated

Tips to prevent Sun Allergy | Morning Cafe | 17/07/2017

There is no cure for allergic rhinitis. One of the best things you can do is to avoid the things that cause your allergies. You may need to clean your house often to get rid of dust, animal dander, or moulds. Or you may need to stay indoors when pollen counts are high.

Unless you have another health problem, such as asthma, you may take over-the-counter medicines to treat your symptoms at home. If you do have another problem, talk to your doctor first. Others who also should talk to their doctor before starting self-treatment include older adults, children, and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

If your allergies bother you a lot and you cannot avoid the things you are allergic to, immunotherapy may help prevent or reduce your symptoms. To have this treatment, you first need to know what you are allergic to.

Finding the treatment that works best for you may take a little time.

What Causes Nighttime Allergies

You may spend the day with few or no allergy symptoms, only to experience sniffles and itchy eyes when you go to bed. Many triggers of morning allergies can cause bedtime allergies, as well.

For example, if your bedroom has more dust mites than elsewhere in your home, they may trigger symptoms as soon as you get into bed. If you donât spend as much time with your pet during the day, your furry friend may not cause your allergies to act up until they have settled into bed with you at night.

Unfortunately, cockroaches may be another possible cause of nighttime allergies, especially in urban homes. Like dust mites, they can shed saliva, feces, and even body parts that trigger allergy symptoms. They can even cause sinus or ear infections. According to ACAAI, the National Pest Management Association says that 63 percent of all U.S. homes contain cockroach allergens, but this number may be 78 percent to 98 percent in urban areas. Cockroaches may enter the home through windows and cracks in the walls or doors.

While pollen counts tend to be higher in the morning, it can also cause nighttime allergies. Warm temperatures push pollen into the air, but cooler evening air means that pollen falls back down to cover outdoor surfaces at night. If you collect pollen in your hair or clothes over the course of the day, it can cause bedtime allergy symptoms once youâre in for the night.

Herbal Medicines And Allergies

Asteraceae is a family of flowering plants, including many common species, and some are used in herbal medicines. Pollen from plants in this family is a common cause of hay fever, asthma and dermatitis.Plants from the Asteraceae family include:

  • plants grown for their flowers chrysanthemums, dahlias, sunflowers, marigolds, safflower and daisies
  • edible foliage plants lettuce, safflower, chicory and artichoke
  • weeds ragweed, mugwort, sagebrush, wormwood, feverfew
  • plants used in some herbal medicines echinacea, dandelion, chamomile, feverfew, milk thistle and wormwood.

Echinacea can cause severe allergic reaction , asthma attacks, severe hives and swelling in some people, and this can occur when the first dose of echinacea is taken.Pollen from plants in the Asteraceae family can also cause an allergic skin reaction on contact. The pollen can be found in herbal medicines, shampoos, cosmetics and massage oils, and includes pollen from plants such as the:

  • chamomile
  • sunflower
  • tansy.

Sensitisation to pollen of plants from the Asteraceae family has also been linked with allergic reactions to other substances that are similar. This is known as cross-reactivity and has caused allergic reactions to:

  • plant-derived herbal medicines echinacea, royal jelly, bee pollen extracts and chamomile
  • foods celery, honey, sunflower seeds, carrot, lettuce, watermelon and nuts.

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Symptoms Of Morning Allergies Include:

â Runny, itchy, or stuffy nose or sneezing

â Itchy, red, or watery eyes

â Coughing or wheezing

â Morning headache, caused by nasal congestion and inflammation

â Sore throat, either from allergens irritating your throat or from mucus collecting in the back of your nose and throat

How To Stop Sneezing From Allergies

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The problem with sneezing is that it usually doesnt come alone. You will also experience issues such as fatigue, lack of concentration, nasal irritation, runny nose, and red eyes. It is therefore important to do something to stop sneezing. There are best ways you may use stop sneezing that is caused by allergies. TMedical Treatment on how to stop sneezing from allergyYou can find several medications to deal with allergies and infections. You can always start with OTC medications called antihistamines to suppress your symptoms. Zyrtec and Claritin are two common options here. Using allergy shots may be a suitable choice that involves exposing your body to specific allergens in small, manageable doses to ensure your immune system doesnt react to it.

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Home Remedies On How To Stop Sneezing

You can try a number of things at home to stop sneezing and control other symptoms. For instance:

  • You may try fennel tea which has natural anti-viral and antibiotic properties fennel can help clear upper respiratory infection and stop sneezing. Simply add a couple of teaspoons of crushed fennel seeds to a boiled cup of water and let them stay there for 15 minutes. Strain it and drink a couple of cups daily to stop sneezing. Be sure to boil the water before adding the seeds.
  • Also try Chamomile tea which has antihistamine properties, so drinking a cup of chamomile tea will help stop sneezing caused by allergies. Simply add a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers to a cup of boiling water. Add some honey to it and let it boil for a few minutes. Drink it twice a day to stop constant sneezing.
  • Also, garlic may help. It is a suitable choice to clear your upper respiratory infection, all thanks to its natural antiviral and antibiotic properties. Simply crush four garlic cloves to make paste and then take deep breaths to inhale its fragrance.
  • Vitamin C: You can add fruits rich in vitamin C to stop sneezing. It works because Vitamin C helps lower the production of histamine. A glass of orange juice will do the trick.
  • Ways To Stop Grogginess After Sleep:

    Though it is essential to meet a doctor in case of severe or long-term grogginess after sleep however in case of general grogginess after sleep or mild conditions of grogginess after sleep you can try out some of the best ways to treat the condition by self at home easily.

    Will you not look for some of the best possible ways you can stop grogginess after sleep? So, here below are some of the best remedies that would help you out!

  • Try something interesting in the morning to help stop grogginess after sleep: Personal interests make a better person! Try out something interesting that you have never done before. May it be gym workouts, may it be playing out video games or may it be painting your imagination go for something really interesting to do in the morning as soon as you wake up. Having done this for a day or two will make you more interested in getting up early and working out your favourite interests. This would gradually turn you to a early and active riser in the morning and you would easily be able to say Goodbye to the grogginess after sleep because you would be having something even interesting than falling asleep again or feeling lazy, groggy or tired in the morning.
  • Deep Breathing Can Help You Stop Grogginess After Sleep: Taking few deep breaths in the night before sleep and in the morning after sleep can help you reduce the grogginess after sleep. Deep breathings aids in a health oxygen flow in the body and thus aids in making you feel being more active.
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    Other Tests For Allergies

    In most cases, you do not need testing. But your doctor may suggest some tests to make sure that another condition is not causing your symptoms. These tests include:

    • Imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. These tests can show if you have a sinus infection , chronic inflammation of the sinus lining, structural defects of the nose, or, in rare cases, cancer.
    • Rhinoscopy or nasalendoscopy. Both of these tests look for nasal polyps and other problems that may block the nasal cavity.
    • Mucociliary clearance testing. This test looks for abnormal cilia in people who have very thick nasal discharge. Cilia are tiny hairs on the lining of the nasal passages. These tiny hairs beat back and forth to remove particles from the nose. Certain rare diseases can cause problems in the cilia, which can lead to more nasal discharge.

    S For Allergy Prevention

    Ways to Prevent Sun Allergy | Morning Cafe | 08/08/2017

    Once you know dust allergies are causing your problems you might be surprised at how simple it is to keep them under control.

  • The first and most important step is to create an allergy free bedroom. Begin by removing all of upholstered furniture from your room. Then replace curtains with mini blinds and when possible tear up all carpets.
  • Next enclose your mattress, box spring and pillows in an allergy barrier. Select barriers designed to trap particles smaller than 2 microns to ensure you can effectively trap dust mites and their waste. It is also recommended that you purchase hypoallergenic blankets or buy blankets durable enough to withstand frequent washing in hot water.
  • The third step for waking symptom free is to invest in a quality air purifier. You can purchase a room air purifier that has the ability to effectively clean dust mites particles from the air.
  • Once you have everything in place youâll begin to notice a difference right away. The longer your allergen barriers are in place the clearer youâll breathe in the mornings. Before you know it your dust allergy symptoms will be a thing of the past and youâll be ready to share your success with others.

    About the Author:

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    How To Stop Sneezing And Runny Nose

    A runny nose means that your nasal lining is producing excessive amounts of mucus. With various home remedies for runny nose and related symptoms the likes of nasal congestion, sneezing, and cough, you may however be able to get back your optimum health faster.How to treat sneezing at homeCommon cold is the main cause of most cases of runny nose. As a viral infection, common cold has no cure, but there are various remedies that you can use to improve and hasten the healing of runny nose and other symptoms associated with common cold including fever, sore throat, headache, and itchy eyes. Here are some of these runny nose remedies:

  • Saline nasal spray
  • A nasal spray made of salt can help to relieve runny nose and other symptoms that usually accompany it including congestion. Apart from aiding in thinning and flushing out of mucus and irritants, salt also helps to fight bacteria.To make a saline nasal spray at home, simply mix a ¼ teaspoon of common salt with a glass of lukewarm water and then and administer it to your nostrils drop-wise using a small dropper. You can also add ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to make the solution even more effective. After adding a few drops to each nostril, finish by blowing the nose gently to remove the excess solution.

  • Vapor rubs
  • This is one of those simple but very powerful home remedies for runny nose and congestion. Vapor rubs contain beneficial natural and synthetic ingredients that improve cold symptoms tremendously.

  • Okra
  • Lemon juice
  • Ways To Prevent Morning Allergy Triggers

    The good news is that there are steps you can take to limit your morning allergy symptoms. Some things to try include:

    • Keep windows closed: When pollen counts are high, close windows and use air-conditioning instead.
    • Take allergy medicine: When taken before exposure to pollen, antihistamines can keep your allergy symptoms at bay.
    • Shower before bed: Showering will remove pollen from your skin and hair. Be sure to put on clothing that has not been exposed to allergens before getting into bed, too.
    • Lower humidity: This can help reduce dust mite allergies and indoor mold allergies.
    • Clean regularly: Cover your mattress and pillows with special dust mite covers and wash your bedding in hot water every week. In addition, dust hard surfaces and vacuum carpets, especially those in the bedroom.
    • Replace carpet with hard flooring: Pet dander and dust mites love to hide in carpets. If you cant replace all carpets in the home, start with the one in your bedroom.

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    Pollen Allergies Are Seasonal

    The season for pollen allergies can last for several months and occurs when the plants are flowering. This will vary depending on location and the type of plant. For instance:

    • Non-native trees tend to pollinate in late winter and spring.
    • In Victoria, winds from the north tend to bring pollen from non-native grasses growing inland between October and December.
    • White Cypress pine is the only Australian tree that produces highly allergenic pollen and it flowers between late July and the end of August.
    • Species of casuarina or Australian oak trees produce pollen throughout the year and can cause hay fever symptoms at any time.

    The medical specialists who diagnose allergies have online calendars showing when common species of pollen cause allergies in the states and territories of Australia.

    How To Prevent Diarrhea Every Morning

    Morning Allergies Runny Nose

    There are also a number ways to prevent diarrhea every morning, including:

    • Avoiding substances: Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which are known to stimulate the digestive tract.
    • Keeping hydrated: When diarrhea in the morning is a problem, its best to focus on hydration. Consume two cups of liquid every couple of hours, including water, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, and bone broths.
    • Aromatherapy: Several essential oils have antispasmodic properties that relieve stomach cramps and diarrhea every morning, including lemon balm, lavender, and chamomile oils.

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    Why Are My Allergies Worse In The Morning And At Night

    Do you wake up with morning headaches, feeling congested, or sniffling? Do you struggle to go to sleep at night because of sneezing and wheezing?

    If you have seasonal or environmental allergies, your symptoms may come and go at different times of the day. You may experience worse nighttime allergies, morning allergies, or even both.

    Hereâs why your allergies may be worse at night or in the morning, and what you can do about it.

    Whats Causing My Seasonal Allergies

    Like any allergy, hay fever develops when your bodys immune system becomes sensitized to certain particles in the environment that it considers dangerous. The seasonal allergies you have depend on the time of year when common outdoor allergens, according to American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, like molds and fungi release their spores or when grasses, trees or weeds release pollen into the air.

    During springtime, tree pollen is the most frequent culprit of allergies. Springtime is also coincidentally pollen season when pollination is at its peak. Then, summer tends to bring grass pollen allergies and fall ragweed allergies. To fight against any perceived invader, or allergen, your body releases chemicals, including histamine, into the bloodstream. And for allergy sufferers this results in allergy symptoms your irritating cough, runny nose or itchy throat.

    The best route to take is to first test for allergies to see what it is that is causing the allergic reaction.

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    What Causes Allergic Rhinitis

    Allergic rhinitis is caused by the immune system reacting to an allergen as if it were harmful.

    This results in cells releasing a number of chemicals that cause the inside layer of your nose to become swollen and too much mucus to be produced.

    Common allergens that cause allergic rhinitis include pollen , as well as mould spores, house dust mites, and flakes of skin or droplets of urine or saliva from certain animals.

    Bacterial And Viral Infections

    How to cure allergies,, rhinitis (morning)with acupressure

    Chronic diarrhea is a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection.

    The most common viral infections that cause diarrhea include rotavirus, norovirus, and adenovirus.

    The rotavirus in particular is a common cause of baby diarrhea every morning.

    Bacterial infections can cause serious cases of diarrhea, often occurring after the consumption of contaminated food or water.

    Shigella, Salmonella, and Campylobacter are the most common bacterial strains that cause diarrhea.

    Other symptoms associated with bacterial and viral infections include inflammation, fatigue, cramping, vomiting, fever, sneezing, and coughing.

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    What Causes Grogginess After Sleep

    Grogginess after sleep can be referred to Sleep inertia which most people experience after getting up from the bed. It usually lasts for 2 minutes to 4 hours but typically lasts for 15-30 minutes on average. During this period, one feels like he or she is deprived of much energy to take the days actions, feel lazy and tired even after the sleep. Usually lack of sleep or sleep below 8 hours can get this groggy feel after sleep. Sometimes they are mild and can be ignored as they naturally get cleared off with the days job. However, at times the level of impairment in the condition can be serious. .

    What Causes Seasonal Allergies

    Airborne agents , such as pollen, grass, mold, cedar, ragweed, or even some chemicals, are breathed in. Once they enter our bodies, these allergens start to wreak havoc. The immune system mistakenly sees the pollen as a danger and releases antibodies that attack the allergens and release a chemical called histamine into the nose, eyes, and lungs. Histamine is intended to attack harmful agents and remove them from the body. One of the main things that histamine does is cause inflammation.

    The good news is there are many natural remedies you can try to control your allergy symptoms:

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