Treating An Eye Injury
What Is Allergic Conjunctivitis
Different allergens can cause allergic conjunctivitis, including animal dander, mold, and dust mites, per MedlinePlus, a resource from the US National Library of Medicine. When your eyes are exposed to an allergy-causing substance, this causes your body to release a substance called histamine. When this happens, the blood vessels in your conjunctivaethe membranes that cover the fronts of your eyes and line the inside of your eyelidsbecome swollen.
When you’re experiencing allergic conjunctivitis, it might be difficult to tell which part of the eye, exactly, is swollenand the answer isn’t always the same, Feryal Hajee, MD, an allergist and immunologist at Metropolitan Asthma and Allergy in Little Silver, New Jersey, tells Health. Sometimes, when a person is suffering from allergic conjunctivitis, the actual eyeball is swollen. This should warrant an immediate trip to a medical facility. However, other times, the eyelid is swollen, which should be treated, but doesn’t necessarily warrant a trip to the emergency room, says Dr. Hajee.
Allergic conjunctivitis has been associated with other allergy-related health conditions, says Dr. Hajee, including eczema , asthma, and allergic rhinitis . She adds that allergic conjunctivitis can be worse for patients who also suffer from dry eye syndrome.
Types Of Eyelid Problems
Your symptoms might give you an idea of the cause. Do not self-diagnose see a GP if you’re worried.
Eyelid symptoms |
xanthelasma, sometimes caused by high cholesterol |
Blisters or scabs with a rash on the body |
Eyelid symptoms |
Eyelid symptoms |
Eyelid symptoms | |
Lower eyelid drooping and turning inwards | entropion |
Skin above upper eyelid drooping down over eye | dermatochalasis |
Edge of upper eyelid drooping down over eye | ptosis |
rarely, a serious condition like myasthenia gravis or a brain tumour |
Eyelid symptoms | |
Frequent blinking or twitching, sometimes with uncontrollable eye closing | a type of dystonia called blepharospasm |
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Alleviating A Swollen Eyelid Due To Allergies
What Is The Treatment For Dry Eye
Artificial tears lubricant eye drops are the main treatment for dry eye. They can keep the eye moist and reduce symptoms. You can buy artificial tears at a drug store or grocery store without a prescription. They come in liquid, gel or ointments. Preservative-free artificial tears are best for long-term use, but they are more expensive.
Other things you can do to help improve dry eye include:
- Try to blink a lot, especially when you are reading or using a computer. This helps keep your eyes moist.
- Avoid excess air conditioning or heating as much as you can. Also avoid sitting directly in the flow of cold or hot air.
- Use a humidifier in your bedroom and any other space where you spend a lot of time.
- Use goggles or moisture chambers if your doctor or nurse suggests them. Moisture chambers are special devices that fit on your glasses. They can help keep your eyes moist. You can buy moisture chambers at most stores that sell glasses.
Additional treatments include prescription eye drops and anti-inflammatory medicines. If these are not successful, tear duct plugs or surgery that requires the assistance of an ophthalmologist may be recommended.
Many people with difficult-to-control dry eye struggle with wearing contact lenses and may need to stop using them for as long as symptoms persist.
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Why Your Eyelids Itch
Several things can make your eyelids feel itchy. Seasonal allergies are the most common cause, but other triggers can make your eyelids itch too. The itchy feeling can happen in one eyelid or both eyelids at the same time.
Different causes can call for different treatments, so its important to use the right remedy for your specific problem.
You can usually treat itchy eyelids yourself, but some cases may need professional treatment from a doctor.
If your eyelids itch for any reason, its generally a good idea to remove contact lenses and stop using any eye makeup or cleansers near your eyes. Then avoid use as much as possible until the itchiness goes away.
Bacterial Or Viral Eye Infections
Anytime your eye is infected, inflammation of the eye and lids is sure to follow. Unlike allergy-related inflammation, bacterial or viral eye infections typically involve goopier eyes in addition to redness, irritation, excessive tearing, and light sensitivity.
Because eye infections are highly contagious, we recommend checking in with your eye doctor or physician. In most cases, well want to take a look to determine the cause of the infection so we can prescribe the right drops or ointment. Most eye infections begin to clear up within 24-hours of using prescription drops.
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Swollen Eyelid From Eye Trauma
You got punched in the face. Walked into a wall? Either way, your eyelid is swollen and bruised. You should grab a bag of expired peas and ice that baby. Ice-ice-baby. Sorryback to your eye. Next time keep your cool and stop fighting with walls. But.if it hurts to move your eye at all , you are unable to fully move your eye, or your vision isnt normal, then go to your local urgent care or primary provider right away.
Tips To Ease Swollen Eyes
Remember, these are your eyes were talking about, so check with your doctor or ophthalmologist before you try any treatment. But if you’re looking for relief, consider the following home remedies and medical interventions.
Wash your face. Washing your face is one of the first things you should do to combat itchy, swollen eyes, says Ogbogu. It can help wash away the allergens sticking to your skin and eyelashes.
Rinse out the eyes. “Rinse out the eyes if you can with a little bit of water, and that’s usually helpful,” Ogbogu says. That will loosen the allergens from the inside of your eyes and help to flush them out.
Apply a cold compress. “Cold compresses around the eyes can be helpful with itching and swelling,” says Ogbogu. Soak a towel or washcloth in cold water or refrigerate a damp cloth or eye pillow. Then lie down with the compress across your eyes to let the coolness reduce swollen eyelids.
Try allergy eye drops. Ogbogu suggests trying an over-the-counter eye drop made to soothe itchy, swollen eyes caused by allergies. An ophthalmologist might prescribe an antihistamine eye drop. The AAO cautions that using these drops for more than three days may actually increase irritating symptoms.
Mast cell stabilizer eye drops can also be effective, preventing the release of histamines in your body. Unlike antihistamines, these need to be administered before exposure to an allergen in order to prevent itching, notes the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.
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Common Causes Of Swollen Eyes
Swollen eyes can be caused by a number of things including,but not limited to:
Injury to the eye or surrounding area for example following a fall or blow to the eye in sport can cause inflammation and swelling of the eyelids.
Conunctivitis also known as “pink eye”, this affects the surface of the eye, but can also cause inflammed and swollen eyelids.
Eye allergies are caused when the body reacts to certain substances called allergens. These includes things like dust, pet fur, pollen, certain eye drops or contact lens solutions, as well as some types of make-up.
Styes although theyre usually just a small, tender bump on the edge of your eyelid, it can cause the whole eyelid to swell too.
A chalazion is a hard cyst that develops on the eyelid. Its often confused with a stye and can cause the same tenderness and eyelid swelling.
Most Eyelid Problems Are Harmless
Many eyelid problems are not serious.
It’s fairly common to have any of these problems:
- a lump that goes away by itself after 3 or 4 weeks
- mildly itchy, flaky or sticky eyelids that clear up by themselves
- swelling from a nearby insect bite, injury or operation that goes away after a week or so
- twitching or blinking from time to time often when you’re tired
- eyelids that droop as you get older
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What Causes Swollen Eyelids
Swelling on eyelids can have several potential causes, which may have other symptoms, depending on how serious the condition is. By themselves, swollen eyelids may be a temporary condition. They can feel uncomfortable or irritating, but they will go away on their own.
Your eyelids may swell when there is inflamed tissue or excessive fluid around the connective tissues of the eye near the eyeball. The experience may be painful, hot, itchy, or uncomfortable, or it may simply look odd.
Aside from enlarged tissues around your eyes and difficulty moving your eyelids, symptoms associated with swollen eyes include:
- Itching or scratchy sensations in or around your eyes.
- Dryness or flaking skin on or around the eyelid.
- Pain or feeling hot .
Red Or Itchy Swollen Eyelids
Scratching is the last thing you wish to do when any part of your body gets itchy. There are a number of things causing or resulting in the swelling and itchiness some of which we have highlighted under signs and symptoms. These include allergy or dermatitis.
What causes red swollen eyelids? Besides them becoming irritated, the skin around them can turn red if you insist on rubbing and scratching. If not treated, itchy eyes or inflammation with rubbing can lead to redness and swelling.
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When Should You See A Doctor For Swollen Eyelid
A simple eyelid swelling usually resolves within 24 hours. If it does not go away with simple home remedies as described above, you should see a doctor. You should also visit a doctor if:
- You have painful eyes
- You cannot bear to look at a bright light
- The eyelid swelling is blocking your vision
- Your eyelids are drooping
Facial Nose Or Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid surgery, sometimes done to correct entropion or ectropion , or for cosmetic reasons, is an example of intentional injury to the eyelids which causes bruising and swelling. The eyelids can be so swollen after eyelid procedures that you can’t see for several days. See the separate leaflet called Eyelid Surgery.
Eyelid swelling and bruising also tend to result from other surgery to the nose and lower face. This is because the blood – and the swelling – from these procedures tends to track behind the skin of the face to areas where it can pool easily, and this includes the eyelids. The bruising and swelling can be dramatic and can take several weeks to settle down completely.
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Healing An Infected And Swollen Eyelid
Swollen Eyelids From Bug Bites
Lastly is the bug bite eye. . You played outside until dusk and little Susie got a big bite or two on her face. She wakes in the morning with a giant swollen eye lid . Dont panic . She was lying down all night and the swelling just hung out in her soft, thin eyelid. As soon as she has been up and about for a few hours, the eyelid swelling should go down and she should look less like a cyclops.
To treat her swollen eyelid, make a paste with water and baking soda and apply to the bite. Get those frozen peas out again and ice that eye. The swelling should start to improve over the next 24-48 hours. Eyelid swelling from a big bite shouldnt worsen as the days go on. Instead, the localized reaction should improve. Also, no fevers well because thats not normal with a bug bite. Got a fever? Call!
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What Causes The Dark Blue
This is called the allergic shiner when theres swelling of tissue and fluid buildup in and around the eyes, blood starts to pool, darkening the skin and creating dark circles. The allergic shiner is also a common sign of environmental allergies to pollen, dust mites or pet dander, and it can also indicate food allergy.
Other Causes Of Eyelid Swelling
Eyelid swelling can be due to a variety of infections and other conditions, including:
- cavernous sinus thrombosis, which refers to a blood clot in the cavity at the base of the brain
- eye cancer
- organ failure, such as heart, liver, or kidney failure
- shingles, or herpes zoster ophthalmicus
- sinus infection or sinusitis
Because a swollen eyelid can be a symptom of a serious underlying condition, speak with your doctor if your eyelid swelling persists or if you experience additional symptoms.
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Swollen Eyelids In Children Under 3
If your child who is under three years old has yellow goopy swollen eyes, they also might have an ear infection. If they are totally happy and sleeping well with no signs of a boogey nose , then it might be just the eyes . Unfortunately, its common for boogery kids to have both an ear infection AND conjunctivitis. You are likely going to have to be seen for the eyes regardless of other symptoms, but especially if your little booger has boogers, a cough, runny nose or fever.
Your little one will likely do better with greasy messy antibiotic ointment, but if you can coordinate with a helper, the antibiotic drops are easy and quick if you have good aim! They both work equally great! Your child will be contagious for 24 hours after starting antibiotic drops. Wash your hands and clean the doorknobs you can get it too!