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Do Pine Trees Cause Allergies

Tree Pollen To Avoid If You Live In These 4 Regions

Virtual Pollen Guide: Trees That Cause Allergies

For many allergy sufferers springtime brings the worst of the pollen-induced allergy season. But depending on where you live and which pollen types you are sensitive to, you may be dealing with symptoms of your pollen allergy for longer than you expect. While many trees pollinate during the spring, there are some that release high levels of pollen through the summer, fall and winter months. Knowing which kinds of trees pollinateand whencan make you better prepared to get through the next allergy season.

Things That Make It Worse

1. Warm, windy days. Wind picks up dry pollen and sends it into the air. When it’s cold or damp, pollen counts are usually lower.

2. Certain fruits and vegetables. If you have nasal allergies to certain trees, you have a higher risk of allergic symptoms from some of these foods. For instance, if you’re allergic to birch trees, you may get itchiness or swelling in your mouth or around your face after eating almonds, apples, carrots, celery, cherries, coriander, fennel, hazelnuts, kiwi, peaches, pears, or plums.

3. Having trigger trees in your yard. How close you live to a tree makes a big difference. When one’s in your own yard, it could expose you to 10 times as much pollen as a tree down the street.

Tips To Manage Your Allergy

Get tested. It’s important to know which trees trigger your allergies. Once you do, you can figure out how to minimize your exposure to their pollen.

Avoid contact. Itâs simple: Stay inside when pollen counts are high. Keep your windows shut. If you are going outside wear a baseball cap, and when you come in, rinse your face and wash your hands — and you may even want to change your clothes.

Remove trigger trees. If one in your yard clearly causes symptoms, prune back the branches to reduce the amount of pollen it releases. You could also take it out and replace it with one thatâs less likely to cause allergies, like apple, cherry, dogwood, fir, or pine trees.

Treat it. Medicine — antihistamines — can ease or prevent allergy symptoms. Allergy shots and other forms of âimmunotherapyâ can also make a difference.

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Which Christmas Tree Is Best For Allergies

If you are among the people whose holiday season is intruded upon by Christmas tree allergies, you may be tempted to forgo the tree altogether. Before you do, here are a few suggestions that have helped others with allergies.

Buy a different type of live tree

If you experience respiratory irritation to pine trees, trying another species of tree, such as fir, spruce, or cypress, may help. Some people prefer the Concolor fir , while others point out that the Leyland cypress or Eastern white pine may also be great for people with allergies or who are sensitive to tree scents. Note, however, that if you are looking for a specific type of tree, you may need to begin your search early to find one in your area.

Research before going artificial

Though artificial trees may seem like the safest option, the Christmas Tree Association warns that some brands may be made with materials that cause sinus irritation. Additionally, many artificial Christmas trees may off-gas volatile organic compounds that were used in the manufacturing process.

There are also many other creative ways to get the feel of a Christmas tree without having to worry about allergies or VOCs. For example, you can:

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What Can I Eat If Im Allergic To Peanuts

Plant Pollination [Slideshow]

Most children with allergies can safely eat foods with peanut oil, unless it is cold-pressed, expressed, or expelled peanut oil. Dont give your child cold-pressed, expressed, or expelled peanut oil. Ask your childs healthcare provider if its safe to give your child foods with or cooked in other types of peanut oil.

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Are You Allergic To Your Christmas Tree

by Alan S. Berger, M.D. | Dec 5, 2019 | Allergies

Allergies are not typically something that come to the front of the mind during the Christmas holiday season. Yet studies have shown that the cold weather can exacerbate symptoms in those suffering from asthma and hay fever and exacerbating this further could be that lush Christmas tree sitting in your living room, hanging with all its glittering ornaments.

Over 50 million people in the US suffer from some type of allergy every year. As the festive season begins, the cold brings people indoors where they are more frequently exposed to certain allergens such as dust and animal dander from pets. Add into the mix a Christmas tree whether straight out of the ground or out of the basement and there are suddenly a lot more potentially irritating particles floating in the air.

One study investigating allergies to live Christmas trees found that 7% of individuals with a history of allergies had specific reactions to conifers. Examples of conifers are pine trees, firs, and spruce trees all popular for putting presents underneath.

A conifer allergy may result in symptoms such as:

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy eyes and nose
  • Skin rashes

Though most people who are going to react to the tree do so within 24 hours, 15% of individuals find that their allergy symptoms can be delayed by several days from the tree first being introduced into the house.

Coping With Christmas Tree Allergies

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Did you know that you could be allergic to Christmas trees? More precisely, its pine trees that can cause allergic reactions, including itchy and reddish eyes, sneezing, a rash, or sometimes more serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing.

An allergist, or primary care doctor, can take a detailed history of your reactions to pine nuts or pine pollen, and then administer tests and recommend appropriate treatment.

A common method for testing a patient for this type of allergy involves placing a very small amount of pine pollen or pine nut on the skin. Then the skin is lightly pricked so that a tiny amount goes into the patients skin. After a period of time the area is examined for redness or other changes that would indicate an allergic sensitivity, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology .

The most common thing is going to be eye irritation, if youve touched your eyes, a little cough and sneezing,;says;Sergio Segarra, M.D., chief medical officer at;Baptist Hospital of Miami;and an emergency physician. You can get some welts in your hands. You can get an area of redness and a little irritation of the skin.

If pine pollen is a trigger for allergies, then another type of Christmas tree may be better suited for your household, including fir, spruce or cypress.

Tips for Avoiding Christmas Tree AllergiesHere are some tips for reducing indoor allergens related to Christmas trees in the home:

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Pine Lumber And Sawdust

Pine dust from sawing pine tree logs can impact allergies and may be associated with worsening asthma. In a study of this phenomenon, both green sawdust and dry pine dust were associated with changes in lung function. Exposure to green dust, in particular, seemed to have a sensitizing affect, impacting an individuals risk for developing future allergies.

Can You Get A Rash From Pine Trees

Look at the pollen in this pine tree


While pine tree allergy is relatively uncommon, there are two main allergens of concern that come from pine trees: pine nuts and pine pollen. Pine nut allergies are similar to other tree nut allergies, and can cause mild, moderate, and severe allergic responses including anaphylaxis.

Additionally, what does an anxiety rash look like? Anxiety rashes often look like hives which can appear anywhere on the body. They are generally red and blotchy and can either be really small or take up space on your body. Sometimes, these blotchy spots can form to create even bigger welts. This rash will most likely itch which will make it burn when you touch it.

In respect to this, can you get a rash from Christmas trees?

People with rashes might be allergic to a component of the Christmas tree’s sap. The irritating material that comes from the sticky sap is called colophony or rosin, and it can cause a rash similar to one from poison ivy, developing in the day or two after touching the tree.

What does the Christmas tree rash look like?

Christmas tree rash is a fine, itchy, scaly rash that usually appears first as a single patch on the chest, abdomen or back. This rash may spread as small patches to other parts of the back, chest and neck. The rash may form a pattern on the back that resembles a Christmas tree.

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What Is Tree Pollen

Seed-bearing plants, including trees, create pollen as a part of their reproductive process. Because trees are typically rooted in one place, they must rely on the wind to spread the pollen spores that they release into the air. To counteract this method of untargeted pollen distribution, trees produce high levels of pollen that can be carried on the wind for miles. If you have a tree pollen sensitivity, it means that your immune system overreacts when it comes into contact with pollen. Symptoms of a pollen allergy can include sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, and a runny or stuffy nose. More severe allergic reactions to pollen can even trigger asthma attacks.

Canadian Tree Pollen Allergy Guide

What to Know

In Canada, the largest concentration of tree pollen is released between mid-March and mid-June. Wet weather may provide some relief by clearing away pollens, but may initially exacerbate allergies by bursting pollen particles, spreading allergens farther.1

Common Pollinators

Where: Manitoba to Nova Scotia

When: September-October

Where: All provinces and territories except Nunavut

When: April June

This site is published by McNeil Consumer Healthcare, division of Johnson & Johnson Inc. which is solely responsible for its content. It is intended for visitors from Canada only.

The pollen level data and weather data contained within the Pollen Forecast is provided by third parties for informational purposes only. McNeil Consumer Healthcare, division of Johnson & Johnson Inc. does not guarantee the availability of and does not assume any responsibility or liability direct or implied for, or endorse the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of, any information or data contained or displayed.

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Identifying And Treating Pine Pollen Allergy

Schedule an appointment with an allergist if you think you may be allergic to pine pollen. Several tests identify allergies to pine pollen. The most common test involves placing pollen on the skin and evaluating the reaction. Blood tests are evaluated in the lab.

The allergist will discuss treatment with you and prescribe or recommend medication to control the symptoms. Options include calamine lotion;to reduce itching and prescription nasal sprays.

Another way to reduce the amount of pollen to which you are exposed is avoidance. High pollen levels typically occur between 5 and 10 a.m. Dry air and breezes encourage its travel. Stay inside as much as possible during that time. Here are other tips to avoid pollen exposure.

What Is Pine Pollen

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There are close to 175 species in the genus Pinus and in the family Pinaceae, all of which produce pollen. Most commercial pine pollens are from the Pinus massoniana or Pinus sylvestris species. Pines are generally monoecious, which means they have male and female cones on the same tree.

The pine tree pollen produced does not come from the female “pine cones” most people are familiar with, but from the male cone or “catkin”, a softer spiky shoot that buds every year in early spring. This is what creates the pollen used to fertilize the growth of female pine cones.

The actual microscopic grains come in a few shapes and sizes, but typically are spherical and have a “mickey mouse-looking” shape when viewed under a microscope. The ears of the mouse being the “wings” of the pollen designed most likely to fly long distances through the air.

Many parts of the pine tree itself are edible or likewise have an herbal component. The pine needles, young shoots, resin, inner bark and of course pine nuts have all been used throughout human history. Native American populations considered pines and their abundance of food resources a sacred tree.

What is Cell-Wall Broken Pine Pollen?

Pine pollen straight from the tree, under the right circumstances, can be a nutritious top superfood with bioabsorbable constituents beneficial to health and immune functions.

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What Are The Different Types Of Pollen Allergies

There are a lot of plants that produce and release pollen into the air, light enough to travel through the air, and being exposed to some of these plant species might trigger some allergic reactions. Here are five different types of pollen allergies:

  • Oak Pollen Allergy ;considered to be mildly allergenic compared to other trees. This can cause a severe allergic reaction to some people with pollen allergies since it stays in the air for a long period of time.
  • Birch Pollen;Allergy ;the most common airborne allergens during the spring. It produces a certain fresh that can trigger allergic reactions in people with birch tree pollen allergies.
  • Pine Pollen;Allergy the super-fine yellow dust you see on your car in the morning is tree pollen or pine pollen to be exact. Pine pollen allergy gives you a problem when the trees reproduce in the springtime.
  • Grass Pollen;Allergy ;the primary trigger of pollen allergies during summer months. It causes some of the most difficult to treat symptoms. But, allergy shots and tablets can be highly effective in relieving symptoms.
  • Ragweed Pollen;Allergy ; the main culprit of allergies among weed pollens and the most active pollen between late spring and fall months.

Can You Suddenly Become Allergic To Nuts

The answer to the question, can you all of the sudden become allergic to peanuts? is certainly yes. Food allergies can develop at any time in an individuals life. However, it is important to recognize that adult-onset peanut allergy appears to be far less common than other potential allergies, such as shellfish.

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Don’t Blame Pine Trees For Springtime Sneezes

With all the beauty of spring comes the nuisance of pollen.

What is pollen?

DON’T BLAME THE PINES! Pine pollen, stained and photographed under a microscope, looks otherworldy. But those wings help it fly through the air to get to pine cones where it helps ensure next year’s young pine trees. It also carries it to your car, your windows and into your nose and eyes where it can irritate delicate membranes. But Coder said few people are allergic to pine pollen — most ÿ allergies are to other trees’ pollen.

Pollen is the male part of a plant’s life. It isn’t good or bad. It’s just there, in great volume, in the spring. Some people consider spring pollen season a bad time, especially if they are allergic to specific pollens.

Large pines surround us in our yards, along our streets and in our forests. These giant plants release huge amounts of pollen into the air every year to assure a new generation of pines.

Large pollens from trees like pine can get in the way and make a mess. But it’s the small pollens of other trees that cause various symptoms of hay fever.

Don’t blame the pines

Don’t blame the pines for allergy attacks. Look to mold spores and weed pollens that are around all summer. Tree pollens have a short distribution period.

On warm, dry, windy days you can see yellow clouds of pine pollen billowing across the landscape. Two side wings hold these big pollen grains aloft. These wings also make pine pollen big enough to see.

Pollen movement

Other trees

Pollinating Trees You Can Live With

Pine Pollen Abundance | Power food for the 21st century | Harvesting, Benefits and Herbal Pharmacy

Obviously, the fewer allergenic trees in an individual’s immediate vicinity, the less the chance of exposure. Good news is that the great majority of wind-borne pollen grains of all species are deposited quite close to their source. The closer to the tree the pollen stays, the less potential they have to cause allergy.

Remember, a pollen-producing tree or shrub next to a home can create ten times more exposure than a tree or shrub one or more houses away. Get those high-risk trees away from your home.

One rule of thumb: flowers with large blooms usually produce heavy pollen. These trees attract insects that transport pollen and do not depend on wind transportation. These trees are generally lower in their allergy potential. Also, “perfect” flowers on trees are desired. A perfect flower is one that has both male and female parts in a single flower not just male and female parts on the same tree. Perfectly flowered trees include crabapple, cherry, dogwood, magnolia, and redbud.

Trees that are considered to cause fewer allergy problems are:Female ash, female red maple , yellow poplar, dogwood, magnolia, double-flowered cherry, fir, spruce, and flowering plum.

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What Are The Pollen Allergy Treatments

There are a lot of ways for pollen allergy treatment. One quick way is to purchase over-the-counter and prescription medicines to help reduce its symptoms. Here are the best over-the-counter medication for pollen allergies your allergist may prescribe:

  • Nasal Steroids these drugs are usually the first choice for the treatment of pollen allergy. ;They help prevent nasal itching, nasal inflammation, and runny nose. These drugs are safe and are effective for most people.
  • Antihistamines these drugs come in different forms. You can buy it in a tablet, liquid, or nasal spray form. This drug will not cure your pollen allergy, however, it will give you much-needed relief from the symptoms youre experiencing, like nasal congestion or a runny nose.
  • these drugs will unclog your stuffy nose. Like antihistamines, you can also buy these drugs in a tablet, liquid, or nasal spray form. Make sure to follow your allergists instructions in taking this drug as it can cause problems like increased heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Leukotriene Modifier these tablets are taken to block the action of leukotrienes which causes allergy symptoms. It works by limiting the production of leukotrienes.
  • Cromolyn Sodium is an over-the-counter nasal spray that is used several times a day. This medication is inhaled through the nose and must be inhaled three to six times a day to prevent allergy symptoms.


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