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HomeCauseWhat Allergies Cause Sinus Pressure

What Allergies Cause Sinus Pressure

What Causes Mucus In Eye And How To Get Rid Of It

Sinus Pressure & Allergies

Eye discharge is a combination of oil, mucus, skin cells, and other debris accumulating at the corners of your eyes during sleep. Sometimes it can be wet and sticky, and at other times it may be dry and crusty.

Although eye discharge may gross you out and be annoying to clean every morning, it actually has a protective function, removing waste products and potentially harmful debris from the tear ducts.

Eye discharge is formed while youre asleep because, during the day, frequent blinking bathes the eyes, preventing the mucus from accumulating. When we sleep, we do not blink, so the mucus piles up.

A small amount of eye discharge upon awakening is normal, but excessive mucus or a weird coloryellow or greencould indicate a serious eye problem.

What Natural Items Help Clear Your Sinuses

There are a few things that can help clear sinuses. These include:

  • Fresh fruit
  • Garlic
  • Inhale steam from boiling or simmering soap

Some of these are recommended because pasteurization may kill important immune-supporting properties of this food product as well as those beneficial enzymes which act as a natural anti-inflammatory in the body.

Inhale steam from boiling or simmering soap. This is done by using a pot of water on the stove, and then placing your head over it with a towel draped to cover you up. You can also purchase an electric steamer, which will be more convenient for those who suffer from frequent sinus headaches because they wont need to worry about balancing hot pots of boiling water around their home in search of relief.

Barometric Pressure And Your Sinuses

Many of us have a friend or relative who could tell a thunderstorm was coming because their knees hurt. It turns out that there may be something to that. Have you ever noticed that changes in the weather can mean changes in your sinuses ? It’s not your imagination! Recent studies have shown that there can be links between changes in barometric pressure and some changes in our bodies. While much remains unknown about Low and High Barometric Pressure Symptoms, here is what we know so far…

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Allergies Sinuses And How They Can Cause Jaw Pain

As any sufferer knows, allergies can wreak havoc on your body. In addition to the well-known sneezing, sniffling, and red watering eyes, you may experience postnasal drip, coughing, and fatigue.6 Allergies can also clog the sinuses. Because of that, they could be the source of your nagging jaw pain.7

You probably identify sinus problems with nasal pressure. But allergies can cause lower jaw pain as well as the feeling of general pressure, especially if maxillary sinuses are obstructed. Inflamed and swollen sinuses can affect a number of areas of the face and head and result in issues ranging from headaches and earaches to facial tenderness near the eyes and nose that radiates to the jaw.8

Its possible that seasonal allergies could cause jaw pain in other ways, although more research is needed on the subject. Frequent sneezing and coughing force the mouth open which could lead to muscle tension and overuse strain and create issues with the jaw. Similarly, a stuffy nose may make you breathe through your mouth at night. If your jaw is strained open all night, it makes sense that you could wake up with jaw discomfort.9

  • Your cheeks may become tender, and the pain may radiate to your jaw and teeth.
  • The top of your head may also hurt.
  • The pain can be dull to intense.
  • It’s usually worse when you lie down and better when you sit or stand upright.

What Can I Do About Recurring Sinus Headaches

The Sinusitis and Allergies Connection

Many sinus headaches, especially those that recur, are actually migraines. But its smart to see your healthcare provider to figure out the cause of your headaches.

You may find that the best long-term solution is figuring out what triggers your migraine headaches so you can avoid them. Its helpful to keep a headache diary to track potential triggers. Triggers you can control include:

  • Alcohol.
  • Specific foods, such as chocolate, red wine or strong cheese.
  • Lack of sleep.

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Sniffle Detective: 5 Ways To Tell Colds From Allergies

Seasonal allergies and colds share some common symptoms, so it may be hard to tell the two apart.

Both conditions typically involve sneezing, a runny nose and congestion. There are some differences, though. Additionally, colds usually include coughing and a sore throat, but these symptoms can also occur in people with hay fever who have post-nasal drip. Itchy eyes are common for seasonal allergies, but rare for colds.

Colds and seasonal allergies seem very similar in many ways, said Dr. Rima Rachid, director of allergen immunotherapy at Boston Childrens Hospital. Its the duration and chronicity of symptoms that might help tell the difference, she explained.

Its not unusual for parents and even doctors to confuse cold and seasonal allergy symptoms, Rachid told Live Science.

Young children frequently get colds, and their parents may not always think of seasonal allergies as the reason for kids constantly drippy noses. Seasonal allergies may first show up in a child at around ages 4 to 6, but they can also begin at any age after that, Rachid said.

And genetics play a role: People with one parent who has any type of allergy have a 1 in 3 chance of developing an allergy, Rachid said. When both parents have allergies, their children have a 7 in 10 chance of developing allergies, too.

Here are five signs to look for to determine whether symptoms are due to seasonal allergies or a cold.

What Causes Sinus Infections Vs Allergies

Sinus Infection

Sinus infections or sinusitis may be caused by anything that interferes with airflow into the sinuses and the drainage of mucus out of the sinuses. The sinus openings may be blocked by swelling of the tissue lining and adjacent nasal passage tissue, for example with

  • common colds,
  • tissue irritants such as OTC nasal sprays, cocaine, and cigarette smoke.
  • Other causes of sinus infections or sinusitis
  • Tumors or growths also can block the sinuses if they are near the sinus openings.

Dehydration, disease, drying medications, and lack of sufficient humidity can cause sinusitis or sinus infection.The drainage of mucous from the sinuses can also be impaired by thickening of the mucous secretions, by decrease in hydration of the mucous brought on by disease , drying medications , and lack of sufficient humidity in the air. The epithelial cells have small hair-like fibers, called cilia, which move back and forth to help the mucus move out of the sinuses. These small cilia may be damaged by many irritants, especially smoke. This can prevent them from assisting the mucus in draining from the sinuses, and thus results in sinus infections or sinusitis.

Stagnated mucus provides an environment for bacteria, viruses and in some circumstances, fungus, to grow within the sinus cavities. In addition, the microbes themselves can initiate and exacerbate sinus blockage. The most commonly infected sinuses are the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses.


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The Difference Between Rhinitis And Sinusitis

Though a stuffy nose seems like a minor complaint, it can be a warning sign of several conditions. Two common culprits associated with nasal congestion are allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. Both conditions have symptoms that are similar in the early stages, and medical professionals occasionally struggle to make a proper diagnosis. Over time, differences between the two usually emerge.

When It Comes And When It Goes

Sinus Pressure Caused by Weather

If you have allergies, you’ll start feeling symptoms soon after you come into contact with the stuff you’re allergic to. Your symptoms keep up as long as you’re still surrounded by those triggers.

Allergies can happen any time of year. They may be “seasonal,” which means you get them only in the spring or fall. Or they may be year-round. For instance, you might be allergic to pets or mold, which can be a problem no matter the season.

Sinusitis usually happens after you’ve had a cold or allergies. But certain symptoms will keep going, even after your cold goes away. You’ll probably have a stuffy nose and cough for more than a week or two.

You may hear your doctor talk about two kinds of sinusitis: “acute” and “chronic.” There’s a simple way to tell them apart. If your symptoms last less than 4 weeks, it’s acute. If they go on for 3 months or longer, you have chronic sinusitis.

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Should I See A Specialist For Headaches Caused By Allergies

If over-the-counter medications and lifestyle changes do not fix your allergy headaches, this can lead to additional problems associated with nasal allergies, such as chronic sinus infections. When allergies cause congestion over a significant period of time, this can eventually cause sinus blockages, which can lead to a sinus infection.

If your allergy headaches and other allergy symptoms persist, it is important to see an allergy or sinus specialist. This specialist can perform an allergy skin test to evaluate your allergies, and even conduct a sinus CAT scan to evaluate your sinuses. An allergist can also recommend stronger, prescription treatments that may be more effective than over-the-counter medications for relieving your symptoms.

If you are struggling to stay on top of your headaches and other allergy symptoms, the experts at Aspire Allergy & Sinus are ready to help. Contact us to make your first appointment and start feeling better faster!

Allergy Causes And Risk Factors

Allergic rhinitis typically comes in two forms: seasonal and perennial. As its name suggests, seasonal allergies strike at predicted times of the year, most often in the spring, summer, or early fall. The main culprits tend to be pollens from grasses, trees, and weeds as well as mold spores transported through the air.

People with perennial allergies suffer all year. Triggers tend to be exposures encountered during everyday life such as animal dander, dust mites, cockroaches, or mold spores rather than outdoor greenery or conditions.4

While allergies are more likely to strike during childhood, they can develop at any time during a person’s lifetime. Reactions can vary from minor to severe.5

Unfortunately, you cant control most of the risk factors for developing hay fever. People with existing allergies, asthma, or eczema are more likely to have hay fever. And if a parent, sibling or other blood relative has allergies or asthma, your chance of getting hay fever increases. But you can control one risk factor by spending less time exposed to allergens like animal dander or dust mites.

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Can Allergies Cause Sinus Pressure

High pollen counts, dust mites and even your neighbors cat can flare up your allergies and have you begging for allergy relief. But as time passes, you might notice those allergy symptoms becoming more severe. Learn how your allergies can cause sinus pain and congestion, and what steps you can take to relieve sinus and allergy symptoms.

What Are The Symptoms Of Sinus Headaches

Will Sinus Surgery Fix My Allergies?

Sinus headaches are associated with a deep and constant pain in the cheekbones, forehead or bridge of the nose. The pain usually intensifies with sudden head movement or straining. The pain is usually accompanied by other sinus symptoms, such as nasal discharge, feeling of fullness in the ears, fever, facial swelling, sinus pressure and sinus congestion.

Whether your headache symptoms can actually be attributed to the sinuses will need to be determined by your doctor. If your sinus headache is caused by a sinus blockage, such as an infection, you will likely have a fever.

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How Nasal Allergies Can Cause A Sinus Problem

Common allergens that irritate the nasal passages include pollen, pet dander, dust mites, dirt and so on. Allergic people will react to these allergens by producing chemicals such as histamines. In the nose, the result can be swelling of the inside nasal layer. The swelling may be incredibly painful and bring on cold-like symptoms due to excessive mucus production.

It can be tricky to tell the difference between a sinus infection and a problem caused by allergies. Both conditions can lead to overproduction of mucus and result in a runny nose or congestion. You may also feel sinus pressure from swelling of the nasal passages. Nasal allergies can sometimes lead to itchy eyes, which are less likely with an infection. Speaking to an ENT doctor in Johns Creek, Canton, or a nearby Georgia location will help with a diagnosis.

Cleaning Your Nasal Passages

Regularly cleaning your nasal passages with a salt water solution known as nasal douching or irrigation can also help by keeping your nose free of irritants.

You can do this either by using a homemade solution or a solution made with sachets of ingredients bought from a pharmacy.

Small syringes or pots that often look like small horns or teapots are also available to help flush the solution around the inside of your nose.

To make the solution at home, mix half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda into a pint of boiled water thats been left to cool to around body temperature do not attempt to rinse your nose while the water is still hot.

To rinse your nose:

  • stand over a sink, cup the palm of one hand and pour a small amount of the solution into it
  • sniff the water into one nostril at a time
  • repeat this until your nose feels comfortable you may not need to use all of the solution

While you do this, some solution may pass into your throat through the back of your nose. The solution is harmless if swallowed, but try to spit out as much of it as possible.

Nasal irrigation can be carried out as often as necessary, but a fresh solution should be made each time.

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What Allergies Cause Sinus Problems

Food allergies could cause sinus problems. In other words, sinus problems are common symptoms of food allergies. Sinuses are the cavities in your head, setting right behind the nose and eyes, and they help filter the unwanted particles in the air that you breathe in. Sinuses are made of soft sensitive tissue and lined with the mucus membranes, which keep the tissue moist and soft. When food allergies occur, the sinuses become inflamed due to the higher levels of histamine.

What Foods Cause Food Allergies?

According to MedlinePlus, a part of NIH, Food allergies are mainly caused by the following eight foods:

  • Soy
  • Tree nuts
  • Peanuts

When you are allergic to some food, the immune system of your body could mistake the proteins in that food as dangerous substances. In order to defend, your body then creates the immunoglobulin E, or IgE, and antibodies to fight off the proteins from the food, and it triggers the mast cells to generate histamine. The histamine in your sinus cavity, in turn, leads to the inflammation, swelling, and congestion of your sinuses.

What are the Sinus Problems?

The sinus problems resulting from food allergies include:

  • Sneezing
  • A runny nose
  • Postnasal drip

How Could You Avoid?

The best way to effectively prevent sinus problems from food allergies is to get tested and find out what foods could cause adverse reactions. It could be determined either by using the blood tests or by using the skin-prick tests.

What Does That Have To Do With My Sinuses

EFT Tapping To Treat Summer Allergy Sinus Congestion Pain & Pressure

These changes in the atmosphere’s weight can impact more than just the weather. Here’s what that means for your sinuses. Our sinuses are filled with air, and the pressure in those sinuses is no longer at equilibrium with the pressure outside of the body when the barometric pressure changes. This difference in pressure is what causes sinus pressure and sinus headaches, which can be exacerbated by an existing sinus infection, allergies, congestion, or other sinus issues. When the atmospheric pressure drops, it can also cause lower blood pressure, which can result in dizziness, blurred vision, and fatigue in some cases. This “perfect storm” of circumstances and symptoms can make it hard to go about your day and even keep you from getting out of bed if the symptoms are bad enough.

At Ashford Clinic, we can help with all of your ENT issues like sinus infections, allergies, and more. Give us call to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

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Using Cold Therapy To Reduce Swelling

As we discussed above, painful sinus pressure occurs when swelling in your nasal tissue prevents proper drainage from your sinuses. Your nasal tissue can become irritated from inhaling various air particles or by something as arbitrary as an atmospheric change in pressure. To reduce swelling in your nasal tissue, apply a therapeutic cold compress, like the Bruder Sinus Compress.

Keep your Bruder Sinus Compress in the freezer for several hours prior to use. Remove the mask from the freezer when you are ready to relax for 5-10 minutes with the mask over your eyes, eyebrows, forehead, and nose. The patented MediBeads technology delivers a medically safe and consistent amount of cold. Just enough to help alleviate swelling from your nasal tissue and pressure from your sinuses.

Bruder products were highly recommended during my annual eye exam !If you suffer from headaches, allergies, sinus infections this compress is a game-changer.

Allergy sufferer

Colds And Allergies Are The Main Risk Factors For Developing Sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses, commonly caused by bacterial infection following a viral infection such as the common cold. Other risk factors for developing sinusitis include untreated allergies, crooked nasal anatomy, smoking, nasal polyps and overuse of decongestant nasal sprays.

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