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HomeWhat Is An Allergy Attack

What Is An Allergy Attack

What You Need To Know

What is Allergic Rhinitis?
  • Allergies are the result of your immune systems response to a substance.
  • Immune responses can be mild, from coughing and a runny nose, to a life-threatening reaction know as anaphylaxis.
  • A person becomes allergic when their body develops antigens against a substance. Upon repeated exposure the severity of the reaction may increase.
  • Allergies affect people of all ages, races, genders and socioeconomic statuses.

Allergic disease is one of the most common chronic health conditions in the world. People with a family history of allergies have an increase risk of developing allergic disease. Hay fever , eczema, hives, asthma, and food allergy are some types of allergic diseases. Allergy symptoms can range from mild to a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction .

Allergic reactions begin in your immune system. When a harmless substance such as dust, mold, or pollen is encountered by a person who is allergic to that substance, the immune system may over react by producing antibodies that “attack” the allergen. The can cause wheezing, itching, runny nose, watery or itchy eyes, and other symptoms.

Top 9 Natural Allergy Relief Home Remedies

By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

According to the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America, one in five people, or an estimated 50 million Americans, suffer from some type of allergies. The chances are high that you or someone you know deals with ongoing allergies, whether seasonal allergies, food allergies or another type, and could use allergy relief at least from time to time.

Most people who struggle to find allergy relief go to the doctor to be treated and/or are routinely given pharmaceuticals ranging from acetaminophens to antihistamines, both of which may actually further aggravate the symptoms they were given for. If you prefer not to take prescriptions to keep your symptoms under a control, what can help allergies at home?

Home remedies for allergies including symptoms like congested sinuses, headaches, and watery or itchy eyes include using frankincense essential oil, eucalyptus oil and quercetin. Below youll learn about nine amazing, all-natural home remedies for allergies that can help provide fast allergy relief.

Worry About Inside Too

Just because you stay huddled inside doesnt mean youre home free. These allergens are often not exactly what you think. For instance, many people assume dust mites cause allergies, but its really dust mite poop. Likewise, its not animal fur, its their dander. Rounding out common indoor allergens are cockroach droppings and mold, points out the AAAAI. Unfortunately, having an indoor allergen may mean youre suffering from symptoms year-round. Take these necessary steps to allergy-proof every room in your house.

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How Can I Get Relief

You can find treatment options for mild to moderate allergic reactions. Antihistamines and decongestants can help treat certain symptoms, as can nasal sprays.

If you have an allergic-type asthma, your doctor might also prescribe an inhaler to ease attacks. Or they may inject a special antibody to manage symptoms.

If you donât get enough relief by avoiding your allergens and using medications, your doctor may want to give you allergy shots. This type of treatment is called immunotherapy, and it can be effective for hay fever and allergic asthma.

Another type of immunotherapy involves tablets that dissolve under your tongue.

For your sinuses, an over-the-counter medication might ease your symptoms.

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How Is Allergic Rhinitis Diagnosed

Allergy infographic symptoms information treatment allergic reaction ...

If your symptoms interfere with your daily life, see your family doctor. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and medical history and perform a physical exam. Keeping a record of your symptoms over a period of time can help your doctor determine what triggers your allergies.

Your doctor may want to do an allergy skin test to determine what you are allergic to. Tiny amounts of allergens are applied to your skin. You will feel tiny pricks that are usually not painful. Your doctor will observe and record the way your skin reacts to each allergen.

Your doctor may also decide to do a blood test, such as the radioallergosorbent test . This test identifies antibodies in your blood that determine what youre allergic to. Once your allergens are identified, you and your doctor can decide the best treatment.

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How Can I Stop An Allergy Attack Fast

Allergy attacks can leave us with miserable symptoms that we want to get rid of fast. Here are some pointers to think about when stopping allergy symptoms.

  • Remove yourself from the allergen
  • Get the allergen off of you
  • Use a saline nasal rinse
  • Try an antihistamine

*If you are experiencing more severe symptoms you need to seek medical treatment.*

Once your allergy attack is under control, consider using more long-term fixes to prevent future allergy attacks. Some examples of this would be to use an air purifier, vacuum, dust, and clean often.

What Is Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is the medical term for hay fever or nasal allergies. By definition, allergic rhinitis is swelling of the nasal passages caused by allergens. Its important to note that while many people refer to it as hay fever, it is not caused by hay. Nor does is cause a fever. Allergic rhinitis is triggered by having allergies. You have an allergy when your body overreacts to things that dont cause problems for most people. These things are called allergens.

There are 2 forms of allergic rhinitis:

  • Seasonal :Caused by an allergy to pollen and/or mold spores in the air. Pollen is the fine powder that comes from flowering plants. It can be carried through the air and is easily inhaled. Symptoms are seasonal and usually occur in spring, late summer, and fall. This is the most common form of allergy.
  • Perennial:Caused by other allergens such as dust mites, pet hair or dander, or mold. Symptoms occur year-round.

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What And How Much Antihistamine Is Right For Me

Because many antihistamines can be bought without a prescription, always ask your healthcare provider what type of antihistamine and exact dosage is right for you. Be sure to read the label carefully to know how many times a day to take it, including any potential side effects.

Get Allergy Relief Today Here At Docs Urgent Care

How Antihistamines Help with Allergies — From the makers of ZYRTEC®

Having an allergy and not knowing what to do can be frustrating. So, it is essential to be aware of their signs and symptoms. This will help you recognize which ones are milder forms of allergic reactions and those severe enough to warrant a visit to the local urgent care center in Branford, CT, for proper diagnosis and treatment right away.

Fortunately, DOCS Urgent Care Branford has professionally trained staff ready to provide immediate allergy treatments and relief. We offer quality care and diagnosis for various allergies and other conditions. Plus, with most patients treated within the expected time frame, you wont need to wait long for relief. Take charge of your health today by understanding when its time to seek professional medical help. Visit us here at DOCS Urgent Care in Branford, where the dedication and commitment of our experienced staff make us the perfect place to get instant allergy relief.

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When To Seek Urgent Care In Branford Ct

If you think you are having an allergy attack, it is important to act quickly by seeking medical help from your local urgent care center in Branford, CT, as soon as possible. At an urgent care Branford center, you will receive prompt diagnosis and treatment for your condition so that it does not worsen over time or lead to further complications down the road.

You should avoid delaying treatment as this could have serious long-term effects on your health and well-being. In addition to seeking treatment at the urgent care center in Branford, CT, it is also important to make sure that you discuss any potential allergies with your doctor before beginning any new medications or treatments so that they can provide appropriate advice on how best to manage them safely and effectively.

Allergy Attack After Exercise

An allergy attack may be sparked by working out, this is rare, but still possible. There is a condition called Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis , where you will develop allergy symptoms during an exercise or hours after.

This condition can become life-threatening and should be taken seriously. According to the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, this condition is food-related 30-50% of the time. What this means is depending on what you ate before working out, may play a role in whether you experience EIA or exercise-induced allergies.

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You Consider Seeing An Allergist

If you donât know whatâs causing your allergies, or if theyâre severe, it’s probably a good idea. An allergist or immunologist will take your medical history and may do tests. They expose you to possible allergens to see which ones cause a reaction. Depending on the results, your doctor may suggest prescription medications or allergy shots.

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Who Is At Risk For Anaphylaxis

Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month
  • People who have experienced anaphylaxis before
  • People with allergies to foods, insect stings, medicine and other triggers

If you are at risk:

  • Keep your epinephrine auto-injectors with you at all times and be ready to use them if an emergency occurs
  • Talk with your doctor about your triggers and your symptoms. Your doctor may tell you to see an allergist An allergist can help you identify your allergies and learn to manage your risk of severe reactions
  • Ask your doctor for an anaphylaxis action plan. This will help you know what to do if you experience anaphylaxis

Medical Review: October 2015, updated February 2017

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When Testing May Be Recommended

Testing by a specialist known as an allergist may be recommended if allergy symptoms are severe and/or are interfering with your quality of life.

The aim of the testing is to determine which allergens you are hypersensitive to. In some cases, allergy shots may be given to gradually desensitize you to those allergens.

The two tests commonly used to diagnose allergies include:

  • Skin prick test: This involves the insertion of tiny amounts of suspected allergens beneath the skin to see if a reaction occurs.
  • Blood tests: These are IgE-specific tests, also known as RAST testing, that can detect antibodies associated with certain allergens.

An allergist can also help determine if your cough is related to allergic rhinitis or asthma. Identifying the underlying cause is crucial as each of these two conditions is treated differently.

Watch Out For Common Triggers

The season youre in largely dictates what might be causing an attack. For instance, in the late spring and early summer, grass pollen is highest. In late summer and early fall, theres weed pollen to worry about, notes the AAAAI. Mold can peak between July and October. Still, these allergens can be present year-round depending on where you live, making it difficult to understand what youre reacting to.

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How To Handle Anaphylactic Shock

More severe allergy attacks will not abate with home remedies, and its essential that you quickly recognize more serious symptoms, like abdominal cramps and breathing problems. What should you do in the case of anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock?

If you are alone, immediately call 911. Anaphylactic shock happens quickly, and your throat could swell and cut off your supply of oxygen within minutes, causing permanent and serious damage. If you know you are at risk for severe allergic reactions, always carry an Epinephrine pen, or two, with you at all times. Epinephrine quickly reduces and reverses anaphylactic symptoms as its comprised of adrenaline. You can never predict when a bee will sting you or a food youre allergic to wind up on your plate, so take the appropriate steps to protect yourself. You should also make your close friends and family aware of your allergy, so that they can also be on the lookout for severe symptoms and be ready to take the appropriate steps if youre unable to.

Why Youre Having An Attack


Why are you having an allergy attack? Simple answer: something in your environmenteither inside or outsideis triggering your immune system to overreact. Your body identifies the substance as foreign and ramps up production of antibodies called IgE, which then put a call out to release chemicals like histamines, setting off allergy symptoms, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology .

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When To See Your Gp

Visit your GP if the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are disrupting your sleep, preventing you carrying out everyday activities, or adversely affecting your performance at work or school.

A diagnosis of allergic rhinitis will usually be based on your symptoms and any possible triggers you may have noticed. If the cause of your condition is uncertain, you may be referred for allergy testing.

Read more about the complications of allergic rhinitis

Why Allergies Can Cause A Cough

Cough is a common symptom of seasonal allergies and hay fever. It is caused by your immune system‘s response to an allergen, rather than by an infection such as a cold or flu. An allergy is essentially the immune system’s inappropriate response to a substance that is otherwise harmless.

When exposed to an allergen, the immune system will produce a substance called immunoglobulin E that sets off a chain reaction, causing immune cells known as mast cells and basophils to break open and release histamine into the bloodstream.

Histamine is the main cause of allergy symptoms. It causes tiny blood vessels to widen and leak fluid into surrounding tissues. When this occurs in the nose and sinuses, it can lead to nasal congestion and a runny nose.

The cough itself is the result of a postnasal drip. This is when mucus drains from your nose into the back of your throat, causing an itch or tickle that leads to coughing.

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Be Prepared For Severe Allergic Reactions

If you are at risk of a severe allergic reaction, make sure you:

  • Carry a mobile phone to call for help when needed.
  • Carry an adrenaline injector to treat a severe allergic reaction.
  • Consider wearing medical identification jewellery this increases the likelihood that adrenaline will be administered in an emergency.
  • Avoid medication that may increase the severity of an allergic reaction or complicate its treatment such as beta blockers.
  • Avoid the known allergen where possible.

Allergy Attack Or Allergy Reaction

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Whats the difference? As the seasons change, combined with other things like pollution and cold & flu season, make it difficult for allergy sufferers. While allergies may cause mildly annoying and bothersome symptoms, some allergic reactions can be life-threatening. Its important to know the difference, and when to seek urgent care for allergies.

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What Is An Allergy Attack

Allergy attacks occur when you come in contact with an allergen that your body views as a dangerous invader. Your immune system launches an attack, leading to symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, hives, swelling, and possibly difficulty breathing.

Common allergens include pollen, foods, and medications.

More than 50 million Americans have allergies, and it is the 6th leading cause of chronic illness, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.

An allergy attack may be mild and last only a few minutes. For example, you might experience a brief sneezing episode when you clean a dusty room. Or the reaction could be more severe and last for hours or days, such as during hay fever season.

In some cases, you might have severe trouble breathing after eating foods like peanuts. This is called anaphylaxisit can be deadly if it isnt treated immediately.

Dr. Rx

There are a few important things to understand about allergies. Everyones allergies are a little different from one another. Allergies are approached differently if you have other medical conditions. Your allergy treatment plan might change over time, too. Your symptoms might get better or worse, or a medication might not work for you anymore or be needed any longer. Dr. Amrita Khokhar

What Things Most Often Cause An Attack

Why do some people have such bad allergies and others donât? Experts donât have all the answers, but they say family history is important.

Some common allergens include:

Food allergies: You may feel tingling in your mouth. Your tongue, lips, throat, or face might swell up. Or you could get hives. In the worst cases, you might have anaphylaxis and will need medical help right away.

Eczema: Also known as atopic dermatitis, it is a skin condition. Most types of eczema are not allergies. But the disease can flare up when you’re around things that cause an allergic reaction. Your body’s immune system overreacts to substances, called allergens, that are usually not harmful. You might get hives, itching, swelling, sneezing, and a runny nose. You might have it if you have itching, redness, and peeling or flaking.

Medications: If youâre allergic to a certain drug, you may get a rash, facial swelling, or hives. You could find yourself wheezing. In severe cases, you may develop anaphylaxis.

Stings: If youâre allergic to bees or other insects you may get:

  • A large area of swelling, known as edema, at the site of the sting
  • Itching or hives all over your body
  • Shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, or a cough

As with some other allergies, such as food and medication, a severe reaction to a sting can lead to anaphylaxis.

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