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HomeCauseCan Allergies Cause Memory Problems

Can Allergies Cause Memory Problems

Eye Disease Linked To Memory Decline

Does Benadryl Cause Memory Loss?

Eye Screening May Identify Increased Risk of Early Mental Issues

March 14, 2012 — To update the old saying, the eyes may be the windows to the brain.

A new study suggests that people with even minimal eye damage involving the blood vessels of the retina, due to vascular disease, have a higher risk for memory and thinking declines.

Researchers say problems with the blood vessels in the eyes may be an important clue that the blood vessels in the brain are not functioning properly.

If this proves to be the case, eye screening to check for damage to the blood vessels of the retina, or retinopathy, could potentially help identify people at risk for dementia.

Little Research Available On Brain Fog

You won’t find much written by medical professionals about brain fog in celiac disease in the medical literature, even though it can have an impact on your quality of life, especially when you’re first diagnosed.

In some cases, your fuzzy-headedness may be related to the fatigue and sleep problems that can occur with celiac after all, if you’re exhausted but can’t get a good night’s sleep, you’re unlikely to function at your best level mentally or physically. It may also be related to nutritional deficiencies several common deficiencies for new celiacs involve vitamins related to brain function.

There’s some evidence that celiac disease may be linked to long-term cognitive decline, but it’s not clear whether that possible risk is related to the short-term mental problems you might experience when you accidentally ingest gluten.

Can Dust Mites Live In A Memory Foam Bed

We all shed thousands of dead skin cells constantly. As a result, mites live everywhere because dust mites live off of dead skin cells. There are arguments supporting all different types of mattresses regarding the better pick to mitigate mites. However, they all will harbor them to some degree.

Latex can be easy to clean, making it an excellent choice if you prefer to vacuum it regularly to reduce mites and dust. Foam and other flat surfaces can also be vacuumed and cleaned thoroughly. When combating dust mites, these types should be superior to innerspring because innerspring models can harbor many critters inside the structure, making it difficult to clean thoroughly.

Using a hypoallergenic cover is likely the easiest and most effective solution to mites. Don’t forget you can clean your pillows vacuuming these regularly can help to minimize your bed buddies as well.

Read More: How to Get Rid of Dust Mites in Your Mattress

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What Kind Of Sleep Disturbances Can Come From Allergies

Allergies can affect all aspects of sleep. Individuals with allergic rhinitis are significantly more likely to suffer from sleep issues, including:

  • Insomnia
  • Increased risk for sleep apnea
  • Poor sleep efficiency
  • Short sleep

During the day, their problems dont end. Theyre more likely to have trouble waking up, experience daytime fatigue, and have morning headaches and sinus pain.

There also appears to be a correlation between the severity of a persons allergies and the severity of their sleep problems. In other words, the worse their allergy symptoms are, the worse their sleep is.

For some people with allergies, difficulty sleeping may develop into more serious sleep disturbances, such as bedwetting, insomnia, restless sleep, snoring, obstructive sleep apnea , and other forms of sleep-disordered breathing. The connection between allergies causing or worsening sleep apnea is of particular concern because we know that OSA can lead to difficulty losing weight, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and death.

Pediatric studies suggest that allergies increases the risk for obstructive sleep apnea among children . Children with sleep-disordered breathing are more than twice as likely to have allergic rhinitis than those who dont have sleep apnea. Poor sleep can be especially damaging to children, leading to missed school days, behavioral problems, difficulty with memory, concentration and worsened IQ.

The Allergic Asthma Mice Model Was Successfully Constructed

Taking over

To verify the success of the allergic asthma mice model, we performed body weight monitoring, airway hyperresponsiveness measurement, and pulmonary histopathological assessment. The BW of mice was monitored during the model construction. The mice BW in the HDM group was significantly lower than that in the Control group and NaCl group on day 21 . BWs of the DEX-treated were increased compared with HDM on day 32, but not identical to those of the control group. AHR is an important feature of respiratory function in asthma patients, and AHR was detected as Penh values . The Penh values significantly increased in HDM group mice compared to the Control group and NaCl group at 3.125 mg/ml methacholine . Tissue sections were stained with HE to observe eosinophil infiltration. There were significantly more inflammatory cells infiltrating the bronchus in the lungs of the asthmatic mice than in those of the normal mice . DEX group mice could reduce eosinophil infiltration compared to HDM-sensitive mice. The Luminex liquid suspension chip was used to detect inflammatory cytokines in BALF. The inflammatory cytokines in HDM group were greatly increased compared with the Control group and the NaCl group . The inflammatory cytokines in DEX-treated mice were decreased, although they did not completely return to normal levels. These data indicated that HDM established in this study is an effective method for constructing the allergic asthma mice model.

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Condition Involving Inability To Understand Or Express Words

Any new speech difficulty should be seen by a doctor immediately because it could be the sign of brain or nerve damage.

Rarity: Uncommon

Top Symptoms: difficulty speaking or understand words or finding the right word, loss of vision, difficulty coming up with the names of common objects or people, arm weakness

Urgency: Emergency medical service

Preventing Memory Loss And Forgetfulness

Living a healthy lifestyle is important for brain health. Some ways that you may be able to slow memory loss and cut down on forgetfulness are:

  • Healthy eating Lyndsay said the MIND diet is beneficial for brain health. The MIND diet incorporates the DASH and Mediterranean food plans, which encourage eating brain-protecting foods such as fish, chicken, nuts and green leafy vegetables while avoiding processed foods and foods high in sugar and saturated fat.
  • Exercise Even low-impact exercise like walking 30 minutes a day five times a week can help.
  • Staying active cognitively Try mentally stimulating activities like reading, playing games, solving puzzles or learning a new hobby. The more challenging, the better.
  • Socializing Social isolation can cause unhealthy stress and lead to depression. Forming and maintaining strong connections helps reduce stress and improve mood.

I would encourage anyone concerned about forgetfulness or any other change in their ability to function normally to see their primary care provider, Lyndsay said. Taking the steps to identify and manage reversible or treatable causes may improve memory and provide better health in general.

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Infections Of The Brain Or Its Lining

Infections like HIV, tuberculosis and herpes can cause memory problems. HIV puts the function of nerve cells at risk by infecting the cells that protect and support them. The virus can also trigger inflammation that can damage the brain and cause forgetfulness. With tuberculosis, memory loss can be a complaint. However, prompt treatment can resolve these problems. Meanwhile, herpes simplex virus can cause a rare neurological disorder called herpes simplex encephalitis. This inflammation of the brain can lead to memory loss. Antiviral drugs may help if treatment is started right away.

Physical Symptoms Of Allergies

The Truth Behind Memory Loss

Besides sneezing and itchy eyes, other symptoms could indicate you have allergies.

Difficulty sleeping

Itâs hard to get a good nightâs sleep when you have sneezing, coughing, headaches, or a runny nose. Congestion makes breathing difficult at night, causing you to wake up early or struggle to get to sleep in the first place. This can also reduce the amount of oxygen your body gets, which can affect both mental and physical performance.


Inflammation and congestion in the nasal cavity from allergies often lead to headaches, especially around the face.

Sore throat

Allergens in the air, such as pollen, can irritate your throat when you breathe them in. If you breathe through your mouth because of a stuffy nose, especially while sleeping, the air flow also could dry out your throat and make it feel sore.

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What Are Memory Foam Mattresses Made Of

Memory foam mattresses are made with a variety of substances. However, they have a reputation for containing harmful ingredients this isn’t always the case, but it’s wise to check before purchasing. Most of these beds have two main components, a polyurethane memory foam layer and a polyurethane foam core layer. These are then wrapped in a cover, and all mattresses must have flameproofing of some sort to meet federal safety regulations.

As innovative technology emerges, more brands are incorporating cooling gels into their designs to combat this foam’s tendency to retain heat. Many include gel, gel-infused foam, wool, cotton, or latex.

Many individuals are familiar with these materials, but the concern primarily comes from the foam and fireproofing chemicals. These can include methylene aniline a suspected carcinogen, vinylidene chloride an eye irritant, and formaldehyde. We’ll dive into the details below.

Want to read more? Check out our best memory foam mattress guide here.

How To Treat It

Brain fog treatment depends on the cause.

For example, if youre anemic, iron supplements may increase your production of red blood cells and reduce your brain fog. If youre diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, your doctor may recommend a corticosteroid or other medication to reduce inflammation or suppress the immune system.

Sometimes, relieving brain fog is a matter of correcting a nutritional deficiency, switching medications, or improving the quality of your sleep.

Home remedies to improve brain fog include:

  • sleeping 8 to 9 hours per night
  • managing stress by knowing your limitations and avoiding excessive alcohol and caffeine
  • exercising

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Why Does Sleep Apnea Cause Cognitive Decline

Mild cognitive impairment is when your memory is affected to the point that its noticeable to others, but not enough to affect your daily life. People with mild cognitive decline may show some forgetfulness or amnesia of recent events. They often need to write notes to remind themselves to do things that they would otherwise forget.

The connection between sleep apnea and cognitive decline has long been suspected. But researchers recently confirmed that those who had sleep-disordered breathing had an earlier onset of mild cognitive impairment compared with people who didnt suffer from OSA.

Whats more, other studies have shown those with sleep apnea were diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment an average of 10 years earlier than people without sleep breathing problems. And numerous other studies have made the connection between sleep apnea and dementia.

But there is hope. Researchers also found that people who treated their sleep breathing problems with a continuous positive airway pressure machine, or CPAP, were diagnosed with memory and thinking problems about 10 years later than people whose problems were not treated.

CPAP is the treatment of choice for sleep apnea, Dr. Mehra says. With this treatment, you wear a face or nasal mask while you sleep. The mask is connected to a pump and provides a flow of air into your nasal passages to keep your airways open.

How Common Is Brain Fog In Celiac And Gluten Sensitivity

Taking over

You may not find brain fog on the short list of common celiac disease symptoms, even though many people with celiac disease report it. Some newly diagnosed celiacs suffer from brain fog for years, although they don’t often realize it until they start to eat gluten-free. But, despite this, it’s not clear whether gluten causes brain fog, or what mechanism might be involved.

Mild deficiencies in cognitive functions can actually be measured. In fact, studies of people newly diagnosed with celiac disease show that those mild deficiencieswhich involve slight impairments to memory, attention, executive function, and the speed of cognitive processingin fact improve over the first year after those newly diagnosed people begin eating gluten-free.

“Thus, cognitive impairments associated with brain fog are psychologically and neurologically real and improve with adherence to a gluten-free diet,” said one researcher at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia who looked at this issue.

However, the researcher also noted that it’s not clear whether the problem truly is gluten: “There is not yet sufficient evidence to provide a definitive account of the mechanism by which gluten ingestion causes the impairments to cognitive function associated with brain fog, but current evidence suggests that it is more likely that the causal factor is not directly related to exposure to gluten.”

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How Allergy Symptoms Can Make You Tired

Your immune system responds to airborne allergens by releasing chemicals that create inflammation in your nose. As a result, you might experience nasal congestion, sneezing, and a runny nose. All of these symptoms narrow airways, making it difficult to breathe, especially when youre lying downwhich can make for difficult nights sleep.1

While many people suffer from seasonal allergies , millions of Americans experience year-round symptoms. The culprit: indoor allergenssuch as dust mites, pet dander, and moldall of which can be found in the bedroom.2

His Vertigo Memory Problems

According to his wife, he was also experiencing memory problems which started at exact the same time.

He had been experiencing vertigo for over nine months, and had not been able to exercise or drive during that time.

He had seen multiple doctors and a physical therapist in his area who specialized in Vestibular Rehabilitation, but had not experienced any relief from his symptoms.

So he decided to make the trip to consult with me for another opinion with high hopes for relief from his vertigo memory problems.

While we were reviewing his medical history and current symptoms to see if they had anything to do with vertical memory problems, he said, Well my wife tells me that I am forgetting things and having memory problems that seem to have started after I woke up at 3am with the vertigo, but I am assuming that this is what it feels like to get old. My father had Alzheimers disease so I am worried that may be what is happening to me.

I said, Well, lets see if your brain still feels foggy after we treat your vertigo symptoms because BPPV can cause impairments in short term memory and concentration. It is often mistaken for mild cognitive impairment or the beginning of dementia in people over 65 years old.

After I completed my comprehensive, detailed, hands-on Root Cause Evaluation and Initial Treatment, I was able to determine that BPPV was the root cause of his vertigo symptoms and treat it.

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How Can A Memory Foam Mattress Cause An Allergic Reaction

There are numerous ways allergic reactions can be triggered. Particular smells can be irritating accumulated dust can cause a response, and even the materials that make up the foam itself can be an issue. Below we’ll talk a bit about the various ways allergies can be caused and what you can do to mitigate or possibly eliminate the problem.

Who Is At Risk Of Developing Brain Fog

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Sarah A. Kremen, MD

Scientists don’t yet know who is likely to suffer from post-COVID-19 brain fog. However, there may be a link between the condition and anosmia during active infection.

“A virus can enter the nasal passages where it can then access nerves that lead into the brain. When these neurons are affected, the resulting conditionfrom coronavirus or any other virusis anosmia,” says Dr. Sarah A. Kremen, director of the Neurobehavior Program at the Jona Goldrich Center for Alzheimer’s and Memory Disorders. “Once the virus that causes COVID-19 reaches the olfactory bulb, it can travel long the olfactory pathways to other places in the brain.

While early studies don’t show any correlation between severity of disease and long-hauler symptoms such as brain fog, it makes sense that a brain starving for oxygen is likely to become compromised. Everything from poor heart and lung function to the social isolation caused by COVID-19 can affect cognitive processes. Treatments for COVID-19, including sedation, intubation and various medications, may also come with cognitive side effects.

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“But plenty of patients get COVID-19, recover well and then a month or two later develop cognitive symptoms, such as slow thinking, difficulty concentrating and fatigue,” says Dr. Kremen. So, even patients who had mild disease and recovered seamlessly may still develop post-COVID-19 brain fog.

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Common Causes Of Brain Fog And Memory Loss

Comments: 26 | April 10th, 2017

Do you ever have those moments when you walk into a room and cant remember why youre there? Or you have trouble recalling names and just cant seem to place where you left your car keys? While these scenarios often have us feeling like were senile, often its just a case of brain fog, and you dont have to just live with it.

What is Brain Fog? If you havent yet experienced the sensation of brain fog, then consider yourself one of the lucky ones. The majority of adults have experienced this at one time or another, if not chronically, throughout their lives. Brain fog is the inability to focus and think clearly. You literally feel like youre in a mental fog.

Brain Fog Symptoms Do you experience any of the following symptoms?

Difficulty concentrating at work or performing basic tasks Trouble remembering peoples names or simple words Feeling like youve lost parts of your memory Wondering if you might have the onset of Alzheimers Feeling like youre in a fog and state of confusion Decreased mental sharpness Feeling depressed Feeling like you are losing your mind

Never fear when you can pinpoint the underlying cause of your brain fog and memory loss, there is something you can do about it.

10 Common Causes of Brain Fog and Memory Loss

6. Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Besides eating a healthy diet, here are a few important vitamins that are important for brain and memory support:

7. Prescription Drugs

Muscle relaxants


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