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Can Eye Allergies Make Your Vision Blurry

What Are Eye Allergy Symptoms

Quik Tip: Two Things To Check On If Your Vision Is Blurry

When you have eye allergies, the mast cells lining the conjunctiva release histamine when exposed to allergens and irritants. Those allergens and irritants cause the conjunctiva to swell and symptoms of eye allergies to occur.

Common symptoms include:

  • red, irritated, teary and itchy eyes
  • burning

Hot, dry weather dries out the eyes and makes eye allergy symptoms worse.

Symptom: You Have A Headache And Tired Heavy Eyes

What it is: Eye strain, fatigue

When a headache and tired eyes occur simultaneously, the culprit is usually eye strain, fatigue or both. As mentioned before, eye strain symptoms will resolve on their own once you give your eyes a chance to rest. Usually, headaches resolve on their own, too.

If you’re feeling very fatigued and it’s hard to focus on the task at hand because of these symptoms, take a step away from whatever you’re doing and do something to help resolve the symptoms. Try taking a nap, hopping in a quick shower or stretching for a few moments away from any screens or distractions. Getting outside may also help.

When To Talk With A Professional

You dont need to see a doctor if the blurriness goes away easily after blinking or trying other home remedies. However, if you notice that your vision is gradually getting more and more blurry and the blurriness persists, visit an eye care specialist for an evaluation.

Eye doctors, also known as optometrists or ophthalmologists, may want to perform a comprehensive examination of your eyes on top of other tests.

You should call 911 or seek emergency medical care if your eyes suddenly become blurry and you experience any of these symptoms:

  • severe headache
  • loss of muscle control on one side of your body
  • facial drooping

This could be a sign of a stroke.

You should also seek medical treatment if blurry vision occurs following a head injury, as this can be a sign of a concussion.

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Could It Be A Migraine

A migraine is more than a horrible headache. There are a host of other symptoms that you might have with the pain, including blurry vision and sensitivity to light. You may feel these signs even before a migraine starts, and they may last until it’s over.

More dramatic changes to your eyesight during a migraine are called an aura. They can include:

  • Loss of part or all of your vision for a little while
  • Seeing flashes of light
  • Seeing flashes of light
  • Seeing wavy lines or spots

To solve these problems, you’ll need to work with your doctor to treat your migraines and keep them from starting. Learn more about migraine headaches with aura.

What Are Some Eye Allergy Medications

Factors that can Trigger Blurred Vision

First, talk with your doctor about developing an allergy treatment plan that addresses nasal, respiratory and eye symptoms.

Over-the-counter and prescription eyedrops and oral medications can also be used to treat eye allergies.

Over-the-counter Oral antihistamines can help relieve itchy eyes, but they may also dry out the eyes. Decongestant eyedrops can help reduce eye redness associated with allergies, but they should not be used for more than three days or they may worsen irritation.

Prescription Antihistamine eyedrops can reduce eye swelling, itching and redness associated with allergies. Antihistamine drops combined with a mast cell stabilizer provide relief for itching, redness and burning sensation and can also prevent symptoms.

For severe eye allergies, you may be prescribed mild corticosteroid drops these should only be used for conjunctivitis caused by allergy, not bacterial infections. Eye allergies cause clear, watery discharges while bacterial infections cause yellow or greenish secretions.

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Allergies & Your Eyes

Allergies are when your bodys immune system reacts to a substance that is not ordinarily a threat, such as pet dander or pollen, in a way that causes irritation.

In severe cases, allergies can be dangerous, causing anaphylactic shock. Its more common that allergies irritate the eyes, nose, mouth, and skin but are otherwise not immediately dangerous.

Allergies that affect the eyes can be especially troublesome, as the eyes are very sensitive. If your eyes are itching and watering, it can cause further problems.

Rubbing your eyes has the potential to damage them. Anything that interferes with your ability to see can make things like driving or operating heavy machinery dangerous.

Of all the mild to moderate allergies people have to deal with, many find eye symptoms the most troublesome and distracting. While it is not always possible to completely avoid these symptoms, things can be done to mitigate their severity and frequency.

Sinus Pressure And Eye Pain

The sinuses are located all throughout our face in the cheeks, near the ear, behind the eye, and in the forehead and nose. Infected sinuses dont drain properly. The mucous and debris that build up can cause a feeling of pressure and pain. If the infection is in the ethmoid sinuses the pressure can cause pain that radiates to the eyes.

Infection in the frontal sinuses causes a headache that can feel like it is coming from the eyes. Doctors often recommend decongestants to promote drainage and this reduces the pressure. The reduced pressure eases the pain in the area of the eyes.

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Eye Allergies Cloudy Vision And Itchy Eyes

These symptoms can often occur simultaneously. Symptoms may persist. When perception is distorted, disorientation and dizziness can also result, especially in the elderly. Treatment options are dependent on the cause. If you are experiencing cloudy vision and itchy eyes, book an appointment to see your doctor.

Itchy Eyes: When It’s Seasonal Allergies

How Anxiety Causes BLURRY VISION (And How To Fix It)

Seasonal allergies such as hay fever in the spring or ragweed in late summer and fall can cause an allergic reaction in the eyes, Dr. Lazzaro says. People with a dust mite or mold allergies can experience symptoms year-round, with combined exposure at home, at work, and outside.

Eye allergies can also be caused by insect stings and by household products cosmetics, soaps, or other chemicals that you may have had on your hands when you rubbed your eyes. If you take glaucoma medication, the preservatives in the eye drops may even cause an eye allergy.

In addition to itchy eyes, allergies can cause tearing and make your eyes red, and you may notice a burning or stinging sensation. An acute allergic reaction, usually caused by an insect sting, will result in severe eyelid swelling and eye discharge, Lazzaro says.

Antihistamine drops will help get rid of the itch when allergies are the cause, but the effects don’t last very long. Doctors may recommend mast cell stabilizers, allergy medications that block the release of chemicals that cause eye irritation, or other types of eye drops.

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Natural Treatments For Blurry Vision

As with conventional medicine, natural treatments for blurry vision depend on the cause of the blurriness. Once you know why you have blurry vision, you may consider some of the natural therapies below if they are appropriate for your diagnosis.

1. Protect your eyes

Blurred vision can be caused by a number of environmental things, including trauma, infections, sun exposure and more. These practical, natural ways to protect your eyes may reduce the likelihood of blurry vision from these causes.

2. Avoid triggers

If you have blurry vision that is temporary or associated with particular situations, you may be able to identify and avoid triggers. Some common triggers for blurred vision episodes include migraines, stress and anxiety, and poorly controlled health conditions.

  • Avoid anxiety. If your vision gets blurry during periods of high anxiety, practice solutions for reducing anxiety. These include:
  • Speaking with an anxiety coach or psychotherapist
  • Aromatherapy
  • Meditation
  • Support groups and spending time with loved ones
  • Keep stress in check. Similar to anxiety, high stress levels can cause some people to experience temporary vision changes, including blurry vision. This can also be brought on by physical fatigue during periods of high stress and little sleep. You can try some of Dr. Axes strategies for relieving stress. These include yoga, prayer, acupuncture, cognitive behavioral therapy, a nutrient-dense diet and more.
  • 3. Practice vision exercises

  • Using a humidifier
  • Eye Allergies And Side Effects

    Some patients with allergies are concerned that LASIK side effects could be worse for them. While it is true that LASIK can sometimes cause dryness or irritation, a 2001 study published in the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery found that patients who suffered from allergies were no more prone to LASIK complications than those who did not. In addition, at Broberg Eye Care, we perform wavefront LASIK, a customized procedure that uses a 3D model of your eyes to enhance the accuracy of the surgery and reduce the incidence of side effects.

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    When Should Red Eye Be Treated By An Ophthalmologist

    Although red eye usually goes away on its own, redness of the eye sometimes can signal a more serious eye condition or disease. Contact an ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment if:

    • Eyes are painful
    • Eyes become extra sensitive to light
    • Symptoms have continued for a week or more, or are getting worse
    • The eye is producing a lot of pus or mucus
    • A fever or aches are also present with the eye discomfort

    If red eye is accompanied by eye pain, light sensitivity, swelling, or blurry vision, it is important to make an appointment with an eye doctor immediately for treatment.

    The ophthalmologist may recommend the use of artificial tears. These eye drops act like a bodys own tears. Artificial tears are available without a prescription and can be used as often as necessary.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 01/22/2018.


    Itching And Itchy Eyes

    17 Reasons You May Have Sudden Blurred Vision

    Almost all eye itching is caused by some sort of allergy. Very often, mild itching can be helped with over-the-counter lubricating eye drops. I’d avoid the ones that take away redness , as they can be addictive. You can also use cold compresses or ice packs to help with itchy eyes.

    More severe itching may need extra help, such as oral antihistamines or prescription eye drops. Although itchy eyes are not an emergency, you still may need to consult your eye doctor for advice or a prescription.

    If your eyelids are red and inflamed, you could have blepharitis. Make sure you visit your eye doctor to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

    Quick Tip: Try to avoid rubbing your eyes! Rubbing releases chemicals called histamines that actually make the itching worse.

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    All About Eye Allergy: The Itch The Blur And Condition Confusion

    Five of every six people who suffer from allergic disease report eye-related symptoms, including watery or itchy eyes, with half of those calling the disturbance moderate to severe. In the midst of allergy season, an estimated 20 percent of contact lens wearers discontinue their use.

    A Few Basics

    The most common medications for treating eye allergy are antihistamines, both drops and oral. Over-the-counter and prescription dual-action, antihistamine and mast cell stabilizing agent drops may provide first-line relief faster than oral antihistamines. More recently, allergists have begun recommending topical antihistamine with mast-cell stabilizers.

    If symptoms persist, especially during a period of high pollen, you may benefit from using these medications for days or weeks, following an allergist visit to determine the best treatment option.

    Allergic Conjunctivitis

    When aeroallergens contact the eye surface, this triggers IgE antibodies, leading to inflammation. Eyes turn red and itchy, with tearing or watery discharge, and/or swelling of the lid. The most telltale symptom of allergic conjunctivitis is itching of the eye and area around it.

    Many contact lens wearers suffer from allergic conjunctivitis. Ophthalmologists often suggest switching to once-daily disposable lenses and/or preservative-free solutions, or perhaps taking a break from lenses. A once-daily ocular antihistamine drop can relieve itchy, watery and red eyes for up to 24 hours.

    Can Allergies Cause Blurred Vision

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    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

    HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

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    Blurry Vision Is Common

    Any number of things can cause blurry vision, most of them temporary and easily treatable. All of us as we age lose our ability to change the focus of our eyes up close, says Andrew Iwach, MD, a clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology . The remedy? Usually a new or updated prescription. If left untreated, though, other causes of blurry vision, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, can lead to progressive, irreversible vision loss, says Dr. Iwach. Regardless of the cause, its a good idea to get regular eye exams. We recommend that if someone has not had a baseline exam by the age of 40 by an ophthalmologist that they do so, Dr. Iwach adds. If someone is having visual symptoms, dont wait till youre 40 years old. Here are some causes of blurry vision.

    Could It Be Parkinsons Disease

    What causes blurry vision?

    Blurry vision is not the first sign of this nerve disease. But as it gets worse, it can affect sight. Thats because the condition may change how your eyes move. As your sight seems less sharp, you may strain your eyes because they have to work harder to focus.

    Parkinsons disease affects much more than the eyes. It also causes:

    • Poor balance and coordination

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    Why Youre Eyes Hate Spring

    If your eyes overreact when pollen starts falling, you probably suffer from a condition called allergic conjunctivitis or ocular allergy. It happens when something youre allergic to affects the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the membrane that covers your eye and eyelid.

    The reason your eyes turn red, itchy, watery and painful is that your immune system has identified something in the air as a threat. This threat is considered an allergen. Since your immune system believes its harmful to you, it stimulates the production of antibodies called Immunoglobulin . These antibodies are what end up causing an allergic reaction your eyes become inflamed and bothersome to you.

    Seasonal allergens are the most common cause of conjunctivitis. Pollen and mold spores can quickly trigger the immune system to set off the production of Immunoglobulin. This is especially true when the pollen count is high on certain days.

    Causes Of Eye Discharge

    Blepharitis occurs when the oil glands in your eyelids become plugged with mucus, dirt, or debris from the environment. These glands protect the surface of your eye from these irritants, but if they are inflamed or clogged it can lead to discharge.


    The best way to treat blepharitis is to keep your eyelids clean. You can do this by using:

    • Warm compresses

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    Contact Allergic And Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis

    Contact allergic conjunctivitis occurs when the eye comes into direct contact with a foreign object, such as a contact lens.

    Symptoms of contact allergic conjunctivitis can include:

    • discomfort or pain from wearing contact lenses
    • itchiness

    A person can take steps at home to help manage and treat their dry eyes. This involves a combination of controlling their environment and using over-the-counter and prescription medications.

    The ACAAI recommend reducing allergic triggers in the environment by:

    • wearing glasses instead of contacts
    • washing hands after handling a pet
    • using a dehumidifier to control mold in the house
    • staying inside as much as possible during times of high pollen and closing windows
    • wearing sunglasses or glasses outside to help prevent pollen from getting into the eye
    • using mite-proof bedding and keeping living areas clean

    In addition to limiting exposure to allergens, people can talk to their doctor about OTC and prescription medications for their dry eyes. Some potential options include:

    A person could also try natural remedies, such as:

    • massaging the eyes to stimulate tear production
    • using a warm compress on the eyes

    Cataracts Or Blurry Vision Understand The Difference

    6 Signs That You Might Need Glasses

    If things start to look blurry, your first thought might be that you need glasses or contacts. If you already wear corrective lenses, you may wonder if its time for a stronger prescription. However, if youre over the age of 35, there could be another reason for your blurry eyesight: cataracts.

    Often thought of as a condition that only affects the elderly, cataracts can begin to cloud the eyes decades before your senior years. The cloudiness is caused by proteins in the lens breaking down and clumping together. Over time, the cloudy area becomes more severe. If left untreated, cataracts can lead to blindness. The only treatment is surgery.

    Dr. Matzkin performs Multi-Focal Implants for cataract surgery and has many patients thrilled with their results. Keep reading to learn more about cataracts and the innovative procedure that can restore your vision.

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    What Is The Treatment For Dry Eye

    Artificial tears lubricant eye drops are the main treatment for dry eye. They can keep the eye moist and reduce symptoms. You can buy artificial tears at a drug store or grocery store without a prescription. They come in liquid, gel or ointments. Preservative-free artificial tears are best for long-term use, but they are more expensive.

    Other things you can do to help improve dry eye include:

    • Try to blink a lot, especially when you are reading or using a computer. This helps keep your eyes moist.
    • Avoid excess air conditioning or heating as much as you can. Also avoid sitting directly in the flow of cold or hot air.
    • Use a humidifier in your bedroom and any other space where you spend a lot of time.
    • Use goggles or moisture chambers if your doctor or nurse suggests them. Moisture chambers are special devices that fit on your glasses. They can help keep your eyes moist. You can buy moisture chambers at most stores that sell glasses.

    Additional treatments include prescription eye drops and anti-inflammatory medicines. If these are not successful, tear duct plugs or surgery that requires the assistance of an ophthalmologist may be recommended.

    Many people with difficult-to-control dry eye struggle with wearing contact lenses and may need to stop using them for as long as symptoms persist.


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