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HomeFactsHow Long Do Spring Allergies Last

How Long Do Spring Allergies Last

Its Tempting But Keep Your Windows Closed

How Long Does Allergy Season last? — From the makers of ZYRTEC®

When the weather is finally warm outside, it is tempting to turn off the heat, open windows, and let the fresh air in. This fresh breeze might feel nice, but it will also bring the pollen inside your home. Keeping your windows and doors closed will create a safe retreat during the peak pollen season.

Another place to control pollen is in your car. Keep your car windows closed and the AC on re-circulation to help keep pollen out of the car.

Treat Youral Lergy Symptoms

No matter how vigilant you are, you can’t get rid of spring allergens all together. That’s why it’s important to treat your symptoms every day. Unlike most allergy pills, once-daily FLONASE nasal sprays treat nasal congestion,* one of the most bothersome symptoms,6 plus sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose, and itchy, watery eyes.Learn how FLONASE can help you get the most from the spring season, without your symptoms.;;

*vs single-ingredient antihistamines that do not treat nasal congestion.

FLONASE SENSIMIST is indicated for itchy, watery eyes in adults and children 12 years of age and older. See product pages for full information.

What Can I Do If My Allergy Meds Aren’t Workingor My Allergies Are Getting Worse

If you’re already taking OTC allergy meds , allergy shots, a.k.a. allergen immunotherapy, make your immune system less reactive to allergens , and for some people, they can even induce a cure, says Dr. Parikh.

By giving small increasing doses of what you are allergic to, you train the immune system to slowly stop being as allergic, she says. This is the best way to address allergies, as it targets the underlying problem and builds your immunity to a specific allergen.

The downside? Allergy shots are a bit of a time commitment. You’ll need to get them once a week for six to eight months, then once a month for a minimum of two years, says Dr. Parikh. You need to be a little bit patient, too, because it can take about six months to start feeling better . But a life without allergies? Sounds worth it to me.

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How Long Do Seasonal Allergies Last

The changing of the seasons can be one of lifes greatest pleasures, particularly for those of us who live on the East Coast and in the Midwest. But as beautiful as Mother Natures changes can be, for many of us, it results in a plethora of problems: itchy eyes, runny noses, sneezing, nasal congestion, and worse!

The Most Common Spring Allergies

How Long Do Grass Allergies Last?

While you might enjoy the warmer weather, you certainly don’t welcome spring allergy symptoms. But knowing the sources of bothersome spring allergies, such as pollen, can help you reduce your exposure.

Many people see the start of spring as a welcome change. But with the warm breeze comes airborne pollen and mold spores. And if you suffer from seasonal allergies, you probably feel them with every inhale. Allergens send the body’s immune system into overdrive, leading to allergy symptoms such as sneezing, a stuffy nose, and itching. In the springtime alone, which typically begins in March, hay fever an allergy to pollen or mold affects 30 to 60 million people in the United States.

“Spring is typically considered to be a tree pollen season,” says James Li, MD, board-certified asthma and allergy specialist and chair of the division of allergic diseases in the department of internal medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Summer tends to bring grass pollen allergies, and ragweed allergies usually hit in the fall.

This year, many U.S. regions experienced warmer-than-normal winters, which gave trees in those areas an early start at pollenating.

Mold, which is considered a year-round allergy, can also wreak havoc in spring. This is especially true when damp and rainy conditions, followed by warmer weather, lead to a high concentration of mold.

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What Are The Most Common Allergies In The Spring

Because temperatures vary across the country, allergy season will start at different times depending on how each province is faring.

Across the board, tree pollen allergies start first, according to Fischer. It could start in late March and move into June for Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada, while B.C. has the worst tree pollen season kicking off as early as February and into June, he said.

After that, grass and ragweed pollens start up in August.

READ MORE: What doctors are warning parents about allergies and asthma in kids

This will vary depending on where you live, moisture levels and temperature these all determine how much pollen youre getting, Waserman said.

Moulds grow quickly in heat and high humidity. Believe it or not, its not just what you think of in attics or basements mould spores crop up on your lawn outside after snow melts and the leftover grass from when you mowed last autumn resurfaces.

When people think of mould, they think of the black stuff on walls, but mould spore counts are incredibly high outside too, Fischer said.

Misconceptions About Tree Pollen Allergies

Most people assume that trees with large or fragrant flowers must be the cause most allergy problems, but actually the opposite is true. Trees with showy flowers have larger, stickier pollen that quickly falls to the ground. As a result, ;flowering trees depend on insects to carry their pollen. Since these pollen arent blowing in the wind, youre less likely to inhale them and develop allergies to them.

Another common misconception is that you cannot develop seasonal allergies as an adult if you didnt have them as a child. Allergic reactions can come on rapidly and appear even in adulthood. It is also common when people move to new regions and are exposed to allergens they may not have been exposed to where they previously lived.

Also, people believe that there is little to no pollen near the beach but pollen can be airborne and carried for hundreds of miles well into our beach areas. While our beaches do have lower pollen counts, they also;have wild grasses and plants that can increase allergic reactions.

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Watch Out For Natural Allergy Remedies

Neti pots and nasal rinse squeeze bottles can provide relief if youre looking for medicine-free ways to treat your allergies. However, Dr. Eidelman says its important to use distilled water with them to avoid getting infections and dont use ice-cold water unless you enjoy brain freeze. Most of these methods just involve flushing out the nasal cavity with salt water and theyre fairly safe when used correctly.

If you have tree pollen or plant allergies, he recommends steering clear of herbal remedies.

If you have pollen allergies, I dont recommend anything herbal. For example, people who are allergic to ragweed sometimes have serious allergic reactions to echinacea. Echinacea is a commonly used immune stimulant. Its an herbal product, derived from the purple coneflower, which is a close relative of ragweed. So, dont take echinacea if youre allergic to ragweed. With herbal products, keep in mind that just because somethings natural, it doesnt mean that youre not going to be allergic to it.

How To Treat Seasonal Allergies

Last weeks Long sneeze attack from spring allergies

In most cases, an over-the-counter antihistamine and decongestant will do the trick. If you have severe allergies, however, your doctor may prescribe nasal steroid spray or allergy shots to dampen symptoms.;

It’s always a good idea to try your best to avoid your triggers, but that doesn’t mean you have to hole up inside with a box of tissues. To get less exposure to your allergens:;

  • Keep your windows shut when your allergies are active
  • Use an air purifier if you’re sensitive to indoor allergens
  • Wear a dust mask while doing yard work;
  • Check your local weather network for pollen forecasts
  • Take a shower and wash your hair at the end of each day to get rid of pollen that attached to your clothes, hair and skin

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What Are Symptoms Of Spring Allergies

If you suffer from spring allergies or other seasonal allergies, you likely have nasal allergy symptoms. The most common allergy symptoms can range from mild to severe and include:

  • Runny nose with thin, clear mucus
  • Itchy nose
  • Itchy throat, and itchy/watery eyes*

Nasal allergy congestion tends to be the most challenging symptom for allergy sufferers, and the hardest to relieve. There are many over the counter allergy medicine options available to help manage symptoms. However, when stuffiness makes you so miserable you suffer called stuffering! see how Nasacort relieves even the worst nasal allergy congestion to stop the stuffering.

*Nasacort is not indicated for relieving these symptoms and should only be used as directed for nasal allergy symptom relief.

When To Consider Allergy Shots

If over-the-counter-medicines and nasal sprays dont seem to be working, you might want to consider allergy shots. Dr. Eidelman says they can help lessen your sensitivity to pollen and more.

Allergy shots, also known as immunotherapy, can make you less sensitive to all the things that youre allergic to. For example, if youre allergic to tree pollen, you would get an allergy shot thats made out of tree pollen protein.

So what does that mean?

In a lab, they extract the protein from tree pollen and they make an extract with it. That extract is then used to desensitize or make the patient less sensitive to tree pollen. Allergy shots are very effective and many controlled studies have reflected this. Allergy immunotherapy is the only treatment that has the potential to cure allergic rhinitis, Dr. Eidelman says.

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I Think I Have An Allergy But I’m Not Sure

Generally, if you experience any combination of the typical symptoms — watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, etc. — you can safely conclude that you’re allergic to something.;

If you don’t know what that something is and you want to find out, your primary care doctor can refer you to an allergist. Allergists conduct skin or blood tests to determine what substances you’re allergic to.;

The thing is, most people exhibit the same symptoms regardless of the allergen, because allergic rhinitis is a condition with symptoms independent of triggers. So if your allergies aren’t severe, then you’re probably OK to take an over-the-counter allergy pill and not worry about it. If your allergies are severe, though, you might benefit from an allergy test so you can actively avoid your triggers.;

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

Get Your Spring Cleaning Started Early

How Long Do Grass Allergies Last?

Sweep out the winter cobwebs and get ahead on your spring cleaning. A deep spring clean includes dusting everything from the light fixtures to the bookcases, washing curtains, sweeping floors and rugs, even vacuuming furniture. This will remove any dust and pollen that has already made its way inside.

If you are out sprucing up the yard, wear a NIOSH 95 mask to reduce the inhalation of allergens. When you are done for the day, be sure to change your clothes and shower. Pollen can stick to your clothes and hair, making it easy to track pollen spores throughout your home.

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Find Better Ways To Handle Spring And Summer Allergies With Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center

If you want to take charge of your allergies this spring and summer, consider visiting Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center. We have a dozen offices across Charlotte and beyond. We provide care for all kinds of allergies, not just pollen. Other conditions you can receive treatment for are latex insensitivities, allergic skin disorders, sinus disease, insect allergies, drug allergies, food allergies, allergic rhinitis, and anaphylaxis. If you need more information or want to set up an appointment, contact us at Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center today.

How To Prepare For Spring Allergies Now

During the late winter, weather throughout Kentucky and Indiana change daily. Giving a signal that the seasonal allergy season is upon us.; As temperatures reach above 50 degrees, plants begin to bloom and release pollen into the air. Those with seasonal spring allergies will usually start to see symptoms in early March and last through May. Its important to start preparing for allergies now before pollen reaches peak spring allergy levels.

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Dont Forget To Change Your Air Filter

As we often suggest, it is best to change your air filter seasonally, or every 3 months, this helps keep the air inside your home clean. Consider other environmental control products as well, both zippered pillowcases and mattress encasements can help reduce dust mites and even have shown to help with pet allergies.

Why Should You Start Preparing Now

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You dont have to wait until you are suffering to do something about your allergies. Whether you make an appointment with an allergist or start taking medication, its important to get ahead of the pollen. Preparing now can help ease your symptoms throughout the season. If youve never been allergy tested now is a great time to do it. Learn what you are allergic to and how to treat it before your symptoms get worse.

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Here Are A Few Tips For Combatting Seasonal Allergies:

  • See an allergist. More than two-thirds of those who are effected by seasonal allergies have year-round symptoms. By visiting an allergist, you can have tests done in order to determine precisely what it is that you are allergic to. Your doctor can set you up with a treatment plan, either through prescription drugs or over-the-counter medicines, and you will likewise know what things you should be avoiding while outdoors.
  • Prepare your medication routine. Over-the-counter nasal steroid sprays, antihistamines and decongestants are all fantastic options when it comes to preparing for seasonal allergies. You can also visit your doctors office to begin a traditional immunotherapy program. New studies show that advanced acupuncture treatments can have a positive effect when it comes to reducing allergy symptoms as well.
  • Clean house! Dust mites and cobwebs from the winter months can accumulate in a hurry, and the longer they stay in your home, the worse your symptoms will be. Wash and vacuum your floors, furniture, and curtains. Also, remember that pollen sticks to clothes and hair, so change outfits as soon as you come home and be sure to take a shower before climbing into bed for the night.

Are There Natural Remedies For Allergies

Nasal irrigation uses a combination of warm water, about a quarter-teaspoon of salt, and a quarter-teaspoon of baking soda to clear out mucus and open sinus passages. You can use a squeeze bottle or a neti pot, which looks like a small teapot. Use distilled, sterile, or previously boiled water to make up the solution. Itâs also important to rinse the irrigation device after each use and leave it open to air dry.

Some others have mixed research on how much they help:

Butterbur. This herb, which comes from a European shrub, shows potential for relieving seasonal allergy symptoms. Some studies show butterbur — specifically an extract called Ze 339 — to work as well at easing allergy symptoms as some antihistamines.

Quercetin. This nutrient is found in onions, apples, and black tea. Itâs been shown in research to block the release of histamines.

Stinging nettle. Although some people use freeze-dried stinging nettle leaves to treat allergy symptoms, there isnât much research to show that it works.

Talk to your doctor before you start any herbal product. Some can cause side effects or can react with medications you take.

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When To Start Taking An Allergy Medication

Allergies can make you feel just as badly as if you had a nasty cold. Dont wait until you start experiencing symptoms to take medication, especially with allergy season coming earlier and earlier each year.

Certain nasal sprays such as nasal steroids may take days or even weeks to start working. Other medications, such as Afrin, shouldnt be used for more than a few days at a time read over the counter labels carefully and, as always, consult an allergist if youre ever unsure.

Unfortunately, as long as global temperatures are predicted to rise, spring allergy season is only going to get worse. But by taking a proactive approach to treatment, youll be able to keep your worst symptoms at bay.

Looking for an allergist in the Tampa Bay area? Dr. Daniel Reichmuth helps patients in Land O Lakes, Zephyrhills, Wiregrass, and the surrounding areas manage their seasonal allergies, as well as chronic year-round allergies, food allergies, and insect allergies. Request an appointment with Dr. Reichmuth at Florida Medical Clinic today to find a solution for your most stubborn symptoms.

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. Always talk with your doctor before starting or stopping medications.

Allergy Forecast: A Bad Year For Everyone

Seasonal Allergies

Like taxes, allergy season is one of those things you just cant avoid. In fact, due to climate change, it may be getting worse. Warmer temperatures lead to more pollen production, so 2021 may be the most intense allergy season yet. And due to COVID-19 quarantine, children may especially have a rough year.

When is allergy season?

It starts in the spring and continues until the fall, but different allergens, the substances that trigger allergies, appear at different times.

: As spring begins, tree pollen is the top allergen, followed by weeds and grasses. In some parts of Maryland, its not unusual to see cars covered by the itchy stuff.

May to July: In May, all the trees, grass and weeds gang up to pump out allergens, making it a bad time for allergy sufferers. This is the start of peak allergy season, which continues until July.

: Enter ragweed, a common flowering plant. Ragweed is the leading cause of seasonal allergies, with 75% of all sufferers allergic to it.

With temperatures falling and plants starting to go dormant, the air starts to clear, bringing an end to outdoor allergy season. Now its possible to breathe a sigh of relief without coughing.

See the Interactive Allergy Forecaster for allergy conditions where you live.

COVID-19 and childrens allergies

Surviving allergy season

If your or your childs allergy symptoms are severe or continue a long time, your;health care provider;may be able to help or refer you to an allergist.

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