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HomeFactsWhy Are My Allergies Worse When It's Humid

Why Are My Allergies Worse When It’s Humid

Keep Your Environment Allergen

Why your allergies get worse every year

Allowing pets to climb into your bed or sleep with you is not recommended, as they track dander that might be left behind.

Other common allergens that could increase your symptoms include dust, cockroaches, some household products, and cigarette smoke.

Keeping your environment free of these allergens reduces the risk of allergy symptoms at night.

How To Monitor The Weather To Manage Allergies And Asthma

If you live with asthma or allergies, managing your triggers to avoid symptom flare-ups is a part of everyday life. Environmental allergens such as pollen and mold are common triggers. You may not realize that changes in the weather can also affect your asthma and allergies.

Temperature changes, humidity changes, thunderstorms, rain and wind can inflame the airways, leading to flare-ups. People with respiratory conditions tend to breathe through the mouth and doing so brings weather-related irritants directly to the lungs. It also doesnt allow your nose to regulate the humidity and air temperature.

Why Do My Allergies Get Worse At Nighttime

Do you live with the effects of allergies in your life? It’s challenging for people with allergies to maintain a normal sense of well-being, especially if they live in areas with high levels of air pollutants.

All types of air pollutants set off allergy attacks, from natural to synthetics, that cause a rise in allergic responses. Organic compounds like smoke and pollen cause severe reactions during certain seasons throughout the year. Industrial pollution and VOCs are gaseous chemicals that also pollute the air inside and outside the home.

Allergy attacks differ in the physiological repose people receive.

The intensity and duration of the attack might be for a few minutes or last for hours. During the day, we come in contact with several allergens that may cause allergic repose. However, many people notice that their allergies get worse at night instead of getting better. Why is that?

This article looks to unpack the information you need to understand why allergy responses worsen in the nighttime.

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Why Do Allergies Feel Worse At Night

Medical research suggests that the immune response to invading allergens might disrupt the body’s normal circadian rhythms, causing sleep disturbances in the affected individuals.

The hormones involved in the management of the sleep/wake cycle also activate in the presence of allergens. As a result, affected individuals may experience an increase in allergy symptoms as the hormonal response drops off as we prepare for sleep.

People who experience allergies at night may notice the following symptoms.

High Humidity And Allergies

Why is my hay fever so bad?

Air that has too much moisture creates a breeding ground for allergens like mildew, mold, dust mites and bacteria. These irritants make their way into your home through the ventilation system, windows, and doors. With the right conditions, like plenty of moisture in the air, they can multiply into whole colonies of allergens within hours.

Dust mites in particular can be a problem in humid areas. Its actually their feces that are the main allergen, and when theres high humidity, dust mites feast off of our softened skin cells that naturally slough off, and absorb the moisture in the air through their bodies. This leads to more breeding, and more waste. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology recommends keeping indoor humidity below 50% to keep dust mite populations down.

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Treat The Underlying Problem

If youre at your wits end with your allergies, moving to or from a certain location may not be the answer. At Coastal Ear, Nose & Throat, we will create a specific plan for you and your needs to help you tackle your allergies once and for all. Call to schedule a consultation in the Savannah, GA area.

Extreme Temperatures Increase Heart Risk

When asked about the greatest exertion-related risk to patients with heart disease, cardiologist Steve Pollock, MD, director of St. Joseph’s Heart Institute in Towson, Md., doesn’t make a single mention of extreme activities like bungee jumping or deep-sea diving. “The only restriction I place on patients with heart disease is this: no shoveling snow,” he tells WebMD.

Already, people who suffer from heart disease can have narrowed coronary arteries. Add to these factors the additional exertion required for shoveling snow, and the scenario can quickly turn into a dangerous, even deadly, heart attack.

Extreme heat presents a problem too, as having heart disease makes it harder to regulate the body’s core temperature. “People forget they have heart disease. All of a sudden, they’re sweating profusely and dehydrated,” Pollock says, noting factors that can lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Old age also predisposes people to heat-related illnesses. “Once you get past 65, the thermoregulatory system has a harder time staying balanced,” says meteorologist Scott Sheridan, PhD, associate professor of climatology at Kent State University.

The Chicago heat wave of 1995 bore this out. Of the 465 heat-related deaths that occurred then, more than half of the victims were 75 or older.

“The idea that certain groups are more vulnerable than others to weather extremes shouldn’t preclude anyone from protecting themselves,” warns Sheridan.

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Rain Or Shine Allergies Are Tough What’s The Link To Weather

TUESDAY, Jan. 11, 2022 — If you think frequent changes in weather are triggering your allergy symptoms, you may be right.

A shift from a cold front to a rainy day then back to warm weather can have an impact on those with allergies, said Dr. David Corry, professor of medicine-immunology, allergy and rheumatology at Baylor College of Medicine, in Houston.

“People who have allergies, sinusitis, asthma or any other airway inflammatory disease frequently complain that their symptoms get worse with changes in the weather, and it seems like it’s when various fronts come through and there is a big temperature change,” Corry said.

Pollen, mold and changes in humidity can all have an impact, Corry explained.

Tree and grass pollen are among the most common environmental allergens for those who have seasonal allergies. Warm and cold fronts can carry pollen in air from other parts of the country, he said.

“When fronts come from the West to the East, they can bring a lot of pollen, particularly in the ‘cedar fever’ season, which is roughly during mid-January to February,” Corry said in a Baylor news release. “Those fronts can bring in that cedar pollen, which is extremely abundant and irritating.”

And, when it’s wet outside because of rain or thunderstorms, mold can bloom and trigger allergies.

Figuring out whether your symptoms are due to allergies or COVID-19 is a new issue.

Allergies also are unlikely to cause profound tiredness, fatigue, and muscle and joint aches.

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How To Measure Humidity Levels In Your Home

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Its great to know the most common home humidity levels that can trigger allergies, but how do I measure the humidity level in my home? This is an important question because it would be a challenge to control the allergens without knowing whether they are caused by excess moisture resulting from the humidity or not.

A San Francisco Bay local news source, SFGATE, reports, A number of devices, such as a combined thermometer with a humidity dial, allow you to get an approximate reading for as little as $3, while fancier meters technically called hygrometers can provide more accuracy.

SFGATE adds that the most basic humidity measuring devices simply tell you whether a given spaces humidity is between specific ranges such as 40-50%.

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How Can You Prevent Allergy Symptoms In The Morning

Here are a few tips to prevent allergy symptoms in the morning, whether youre dealing with allergic rhinitis or nonallergic rhinitis.

  • Dont sleep with your pets or allow them on your bedding. Bathe pets at least once a week to reduce allergens in the home.
  • Remove carpet from your bedroom and replace with hardwood or tile floors.
  • Use a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity level in your bedroom to below 50 percent. This helps kill dust mites.
  • Put a dust mite-proof cover over your mattress and pillow.
  • Take an antihistamine nightly before going to sleep.
  • Dust hard surfaces at least once a week, and keep your bedroom clutter-free to reduce dust accumulation.
  • Vacuum your carpet at least once a week using a vacuum with a HEPA filer. Wash bedding including sheets and pillowcases once a week in hot water .
  • Dont sleep with your windows open. This can help eliminate pollen in your bedroom.
  • Elevate the head of your bed six to eight inches to reduce the back flow of stomach acid while sleeping.
  • Schedule professional mold testing to check the air quality inside your home.

Tips To Reduce Allergies At Night

To reduce allergies at night, keep your surrounding allergen-free.

  • Wash bedsheets on a weekly basis. Deep clean the entire bedroom and carpets and wipe down hidden surfaces every month to get rid of mold, dust mites, and pet dander.
  • Use dust mite covers on the bed to keep dust mites away.
  • Invest in anti-allergy bedding that uses specifically manufactured fibers to keep allergies at bay.
  • Use high-efficiency particulate absorbing filters. Air purifiers are recommended as a way to remove allergens. Take over-the-counter medicines that contain histamines.

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Why Are My Allergies Worse At Night

Its the same thing almost every single night. You brush your teeth, finish your nightly routine, climb into bed, and immediately feel congested and sneezy.

If you suffer from allergies, your symptoms most likely get worse at night. This is something you share with other allergy patients. In fact, research shows that 74% of allergy sufferers wake up during the night because of allergy symptoms and over 90% of sufferers have difficulty sleeping.

How Does Climate Change Impact Seasonal Allergies

Why are my hay fever symptoms so bad at the moment?

Many scientists and doctors think climate change is a factor behind a recent rise in allergies and extreme pollen seasons. Fueled by higher temperatures and milder winters, plants are blooming earlier and longer in some parts of the country. The extended growing season means higher levels of pollen in the air.

Many people with allergies experience worse symptoms when early spring weather fluctuates between warm and cold. This is called the priming effect. When theres an early warm spell, trees and grass release a first round of pollen. The resulting allergic reaction primes a persons immune system for more severe pollen reactions later in the spring.

During longer allergy seasons with high pollen counts, allergy patients may find they need to use more medication to manage symptoms. Talk with your doctor about whether you should adjust your allergy management plan or medication schedule. Find out whether allergen immunotherapy for pollen is right for you.

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When To See A Specialist

Did you know that you are not able to sneeze when you are asleep? This means that one of the most important ways of ridding your body from allergens, sneezing, is unavailable while you sleep. This can lead to a worsening of symptoms that will wake you up.

Keeping your sleeping environment, your body, and your sleep clothes clear from allergens certainly cannot hurt you and often is enough to give you a comfortable nights sleep. But, for some, it isnt enough and the only available option is allergy medication.

If your allergies are making it difficult to sleep at night, contact Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center today. Since 1952, Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center has served the Charlotte metropolitan area. Today, the center has 12 offices in and around Charlotte. All the 14 allergists at the center are board certified by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology. To make an appointment at an office near you call 704-372-7900.

How Does The Humidity Level Trigger Allergies

Some causes of high humidity levels in buildings include leaking pipes, excessive rain seeping into a building, groundwater soaking up a building from the basement, or steam from showers.

When moisture accumulates in a building, it creates the perfect conditions for allergens to multiply. According to the Centers for Diseases and Control , Exposure to damp and moldy environments may cause a variety of health effects, or none at all.

The CDC adds that exposure to molds can lead to symptoms such as a stuffy nose, wheezing, and red or itchy eyes/skin. The same source also notes that severe reactions may occur among workers exposed to large amounts of molds in occupational settings, such as farmers working around moldy hay.

Interestingly its not just high humidity that triggers allergies even low humidity can contribute. For instance, low humidity levels allow mold and dust to dry, which makes it easy to be blown around by the wind.

When allergens are in the air, it becomes easier to inhale them. With the nasal passage also being dry because of dry air, it becomes easy for the allergens to enter the lungs.

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The Good News About Rain And Pollen

Did you know pollen counts may actually be higher when its dry? You would expect rain to make plants grow, producing more pollen. So a dry spell would mean less pollen, right? Not really.

During dry seasons, trees can actually release more pollen.1 There is less moisture in the air to weigh down the pollen grains when the wind blows. This helps more pollen travel farther and more easily.

Light, steady rain showers can wash the pollen away, keeping it from flying through the air. The humidity that follows helps keep pollen down too. Rain can have a welcome benefit for those with pollen allergies.

Dust Mite Allergy Management And Treatment

I Am Allergic To The Cold

Make changes to your home and to your routine:

  • Remove wall-to-wall carpets, curtains, and drapes particularly in the bedroom.
  • Keep pets out of the bedroom, and preferably out of the house.
  • Minimize household humidity.
  • Use mite-proof cases on mattresses and pillows wash bed linens frequently in hot water.
  • Wear a mask when cleaning
  • Keep the relative humidity in your home less than 50%

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What Is An Allergy

An allergy is when the immune system overreacts to substances in the environment that are usually harmless to people. These substances are called allergens and are found in dust mites, pollens, molds etc. When the allergen encounters an allergic person, it triggers an allergic response causing discomfort and symptoms.

Climate change has led to long summers accompanied by high humidity. Humidity is the vaporized water contained in the air. The current temperature along with the amount of vaporized water is known as relative humidity.

As a result of prolonged high humidity levels, there is a rise in the number of people developing allergies.

There was a time when sneezing and coughing were considered as diseases and earned visits to the doctor. Nowadays, it is common to see people with allergies saying things like, Oh, it is just the allergy, You know how it is. Almost everyone has a runny nose, coughing or sneezing problem in the morning., The runny nose will go away once the weather gets better.

Usually, these allergies are linked to the seasons, but the underlying cause is the humidity during these seasons. Our attention is always directed towards the hot summers or the cold winters so we do not pay much attention to the allergy symptoms. We counter it by popping some pills or waiting the season out. Too much or too little humidity, both cause allergies.

How Do You Get Rid Of Dust Allergies

Dust Mite Allergy Management and Treatment

  • Remove wall-to-wall carpets, curtains, and drapes particularly in the bedroom.
  • Keep pets out of the bedroom, and preferably out of the house.
  • Minimize household humidity.
  • Use mite-proof cases on mattresses and pillows wash bed linens frequently in hot water.
  • Recommended Reading: Can Allergies Cause Hoarse Voice

    Is Living By The Ocean Good For Allergies

    The iodine, salt, and magnesium present in sea air can reduce the symptoms of asthma, promote respiratory health, improve allergies and skin problems, and stimulate the immune system. The energy to get moving. Seaside living promotes an active lifestyle.

    How Does Rain Affect Pollen Levels

    Why Is My House So Humid (and How to Deal With It)

    Long, hot days are great for outdoor activities, but pollen can threaten to keep you indoors if you have pollen allergies and allergic asthma. They may leave you longing for a rain shower to wash the pollen away. But rain causes plant growth, producing more pollen, right? So is rain good for those with allergies or not?

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    Consider That Your Pillow And Mattress May Be The Blame

    Pillows and mattresses are great for you getting a good nights sleep, but they also excel at harboring allergy triggers such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander. Replacing pillows or covering them with an anti-allergy pillow case helps. In addition, there are anti-allergen mattress covers for sale that are effective in helping to relieve nighttime allergy symptoms.

    Which Humidity Levels Trigger Allergies

    If high humidity and low humidity levels make a place uncomfortable and can trigger allergies, which humidity levels should we aim for?

    According to The Clinical Research Center, when indoor humidity is higher than 50%, it causes high levels of moisture. This moisture creates a conducive environment for allergens like cockroaches, mold, and dust mites to thrive.

    The Clinical Research Center also reports that When indoor humidity is too dry, less than 30%, it causes dry nasal passages, skin, and throat, which can be troublesome for many people.

    Based on the above insights, we can conclude that the appropriate indoor humidity level should be between 40% and 50%.

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