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Can Allergies Make You Dizzy

How To Avoid Allergens

Allergies, Sinus Infections and Vertigo: Is There a Connection?

Allergic rhinitis symptoms can ease if you take steps to avoid your trigger however, this can be difficult so, to help you out, here are a few tips.

Animal dander if you have pets then create animal-free zones within your home.

Dust mites use allergy proof bedding and wash your sheets at least once a week as well.

Mould spores address any sources of damp.

Pollen keep track of your local pollen count and avoid going out when counts are high.

Linkbetween Vertigo & Allergies

In addition to inner ear diseases and Menieres disease, allergies can also cause episodes of vertigo.

This connection may be related to Eustachian tube dysfunction. The Eustachiantubes connect the middle ear to the inside of the nose and back of the throat.Nasal congestion and increased mucus from seasonal allergies can also affectthe nose since they are all connected via the Eustachian tube.

The primary role of the Eustachian tubes is to regulate pressure in themiddle ear. When congestion prevents them from doing this, the vestibularsystem can be impacted.

Middle ear infections cause inflammation in the ear, leading to dizzinessand vertigo. Allergies can increase your risk of ear infections.

Allergies And Dizziness 101

Itchy and watery eyes, coughing, and running noses are often signs of allergies. But dizziness? Its actually a more common allergy symptom than you think.

Thomas Chacko, MD, an Atlanta-based board-certified allergist, and immunologist, says many things can trigger dizziness, including allergies.

My goal is if we can treat the allergies and decrease the allergic inflammation, the symptoms of dizziness may improve, explains Dr. Chacko, who served as president of the Georgia Allergy, Asthma Immunology Society.

The issues can be complex when dealing with dizziness, he says, and finding the cause and cure usually involves some work with your doctor.

Heres what you need to know about allergies and dizziness, including treatments and when to see your doctor.

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Allergies And Dizziness: The Cause And The Treatment

If youre feeling dizzy, you might be wondering whats causing it. Dehydration, medications, and a variety of conditions can cause you to feel dizzy and nauseated.

While dizziness might seem like a mild condition, it can actually be very disruptive to daily life. It can even be so severe that it leaves you stuck in bed for hours or days.

Dizziness can sometimes be caused by allergies.

An allergy is the immune systems response to a foreign substance thats not typically harmful to your body. These foreign substances are called allergens. They may include certain foods, pollen, or pet dander.

Allergy-related nasal and sinus congestion can lead to dizziness or a more severe type of dizziness called vertigo.

Tell Us About The Fight For Air Climb

Allergies and Vertigo

The American Lung Associations Fight For Air Climb is the nations premier stair climbing challenge. At 38 events nationwide, children and adults of all ages participate in this celebratory stair-climbing adventure. Pre-pandemic, the Fight For Air Climb was held in several of our countrys most iconic skyscrapers. This year, the Lung Association invited participants outdoors for a one-of-a-kind adventure to support healthy lungs and clean air. In fact, Dale was among the companys team of more than 50 employees that climbed the stairs at Milwaukees American Family Field on May 22nd, proving he puts his feet, time, and talent behind causes he supports.

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Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Dizziness

Seasonal allergies can cause a lot of different symptoms. But can seasonal allergies cause dizziness? If you are struggling with dizziness, then you are probably uncomfortable and also maybe afraid. While some types of dizziness are no big deal, other types are undoubtedly serious. Below, we will explain different dizziness causes and also when to see a doctor.

How Do Allergy Shots Work

Per Mayo Clinic, allergy shots help your immune system become stronger by using treatment that can decrease or even stop your allergic reactions.

Called immunotherapy, shots are administered over the course of three to five years. You doctor will inject you with a small dose of the thing that triggers your reaction and slowly increase your dosage.

The goal is reduce your symptoms. Allergy shots are best for people who cannot avoid the thing that triggers their allergic reactions, and they can assist people who do not want to take too many medications. They may also be administered if a patient gets too many side effects from their current medication.

Also Check: Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Swollen Tongue

What Are The Benefits Of Breathing Healthy Air And What Are Everyday Things That People Can Do To Breathe The Fullness Of Life

Clean air is essential for healthy lungs. The American Lung Association works to ensure that the air we breathe is clean and safe from harmful pollution. In fact, every year we publish our State of the Air Report, which looks at two of the most widespread and dangerous air pollutants, ozone and fine particulate matter. Our 2021 State of the Air Report found that more than 4 in 10 Americansover 135 million peopleare living in places with unhealthy levels of ozone or particle pollution.

One of the most important things you can do to Breathe the Fullness of Life is to keep sources of pollution out of your home. Check out these commonsense tips on Additionally, ventilation helps reduce indoor air pollution, but it works best if paired with keeping known sources of air pollution out of the building. For tips on how to use ventilation to protect your lung health, check out our section on Ventilation: How Buildings Breathe.

Heres Why Allergies Make You Miserable

Why your allergies might be causing vertigo

So, what causes your seasonal allergies to move from typical symptoms like nasal congestion, puffy eyes, and throat irritation to that whirling sensation that can knock you off your feet?

When you breathe in certain allergens, like pollen, your body releases inflammatory markers called histamines that cause swelling and mucus production in your nose, throat, and inner ear tubes. The response is what makes you feel like your head is filled with pressure.

Your sinuses are supposed to be air-filled cavities, not filled with fluids. But when you get so stopped up and inflamed, fluid gets trapped and causes an imbalance in your inner ear fluids. That can contribute to headaches and feelings of dizziness a lot of people will say that they feel like theyre stuck under water, said Elliott.

Generally speaking, you dont have to worry about vertigo just because of a high pollen count. The onset of dizziness tends to happen when people delay treatment for their allergies, and try to wait them out, Elliott added.

Vertigo is directly correlated with how long patients wait to see the doctor. Once an allergic response is triggered, that begets the release of more and more chemicals in the body, creating a compounding effect. You end up with vertigo as a complication of an untreated allergic response in the nose, said Elliott.

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The State Of West Coast Air In Fall 2021

Fall for West Coasters looks a little different. While the air may cool slightly, making way for activities like hiking, autumn and its weather concerns can leave you on the edge of your seat.

No matter how far you are from the source of a wildfire, the threat of smoke-filled skies, property damage, and health concerns can stir up feelings of worry throughout your community. Wildfire burns create excessive amounts of smoke, polluting the air outdoors for miles. And since wildfires travel quickly, smoke can enter your home at a moments notice, impacting the health of you and your family and potentially creating long-term respiratory issues. Even if you are able to evacuate, there will still be lingering smoke in your indoor air after its been deemed safe to return.

Wildfire Season: What to Expect in 2021

You guessed itthis wildfire season is also predicted to be above-average, and we have the climate crisis to thank for that. With most of the nation currently experiencing droughts and higher temperatures, experts predict wildfire season could last longer than normal.

Wildfire Season: Protecting Your Indoor Air Quality

Are These Secret Allergy Symptoms Affecting Your Life

Do you know all the different ways your allergies can affect your life?

Many people think that allergies just cause sneezing and itchy eyes. However, seasonal allergies can cause many other symptoms and side effects. Here are some hidden allergy symptoms and side effects that may secretly influence your quality of life.

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What Can You Do

Address diet certain foods such as smoked meats, walnuts, cashew nuts, milk-based products and foods with artificial colourings are high in histamine so these are best avoided when suffering from allergic rhinitis. However, there are foods low in histamine that you can eat instead such as fresh fruit, vegetables and meat, as well as herbal teas.

Try Echinacea – the immune system has to work extra hard when suffering from allergic rhinitis in order to fight off allergens. This puts it under a great deal of strain so any extra assistance you can give it could be beneficial. Echinafoce Echinacea Drops are ideal for this as they are made from fresh Echinacea in order to fully support the immune system.

Try nettle tea this is a natural antihistamine so it should help you deal with the symptoms that come about as a result of this chemical. Such symptoms include inflammation and, therefore, dizziness too.

Up your vitamin C intake vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and is great for the immune system too. This means its a great addition to your diet when youre suffering from allergic rhinitis. You can obtain vitamin C from citrus fruits like oranges, but dont forget that strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes and leafy greens also contain vitamin C.

Sign #: Shortness Of Breath / Coughing / Wheezing:

Feeling dizzy

Shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing are not uncommon symptoms of anaphylaxis, but they must be mentioned. The first signs of an anaphylactic reaction can often present like basic allergy symptoms such as a runny nose. However, more serious signs will start to appear after 30 minutes or so. There is often two or more of these symptoms present.

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Allergic Rhinitis And Dizziness

Dizziness, when associated with allergic rhinitis, is difficult to understand. However, as our allergy advisor Louise Baillie explains, it usually comes about as a result of other symptoms associated with the condition such as inflammation. Here Louise provides more information on the issue and offers some tips about the various treatment options available as well.

Louise BaillieAsk Louise

Is There A Link Between Your Allergies And Dizziness

Feeling dizzy can be miserable, you will want to find the root cause and fix it as quickly as possible. There are a number of conditions that can cause you to feel dizzy, and nausea often goes along with the dizziness. You might simply be dehydrated or you may have a medication that is causing the malady. One of the other possible causes can be allergies. You may not think your allergies would affect something like your center of balance, but they can.

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Allergies are the immune system’s way of responding to a foreign substance. Most allergens are not harmful to your body, but they affect different people in different ways. Some people react to certain allergens while others do not. Allergy-related sinus congestion can make you dizzy or even give you a more serious form of dizziness called vertigo.

Allergy Induced Dizziness

If you think your allergies may be causing the dizziness you are experiencing, you will want to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. That means understanding the causes so you can make some adjustments in your life if need be.

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Can Allergies Cause Vertigo

Seasonal allergies that affect the sinuses, otherwise known as allergic rhinitis, affect nearly eight percent of the adult population in the United States. Because these allergies are so common, sometimes people dont realize that they can also be quite serious. Depending on how difficult a patients allergies are and how effective available treatment is, symptoms can range from mild discomfort to a debilitating struggle.

Vertigo is an uncommon but severe allergy symptom. It is most common in sufferers of allergic rhinitis. Since seasonal allergens enter the body through the nose and mouth, the body reacts by trying to flush them out with mucus. Unfortunately, our bodies often overproduce mucus, which is why individuals with allergic rhinitis sometimes suffer from sore throats due to post-nasal drip.

Some allergy sufferers have such a significant build-up of fluid in their sinuses that it can affect their vestibular system. The vestibular system, and the eustachian tubes in particular, are responsible for our sense of balance. If the eustachian tubes in the inner ear become blocked by fluid, patients can experience a variety of worrying symptoms, including dizziness and lightheadedness. If the blockage is particularly stubborn, they can also suffer from vertigo.

Allergies And Vertigo : Why It Happens And What To Do

Pain, dizziness, allergies, passing out, and medication eliminated with Gonstead Adjustment

If you have allergies, you may be dealing with several symptoms that already disrupt your daily life. Sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny nose are not harmful, but they can be very uncomfortable. Even worse, you may also deal with vertigo.

Allergies can cause your sinuses to become congested. The pressure on your sinus cavities can eventually lead to dizziness.

Allergies occur when your body treats harmless substances as destructive. When your immune system responds to substances this way, they are called allergens.

When facing allergies, you will produce a lot of mucus that eventually causes your sinuses to congest. This reaction occurs because when your body senses an allergen, it will release histamines that produce inflammation, thus creating mucus.

Your reaction may be different depending on whether or not the allergen stems from a food-based or airborne source. This has an effect on your inner ear, which governs balance.

There are many treatments available that can aid you, including medication and allergy shots.

Even if you feel your dizziness may be directly connected to your allergy, discuss this health issue with your doctor, as it could be caused by something else.

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How Do Allergies Cause Vertigo

A less common cause is allergies. These can affect the Eustachian tube, an organ that connects the middle ear to the nose and throat. The Eustachian tube is responsible for regulating pressure in the middle ear the increased mucus production associated with allergies can result in swelling and inflammation of this organ, negatively impacting not only the nose but also the ears, since all the structures are connected.

The vestibular system, located in the inner ear, controls balance inflammation and infection in the middle ear can therefore cause dizziness and vertigo.

Can Allergies Cause Dizziness

Have you ever felt faint, lightheaded or unsteady on your feet when you were experiencing an allergic reaction? It doesnt happen often, but there are a number of reasons why having allergies may make you feel dizzy.

Fortunately, its possible to treat dizziness caused by allergic reactions, which should help you feel steady and stable once again.

Dizziness is a rare but possible side effect of allergies, and once you identify the cause, its possible to treat it and feel like your usual self, says Mohammad Younus, M.D., an allergy and immunology specialist at Hackensack Meridian Health.

When youre having an allergic reaction, these factors may cause dizziness:

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What Is One Piece Of Advice You Would Give The Readers About Caring For The Air Inside Their Homes

I think that trying to research things online is such a slippery slope, and its hard to find really credible information that is unbiased. I think that when you talk to a NATE-certified service technician, theyre the ones who are in and out of homes more than anyone. You should find a contractor with that certification and that has an investment in Indoor Air Quality. They care for the customer and want to give them the most appropriate information versus the most convenient information. So, I think that its really important to get somebody certified and qualified to talk about all different homes and their equipment needs.

Make Indoor Air Quality a Priority

AprilAire uses practical science to bring you real, human benefits through our Indoor Air Quality solutions. Who wouldnt want to breathe easy knowing they are breathing the best air possible? Get the facts from experts like Paul Samek, and make sure you know whats really in your air. Take the first step. Find a certified AprilAire Healthy Air Hero in your area today!

Sign #: Fast Reactions

Do Allergies Cause Dizziness

Anaphylaxis can occur within seconds of exposure to allergens. While such immediate responses are common, delayed reactions can and do occur. For some, the symptoms of anaphylaxis may present 20-40 minutes after your contact with an allergen. For most people, the symptoms begin mildly enough but escalate rapidly. The sooner an epinephrine injection is administered, the more quickly the medication can short circuit the anaphylactic reaction.

That said, even after youve administered your epi-pen, its essential to seek out medical treatment. In some cases, anaphylaxis patients can relapse up to twelve hours after the initial exposure.

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When Is Dizziness A Serious Health Concern

Temporary or occasional bouts of dizziness are usually a signal to slow down and wait for the fog to clear. If it persists, or becomes more frequent, seek medical help, advises Dr. Chacko.

But for those who have vertigo, it can be hazardous for themselves and others.

Its not the affliction itself, says Dr. Derebery, but the potential impact. She tells her patients to give up scuba diving permanently, and be cautious when driving, climbing ladders, or any activity that could be dangerous should vertigo occur.

The effect of vertigo is not just the spinning which causes you to lose your balance, she says. Its that your body cannot sense gravity so you can fall suddenly.

She adds that vertigo is a symptom of an inner ear issue. If it persists longer than 24 hours there may be something else going on in the brain that must be addressed.

Brain scans and other assessments can look for medical issues that could be the source of persistent dizziness or vertigo.

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