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Do Allergies Make Your Chest Hurt

Conditions That May Cause Tightness In Throat And Chest

Chest pain: symptoms, causes and what to do

Experiencing symptoms like this can be troubling, and cause impairment in ones ability to carry out day-to-day task. While this occurrence is not always linked to cardiac problems, medical examination can be wise to rule out any serious underlying conditions. This article will detail common causes for tightness in ones chest and throat, as well as a brief explanation of treatment methods and options.

Bone Muscle Or Nerve Problems

Sometimes chest pain may result from overuse or an injury to the chest area from a fall or accident. Viruses can also cause pain in the chest area. Other causes of chest pain include:

Rib problems. Pain from a broken rib may worsen with deep breathing or coughing. It is often confined to one area and may feel sore when you press on it. The area where the ribs join the breastbone may also become inflamed.

Muscle strain. Even really hard coughing can injure or inflame the muscles and tendons between the ribs and cause chest pain. The pain tends to persist and it worsens with activity.

Shingles. Caused by the varicella zoster virus, shingles may prompt a sharp, band-like pain before a telltale rash appears several days later.

How Common Is Chest Pain In People With Asthma

Chest pain or tightness is common in people with asthma. In one emergency department survey, 76 percent of people with asthma reported chest pain.

Chest pain is known as a subjective symptom. A subjective symptom is one that doctors cant measure. Instead, they must rely on a description of the pain.

This symptom is usually one of many that someone with asthma experiences. However, a study published in 2013 suggested that chest tightness may be the only symptom for some people with asthma.

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An Introduction To Tight Chests And Seasonal Allergies

People afflicted by asthma may also be prone to seasonal allergies. In fact asthma and seasonal allergies are often grouped together and termed atopy by doctors. This is because the individual has an increased tendency to develop allergies and typical symptoms of chest tightness and wheezing often occur in both conditions. Atopic individuals can also be prone to skin allergies or eczema.

Chest Pain After An Asthma Attack

qagardendesign: Allergies And Chest Pain

So its 24 hours later. My breathing is normal, but my chest is sore and stiff. This is normal after an asthma attack, especially if it was bad enough that your accessory muscles were utilized to help yo inhale. They hurt because they normally aren’t used, and when they are used small muscles fibers on these muscles are torn, causing pain and stiffness the next day.

This is no different than the pain and soreness you feel after a good, strong workout, the kind of workout you do to make your muscles bigger and stronger. Of course, in our case, we dont want our accessory muscles getting bigger and stronger. Still, because I used them yesterday, they hurt today.

What is the treatment for this? As with the pain and soreness due to any other workout, this pain and soreness will go away in a day or two. If you want to take a Tylenol or something that is up to you and your doctor to determine. As for me, I just wait it out. Actually, as for me, I dont let myself get this bad anymore. Of course, if you are as familiar with this thing we call asthma as I am, sometimes it happens even when we dont plan on it. So thats why we take our daily asthma controller medicines, have asthma action plans, and avoid our asthma triggers the best we can.>

So, I shared my experience with asthma-related chest pain. For me, it is a common early warning sign. Every asthmatic is different. So, do you ever experience it? Let us know in the comments below?

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Symptoms Of Hay Fever

The allergic rhinitis reaction is triggered when certain allergens such as pollen, mold or house dust come into contact with the lining of the eyes, nose and throat. This causes symptoms such as:

  • Coughing
  • Hives
  • Red, itchy, and watery eyes (allergic conjunctivitis
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Swelling around the eyes

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis can be uncomfortable for the sufferer and may interferewith daily life. As a result of their symptoms, people with hay fever can experience problems including:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Increased risk of work-related injuries and vehicle accidents

In addition to the symptoms listed above, people who suffer from both asthma and allergicrhinitis are likely to experience asthmatic symptoms during an attack of hay fever. Mostcommonly these include a tight feeling in the chest, wheezing and shortness of breath. If you think that you or a loved one may be affected by hay fever, you can get a free symptom assessment by downloading the Ada app.

What Food Changes May Be Needed For Allergic Esophagitis

You may need to stop eating certain foods for a while to see if your symptoms improve. Start eating these foods again one at a time as directed. If certain foods cause your symptoms, do not eat them. Some common examples are dairy, nuts, eggs, and seafood. You may need to change what you eat to relieve your symptoms. You may need to see a dietitian to help you get the right amount of nutrients.

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Allergens And Their Effects

Postnasal drip is the main culprit in cases of allergy-induced sore throat.

Its the result of exposure to an allergen and occurs when congestion in the nose and sinuses drains down to the throat. This causes tickling or scratchy pain.

The drainage also can cause:

  • coughing
  • runny nose
  • coughing

If you have a sore throat with fever and body aches, its likely the result of a viral infection, such as the cold or flu.

Scratchiness is another way to determine if you have an allergy-induced sore throat.

In addition to the raw feeling that results from postnasal drainage, particles that directly enter the respiratory system can cause an itchy or scratchy feeling.

How Can I Prevent Chest Pain

Your breathing problems may actually be caused by your stomach, not asthma

You can reduce your risk of heart, vascular and other diseases by following a healthy lifestyle. This includes:

  • A healthy diet. Your healthcare provider or registered dietitian can help you create an eating plan that is right for you.
  • Managing health conditions you have, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
  • Exercising most days of the week.
  • Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Limiting the amount of alcohol you drink.
  • Not smoking or using tobacco/nicotine products.

Also Check: Can Allergies Make You Sick To Your Stomach

Gastritis And Peptic Ulcers

Gastritis is characterized by inflammation of the lining of the stomach. A peptic ulcer is a corrosion in the lining of the stomach. As both of these conditions affect the digestive tract, they can result in chest pain after eating. At times, the source of the pain is the abdomen, but it can be confused with chest pain due to the sensation or the intensity of it.

How Is Allergic Esophagitis Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider will ask about your symptoms and when they began. Tell him or her if you know certain foods cause your symptoms. Tell him or her if you have any medical conditions or a family history of allergic esophagitis. You may also need any of the following:

  • Allergy tests are used to see how your body reacts to certain allergens. The tests may show what is causing your allergic esophagitis.
  • A barium swallow x-ray is used to take pictures inside your esophagus. You will swallow barium in a thick liquid before you have the x-ray. The barium helps any injuries show up better on the x-rays.
  • Endoscopy is used to find any tissue changes. A scope is used to see inside the esophagus. A scope is a long, bendable tube with a light on the end. The scope is placed in your mouth and passed down your throat and esophagus. A camera may be hooked to the scope to take pictures.
  • A biopsy is used to take tissue samples from your esophagus to be tested. The samples may also be checked for any other problems with your esophagus.

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An Air Purifier Can Help

Now that you know what the top symptoms are for dust allergies, you may be thinking, Im pretty sure I have it. What can I do about it?

If possible, the best thing for you to do is perform a deep cleaning of the area thats causing you the most problems. Then, add an air purifier to the space.

What this product does is constantly strips the air of any dust particles and dust mite waste that may try to make their way back into the room.

Take a look at our article on the best air purifiers for dust mites and why they work so well.

If you have a dust allergy, this simple device can help you eliminate dust particles and dust mites from your home.

Having an air purifier in the space that collects the most dust can drastically reduce your allergy issues.

About Katherine Dyson

Katherine is the lead Staff Writer. She conducts in-depth research and interviews with industry experts in order to produce a wide range of content for the site. Her main role is to write helpful articles that aid people who are seeking to improve their indoor air quality and comfort.

The Asthma Is Usually Linked To Allergic Rhinitis

Is That Pain in Your Chest Heartburn or a Heart Attack?  Health ...

Environmental allergies can affect your airway in unique ways:

  • Allergic rhinitis affects your nose and sinuses, and may cause sneezing, congestion, and an itchy nose and eyes.
  • Asthma mainly affects your lungs, and may cause coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath or rapid breathing.

But when you have allergic asthma, youll likely develop both sets of symptoms at once.

In children, the signs can be more subtle, notes Dr. Purcell. Kids may say theyre too tired to play, but parents should check for wheezing or coughing. If the other kids are running around playing, and your child wants to sit on the sidelines, he or she may be having trouble breathing, he says.

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How Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Affects Your Body

When you inhale the dust that you are allergic to, you wont notice any problems the first time. Some people develop symptoms after inhaling a lot the dust all at once or after inhaling small amounts over and over again. Tiny air sacs in the lungs can become irritated and may fill with fluid. If you stop inhaling the allergen, the irritation can get better in a few days. If you keep inhaling those allergens, the lung irritation continues. Parts of your lung can develop scar tissue. When your lungs have scar tissue, it may be hard to breathe normally.

Its important to catch this disease early so that you dont have permanent lung damage:

  • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis can be a serious problem for people whose lungs become scarred.
  • Scarred lungs can occur if the disease continues, and it is permanent.
  • Unfortunately, there is no cure or treatment for long-term hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

Another Reason Your Chest May Hurt

That pain in your chest could be linked to another kind of attack that has nothing to do with your heart.

A panic attack or anxiety can reveal itself with symptoms chest tightness, sweating, shortness of breath that mimic those of a heart attack. There are some key differences between a panic attack and a heart attack, though.

  • Many heart attacks follow physical strain or exertion, an indicator not typically connected to panic attacks.
  • Panic attacks often feature a stabbing pain as opposed to the elephant-on-your-chest squeezing feeling that often accompanies a heart attack.
  • Pain from heart attacks frequently radiates to other areas. In a panic attack, it usually stays in the chest area.

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What Is Tightness In The Chest

Chest tightness, also called chest pressure or chest pain, can be defined as any discomfort that’s found between your lower neck and upper abdomen.

Chest tightness can vary in terms of how it feels and how often it occurs. The tight feeling may be felt all over the chest area. It also can be located in one spot or several spots in the chest.

While some may describe it as a feeling of fullness, others may say they feel like there is weight on the chest. Some people may experience it only once. Others who have certain conditions, like asthma, may have it more often.

It’s common for people to think they are having a heart attack when they have chest tightness, but that is only one possible reason for this symptom.

Are There Home Remedies To Help

why does my chest hurt and it’s hard to breathe

Finding a way to loosen the mucus in your airways allowing them to expand can help ease the feeling of tightness in the chest. Inhaling steam can be an effective means to do this, as the warm moist air can help loosen mucus. Adding salt to the water can also be beneficial.

Ginger has been found to be effective in reducing airway inflammation. It also acts as a muscle relaxant, helping to open your airways thus reducing chest tightness. Ginger can be consumed with your meal, in the form of tea, or eaten raw or crystallised.

As the tightness in your chest is likely to be the result of feeling congested, then reducing congestion is likely to bring effective relief. Breathing in peppermint or eucalyptus essence, or eating spicy foods, garlic and onions, may be effective in helping to ease congestion.

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Its Important To Minimize Exposure

Allergy testing can help identify whats triggering your allergies. Additional testing can help to confirm a diagnosis of asthma.

Once you know you have allergic asthma, identifying and avoiding its triggers will help you control your symptoms. When possible, take measures to prevent or minimize exposure, advises Dr. Purcell.

The same methods wont work for all allergy triggers. For example, dust mites are not airborne but cat and dog dander is, he says.

To reduce allergens in your home, Dr. Purcell recommends:

  • Minimizing or eliminating pet exposure.
  • Using special dust mite covers on bedding and aiming for indoor humidity levels of 35 percent to minimize dust mite exposure.
  • Eliminating food sources for cockroaches by using sealed food containers and regularly cleaning kitchen floors and surfaces.
  • Changing clothes and showering after you come inside if youre allergic to pollen, and closing doors and windows when pollen counts are high.

Although mold is more of an outdoor allergen, it can develop indoors . Addressing the water leak, then using a diluted bleach solution or a commercial cleaning product is usually sufficient, says Dr. Purcell.

Extensive mold intrusion may require a professional mold removal service.

What Causes Chest Pain

Although most people think of chest pain as a sign of a heart problem/heart attack, it can be caused by many things. Chest pain can be a symptom of:

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What Should I Do If I Have Chest Pain

Do not ignore any type of chest pain or avoid getting treatment.

If your chest pain is new, comes on suddenly, or lasts longer than five minutes after you rest or take medication, call 911 or have someone take you to the closest emergency room.

If your chest pain goes away or comes and goes, see your healthcare provider as soon as possible to find out what is causing the pain, even if it is not severe.

Chest Pain As A Sign Of Acute Asthma

Having Sick Kids Would Be Fun If . . .

So, say I dont pull myself away from those cards. In fact, lets give another example. I have a lot of boxes in my basement. So, say I decide to go through those boxes in order to clean out the basement. Lord knows this has happened before. I become passionate about the project. I am finding some old things I havent seen in 30 years. I am having a lot of fun.

Now, I notice the tickling, then the chest pressure, but I do not pull myself away. I continue sorting things out. I find a pile of old pay stubs and decide to see how much I made back in 1988 .

So now its been over an hour, and my chest is tight. I ignore this. After a while, my chin starts to itch . I am rapt in the project and having fun, so I delay and delay and delay. I want to get the project done. Then the anxiety/panic hits. This is when I start to break things or rip important papers, such as the cover of my yearbook from Madison Elementary in 1976. When this happens is the cue that I cleaned too long, and must finish the project later, or let someone else do it.

What is the treatment for this? The treatment, again, is following your asthma action plan. For me, this entails getting away from the dust mites, treating myself with albuterol, and probably taking a benadryl. Then I wait until my breath comes back, which it usually does in an hour or so.

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