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HomePopularHow To Cure Stuffy Nose From Allergies

How To Cure Stuffy Nose From Allergies

Cleaning Your Nasal Passages

Regularly cleaning your nasal passages with a salt water solution – known as nasal douching or irrigation – can also help by keeping your nose free of irritants.

You can do this either by using a homemade solution or a solution made with sachets of ingredients bought from a pharmacy.

Small syringes or pots that often look like small horns or teapots are also available to help flush the solution around the inside of your nose.

To make the solution at home, mix half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda into a pint of boiled water that’s been left to cool to around body temperature – do not attempt to rinse your nose while the water is still hot.

To rinse your nose:

  • stand over a sink, cup the palm of one hand and pour a small amount of the solution into it
  • sniff the water into one nostril at a time
  • repeat this until your nose feels comfortable – you may not need to use all of the solution

While you do this, some solution may pass into your throat through the back of your nose. The solution is harmless if swallowed, but try to spit out as much of it as possible.

Nasal irrigation can be carried out as often as necessary, but a fresh solution should be made each time.

How To Get Rid Of Stuffy Nose At Home

Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose 1 Hot Shower. Taking a hot shower is always the best remedy for blocked or stuffy nose. 2 Saltwater or Saline spray. Water is essential for a healthy living and by using saline water or salt water you can get rid of stuffy nose. 3 Hot Liquids. 4 Ginger. 5 Apple Cider Vinegar.

Resist The Urge To Blow Your Nose

It’s normal to reach for the tissues when you have a stuffy nose. But blowing your nose isn’t actually recommended. Why?

has shown that it generates excess pressure in the nasal cavities that could cause fluid from your nose to go into your sinuses.

Instead of blowing, use a tissue to dab at a runny nose. If you absolutely must blow your nose, opt for one nostril at a time and blow gently.

When Does A Runny Nose Need To Be Treated By A Healthcare Provider

Again, your runny nose should go away on its own. However, if the symptoms are severe, they last more than 10 days, or if you’re taking care of a child whose drainage only comes from one side, gets green or blood or foul-smelling, then you should see a healthcare provider.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Who hasn’t had a runny nose? Getting a dripping or “runny” nose in the cold or when you have a cold, the flu or allergies is common. It usually doesn’t mean there’s an infection or something serious. Remember to use good hygiene practices to prevent a runny nose or similar issues. See a healthcare provider if your or your child’s runny nose seems unusual.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 04/19/2021.


Acute Versus Chronic Sinusitis

Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose Due to Allergies

Inflammation of the tissues that line the nasal cavity causes a stuffy nose. In some cases, a stuffy nose will go away on its own, for instance, if a common cold is causing the inflammation, the swelling resolves once the cold has gone away. A persistently stuffy nose might inhibit sinus drainage and lead to inflammation of the sinuses, called sinusitis. An acute sinusitis resolves within less than 8 weeks. Chronic sinusitis lasts much longer than acute sinusitis, by definition more than 8 weeks.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis include:

  • Thick nasal drainage
  • Problems breathing through the nose
  • Diminished or even loss of sense of smell and taste
  • Pain around the cheeks, eyes, and forehead

If you have a stuffy nose that lasts more than a couple of weeks, it’s best to see a doctor.  You should also visit a doctor if you have recurring bouts of sinusitis.

The ongoing inflammation caused by unaddressed allergies can lead to persistent nasal congestion. You may assume that you keep catching colds, or that you have a cold that won’t go away when indeed you are dealing with chronic sinusitis. 

Dr. Ziegner can help you get to the root of your stuffy nose, so you can get much-needed treatment and relief.

Consider Some Alternatives To The Pharmacy

When you’re congested, the simple act of breathing can be a challenge. Whatever the cause — a sinus infection, allergies, a cold, or the flu — dealing with congestion can leave you feeling tired and dreary.

What’s happening inside your head when you have nasal congestion? “The nose has a vast network of blood vessels with valves that open and close,” says Scott P. Stringer, MD, professor and chairman of otolaryngology and communication sciences at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. “When the nose is stimulated by any irritant, the nervous system is also stimulated, causing valves to open, which results in more blood entering the nose. This causes swelling in your nasal passages, which makes it difficult to breathe.”

Since sinus infections, colds, and allergies don’t just leave you congested and often come with a host of other symptoms, you might contemplate taking one — or several — drugs to end the misery. Yet doubling or tripling up on medication types is dangerous, and you may not find the relief you seek with over-the-counter meds or through a prescription.

Although over-the-counter options, such as , are often used to treat the stuffiness and headache caused by congestion, there’s significant risk of becoming dependent on these drugs, and they can leave you worse off in other ways, too.

Avoid Caffeine After 2 Pm

Caffeine is a stimulant found in tea, coffee, and soda. It can give you an energy boost when you’re feeling under the weather, but it may have a mild diuretic effect.

So, if you’re having difficulty staying hydrated with fluid, you don’t want to risk anything that could add to the potential of becoming dehydrated and forming thick mucus.

Caffeine and sleep don’t mix, either. According to a study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, having caffeine up to six hours before bed can result in disruptive sleep.

Take Antihistamines Or Allergy Medicine

You may want to take an or allergy medicine if your stuffy nose is the result of an allergic reaction. Both types of medications can reduce the swelling in your nasal passages, helping to unclog your stuffy nose. Combination medicines that contain both an antihistamine and a decongestant can relieve the sinus pressure and swelling caused by allergic reactions.

Follow the instructions for these medications carefully. If you don’t, you may make your condition worse. It should also be noted that antihistamines might make you . If you aren’t sure how an antihistamine will affect you, don’t take the medicine when you need to be active or productive.

When Should I Contact A Healthcare Provider To Treat A Runny Nose

A runny nose will typically go away on its own. However, a healthcare provider should be contacted if:

  • The symptoms continue for more than 10 days and there is no improvement.
  • Symptoms are severe or unusual.
  • Drainage from your young child’s nose comes from only one side and is green, bloody or foul-smelling, or if you have other reason to believe there may be a foreign object stuck in their nose.

Your healthcare provider will perform a physical examination to make sure the runny nose is not a symptom of a more serious condition.

Clean Your Home With A Hepa Vacuum

While keeping a super clean home may seem like a great way to get your allergies under control, if you’re cleaning your house with a standard vacuum you’re likely kicking all the allergens you’re trying to suction. Only vacuums with HEPA filters catch the super tiny particles that make your nose runny and your eyes itchy. Pick up one of these best HEPA vacuums for allergy sufferers to keep pesky pollen and other agitating debris out of your home and out of your nose.

Kids Stuffy Nose Relief Or How To Relieve A Stuffed Nose In Kids

To relief a baby’s stuffy nose, be sure to remove mucus from their nose. If they are old enough have them blow it. If not, one can use an aspirator to suck up the mucus.

If the air is too dry, humidify it. Use a humidifier or vaporizer. One can also use saline drops to clear up congestion in kids.

Where the kid has already been weaned, give a lot of fluids. This will keep them well hydrated and prevent their nasal cavities from drying up thus reduce stuffiness.

Steam therapy can also be used on children. Get hot water running in the bathroom and have the child breath in the steam. One could also place a steaming hot vessel of water in the room the baby is in. when they breathe in the steam it helps in clearing up clogged up nasal passage. Ensure that this is done under supervision to prevent the baby from getting burnt.

Side Effects Of Nasal Obstruction

The combination of a deviated septum, large turbinates, and swelling from anything floating around in the air can cause ongoing nasal obstruction. This constant obstruction can then lead to sinus infections, , sleep apnea, difficulty sleeping and fatigue if not addressed. Our turbinates naturally swell at night as we are laying down. Many people with nasal obstruction issues have much more difficulty breathing through their nose at night.

Hydrate And Soothe With Warm Soups And Teas

Stuffy Nose & Sinus Pressure Hoover, AL

Many people swear by drinking liquids, especially hot liquids, to help relieve a stuffy nose. Although it’s certainly important to stay hydrated — especially when you’re not feeling well — the effect of hot liquids on congestion can mostly be chalked up to the placebo effect.

Researchers who split up a group of people with cold and flu symptoms, giving half of them a room-temperature drink and the other half a hot drink, found that there was no measurable improvement in nasal stuffiness in either group. But interestingly, the group that drank the hot drink reported greater relief from symptoms. Researchers also speculated that in addition to the placebo effect, the taste of the hot drink also contributed to the favorable response.

If you’re ready to heat up your own congestion remedy, try hot teas, such as chamomile and green tea, hot soups like chicken noodle, or a glass of hot water with a dollop of honey and some lemon. These have been used traditionally in many cultures, and are safe, but have limited research evidence backing their use specifically for nasal congestion.

Ent Expertise In Austin

Don’t let chronic nasal congestion interfere with the quality of your life. Put an end to your congestion and be able to breathe once and for all. The doctors and staff at the Nasal & Sinus Center of Austin are here to help you get relief.

To make an appointment, call our office at 339-4040 or use our secure online appointment request form.

How Do I Get Rid Of My Runny Nose What Medicines Should I Try

Prescription medicines, such as antibiotics are not needed to treat a runny nose, which usually gets better on its own. Sometimes, an over-the-counter decongestant medicine may help adults, but might not be appropriate if you have certain conditions or take other medications. Check with your healthcare provider to see what over-the-counter medicines are appropriate for you.

Typically, the best treatment for a runny nose includes:

  • Rest.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
  • Use a saline nasal spray to help relieve symptoms. Limit the use of decongestant nasal sprays to no longer than a few days, as instructed on package labels.
  • A cool-mist humidifier at your bedside can combat congestion worsened by dry winter air.

Unless recommended by your healthcare provider, don’t give over-the-counter cold medicines to a child under age four.

Look Into Alternative Treatments

Some allergy sufferers swear by alternative home remedies for seasonal allergies. These include butterbur , acupuncture, spirulina , stinging nettle, eucalyptus oil, and bromelain . There isn’t too much evidence on these treatments, so it’s best to conduct your own research and consult a doctor with any questions.

I Am Constantly Congested: What Could It Be

February 1, 2019

Are you constantly congested in your nasal passages? Does your nasal congestion interfere with your everyday life? Living with chronic nasal congestion can be annoying and disruptive. Believe it not, it’s also bad for your health. Being constantly congested leaves you vulnerable to frequent sinus infections and colds. Also, because your sinuses are constantly inflamed, nasal congestion can actually lead to fatigue.

What Is Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion, colloquially known as stuffy nose, develops when nasal tissues and their adjacent tissues plus blood vessels swell with excess fluids. People with nasal congestion feel that their nasal cavities are plugged and feeling stuffy.

Congestion may be accompanied by a nasal discharge, commonly known as a runny nose.

Try A Decongestant Nasal Spray

While Flonase is an allergy relief nasal spray, similar looking products like or are better equipped to treat nasal congestion brought on by the common cold and other causes. But use these products cautiously. While they may clear out your stuffy nose at first, using the medication for more than three days can cause the blood vessels to clamp down, leaving you more congested, Dr. Tung cautions.

Hydrate Yourself From The Inside

It may be easy to forget about hydrating yourself when you can think about how you cannot breathe. There are different types of liquids that you can take.

Water is still the best option, but if you want to drink other liquids, this will be fine too. You can take sports drinks, juices, and even clear soups.

Through the fluids, the mucus will be removed from your nose. The less pressure there is, the less inflamed your sinuses are going to be. Remember that if you are also experiencing a sore throat and your stuffy nose, you should take only warm fluids to soothe the irritation.

Treating Allergies And Sinusitis

How to Get Rid of Stuffy Nose


  • Know your allergy triggers and avoid exposure to them when possible.  Board certified allergists at Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center can help to identify the specific things you are allergic to.
  • Over the counter medications including antihistamines and nasal steroid sprays can be effective in controlling mild allergy symptoms.  If you are not responding to these medications, your allergist can discuss prescription medications.
  • Some patients benefit from allergen immunotherapy, also known as “allergy shots.” This involves injections of tiny amounts of the allergens to which you are allergic to help the immune system develop tolerance to them.


  • If your symptoms are not responding to allergy treatment and are lasting for more than 7-10 days, you may need further evaluation by your physician.  In the meantime, over the counter treatments such as antihistamines, decongestants, and saline sinus rinses can provide symptomatic relief.

Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center is a regional care center with 15 board certified allergists to serve you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or to learn more about our allergy practices in the Charlotte area.

What Causes Nasal Congestion And How Is It Treated

ENT Allergies and Sinus CentreNasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is a pretty common medical occurrence. Because it is pervasive, we might take it for granted. We might skip thinking about what causes it and how to make it go away as soon as possible.

Here is an in-depth look at nasal congestion. We will examine its causes, symptoms, potential risks if untreated, and how to treat it.

Nasal Allergy Symptoms You Shouldnt Ignore

Louise Chang, MD

If you have nasal allergies, you may be used to and congestion that last the entire day. But you don’t have to just put up with it. Whether you’re allergic to dust mites, tree , or animal dander, you can find relief for your nasal allergy symptoms.

“Some people suffer with seasonal allergies for years before they learn that there are effective treatments,� says James Sublett, MD, chief of pediatric at the University of Louisville School of Medicine in Kentucky. But there are good reasons why you shouldn’t wait to treat .

“If allergy symptoms aren’t treated early, they can actually get worse over time,� Sublett says.

Here are five allergy symptoms you shouldn’t ignore and what you can do about them.

Method 4 Of 4:when To Seek Medical Treatment

  • 1Get immediate care for sinus pain coupled with yellow or green discharge. Yellow or green discharge often means you have an infection, though this isn’t always the case. However, your doctor needs to rule out an infection or prescribe the right type of treatment.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Keep in mind that you can develop a bacterial infection due to sinus drainage, so what started out as a stuffy nose due to allergies or a cold can turn into a bacterial infection. If this happens, your doctor can prescribe a round of antibiotics that will have you feeling better much quicker than going without treatment.
  • Rarely, you may experience blood-tinged or red discharge. If this happens, see your doctor immediately.
  • 2Visit your doctor if your congestion continues longer than 10 days. A stuffy nose should go away within a week, so you may have an infection if yours lasts longer than 10 days. Your doctor can rule out other possible causes, such as the flu, and prescribe treatment if you need it.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source Here are some other symptoms you may be experiencing if you have an infection:XResearch source
  • Fever over 101.3 °F
  • Sore throat
  • Body aches
  • Fatigue
  • Your doctor may advise you to continue caring for your baby at home.
  • Why You Shouldnt Wait To Treat Allergies

    But there are good reasons why you shouldn’t wait to treat allergies. “If allergy symptoms aren’t treated early, they can actually get worse over time,” Sublett says. Here are five allergy symptoms you shouldn’t ignore and what you can do about them. A runny or stuffy nose is one of the most common symptoms.

    Treating Chronic Nasal Congestion

    Proper diagnosis is the first step toward managing a chronic stuffy nose. Dr. Ziegner will rule out other causes such as a deviated septum. 

    To diagnose allergies, Dr. Ziegner uses insight gleaned from your symptoms, medical history, and relevant tests and then makes a customized treatment plan for you.  

    If you’re struggling with nasal allergies, congestion, sinusitis or nasal polyps, we can help you get relief. To get started, call our Redondo Beach, California, office at 310-504-3242 to schedule a visit with Dr. Ziegner. 

    • 4.91/5

    What Other Symptoms May Come With A Runny Nose

    Postnasal drip is a side effect of too much mucus. It occurs when the mucus goes down the back of your throat and is swallowed, which may lead to a cough or sore throat.

    Sometimes, a runny nose and a congested, or stuffy, nose are seen together. Congestion occurs when the tissues lining the nose become swollen and make it difficult to breathe. The swelling is due to inflamed blood vessels. Mucus may begin to run out of your nose.

    A runny nose due to a cold or flu may be accompanied by fatigue, sore throat, cough, facial pressure and sometimes fever.

    A runny nose due to allergies may be accompanied by sneezing and itchy, watery eyes.

    Whats The Difference Between Allergies And Sinusitis

    It’s sometimes difficult to distinguish between allergies and sinusitis because their symptoms overlap. The following are some of the ways to tell the difference.


    Along with a stuffy nose, other symptoms of allergies include:

    • Sneezing

    In addition to stuffy nose, sinusitis can also cause:

    • Thick mucus/drainage that is not clear
    • Headache/feeling of pressure behind forehead, cheeks, and/or eyes
    • Cough

    Nasal Allergy Symptom 2: Sinus Pressure

    What are the Home Remedies for Blocked or Stuffy Nose ...

    Your are small cavities behind your forehead, cheeks, and . If mucus builds up in these areas because of allergies, you may feel pressure or pain.

    You can help reduce sinus congestion by applying a moist, warm cloth to your face or inhaling steam a few times each day. You can also try using a saline nasal spray. If you feel sinus pain and pressure for more than a week, call your doctor.

    Symptoms Of Nasal Congestion

    Understanding the symptoms of nasal congestion can help your dog receive the care and treatment they need. Here are some of the main signs:

    • Nasal discharge, nose swelling

    ? Here’s our exhaustive guide on everything you need to know about

    ? Here’s everything you need to know about reverse sneezing.

    Nasal Allergy Symptom 1: Runny Or Stuffy Nose

    A runny or stuffy nose is one of the most common symptoms. “The best way to treat congestion is to treat the allergy that’s causing it,� says Marshall Plaut, MD, chief of allergic mechanisms at the , Allergy and Inflammation branch of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases .

    Start by trying to avoid your allergy triggers. If you don’t already know what your allergy triggers are, an allergist can help you identify them.

    Although it can be difficult to completely avoid some triggers, you may be able to reduce your exposure to them. For example, if is a trigger, stay inside when pollen counts are high. If dogs or cats make you sniffle, wash your hands and change your clothes after playing with them.

    Some people find that nasal irrigation using a Neti pot or a nasal rinse helps clear congestion. Over-the-counter , , and sodium nasal sprays can all help control nasal allergy symptoms. Don’t use decongestant nasal sprays for more than three days at a time, however. Be sure to read and follow the directions on the label for any over-the-counter medicine.

    If these remedies don’t offer relief, your doctor may prescribe other treatments.

    If your symptoms don’t get better within 7 days or get worse after about 5 days, it’s time to see your doctor.

    Treatments For Nasal Congestion

    It is very important to visit a board-certified physician who specializes in nasal and sinus issues to help you pinpoint exactly what’s wrong. Being treated for the wrong condition can actually make your symptoms even worse. For example, often people are treated for allergies when, in fact, they have an easily corrected deviated septum. Some people have had unnecessary surgery for polyps, when they actually had a fungal allergy that could have been cured with a mixture of compounded nasal medications. Don’t let this happen to you.

    Depending on what is causing your nasal congestion, medical treatments may include:

    • Culture-specific antibiotic therapy
    • Culture-specific compounded antibiotic nasal sprays
    • Endoscopy sinus cultures

    Eat Or Inhale The Steam From Some Garlic Cloves

    Before you throw that garlic into tonight’s dinner recipe, you may want to consider saving a few cloves for yourself — garlic is believed to have both anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that make it useful in treating a host of problems, including congestion related to colds. Research has shown that people who were given garlic supplements for 12 weeks during the cold season had significantly fewer colds than those who didn’t take the garlic supplement.

    For those who aren’t fond of the pungent taste and smell of raw garlic, try garlic sautéed with vegetables or pasta. You can also breathe in some garlic steam: Slice up a few cloves of garlic and put them in a small pot along with a cup of water, heat until steaming, and then carefully inhale the garlic steam at arm’s length.

    Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of A Stuffy Nose Fast

    Are you have tired of having difficulty breathing or excess mucus? Nasal congestion does not necessarily mean a cold. Some other conditions can also cause these symptoms to include flu, rhinitis, sinusitis, fever, allergies, and a stuffy nose.

    A stuffy nose, also called nasal congestion, is caused by inflammation of blood vessels in the nose and swelling of the nasal tissue. This can result in excess mucus in the nose that no longer drains, thus blocking the nose. Nasal congestion can make it difficult to breathe. Other symptoms include sinusitis,  nasal congestion, and headaches.

    Fortunately, some home remedies can effectively get rid of a stuffy nose fast! Even better, the materials used in these methods are very common; you can easily find them in your home.


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