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What’s In An Allergy Shot

How Long Does It Take To For Allergy Shots To Work

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Most people notice some improvement in their allergy symptoms within one year of starting allergen immunotherapy. By the third year of allergen immunotherapy, most people no longer have serious allergic reactions.

Some people can stop having allergy shots after a few years of treatment and no longer experience symptoms, but other people need ongoing allergen immunotherapy to prevent allergy symptoms from coming back. Your doctor will adjust your treatment plan depending on your unique needs.

Can Children Receive Immunotherapy

Five is the youngest recommended age to start immunotherapy in the United States for several reasons, including the difficulties younger children may have in cooperating with the immunotherapy program. Recent studies have suggested immunotherapy may prevent the development of new allergies in children and also may prevent the development of asthma in children who have rhinitis.

There is no upper age limit for receiving immunotherapy. In considering immunotherapy in older persons, consideration must be given to the other medical conditions that are more frequent in older individuals, which could potentially make immunotherapy more risky.

Myth: Allergy Shots Are Only For Severe Allergies

First lets debunk who allergy shots are for. Its a common myth that immunotherapy is only available to patients with severe allergies. Allergy shots are used to treat respiratory allergies to things such as pollen, grass, and trees as well as insect allergies. You dont need to have severe respiratory allergies to be a good candidate for allergy shots.

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Immunotherapy Injections Versus Sublingual Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy has been given by injection for more than 100 years and many studies prove that it is effective. A number of studies published in the last five years have shown that very high dose sublingual immunotherapy , where allergen extracts are retained under the tongue for a few minutes, then swallowed, can also be effective. SLIT has a longer history of use in Europe than in Australia and New Zealand, where it is used more commonly than injected immunotherapy.

The allergen extracts currently available in Australia and New Zealand for oral and injected therapy are very potent, and are NOT the extremely weak and ineffective extracts used by some medical practitioners ten or more years ago.

Why Might Your Doctor Recommend Allergy Shots

Those damn vaccines : TerminallyStupid
  • You have allergic rhinitis, you have tried medicine and have avoided allergens, and you still have severe symptoms.
  • You have allergic rhinitis and have tried medicine but the side effects bother you.
  • You have allergic asthma, your symptoms last most of the year, and you don’t get relief if you take medicines or avoid allergens.

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What Is The Treatment Commitment

You must be willing to commit to a regular schedule of allergy shot treatments. Although some people may consider this an inconvenience, a three- to five-year commitment to allergy shots is minimal compared to a lifetime of taking over-the-counter drugs or prescription medications.

You must be able to receive allergy shots by a healthcare provider at a facility with proper staff and equipment so that any potential adverse reactions can be identified and treated. It is recommended that you remain in the office 30 minutes after receiving your allergy shots to ensure that the injected allergen does not cause any adverse reactions.

What Is In The Flu Shot

Every year, scientists around the world do their best to get one step ahead of the flu by developing that years iteration of the flu shot. As a reminder, vaccines work by giving your body a chance to fight off an altered version of a virus or bacteria, so that if and when it encounters the live virus in the wild, it already knows how to react, and you never get sick. But whats in a flu shot is a little more complicated.

The recipe starts with the four most common influenza strains from around the world, injected into fertilized chicken eggs or mammalian cells, deactivated so it doesnt give you the actual flu, mixed with a grab-bag of preservatives, antibiotics, and sugars. This combination is then formulated for a shot or spray to make it in time for the 2021 flu season. For those science-is-fucking-awesome types out there, this is indeed awesome.

Its also complex as hell something that keeps virologists on their toes every year. Influenza strains constantly mutate, but scientists get one shot at the annual vaccine, making their best guess some 30 weeks in advance to get the flu shot out to the public.

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Delivery Of The Flu Shot In 2021

Not all flu shots are the same. Some arent even shots. Here are your 2021 flu vaccine options:

Nasal Spray: The nasal spray vaccine is the only kind to include a live attenuated influenza vaccine. Although it cant give you the flu, it does have a higher likelihood of inducing flu-like symptoms. This vaccine does not contain thimerosal or other preservatives. Its available only for patients aged 2 to 49.

For: People who cant stand the needle or jet spray or who want to avoid preservatives.

Inactivated shots are usually given with a needle, but Afluria Quadrivalent can be given to adults with a jet injector, which is basically a high-powered spray that penetrates the skin.

For: Needles can be used for everyone aged 6 months and older. The jet spray is approved for adults aged 18 to 64.

Flu Vaccine Ingredients: The Strains

The difference between cold, COVID, flu and allergies

Every year, vaccine developers take virus samples from labs across the world and mix and match them. This years vaccine relies on four viruses this is called a quadrivalent vaccine. The four viruses in the vaccine are somewhat different for the three different types of flu vaccines, which are egg-based , recombinant, and egg-free.

Those viruses are


First, lets break down the terminology: A refers to the type of influenza that infects birds, humans, pigs, horses, seals, and dogs H#N# refers to the different proteins found in the outer shell of the virus pdm is short for pandemic and 09 is the year of said pandemic .

This years Apdm09 component is different for flu vaccines that are egg-based compared to those that are cell-based and recombinant-based. For egg-based vaccines, the component changed from an A/Guangdong-Maonan/SWL1536/2019 pdm09-like virus to an A/Victoria/2570/2019pdm09-like virus. That means a flu strain akin to the one seen in the 2009 pandemic that was created in 2019 in a lab in Victoria is replacing the strain created in 2019 in the Maonan district of Guangdong.

For cell-based and recombinant vaccines, the component changed from an A/Hawaii/70/2019 pdm09-like virus to an A/Wisconsin/588/2019 pdm09-like virus.

The second component is a variant of the 2009 H1N1 swine flu. H3N2 was first found in pigs in 2010, then in humans in 2011. The biggest human outbreak was in 2012 with some 309 reported cases.

Influenza B

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Allergy Shots Treat Many Kinds Of Allergies

Allergy shots are great for treating indoor and outdoor allergies caused by environmental irritants, like pollen and dust.

If you feel like you cant escape allergens no matter how much you clean or how many decongestants you take, shots may provide long-term relief.

Shots can treat symptoms caused by these common allergens:

  • Dust mites
  • Pollen
  • Animal dander
  • Cockroaches
  • Certain stinging insects such as bees, wasps, yellow jackets, fire ants

Note:Food allergies cannot be treated with shots. Talk with your healthcare provider about other options for treating food allergies.

Are There Dangerous Potential Side Effects

It is very rare, but allergy shots can cause a serious allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock. The airways may become very narrow, making breathing difficult, and blood pressure drops. This is why it is important to have allergy shots under a doctors supervision. The staff at the office are equipped to deal with a severe reaction.

An allergy shot may also cause a sore or itchy bump at the site of the injection, which usually is temporary.

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What Kind Of Allergy Shots Do I Need

The kind of shot you get depends on what youre allergic to. Before starting treatment, youll be tested to identify exactly what substances trigger your symptoms and determine what goes into your treatment.

For example, if you experience a lot of symptoms in the spring, you may have a pollen allergy. Youll be tested to determine exactly what type of pollen your immune system is reacting to. Your immunologist will then formulate allergy shots that are made just for you.

How Well Do The Treatments Work

Side Effects

If you stick with allergy shots long enough, thereâs a good chance youâll see improvement or even an end to your allergy symptoms. About 85% of people with hay fever who get this type of treatment say their allergy symptoms get better.

âThatâs one of the things I find pretty neat as an allergist,â Wada says. âTypically, a lot of the treatments we have are geared toward treating the symptoms. This is one of the few things we have toward the root of the problem.â

Sublingual treatments havenât been studied as much as allergy shots. They havenât been shown to work as well as allergy shots. But if youâre up for the commitment of taking the medicine day in, day out, as prescribed, it might be an option to explore for the specific allergies it targets.

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They Contain Allergens So Reactions Can Happen

Allergy shots work by exposing patients to tiny amounts of whatever it is they’re allergic to. The amount of allergen in each injection increases gradually over time so the body can build up a tolerance.

“It changes the person’s immune system from having a bad reaction to pretty much ignoring the allergen,” says Dr. Dziadzio. “For some people, it decreases their allergies enough so they can come off medicine entirely, and for some it helps their medicines be more effective.”

But because allergens are involved, reactions to the shots themselves are possible. These can range from swelling and itching at the injection site to sneezing and a runny nose, to, in rare cases, anaphylactic shock. That’s why it’s recommended that patients stay at their doctor’s office for 30 minutes after each shot so they can be monitored and treated for reactions if they do occur.

How Long After I Start Taking The Allergy Shots Before I Feel Better

It usually takes six months or more of allergy shots before you start feeling better and notice relief of your allergy symptoms. If you don’t feel better after this much time, you should probably talk with your doctor about another kind of treatment for your allergies.

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Also Check: Can You Develop Allergies As An Adult

Benefits Of Allergy Shots

Allergy shots can be effective at reducing allergy symptoms especially for seasonal allergies and allergies to dogs and cats.

For example, a 2016 study published in Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology examined two groups of 65 to 75-year-olds with hay fever triggered by pollen and grass allergies. One group was given allergy shots, while the other received a placebo over the course of three years.

The allergy shot group reported a 55 percent reduction in symptoms of hay fever, like sneezing and itchy eyes, and a reduction of 64 percent in the amount of allergy medication needed for relief.

It can take about six months to a year of allergy shots for someone to notice a change in allergy symptoms, and about two to three years for the treatment to reach its full effect.

“For some people, it offers significant improvement, and for others, it provides partial improvement or at least lets them decrease their medications and feel more comfortable in general,” says Omid Mehdizadeh, MD, otolaryngologist and laryngologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center.

Overall, immunotherapy treatment typically spans three to five years, though some people may receive allergy shots for shorter or longer periods of time, depending on how well they respond to the treatment.

How Many Shots Do I Have To Get

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Most people get 1 or 2 shots each week at first. After about 6 months of weekly shots, your doctor will decide when you can start maintenance treatment. These shots usually are given once a month, year-round. You probably will need maintenance shots for 3 to 5 years. If your symptoms are better, you may be able to stop having shots.

Talk to your doctor if your symptoms do not improve after 6 months. You may need to try another form of treatment.

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Allergy Shots For Children

As early as ages 3, kids can begin to develop seasonal allergies, leaving many parentswondering what is the best treatment? We also get asked often are allergy shots safe forchildren. Yes, they are, but this is something that needs to be discussed with your allergist.Children, like adults, sometimes develop a minor reaction near the site of the injectionimmediately after the allergy shot is given. Simply applying ice to the area and administering anantihistamine can reduce the swelling.

There are rare cases where children can have a more severe reaction, including hives, itchingacross the body, or difficulty breathing. These are less common but can occur. That is why itsbest to consult with your allergy specialist to determine if an allergy shot is appropriate for yourchild.

Unorthodox Use Of Immunotherapy

There is no proven role for allergen immunotherapy to reduce the severity of symptoms related to food intolerance or any perceived adverse reactions to food chemicals, additives, preservatives, artificial colours or smoke. There is no proven role for the addition of bacterial extracts to allergen extracts for immunotherapy, or for the use of bacterial extracts to treat any allergic disease at this time.

At this time, immunotherapy to switch off food allergy is the subject of research, but is yet to enter routine clinical practice. Those who have a diagnosed food allergy must avoid the food trigger, unless they are participating in a research study lead by a clinical immunology/allergy specialist.

ASCIA is the peak professional body of clinical immunology/allergy specialists in Australia and New Zealand.ASCIA resources are based on published literature and expert review, however, they are not intended to replace medical advice. The content of ASCIA resources is not influenced by any commercial organisations.For more information go to To donate to immunology/allergy research go to

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Antivirals: What To Do When You Already Have The Flu

When you come down with the flu, antiviral medicine can shorten its duration. The FDA has approved six influenza antiviral drugs in the U.S. But theyre all in somewhat short supply, so you might not be given them if youre not a child or elderly. This is why we get our flu shots, people!

The antiviral you probably already know goes by the brand name of Tamiflu, which you can get over the counter with relative ease even if youre not young or elderly. This drug, along with two others that work in the same manner , block an enzyme the virus needs to replicate. They can shave up to a day off your illness, but they need multiple doses to keep the drug working. Tamiflu, for instance, requires patients to take it twice a day for five days.

The newest antiviral, Baloxavir marboxil , is a single-dose antiviral drug approved in 2019 by the FDA. Baloxavir is for people with basic flu who are 12 years and older and have had symptoms for less than 48 hours. In a phase 2 trial published by The New England Journal of Medicine, it shaved off upwards of 28 hours of flu symptoms . This antiviral stands out in that its the only one that gets to the root of replication, messing with the virus RNA to stop it from reproducing. Also, its one of the only ones to come in a single dose, so you can pop it once and forget about it.

Evergreen Flu Vaccine Ingredients: The Preservatives And Additives

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Beyond the three to four viral components, a number of additives and preservatives are required to make vaccines effective and to keep them from going bad. These ingredients, sometimes covered as trade secrets by drug companies in less public drugs, have led to many a conspiracy theory that anti-vaxxers would have you latch onto. Its really much more boring than that.

Here are some of the ingredients you will find in the 2021-2022 flu vaccine and why theyre there.

The Ingredient: Aluminum Salts

Use: Boosts bodys response to the vaccine

The Ingredient: Sugar or gelatin

In: Most vaccines

In: Few flu vaccines only multi-dose vials

Use: Preservative

The CDC says: Thimerosal has a different form of mercury than the kind that causes mercury poisoning . Its safe to use ethylmercury in vaccines because its processed differently in the body and its less likely to build up in the body and because its used in tiny amounts. Even so, most vaccines do not have any thimerosal in them.

The Ingredient: Egg proteins

In: Some vaccines

Use: Growing the vaccine

The CDC says: Because influenza and yellow fever vaccines are both made in eggs, egg proteins are present in the final products. However, there are two new flu vaccines now available for people with egg allergies.

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What Happens During Allergen Immunotherapy

Allergy shots are given in the upper arm and are administered on a schedule that has two phases:

  • The buildup phase. During the buildup phase, you will receive more frequent shots and your doctor will gradually increase the allergen dose with each shot. The buildup phase usually lasts 3 to 6 months.
  • The maintenance phase. During the maintenance phase, you will receive less frequent shots and should start to experience relief from allergy symptoms. The maintenance phase lasts 5 years or longer.

To get the maximum benefit from allergy shots, you need to follow your allergy shot schedule and avoid missing doses.


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