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HomeHow To Help Puppy With Allergies

How To Help Puppy With Allergies

What Kinds Of Allergies Do Dogs Have

6 Best Home Remedies for Dog Skin Allergies (All-natural)

Allergies are not a one-size-fits-all condition, and this holds true for dogs as well. There are several types of allergies that can affect dogs, each with different reactions for your pet. Types include:

  • Skin allergies: This is the most common type of allergy for dogs. They can be caused by food, fleas, or other environmental stimuli.
  • Food allergies: This is the rarest type of dog allergy. While many dogs may be sensitive to certain foods, very few are truly allergic.
  • Environmental allergies: Dust, pollen and mold can make your pooch very uncomfortable. These are seasonal allergies that flare up at certain times of the year.

All three can lead to skin conditions called allergic dermatitis. If this occurs, there’s a danger of secondary infections of the skin – yeast or bacterial – due to the dog licking, biting, and scratching at the skin.

Other Natural Home Remedies For Dog Allergies

Does your itchy dog not like oatmeal, aloe vera or apple cider vinegar? Try these!

  • Coconut oil soothes raw dog skin. Coconut oil also settles tummies and boosts immune systems.
  • Thyme another great one for skin yeast infections without the pungent smell of vinegar.
  • Epsom salts great for drawing out infections and soothing skin. Use Epsom salts at bath time.

Pets That Don’t Cause Allergies

No matter what you may have heard, no furry animal is truly hypoallergenic. Dander can build up in any type of hair or fur, even if it’s short or your pet doesn’t shed much. It even happens in breeds described as “hairless.”

If you want a pet that doesn’t make you cough and sneeze, you’ll need to choose one without any fur or feathers, like a fish, turtle, or snake.

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How Does A Doctor Diagnose An Animal/pet Allergy

When you have moderate-to-severe allergies, it is best to see a board-certified allergist. Your doctor will diagnose a pet or animal allergy based on your medical history, symptoms, a physical exam, and allergy test results. Allergy testing is the best way find out if you allergic to a specific animal type. Your doctor can use either a blood test or skin test to help get a diagnosis.

You can develop allergies at any time. And allergies can change over time. It is possible you were not allergic to your dog in the past, but you are now.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America advocates for equal rights for people with asthma and allergies on planes. Our advocacy helped put new rules into place on U.S. airlines that limit emotional support animals on planes. But there is still more work to do to make flying a safer environment for people with pet allergies. Join our community to receive AAFA Advocacy Action Alerts. You will receive updates on this issue, as well as other legislation that affects people with asthma and allergies!

Allergic Reaction Heres A Step By Step On What To Do Next

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Step 1: stop panicking!

Step 2: head to the vet for a confirmation of an allergy or fleas.

Step 3: work out what the allergens are and remove or avoid them.

Step 4: treat with prescribed medications and natural home remedies for dog allergies to soothe itchy skin symptoms.

Ahhhhhhh. Thats better!

As pet owners, its our duty to take care of our beloved fur-balls. We treat their symptoms, remove their fleas and cuddle them tight. We also get to jump with joy and go for a celebratory walkie when the home remedies work like a treat!

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Pet Seasonal Allergy Symptoms To Look For

Dogs and cats show similar allergy symptoms as humans, yet they experience them most through their skin. Excessive scratching likely means itchy, irritated skin. Here are a few more symptoms to watch out for:

  • Scratching and biting their coat or skin
  • Red, inflamed, or infected skin
  • Excessive shedding
  • Compulsive paw licking in dogs
  • Chronic ear infections or red, waxy ears
  • Respiratory issues, such as difficulty breathing, coughing, or wheezing

Best Dog Food For Allergies

So what are my food options for dogs with allergies?

The best food for dogs with allergies is hypoallergenic dog food or a limited ingredient dog food diet. As the name suggests, limited ingredient dog food diets have very few ingredients, making it easy to avoid allergens and identify what your dog is reacting to.

Hypoallergenic dog foods are usually prescribed by a veterinarian as part of a food trial, although certain hypoallergenic dog foods can be ordered online. most are created by breaking down proteins in your dogs food, causing your pups immune system to miss the allergen.

Another option to help your dog with food allergies is to choose a new protein for dogs with allergies. Proteins are some of the most common culprits in food allergies in dogs, so choosing a novel or unusual protein source like goat, venison, rabbit, or salmon can eliminate system-disrupting protein your dog.

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What Are The Signs Of Allergies In Dogs

Your dog may exhibit a range of telltale symptoms, including itching and scratching especially when its excessive or in moist, red, flaky-looking skin. Once you notice these signs, its time to act and find a proper solution to the problem.

Sometimes dogs will also experience runny noses, droopy eyes, or suffer canine ear infections. The dogs ears may itch and produce a foul-smelling liquid. Some dogs may itch at the base of their tale or along their back, although its typically observed in dogs with flea allergies.

Other signs of allergies include sneezing, vomiting, or diarrhea in your pet dogs due to an allergic reaction. Dogs may also lick themselves obsessively as well as chew their paws. Sometimes our canine friends may even snore due to allergies as a result of inflammation in their sinuses and in the throat.

Last but not least, dogs suffering from any kind of secondary bacterial or yeast infection may experience hair loss accompanied by crusty-looking skin.

Allergies can develop at any time in a dogs life and there is no way to make them immune to allergens.

Geneticists believe that some dog breeds are more susceptible than others, but it really depends on the dogs immune system, eating habits, and the environment they live in.

Peanuts & Peanut Butter

Tips and Tricks for Dog Allergies

Can dogs be allergic to peanuts?

We are pleased to report that peanut allergies in dogs are rare and it is generally considered safe to feed your dog peanut butter, as long as it does not contain xylitol. If you feed your pup peanuts, choose ones that are unflavored and salt-free. We also recommend being careful with the size of the peanut because smaller peanuts can cause blockages if swallowed whole, so its best to feed your pup plain peanut butter if they enjoy the taste of peanuts. Peanut allergy symptoms in dogs include scratching, baldness, redness, and itching.

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Pet Allergy: Are You Allergic To Dogs Cats Or Other Animals

About 7 out of 10 of households in the United States have a pet.1 But many people have animal allergies, especially people who have other allergies or asthma. Allergies to cats and dogs affect 10 to 20% of the worlds population.2

Allergies to pets with fur, such as cats and dogs, are common. Even rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, ferrets, and horses can cause allergy symptoms. People can also be allergic to animals with feathers .

When you have a pet allergy, you are not allergic to the pets hair, fur, or feathers. You are allergic to the protein that is found in the pets dander saliva, and urine. The hair, fur, or feathers collect the dander. It can also carry other allergens like dust mites, mold, and pollen. When those proteins get into your airways, eyes, nose, mouth, or on your skin, it triggers allergy symptoms.

Tips To Reduce Allergies To Pets

Lyuba Burakova / Stocksy United

Allergies to pets can be a big problem for pet lovers. Time spent indoorswhether in the winter to avoid the cold or in the summer to avoid the heat and sunmeans more exposure to pet allergens. Allergy sufferers may have even worse symptoms in spring, with additional pollen, mold, and dust. Even if you arent directly allergic to your cat or dog, they can act like furry dust mops that trap and hold allergens that may set you off. But there are ways to potentially limit your symptoms.

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What Can I Give My Dogs For Allergies

Wondering what you can give your dog when theyre suffering from allergies? The treatment will depend on the type of allergen. Some dogs suffer from vomiting due to food allergies so the best way to address the problem is to avoid certain types of food. With seasonal allergies, treatment options may vary from over-the-counter supplements to dietary changes to antihistamine medications like Atopica or Apoquel.

Unfortunately, antihistamines and other drugs used to treat allergies in dogs can sometimes harm our canine friends.

Its recommended to err on the side of caution when giving these medications to your allergic dog. Some of them may even further disrupt your dogs immune system, resulting in secondary infections or a greater susceptibility to autoimmune diseases.

The next section will cover traditional treatments that veterinarians recommend to dogs with allergies.

Cat Allergy Management And Treatment


Avoidance is the best way to manage a cat allergy. If you have a cat and are allergic to cats, consider removing the cat from the home.

If you have a cat but dont want to find it a new home, or if your family wants a cat even though someone in the household is allergic, here are some strategies that may help keep symptoms at bay:

  • Keep the cat out of your bedroom and restrict it to only a few rooms. Be advised that keeping the cat in only one room will not limit the allergens to that room.
  • Dont pet, hug or kiss the cat if you do, wash your hands with soap and water.
  • High-efficiency particulate air cleaners run continuously in a bedroom or living room can reduce allergen levels over time.
  • Regular use of a high-efficiency vacuum cleaner or a central vacuum can reduce allergen levels.
  • Giving your cat a bath at least once a week can reduce airborne cat allergen.

Treatments for cat allergy vary, depending on the symptoms.

Your allergist can help determine what treatment would be best to treat your cat allergy. Nasal symptoms often are treated with steroid nasal sprays, oral antihistamines or other oral medications. Eye symptoms are often treated with antihistamine eyedrops. Respiratory or asthma symptoms can be treated with inhaled corticosteroids or bronchodilators to either prevent or relieve respiratory symptoms.

Allergy shots are an effective treatment of allergies by building tolerance over time through gradually injecting increasing doses of an allergen.

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# 3 Quercetin And Dog Allergies

Quercetin is a phytonutrient found in fruits and vegetables. Its an antioxidant and it also antihistamine and anti-inflammatory.

Quercetin is called Natures Benadryl because it can turn off histamine production. Histamines are chemicals that cause allergic reactions. Research has shown that quercetin prevents immune cells from releasing histamines. Quercetin is in foods like broccoli and apples. But its best to give your dog quercetin in a supplement, so you get the concentrated benefits.

How Much Quercetin For Dogs With Allergies?For a convenient way to give your dog some allergy relief, try a quercetin supplement. Quercetin supplements come in pill, powder or capsule form. They often contain bromelain, which is an enzyme that makes quercetin more effective.

Quercetin is best given on an empty stomach. The recommended dose is 8 mg for every pound of your dogs weight.

  • For a 20 lb dog, give 160 mg
  • For a 50 lb dog, give 400 mg

Vets Preferred Premium Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil

Vets Preferred Premium Wild Alaskan is the best of the best when the allergies are in high gear because it:

  • Helps relieve dry, itchy skin no more excessive itching
  • Moisturizes and soothes your pets skin from the inside out helps achieve a soft, glossy coat
  • Perfect for dogs struggling with seasonal allergies less itching, runny nose, and overall irritants
  • Acts as a natural anti-inflammatory desire & ability to be more active
  • Premium Omega 3 Oil rich in natural EPA & DHA
  • Supports Joint Function, Immune & Heart Health
  • Skin and Coat Support for Dogs

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How To Check Your Dogs Skin For Signs Of Allergies

Checking a dogs skin for allergies is one way to help determine if they are experiencing an allergic reaction. Allergies can cause several skin problems in dogs, including excessive scratching or licking, bald spots, hot spots, and red or inflamed skin. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to take your dog to the vet for an evaluation.

Checking the dogs skin can be done at home by taking a close look at their coat and skin. Checking for bald spots, hot spots, or red or inflamed skin are all signs that your dog may be experiencing an allergic reaction and should be seen by a vet as soon as possible.

What Are Canine Skin Allergies

What to Do for a Dog with Allergies

The most common canine skin allergy is allergic dermatitis or atopic dermatitisatopy for short. Allergic dermatitis is an inflammatory, persistent skin condition that occurs when a dog’s immune system overreacts to a particular allergen.

Allergens can be anything from plant pollen to mold spores to food to pests. While allergies in humans often present as nasal symptoms and hives, dogs tend to react with skin irritation and even gastrointestinal problems.

Interestingly, many dogs that suffer from have an inherited predisposition for developing them. Often, dogs begin showing signs of skin allergies before age 7, but that’s not a hard and fast rule. Just like humans, dogs can develop skin allergies at any age. In fact, many allergies actually worsen as a dog ages.1

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Dog Food Allergy Symptoms

The symptoms of a food allergy in dogs can include:

  • loss of appetite
  • allergy dermatitis

Occasionally asthma or breathing difficulties may be associated with dog food allergies. Due to the wide range of symptoms that can indicate a food intolerance, allergy or sensitivity, they can be difficult to diagnose.

This process should be left to a veterinarian. The symptoms of food allergies can also indicate other diseases or conditions, to make sure to rule out other causes.

How Can I Treat My Dogs Skin Allergy At Home

When combined with water and blended into a thick paste, baking soda can dry out rashes on the skin, alleviate itching, and reduce redness and inflammation. 7 All you have to do is combine 50 percent baking soda with 50 percent water and apply the paste to your dogs skin. After about 20 minutes, rinse completely.

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What About Food Allergies

Diet plays an important role for your dog. Food allergy symptoms, diarrhea and other health issues can all be traced back to what your pet eats. Food allergies can come through on the skin, through gastrointestinal problems like vomiting, or, in the most severe cases, anaphylaxis. Closely monitoring what your dog eats can give you an idea of what irritates its system.

Food Allergies In Dogs

Do Dogs Suffer from Seasonal Allergies?

Food allergies are not nearly as common in dogs as most pet parents think they are in fact, food allergies only account for 10% of allergy-afflicted pets.

However, its still important to consider food allergies when figuring out whats causing your dogs symptoms. Your pup may be have an allergic reaction to just one ingredient, or several and new food allergies can develop over time. This is similar to humans who are allergic to peanuts or shellfish theres nothing inherently wrong with the foods, its just that some individuals develop an allergy.

Common food allergens include proteins found in beef, lamb, chicken, soy, or wheat.

Dog food allergy symptoms often show up as digestive problems, but they also commonly cause skin issues that mimic environmental allergens.

Its also important to note your pet may have symptoms due to a food intolerance. This is different from a true allergy because the immune system is not involved, so some allergy treatments wont work for food intolerance. Instead, difficulty digesting or processing a certain ingredient may be to blame.

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Diy Oatmeal Shampoo For Dogs

Blend a cup of oatmeal until its a smooth powder. Pick oatmeal that doesnt have added ingredients like sugar, additives or currents! Mix this with small amounts of doggy shampoo or coconut oil until youve got a shampoo consistency.

You can also try adding Epsom salts and baking soda to eradicate odors, and flea powder if your pet is prone to flea allergy dermatitis.

Pets That Can Trigger An Allergy

Your immune system is always on the lookout for foreign bodies that could make you sick. When it finds them, it makes proteins called antibodies to protect you. But sometimes, your immune system makes a mistake. It makes antibodies to fight off something that’s not harmful — like your pet.

The most common pet allergies include:

  • Dogs and cats: Your pet doesn’t set off an allergic reaction — it’s what’s trapped in their hair or fur. Saliva, sweat, pee, and dander can all trigger allergies. Pet fur also traps mold, pollen, and other outdoor allergens that make you sneeze and your eyes water.
  • Small rodents and rabbits: Despite their small size, the hair, dander, and saliva on the fur of these animals can set off an allergic reaction. And the urine of rodents like gerbils, mice, and hamsters also has chemicals some people are allergic to. These get into the air as your pet moves around its cage or bedding.
  • Birds: Mites that live in bird feathers are a common allergen. The fine dust in bird droppings can trigger a reaction, too.
  • Horses:It’s rare, but in some people, the allergen in horse dander can cause a life-threatening reaction. Children are most at risk.

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