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Can Babies Have Seasonal Allergies

Treatments For Baby Colds

Infant Allergies | Baby Care Basics | Parents

The best defense against the common cold is common sense and frequent hand-washing. To reduce chances of your baby catching a cold, keep them away from anyone whos sick, wash your hands before feeding or touching your baby, clean your babys toys and pacifiers often.

For treatment if your baby is exhibiting baby cold symptoms, contact your doctor before giving any medications as some OTC and fever-reducing medications can be dangerous. At home, you can provide relief from baby cold symptoms by offering plenty of fluids, thinning nasal mucus with saline drops, suctioning your babys nose, and using a humidifier to keep the air moist.

Be Mindful Of The Weather

Of course, you cant keep your child inside all the time to avoid potential allergen exposure nor should you. There are lots of benefits of being outside, including getting exercise and vitamin D, learning to appreciate nature, developing risk-taking skills, and many more .7

Rather than completely avoiding outdoor time, be strategic. You can limit your risk of exposure to allergens while outdoors by monitoring the pollen countand avoiding peak allergen hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

You may also notice that certain weather conditions bring out the worst in your child. Dry, windy days are typically toughest for seasonal allergy sufferers because these conditions allow pollen to circulate more freely.8The best weather for allergies is generally after a good rain, because the moist, humid air weighs down pollen, making it stay relatively put.9When the pollen does not circulate as freely, your child will not inhale as much of it. For more tips on how to avoid exposure to outdoor allergens, check out our guide to helping your child avoid pollen and other outdoor allergens.

What Medications Can Babies And Toddlers Take For Allergies

You may be able to give your baby or toddler over-the-counter medicine to treat their allergies. But it’s critical that you don’t administer the drug without reading the dosage instructions carefully and talking to a healthcare provider beforehand. Additionally, if your little one takes two or more OTC medicines, make sure the active ingredients are not the same you could end up giving them too much of a certain drug.

If OTC medicine doesn’t work and symptoms persist, see a provider. Depending on the allergy, they may suggest antihistamines or a nasal steroid spray and offer you a prescription.

If your child is really plagued by environmental, pet dander, or insect allergies, an allergist might suggest allergy shots , but typically not until 5 years old. There are occasional exceptions for younger children, such as kids with severe asthma or life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Allergy shots are given in the doctor’s office and contain small doses of the offending allergen â like pollen, mites, or dander â that help your child’s body get used to the substance over time. Shots are typically given twice a week at first, and then gradually at longer intervals until your child has a shot about once very 4 weeks. Allergy symptoms usually improve after several months.

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Allergies Vs A Cold: 10 Signs Your Baby Or Toddler Has Nasal Allergies

Because the symptoms of nasal allergies are much like cold symptoms â runny nose, watery eyes, cough, nasal congestion, sneezing â it can be tough to tell the difference. There are some telltale signs of allergies, though.

To figure out whether your child has an allergy, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does it seem like your child always has a cold? Colds usually wind down in a week to 10 days allergies don’t.
  • Is your child’s nose continually stuffy or runny?
  • Is your child constantly wiggling, wiping, or pushing their nose up in what doctors call the “allergic salute”?
  • Is the mucus that drains from their nose clear and thin ?
  • Does your child seem to sneeze a lot?
  • Are their eyes itchy, red, and watery?
  • Does the skin under your child’s eyes look dark or purple or blue â what doctors call “allergic shiners?”
  • Does your child breathe through the mouth?
  • Do they have a persistent dry cough?
  • Is your child’s skin irritated or has it broken out in an itchy red rash?
  • If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, there’s a good chance your child is allergic to something in the environment. Kids with nasal allergies are also more prone to ear infections, asthma, and sinus infections.

    How Are Seasonal Allergies In Babies Diagnosed

    Baby Milk Allergy Symptoms Checker &  Tool

    If you think your child might have seasonal allergies its advisable to talk to your doctor. Heres what the doctor may do:

    • Ask if the same symptoms happen at the same time each year
    • Refer you to an allergist either for a blood test for an allergy skin testing

    An allergist will make a prick on the babys skin on the forearm or back. If a red raised bump forms on the prick after around 15 minutes then your baby might be allergic. The red bump is called a wheal and the allergist may use a ruler to measure the size of the wheal.

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    Can Babies Have Seasonal Allergies

    Seasonal allergies are the result of your immune system responding to airborne particles such as mold or pollen. You are more likely to develop this type of allergy in seasons when certain grasses, trees, or weeds are in flower or when mold spores are released into the air. Genetics play a role in determining who develops seasonal allergies.

    How Does Mold Relate To Seasonal Allergies In Children

    Molds are microscopic fungi related to mushrooms. Mold spores get into the nose and can cause hay fever symptoms similar to those some people experience with pollen.

    There are two main types of mold:

    Outdoor molds. These grow on soil, grass, fallen leaves, and rotting logs any damp area with high humidity where air can’t circulate well.

    Indoor molds. These are found in attics, basements, bathrooms, refrigerators and other food storage areas, garbage containers, carpets, and upholstery.

    Indoor mold can cause a year-round allergic reaction in sensitive people . Outdoor mold tends to occur in summer or fall, although it can be year-round in some climates.

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    Testing Baby For Seasonal Allergies

    It’s unusual for a baby to be tested for pollen allergies, but an allergist can help decide if a blood test or a skin prick test is necessary. A blood test involves withdrawing blood and measuring antibody levels toward certain allergens to see if the levels are high.

    A skin prick test involves a needle or probe coated with a drop of solution containing a certain allergen. The needle is then used to gently prick a baby’s arm or back so the substance can enter under the skin’s surface. The allergist will then wait to observe if there is a reaction to the allergen, such as the appearance of a hive or rash. “The skin prick tests can determine whether the problem is allergens, caused by pollen, or indoor allergens, caused by pet dander, dust mites, and cockroaches,” says David Stukus, M.D., assistant professor of pediatrics at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Seasonal Allergies

    When Does a Child Develop Allergies?

    Seasonal allergies can cause symptoms similar to that of a viral upper respiratory infection or cold and be just as disruptive to daily routine and well-being. The discomfort of allergy symptoms may lead to sleep disturbances and increased irritability and can aggravate underlying allergic conditions like eczema and asthma. It is important to note however, that fever is never a sign of seasonal allergies.

    • Nasal symptoms such as congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and itchy nose. The discomfort of these symptoms can lead to frequent nose rubbing and/or picking that may cause nosebleeds.
    • Eye symptoms including itchy eyes, watery eyes, red eyes and eye puffiness. Some children can also appear to have discoloration like dark circles under their eyes related to the congestion associated with allergies.
    • Respiratory symptoms such as coughing and occasionally wheezing
    • Throat symptoms such as sore or scratchy throat, and frequent throat clearing.

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    What Causes Seasonal Allergies

    Pollen is the most common trigger of season allergies.

    Springtime sees trees reemerge from their hibernation releasing tree pollens.

    Summer sees the rise of many grasses and hay , so it is typically considered grass pollen season.

    Fall brings along ragweed and is commonly known as ragweed pollen season.

    Most pollens lay dormant in winter in parts of the country. If you experience allergies in winter, it may be caused by indoor allergens. These include pet dander, mold, dust mites and cockroaches.

    Remove Pollen From Clothing And Bodies

    Once your children are done playing outside, you should do your best to keep the outdoors out. That means changing out of and washing pollen-dusted clothes.

    You should also encourage showering or bathing in order to clean the pollen off your childs hair and exposed skin. Your child can also wear a washable hat or handkerchief over their hair when outside to reduce exposure. If a shower isnt in the cards, remember to wash your childs hands, face, and other exposed areas when back indoors.

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    Key Points About Allergic Rhinitis In Children

    • Rhinitis is a reaction that happens in the eyes, nose, and throat when allergens in the air trigger the release of histamine in the body.

    • Common causes of allergic rhinitis include pollen, dust mites, mold, cockroach waste, animal dander, and tobacco smoke.

    • Treatment options include avoiding the allergen and medicines to treat your childs symptoms.

    What Seasonal Allergy Management Approaches Are Available

    Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies

    In addition to antihistamines, seasonal allergies can be managed with other types of medications.

    • Leukotriene modifiers treat seasonal allergic rhinitis. They are designed to block leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are the chemical involved in inflammation and swelling of the airways. The medication helps relieve both nasal congestion and swollen nasal passages.
    • Mast cell stabilizers prevent the release of histamine that causes inflammation. They can ease symptoms such as runny nose, nasal stuffiness, sneezing, postnasal drip and itchy eyes.
    • Anticholinergics treat seasonal allergic rhinitis and relieve nasal symptoms. They help by minimizing the formation of mucus.
    • Nasal corticosteroid sprays prevent and soothe inflammation in nasal tissues and airways. They are available over-the-counter and by prescription.
    • Allergen immunotherapy helps build a patients tolerance to allergens. It also can help reduce or eliminate symptoms. In allergen immunotherapy, the patient is given a gradually increasing dose of the allergen. This is done on a regular schedule, until a maintenance level is reached.

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    How Do You Treat Seasonal Allergies In Children

    It depends on how severe your child’s symptoms are. For some children, simply taking steps to minimize exposure to seasonal allergens is enough to provide relief .

    If minimizing exposure is not enough, other options include:

    • Saline nasal rinses. This may be sufficient for a mild respiratory reactions.
    • Antihistamines. Several non-drowsy prescription antihistamines have become available over-the-counter in the past few years. You’ll want to talk with your child’s doctor about these medicines. She may suggest an over-the-counter drug or prescribe another appropriate allergy medicine.
    • Allergy shots. Since most children have allergies to specific things, allergy shots that target individual allergens may be a good option if your child’s symptoms persist even after you’ve tried medications. In general, allergy shots are considered for children 5 years of age and older. If you think that your child would benefit from allergy shots, you’ll want to take him to an allergist.

    Can Babies Have Allergies

    Yes. Just like older children and adults, babies can have allergies.

    However, babies are unlikely to have hay fever. Seasonal allergies to things such as pollen and grass usually don’t rear their ugly head until a child is about 3 to 4 years old.

    Possible allergens for babies include:

    Skin allergies are the most common type of allergy in young children, according to survey data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2018. In children 4 years old and under, more than 1 in 10 have a skin allergy . By comparison, 6 percent of children in this age group have a food allergy, 5 percent have a respiratory allergy, and 3 percent have hay fever. By the teen years, respiratory allergies are the most common allergy.

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    How Are Allergies In Children Diagnosed

    It often takes careful detective work and the help of medical tests to pinpoint the exact cause of an allergy.

    Though you should not diagnose an allergy yourself, you may be able to deduce what’s likely causing your child’s symptoms. Ask yourself:

    • When do the allergy attacks occur? Mold allergies usually develop during damp or rainy weather and can be hard to distinguish from colds. Dust mites or pet allergies often cause morning congestion throughout the year. Pollen-related allergies are more common in spring, summer, and fall. An allergic reaction to food typically occurs within a few minutes, though it can happen up to two hours after the food is ingested.
    • Do my child’s symptoms improve in certain situations? If you take your child away from your pet and symptoms improve, then you have a good â but by no means conclusive â clue that your baby has a pet allergy. You’d also want to consider that your child might be allergic to something else in your house.

    Once you have your answers, it’s time to see a healthcare provider, who will examine your child and ask lots of questions. If the problem seems to be allergies, the provider may:

    Testing tells you what your child is allergic to at that point, but it may change with age. Many children grow out of certain food allergies, for example. If your child has a negative skin test but continues to have allergy symptoms, seek a reevaluation in 6 to 12 months.

    Treatments For Baby Seasonal Allergies

    Why do people have seasonal allergies? – Eleanor Nelsen

    If you are concerned about seasonal allergies in babies, an allergist can help decide if a blood test or a skin prick test is necessary. Blood tests measure antibody levels toward certain allergens to see if the levels are high. The skin prick test is used to gently prick a babys arm or back so the substance can enter under the skins surface to observe if there is a reaction to the allergen, such as the appearance of a hive or rash.

    If it is determined your baby has seasonal allergies after a test, your doctor will likely help create a treatment plan and write a prescription to help lessen the impact. Similarly to colds in babies, one of the best ways to manage allergies is to be aware and avoid situations that will likely put your baby in contact with known allergens. Avoid going out during peak pollen times, wash hands regularly, do laundry, towels, and sheets frequently, vacuum weekly, and keep windows and doors closed when possible.

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    What Are The Most Common Allergy Triggers In Babies And Toddlers

    Common allergy triggers in babies and young children include:

    • Dust mites. Microscopic organisms that thrive on human skin flakes, dust mites affect nearly 85 percent of allergy sufferers.
    • Animal dander. These white, flaky specks are made up of skin cells shed by cats, dogs, and other furry animals.
    • Mold. Fungi are often found in wet, damp places, such as bathrooms and basements, or outdoors in humid climates. Mold spores can also grow on Christmas trees and trigger allergy symptoms, as well.
    • Pollen. A fine powder produced by trees, grasses, and weeds, pollen does not often affect babies, though allergies often surface in toddlers and preschool-age children.
    • Food. Cow’s milk, eggs, fish, tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish, soy, wheat, and sesame cause the vast majority of food allergies in young children. Note that a food allergy, because it involves the immune system, is different from a food intolerance or sensitivity. Learn more about food allergies in babies.
    • Insects. Stings from bees and wasps, for example, can cause a serious allergic reaction in some children.
    • Medicines. Antibiotics are common allergens, along with some over-the-counter medicines.
    • Chemicals. Certain laundry detergents, dyes, household cleaners, and pesticides cause allergic reactions in some children.

    Some children are allergic to down and feather pillows or wool blankets. And while most experts don’t think children can be allergic to tobacco smoke, it can certainly make asthma and allergy symptoms worse.

    Topical Treatments For Itchy Swollen Watery Eyes

    For itchy, swollen eyes, oral medication does not tend to work as effectively as topical eye drops. Allergy eye drops generally contain topical antihistamines. Avoid the use of any product that contains a vasoconstrictor for more than two to three days to avoid rebound redness. Rebound redness is the recurrence of symptoms and can lead to eyes becoming dependent upon eye drops. Artificial tears will also help soothe irritated eyes.

    Ask your pediatrician or nurse practitioner if you are interested in exploring other medication options or in long-term treatments such as immune therapy .

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    Can Babies Have Season Allergies

    While rare in their first year, infants can indeed develop seasonal allergies. Babies a year and older and toddlers are more commonly affected by baby seasonal allergies. It can be difficult to tell when a baby is suffering from seasonal allergies because, unlike an adult or even an older child, your baby cant tell you how theyre feeling. Its up to you to watch out for baby allergies and signs your infant has seasonal allergies.

    Internal changes

    Internal changes due to baby allergies refer to your childs emotional and mood changes. A child suffering from infant seasonal allergies is more likely to be irritable. They also may be less alert than normal. You know your baby better than anyone and are the best source for knowing when your baby is acting strange. Your baby might be extra tired and lethargic while having trouble staying asleep when put down. Its also essential to pay attention to when your baby experiences symptoms. If your baby sneezes and gets red, itchy eyes when you take them for a walk or wakes up with these symptoms, you can better pinpoint the allergen of issue. For example, pollen is typically the culprit for babies who experience symptoms after time outdoors, and dust is a common allergen causing babies to wake up with allergy symptoms. If you notice that seasonal allergies have begun to affect your babys skin by making it red, dry and flaky, we recommend our oogiebear nosebalm, which can help nourish their sensitive skin.

    External changes


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