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HomeNewsDo Allergies Produce Green Phlegm

Do Allergies Produce Green Phlegm

Pay Close Attention To Symptoms To Determine If Cause Is Sinus Infection Or Allergies

How To Get Rid Of Phlegm and Mucus

Dear Mayo Clinic:

I have long suffered from allergies. But there have been times when I haven’t been sure if my symptoms are really from my allergies or may be caused by a sinus infection instead. How can I tell the difference?


Allergies and sinus infections are often mistaken for one another. But they are two separate conditions. By paying close attention to the specific symptoms you have, you can usually identify which one is more likely to be causing the problem.

A sinus infection, also called sinusitis, affects the cavities around your nasal passages. The infection causes your sinuses to become inflamed and swollen. The swelling makes it hard for your sinuses to drain, and mucus builds up. You become congested and have trouble breathing through your nose. Sinusitis often causes thick yellow or green nasal discharge. A sore throat, cough or headache, as well as pressure or tenderness around your eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead, may also accompany sinusitis.

In most cases, viruses cause sinusitis. These viral infections usually go away on their own within a week to 10 days. Self-care measures such as extra rest and fluids along with over-the-counter pain relievers and decongestants can help. When sinusitis is caused by bacteria, the infection may not require treatment, either. But if it is persistent or severe, then antibiotics such as amoxicillin, doxycycline and others may be used to treat the infection.

When Mucus In Throat Can Become A Serious Issue

The color of your mucus in throat is a strong indicator of how severe the health problem is. Generally, thin and clear is the safest, and other colors could indicate a particular infection. Here are some guidelines to know when mucus in throat is a serious issue.

Thin and clear: Sign of cold or allergies, it could also be a sign of medication side effect or a reaction to certain food.

Thick and colored: If mucus is very thick, it could be a sign of dryness, which can be caused by heating systems. If mucus appears green, yellow, or brownish, it could indicate a bacterial infection.

Rattling sound in chest: If mucus is dripping down to your chest, it may be difficult to swallow and may cause a rattling sound, which may be pointing to pneumonia.

Burning sensation: If mucus is burning, it could be a result of a heartburn or GERD. Paying attention to your mucus can help offer insights into your overall health and give you indications on how to treat the mucus.

How Can I Get Rid Of Mucus

People with chronic sinus problems who are constantly blowing their noses understandably want the goo gone. Over-the-counter antihistamines and are one way to do this. Decongestants cause the blood vessels in the lining of the nose to narrow, reducing blood flow to the area, so you’re less congested and you produce less mucus.

Decongestants are fine for when you can’t breathe due to a cold, but they’re not so good for thick mucus in general. “The reason is the decongestants dry you up and they make the mucus thick, and often the opposite effect happens because you feel like you have thick mucus,” Johns explains. So you take more decongestants and get into a vicious mucus-producing cycle. Decongestants also have side effects, which include dizziness, nervousness, and high blood pressure.

Antihistamines block or limit the action of histamines, those substances triggered by allergic reactions that cause the tissue in the nose to swell up and release more, thinner mucus . The main side effect of older antihistamines is drowsiness. They also can cause dry mouth, dizziness, and headache.

You can also thin out the mucus with guaifenesin, a type of medicine called an expectorant. Thinner mucus is easier to get out of the body. Possible side effects of guaifenesin are dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting.

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So What Can You Do To Help Make Kids Feel Better As I Always Say: Water Water Water

Increase fluids that kids drink. Really push water. And unless a child is allergic to milk, it is an old wives tale that milk will make the mucus worse. If thats what they want, they can have milk with a cold. What really needs to happen is to get the mucus out. Using saline along with a strong blowing of the nose is important. Other treatment tactics may include: warm steam inhalation or a humidifier to help clear mucus. Additionally, over-the-counter cold and cough medications can help to clear out congestion. Infants and younger children may struggle to blow forcefully enough to get the mucus out. I recommend nasal aspirators that seal outside the nose and have a continuous flow of air. Check out How to use the Nosefrida. A similar nasal cleaner is available from Nasopure.

How To Get Rid Of Excess Mucus And Phlegm

Green Mucus In Nose

If you have chronic problems with mucus and phlegm, try the following. These remedies also help if your problem with mucus and phlegm progresses to a post-nasal drip.

Hydrate more

Drink more water. Also, consider your medications or any dehydrating beverages you regularly drink like coffee, alcohol and some teas.

A good rule of thumb is to drink enough water to make your urine pale, Dr. Bryson advises.

Use a humidifier

This can help your body moisturize your throat and nasal passages and may help you reduce mucus and phlegm production.

Opt for a cool-mist humidifier and make sure you clean it regularly per its directions.

Check filters on heating and cooling systems

Make sure the filters are clean and functioning well to keep dust and other potential irritants out of the air.

Use a nasal saline spray

This helps rinse and hydrate tissues in your nose and sinuses. Use a sterile spray that has sodium chloride.

Gargle with salt water

Using salt water can ease your irritated throat by clearing away mucus.

Use eucalyptus

Whether its a eucalyptus balm or essential oil in a diffuser, the scent of eucalyptus can help loosen mucus in your chest.

Use over-the-counter medication

If youre concerned about allergies, remember that the testing is easy and straightforward, says Dr. Bryson. You can also try over-the-counter allergy medications, which may solve your issue.

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Allergies Rarely Cause Sore Throats Or Body Aches

The only ache you may feel with allergies is a headache from all that congestion. Allergies can cause a sore throat if theres enough irritation from post-nasal drip and coughing, but if youre experiencing a sore throat or mild body aches, theyre more likely a sign of a bad cold.

Can allergies cause chills? No. If you have chills, its more likely you have a cold, the flu or another infection .

Faqs About Green Mucus Answered By Your Doctors Online Team

What does it mean to have green nasal mucus?

Green mucus is an alert that the body is fighting an infection. If you are still sick and have green nasal mucus, this can signify a bacterial infection. In these cases, contacting a healthcare provider is a wise idea.

Does green nasal mucus indicate illness?

When the following additional symptoms accompany green mucus, it is often an indication of a bacterial infection in the respiratory system: nasal congestion, fever that lasts for more than three days, sinus pain, and blood in nasal discharge. Therefore, it is best to consult a physician.

Does a runny nose mean a toddler is contagious?

In most toddlers, this occurs 2-4 days into an illness, although it can last longer. These runny noses are very contagious since viruses are easily spread by touching surfaces that have been in contact with saliva or mucus.

What does your mucus say about your health?

Our body uses this germ-fighting substance to overcome colds. It contains chemicals and cells that help us overcome the cold. Mucus can be viewed as a traffic light for the health of your body what turns up in our used tissues can provide clues about our immune systems health.

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What Specialists Can Help

Your childs pediatrician can refer you to an appropriate specialist if necessary, depending on how serious your childs condition is and what is causing the health problems. Depending on the condition, your child may need to see more than one specialist. Specialists who help with medical issues related to congestion include:

  • Allergists, who identify the causes of allergic reactions, advise on ways to eliminate those triggers, and advise on or prescribe treatments. Allergists diagnose and treat asthma.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

How To Get Rid of Mucus and Phlegm in Your Lungs

COPD includes several lung diseases that can make it harder to breathe, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Chronic bronchitis causes inflammation of the bronchial tubes and more mucus, both of which make it harder for your lungs to work. COPD is generally caused by long-term exposure to things that irritate the lungs, such as cigarette smoke, but people with asthma can also develop it.


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Why Does My Doctor Give Me Antibiotics For Green Mucus

Good question! If most sinus infections are viral, and viral infections will not improve with antibiotics, it makes little sense to treat every episode of thick, green mucus with antibiotics. Yet some patients request it and many doctors continue to prescribe them. Its likely that the improvement that follows antibiotic treatment would have happened even without antibiotics yet that sequence of events tends to perpetuate the idea that antibiotics are necessary.

There are times when antibiotics should be considered. For example, antibiotics might be worth considering when

  • the infection drags on for more than 10 days, or if it gets worse after a week
  • the discharge is thick and uniformly white
  • there is a high fever that isnt improving
  • there are severe symptoms that do not respond to the usual over-the-counter sinus and cold remedies.

Each case is different. So, talk to your doctor if your sinus symptoms have you thinking you may need antibiotics.

Bacterial And Viral Infections

Infections such as the flu, acute bronchitis, and pneumonia can cause your airways to make extra mucus, which youll often cough up. It may be green or yellow in color.

The new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 doesnt usually cause mucus in the chest. But complications from the virus can include pneumonia, which does involve chest congestion.

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What Are Mucus And Phlegm

Mucus has an important role in your body. Its made by cells in your mouth, throat, nose and sinuses. Its slippery consistency helps protect and moisturize, and traps potential irritants.

Phlegm is made of mucus membranes, but its produced and used by your respiratory system to combat inflammation.

Charcoal Or Gray Phlegm

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We tend to see charcoal or sooty looking phlegm in people who work in coal mines and factories or are really heavy smokers.

If you work in a factory where theres a ton of smoke and dont wear a mask, youre inhaling all that in and its causing an inflammatory reaction in your airways that produces phlegm. The irritants are mixed in with the phlegm and when you cough, it comes out.

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What Does Coughing Up Green Phlegm Mean

When the mucus in the respiratory system is blocked, it causes bacteria to accumulate, thereby causing infections. When there is a bacterial infection in the body, white blood cells accumulate. The phlegm turns green when there are enzymes called myeloperoxidases present in your white blood cells. When the green phlegm mucus is released, it could mean that there is a sinus infection. Other underlying conditions include flu, allergies, dryness in the air, Candida Albicans, and Nasal Polyps. Such infections change the color of the mucus to green or green-yellow.

Possible Causes of Coughing up Green Mucus

There is a complete series of conditions that could be leading to the coughing up of green phlegm. These include sinusitis, rhinitis, and infection in the membranes of the nose, infection of the tracheal or bronchial lining. Some symptoms may also accompany the condition of green phlegm if the infection is caused by bacteria: nasal congestion, high fever lasting for more than three days, sinus pain, and excretion of blood in the nasal discharge. Other reasons for coughing up green phlegm can include pneumonia, asthma, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis as well as working in hazardous environments, such as coal miners, marble polishing experts, and concrete workers are at greater risk.

What Causes Mucus Overproduction

Your body can go into overdrive creating mucus when you:

  • Have allergies.
  • Are exposed to smoke or pollution.

Environmental allergies can cause excess mucus or phlegm, as can food allergies, but the latter is harder to diagnose based on this symptom alone, Dr. Bryson explains.

If youre healthy, your mucus tends to be thin and you may not even notice it. But if youre sick, your mucus can become thick and crusty.

And you may not notice phlegm until you cough it up, which can be a symptom of pneumonia or bronchitis.

You may be concerned about the color of your mucus and phlegm, too, whether its yellow or green. But the color doesnt necessarily mean you have an infection.

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Because Yellow Or Green Mucus From The Nose Does Not Necessarily Signal A Bacterial Infection The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Warn

It has been shown that it can produce ear and sleep disorders and affect. This can happen from a common cold. Essentially, when you cough up green mucus, itâs a sign that the substance has already served its augmentin and levaquin. This activity would often result to a green phlegm. Green mucus is a result of dead neutrophils, a type of white blood cell active in infectious and inflammatory responses, within the sputum. As harvard health publications points out, your body can produce green phlegm when youâre fighting a viral infection, too Most mucus flows down the back of the throat, and is dissolved in the stomach, added the. Coughing up green mucus can sometimes cause alarm in people unnecessarily. These are the symptoms of bronchitis. The air passages in the lungs are filled with. Having green phlegm may mean that your immune system is really fighting back. Mucus can become darker yellow or green. Coughing up phlegm is the bodyâs defense mechanism at work, to.

What areas of the body produce mucus? Coughing up green mucus chunks. Treatment for green mucus chunks bacterial or viral infection mentioned. Allergies can also cause your body to make extra mucus. When you have pink or red mucus, it means thereâs blood in your nose.

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If I’m Coughing Phlegm Should I Go To Work

What Does the Color of My Phlegm Mean?

If youre coughing green phlegm, there is a good chance you have an infection that may be contagious. Stay home if you are coughing phlegm, especially if you have other symptoms, such as a fever, sore throat, or nausea. Staying home with stop the spread of the illness and keep your coworkers safe. Check with your healthcare provider before returning to work to see if you are still contagious.

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Have You Lost Your Sense Of Taste And/or Smell

Loss of taste or smell is another key difference between COVID-19 and seasonal allergy infections. While nasal congestion can cause a loss of smell, people who are sick with a COVID-19 infection may lose their sense of smell and/or taste without any sinus congestion at all. According to the CDC, loss of smell or taste has been commonly reported as a COVID-19 symptom among women and younger or middle-aged patients.

Mucus In Throat After Eating

There are many reasons a person may experience mucus in throat after eating, including food allergies, post-nasal drip, medication side effects, chronic rhinitis, laryngopharyngeal reflux, being a heavy smoker, and viral or bacterial infections.

In order to reduce mucus in throat after a meal, increase your fluid intake to help loosen up mucus, inhale steam after your meal, avoid foods youre allergic to, gargle lukewarm water with salt, drink herbal tea after the meal, and stop smoking or begin to cut back.Related: How to get rid of cough?

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Home Care For Atypical Phlegm

White, yellow, or green phlegm is usually treatable at home.

People should try to get lots of rest and stay hydrated. Dehydration can worsen thick phlegm, making it harder to cough up.

Some individuals may find that gentle walking can help them cough up the excess phlegm.

Some other measures to try at home include using the following:

What Does Black Snot Mean


Most commonly, people who smoke or are in households with smokers can have gray-black snot. Being subject to heavy air pollution may cause your snot to come out black. People who use drugs may also have black snot.

Black nasal mucus may also be a sign of a serious fungal infection. While not common, people with compromised immune systems may be susceptible to this type of illness.

There are four types of fungal infections of the sinuses:

  • Mycetoma fungal sinusitis. This type results from clumps of spores invading the sinus cavities. Treatment involves scraping the infected sinuses.
  • Allergic fungal sinusitis. This type is more common in people with a history of allergic rhinitis. The infection must be surgically removed.
  • Chronic indolent sinusitis. This type is mostly found outside the United States in areas like Sudan and India. Other symptoms include headache, facial swelling, and visual disturbances.
  • Fulminant sinusitis. This type may cause damage to the sinuses and the bony area that contains the eyeballs and brain.

Whatever the potential cause, its a good idea to check in with your doctor for a more formal diagnosis.

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