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Do Allergy Symptoms Get Worse At Night

Houseplants That Make You Sneeze

Achoo! Why your allergy symptoms are about to get worse

Your innocent orchid could bring tears to your eyes. More than 75% of hay fever sufferers are allergic to at least one common houseplant, found a Belgian study. Allergens in plant sap can diffuse into the air and set off your sniffling. Though any potted greens can be trouble, researchers found that ficus, yucca, ivy, palm, orchid, and fern varieties are most irritating to allergy-prone people.

What Are Nighttime Allergies

Have you recently noticed that allergies are keeping you awake at night? If so, then this may be a direct correlation with allergies, and not just any kind of allergies but nighttime allergies. According to WebMD, in one study found that nearly 50% of patients with allergies said that they experienced nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms woke them up at night and also made it more difficult for them to fall asleep. These nighttime allergies are a direct result of exposure to allergens that are present in the bedroom which can lead to some of the most powerful symptoms during the day. One of the biggest allergens that causes nighttime allergies is that of dust mites the small, microscopic, spider-like bugs that will fester and thrive on the dead skin cells present in your bed sheets.

Your Pet Sleeps In Your Bed

Another common allergen making things worse in your bedroom? Pet dander that accumulates on your carpet or comforter. Sure, furry friends make for cozy snuggle buddies, but if youre allergic to your pet, sleeping beside each other isnt doing you any favors.

Its always an unpopular suggestion, she says, but Dr. Parikh tells patients to stop allowing their pets in their bed. Keeping the animals out of the bedroom is best. Nobody listens to me, but it helps!

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Easing Your Symptoms At Night

So, armed with this knowledge about what is making night-time so problematic, what can you do to ease your symptoms?

Go to bed hydrated being dehydrated will make any symptom worse, as well as reducing your bodys ability to fight and flush out infection.

Clear your nasal passagesbefore going to bed this will prevent difficulty sleeping because of a blocked or runny nose. Try inhaling steam, or better still, add some essential oils such as Eucalyptus or peppermint to a bowl of hot water and gently breathe in the steam. Alternatively, try a nasal spray to help clear those airways.

Elevate your upper body this will mean that gravity will continue with its daytime job of draining mucus from your airways rather than allowing it to accumulate. Arrange your pillows so that your shoulders neck and head are slightly raised. Just raising your head can restrict your breathing and may result in a stiff and sore neck the next day.

Adapt your environment being unwell means that you can be pedantic about your sleeping environment by making sure your room is completely dark and at a comfortable temperature. Some people prefer complete silence, while others find that listening to some relaxing music helps to transport you to the land of nod.

How Dust Allergies And Mold Allergies Affect Your Sleep

Why Do Your Allergies Get Worse at Night?

Dust mite allergies are very common, as dust mites can live in your mattress and bedding. Carpets and heavy curtains can also be areas where dust mites thrive. Unlike seasonal allergies, dust mite allergies can be perennial . Mold allergies are also perennial, and if your home is too humid, it could cause mold to grow.

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Are Your Flu Symptoms Getting Worse At Night

Its bad enough during the day the coughing, the headaches, the congestion, the fever but why does it suddenly feel 10 times worse at night? Once over the worst of a cold or flu, the symptoms can seem manageable during the day, but then night-time turns into a bit of a nightmare. Today I discuss why this happens, and how to ease your night-time symptoms.

Dr. Jen Tan

Keep Your Sleeping Environment Allergen Free

You need your sleep, so, the room you sleep in needs to be cleaned often to remove pollen, dust mites, and other allergens. Vacuuming under the bed helps in this effort by removing allergens living underneath it. A home-remedy that helps keep your bedroom allergen free is to wipe down hard flooring, molding and the walls near your bed with white vinegar. Mold is an allergen that enjoys living on dark walls and floors. Dehumidifiers can help keep relative humidity at the recommended levels of 30-50% and air conditioning to maintain temperatures at 70 degrees F or below will retard dust mite and mold growth. Hardwood flooring is best.

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Does Exercise Help With Allergies

Studies have proven regular exercise can help contain allergies. Physical activity results in a strong blood flow. This allows allergens to be moved quickly through the body and eliminated via the kidneys and skin.

Is sweating good for allergies? Sluggish blood flow allows allergens to remain longer in your system where they can increase tissue inflammation and trigger stronger symptoms. A workout also helps with secondary symptoms brought on by allergies. Fatigue and irritability often occur.

How do you build immunity to pollen? Developing tolerance towards something is basically the same way allergy shots work slowly introducing the allergen over the course of several months then continuing exposure for years, says Dr. Hoyt. Youre training your body to accept the allergen and to have a normal, appropriate reaction to it.

Can pollen allergy be cured?

Can allergies be cured? Allergies cant be cured, but symptoms can be controlled using a combination of avoidance measures and medications, as well as allergen immunotherapy in properly selected cases.

Different Medications And Treatments Can Help Control Your Morning Or Evening Allergy Symptoms Over

What causes nasal congestion to get worse at night? – Dr. Honey Ashok

â Antihistamines counteract the chemical histamine that triggers many bedtime and morning allergy symptoms.

â Oral or nasal decongestants can help address nasal congestion, stuffiness, and sinus pressure.

â Intranasal corticosteroids can also reduce nasal allergy symptoms.

â Different allergy eye drops can help with dry, red, or itchy eyes.

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Common Nighttime Allergy Symptoms

How do you know if youre having a bedtime allergic reaction? You might just think you tend to get stuffy when youre tired.

Allergies can manifest in a variety of different ways, but there are a few common symptoms that crop up for most allergy sufferers. If you recognize any of the following symptoms at bedtime, allergens might be to blame.

Tips To Reduce Allergies At Night

To reduce allergies at night, keep your surrounding allergen-free.

  • Wash bedsheets on a weekly basis. Deep clean the entire bedroom and carpets and wipe down hidden surfaces every month to get rid of mold, dust mites, and pet dander.
  • Use dust mite covers on the bed to keep dust mites away.
  • Invest in anti-allergy bedding that uses specifically manufactured fibers to keep allergies at bay.
  • Use high-efficiency particulate absorbing filters. Air purifiers are recommended as a way to remove allergens. Take over-the-counter medicines that contain histamines.

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Why Do Common Cold Symptoms Seem To Get Worse At Night

Anyone who has dealt with the common cold knows that the aches, pains, and general discomfort seem to increase during the evening hours. Some people understand that the common cold symptoms are simply more noticeable at night, when there are fewer distractions to pull attention away from the discomfort. However, the fact is that there are one or two factors that may contribute directly or indirectly to an increase in the severity of common cold symptoms during the night.

One factor that may contribute to the additional discomfort of cold symptoms in the evening hours is the fact that the body is now horizontal rather than vertical. Standing or even sitting in an upright position during the daytime distributes the usual amount of pressure or gravity that is constantly applied to the body. When people are lying down in a prone position, that pressure is distributed differently, and may result in additional pressure on the sinus cavities. This phenomenon will certainly increase the level of discomfort experienced by the cold sufferer.

Heres Why You Always Feel Sicker At Night

Are Allergies Worse at Night Indoors?

Whether youre dealing with the common cold, the flu or a stomach bug, youve probably noticed that your symptoms feel worse at night.

Youre not imagining things. Research suggests that your bodys circadian rhythmsas well as some other factorscan exacerbate your symptoms after sundown.

Along with regulating your sleep, your bodys circadian clocks help manage your immune system, says Michael Smolensky, a biological rhythm researcher and adjunct professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Texas. When the immune system is activatedlike when youre sick with the common coldits infection-fighting cells release a variety of chemicals, some of which induce inflammation in the infected tissues, he explains.

This immune system activity helps kill or clear away the microorganisms that are making you ill. But the resulting inflammation causes or contributes to many of your symptomsincluding fever, congestion or sore throat. Smolensky says that this immune system activity and the inflammation it produces is not constant, but instead is highly circadian rhythmic. As a result, you tend to experience symptoms as most severe when your immune system kicks into highest gear, which is normally at night during sleep.

A few other factors could contribute to the nighttime misery you experience when youre sick.

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There Are Also More Long

â ExACT Immunoplasty â , which involves three injections given over an eight-week period, may provide the same amount of relief as 3-5 years of other types of allergy immunotherapy.

â Allergy drops require just a once-yearly trip to an allergist clinic.

â Allergy shots require more frequent trips to the clinic, but they are an affordable, time-tested option for long-term allergy relief.

Are you tired of waking up with morning allergies? Want to stop suffering from bedtime allergy symptoms? The allergy experts at AspireAllergy & Sinus will work with you and your family to determine the best solution for your allergies. Come see us and request an appointment today!

Allergy Treatment Begins At Home

The good news is that you really don’t have to strip your house down to the bare bones to make it allergy-proof. Thorough and regular cleaning generally makes a huge difference in keeping your house as mold and dust-free as possible. Patients with asthma or allergic rhinitis that are due to dust mites, molds, or other indoor allergens can feel better by taking these simple measures:

  • Keep the home cool
  • Maintain a low humidity and
  • Make certain there is good ventilation.

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Laying Down Gravity And Blood Pressure

Many patients are surprised to find out the role gravity and blood pressure play in making sinus issues worse.

While youre sitting up and standing throughout the day, your blood circulates through your body, with blood pressure and the forces of gravity influencing how easy it is for your blood to get to your head and sinuses. On top of that, when youre vertical, gravity also helps your sinuses drain down your esophagus and into your stomach.

When you lie down on the other hand, your body doesnt have to fight as much to deliver blood to your head. Increased blood flow in the blood vessels of your sinuses may result in sinus congestion, pressure, and pain. When that happens, gravity is no longer helping your sinuses drain, but instead increasing your chances of experiencing those same issues.

These nighttime sinus circumstances can affect those who have little to no sinus symptoms during the day. If youre also suffering from sinusitis, GERD, or allergies, these circumstances can get aggravate already inflamed blood vessels and exacerbate other related problems.

The Ideal Sleeping Position When Dealing With a Stuffy Nose

The best sleeping position for sinus drainage problems and other sinus issues is to sleep with your head propped up. Sleeping with your head propped up will help gravity naturally drain your sinuses and reduce the chance of excessive blood flow that can develop sinus congestion.

Tips For Reducing Night Time Allergies

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You can do several things to help diminish your nighttime and early morning allergies, returning your sleep to a restful state.

There are several cleaning tactics that you can start integrating in your monthly, weekly, and daily routines. If you are allergic to pollen, wash your hair at the end of every day to remove pollen collecting during the day and prevent it from ending up on your pillow. You should also keep your windows closed if possible to keep pollen from coming indoors. Try to wash your bed sheets once a week to remove dust mites, pollen, and pet dander. Between cleaning, using a dust mite cover on your bed can help keep dust mites away from you. Do a deep cleaning of your entire bedroom on a monthly basis, cleaning carpets and wiping down hidden surfaces where mold may be lurking.

Air purifiers are often recommended as a way to remove allergens. Research has shown that multiple interventions, including using an air purifier placed right by the bed in the sleep breathing zone may help reduce their levels. Traditional air filters can trap pollutants on filters, though Molekule air purifiers go beyond simply trapping pollutants to destroying them at the molecular level.

Sleep is an important part of feeling healthy and performing your best. Nighttime allergies can come in the way of restful sleep. By understanding how allergens work and following the tips above, you may find yourself more refreshed in the morning.

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How To Reduce Allergy Symptoms At Bedtime

There are many preventative measures you can take to reduce allergy symptoms at bedtime.

One of the easiest things you can do to reduce evening allergy symptoms is taking a shower as soon as you arrive home for the night. As we mentioned, outdoor allergens stick to your clothes, skin and hair, so removing those allergens as soon as you get home can reduce your symptoms.

In your bedroom, make sure your mattress and pillow are both protected by hypoallergenic covers, which will reduce dust buildup. Regularly laundering your curtains and drying your sheets on the highest setting once a week can also help reduce dust related allergy symptoms.

If you have a pet, you may want to consider limiting their access to your bedroom to reduce symptoms that are caused by pet dander allergies.

If your allergy symptoms persist despite these preventative steps, your PartnerMD doctor may recommend over the counter medications. You should wait until you speak with your doctor before taking OTC allergy medicines to make sure your medical history is cleared for these treatments.

Other treatments that may be helpful are simple saline washes that can help clear sinus congestion or other nasal sprays.

When symptoms persist despite over the counter medicines, your doctor may recommend a prescription medicine to combat allergy symptoms.

For the most effective treatment, take allergy medications right around dinnertime, so that they have time to reach their peak effectiveness when you need it most.

Home Remedies And Lifestyle Changes

If stress aggravates your skin, try techniques like meditation, yoga, or progressive muscle relaxation to calm your mind.

You can also meet with a therapist for cognitive behavioral therapy . This program helps reverse some of the harmful thoughts and actions that aggravate your stress.

You can also try these home remedies:

  • Apply a lubricating, alcohol-free moisturizer like CeraVe, Cetaphil, Vanicream, or Eucerin to your skin during the day and before bed.
  • Apply cool, wet compresses to soothe the itch.
  • Take a bath in lukewarm water and colloidal oatmeal or baking soda.
  • Turn on a humidifier. It will add moisture to the air in your bedroom while you sleep.

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Why Are My Allergies Worse In The Morning And At Night

Do you wake up with morning headaches, feeling congested, or sniffling? Do you struggle to go to sleep at night because of sneezing and wheezing?

If you have seasonal or environmental allergies, your symptoms may come and go at different times of the day. You may experience worse nighttime allergies, morning allergies, or even both.

Hereâs why your allergies may be worse at night or in the morning, and what you can do about it.

Can Nasal Saline Rinses Help Reduce Allergies

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Arizona-based pulmonologist Paul Enright, MD, has had allergies since childhood. During allergy seasons, when his nose gets clogged with mucus and he has postnasal drainage, he uses a salt water sinus rinse, often during an evening shower, in order to keep his nasal passages clear throughout the night.

It’s important to note that, according to the CDC, if you are irrigating, flushing, or rinsing your sinuses, use distilled, sterile, or previously boiled water to make up the irrigation solution. Itâs also important to rinse the irrigation device after each use and leave open to air dry.

“If your nose is clogged, you have to breathe through your mouth all night. This eliminates the natural air conditioning function of the nose and may cause restless sleeping,” Enright says.

When grass and weed pollen levels are high in Arizona, to reduce inflammation and congestion in his nose, he also uses a prescription nasal corticosteroid spray about 1/2 hour after the sinus rinse.

“It’s important to point nose sprays towards the center of your head, not towards your eyebrows. The sinuses and inner ears drain deep inside your nose, and that’s where you want the nose spray to be concentrated for maximum benefit.” Enright also recommends drinking more water, which works to thin mucus. Thin mucus does not stick to the back of the throat and cause postnasal drip. You’ll know that you’re well-hydrated if you’re hitting the bathroom frequently.

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