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Why Do Allergies Make You Tired

Find Relief From Fatigue Caused By Allergies

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Fatigue can be caused by allergies and this can be frustrating. But it doesnt have to be forever. Diagnosing and treating your underlying allergies is the best way to find relief from your symptoms, get better sleep, and wake up feeling rested. Being tired can negatively impact your quality of life in many ways, but an ENT expert can help you address your issues and get back to a life free from fatigue from allergies. Schedule an appointment to discuss your allergy symptoms with a specialist today.

What Are Allergy Symptoms

There are various symptoms associated with allergy. Allergy can make you tired but besides this, some symptoms vary on the kind of allergy you are suffering from. Mentioned below are just some of the types of allergies and the symptoms associated with them

Allergy Symptoms
Animal Allergy The abnormal immune response against proteins found on an animals skin, urine, or saliva. Mostly common amongst people with asthma Sneezing Heavy Breathing
Drug Allergy Bodys immune response against certain medication. It can be against some ingredient in the medication. Hives Fever
Food Allergy The immune reaction towards certain types of food. The most common ones are against, soybeans, nuts, and milk. Hives Swollen Airways
Contact Dermatitis This is a skin reaction caused by coming in contact with some form of irritant which then leads to the skin turning red and itchy. Itchy skin Hives
Latex Allergy An immune response against latex develops after constant exposure to latex. This type of allergy can cause symptoms of asthma. Runny Nose Wheezing
Seasonal Allergies This kind of allergic reaction occurs during a specific time of the year when there is an excess amount of pollen in the air. Sneezing
This is a life-threatening allergic reaction against food, medication, insect stings, or latex. Skin Rash
Immune response against mold spores Cough

Are Your Allergies Making You Tired

Nearly 30 percent of the population experiences seasonal allergy attacks which cause symptoms like nasal congestion, headaches, sneezing or coughing. During an allergy flare-up, you may also feel drowsy and have a harder time focusing on activities throughout the day, which is often referred to as brain fog. Allergist, Dr. Andrey Leonov, explains the effect your allergies have on your sleep and energy level, and what you can do to minimize symptoms, including brain fog.

For many of us, environmental allergens like pollen, mold or dander trigger an allergic response, especially during peak seasons when their counts are at their highest. During an allergic reaction, inflammation often develops especially in your eyes, lungs, sinuses and throat. Inflammation can trigger other allergy symptoms including coughing, sneezing or headaches, and can prevent you from getting a good nights rest. The combination of a lack of sleep and congestion often leads to allergy-induced fatigue. If inflammation develops in your ears, they may not be able to drain properly, leading to fluid build-up. Fluid in your middle ear can make you feel dizzy, similar to having your head underwater. The longer you experience allergy symptoms, the more tired you will become, making school, work and other daily activities increasingly difficult.

If you experience allergy-induced brain fog or other allergy symptoms, you can try:

Over-the-counter medication:

Allergy Shots:



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Limit Your Exposure To Allergens

Once you know which allergens are causing your symptoms, you can reduce your exposure to them. For example, if youre allergic to pollen, you can try to stay indoors on days when pollen counts are high.

You can check online with your local weather station to find your local pollen report. You should try to keep your windows closed if you have air-conditioning. If you do spend time outside, its important to bathe and change your clothing as soon as you come inside.

How Allergies Affect Your Mood And Energy Level

Why Do Allergies make you Tired

Many studies have shown that people with allergic rhinitis not only suffer from symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, and itchy eyes and nose, but from non-nasal symptoms, such as fatigue and depression as well.

Allergic rhinitis can make it harder to concentrate at work or school and affect your energy level and sleeping habits.

Unfortunately, some of these “extra-nasal” symptoms are more difficult to treat than the allergies themselves. Some of the major ones are:

  • Fatigue
  • Cognitive Effects

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How To Get Tested For Allergies Causing Fatigue

As we have discussed above, both seasonal and year-round allergies can cause fatigue. Getting tested is the first step to feeling better if your allergies are triggered by pollens, animal dander, mold, dust mites, cockroaches, weather changes or possibly something else.â

âToday, testing for allergies can be both convenient and accurate. When combined with a detailed medical history, allergy testing can very often identify the specific trigger of your symptoms.âSays Ivor Emanuel, M.D, board certified allergy & otolaryngology specialist.

If your fatigue is caused by allergies, the best treatment is to get your allergies under control. Once you have been tested and have identified your allergies, you can work on avoiding triggers and controlling your environment. There are also other non-pharmaceutical and non drowsy medications available today.

Common allergy tests include:

  • IgE Blood tests – If you have allergies, your blood will contain certain IgE antibodies that show youâre sensitivity to many possible allergen triggers.
  • Skin tests – This involves pricking your skin with a needle to expose you to a small amount of an allergen. If youâre allergic, youâll develop a raised bump on the area of the allergen prick you are reacting to.
  • Physical exam – There are many physical signs of allergies, from skin irritation to nasal and breathing problems. These may help your doctor diagnose your allergies.

Food That Cause Allergic Or Inflammatory Reactions

Food allergies or intolerances may cause you to feel tired after eating. One of the most common causes of this effect is celiac disease, an autoimmune condition in which your body reacts negatively to gluten a compound found in wheat.

When you have celiac disease, exposure to gluten causes intestinal inflammation and difficulty absorbing nutrients. It also results in a host of symptoms that may be mild or severe . If you suffer from celiac disease, you need to exclude any type of food containing gluten, such as wheat, barley and rye.

Other foods that cause allergies and that can make you tired are dairy products, including cheese, butter and milk, as well as nuts and shellfish. Intolerances to certain food additives, such as monosodium gluatamate a flavor enhancer notably found in take-out and processed foods can also bring on serious fatigue in some people.

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What Should You Know About Allergies

Most often, people have sensitivity towards specific substances in their environment or to specific seasonal change. These allergy inducing factors make their immune system to respond immediately, when they are exposed to such factors. This defense action of the immune system makes the body to release immunoglobulin that sends several chemicals, such as histamine to their nasal passage.

These histamines are the culprits behind the symptoms associated with allergies. These body chemicals cause the congestion of nasal passages for preventing allergic contamination from reaching the brain. The release of this chemical also leads to several symptoms like irritation in the throat, runny nose, mucus production, headaches, pressure in sinus points and watery eyes.

Why And How Allergies Can Make You Tired

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The ragweed is in bloom or you visited a friend with a cat, and now your allergies are leaving you so exhausted youre dragging around all day. No, the gravitational force on Earth has not increased. It could be your allergies. But why and how can your allergies make you tired?

When you have an allergic reaction, your body releases proteins called proinflammatory cytokines, which are designed to neutralize invading particles, including allergens like pollen, pet dander, and mold. Researchers believe that cytokines act on the central nervous system, and prompt leukocytes and other cells to secrete IL-1 beta , a hormone-like substance that can make you feel lethargic and depress your mood. Perhaps fatigue from the inflammatory process is your bodys way of telling you to rest, so it can fight whatever evil nasty is plaguing your system.

Ironically, some allergy medications may also lead to poor sleep, and the same vicious cycle of insomnia and daytime drowsiness. Many antihistamines can leave you groggy, with a hung over feeling that may last through the day. Or, if you take them at night, you may sleep for a while, but then wake when the medication wears off. Think switching to a decongestant will help? In one study, 15 to 25% of decongestant users reported insomnia. But some doctors switch their patients to prescription nasal corticosteroids, which are not as likely to cause fatigue.


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Rheumatoid Arthritis And Fatigue

Symptoms: Fatigue, morning stiffness, joint pain, inflamed joints

Rheumatoid arthritis , a type of inflammatory arthritis, is another cause of excessive fatigue. Because joint damage can result in disability, early and aggressive treatment is the best approach for rheumatoid arthritis.

Medications that may be used early in mild RA include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs

Other drugs used in more serious forms of RA include the anti-cytokine therapies , as well as shots and other forms of treatment.

Other autoimmune disorders, such as lupus and Sjogren’s disease, may also cause fatigue.

You Carried Pollen With You

Pollen is one of the major allergy culprits and is especially prevalent around springtime. Pollen is essentially a fine powder created by certain plants and travels through the air because of wind. Though its commonly found outside, your allergies might feel worse at night because pollen has gotten into your bedroom, either through your clothes, belongings, or hair.

Research has also shown that pollen levels in some types of plants tend to rise around nighttime. To ensure you enjoy an uninterrupted nights sleep and find allergy relief, its essential to put your clothes in the wash, take a shower as soon as you get home, and keep your bedroom windows closed.

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Why Do Seasonal Allergies Make You Feel Sleepy

23 June 2019

As the weather warms and pollen begins its dance across the sky, some people’s bodies hurl them into a storm of watery eyes, runny noses and sneezing fits.

But sometimes the spring and summer months also bring bouts of tiredness. Can people with allergies also blame this on seasonal allergens? The answer is yes there are several ways that seasonal allergies can make us feel low on energy.

An allergy or allergic reaction is, by definition, a fight that the body puts up when it’s faced with a foreign invader, such as pollen, said Dr. Kara Wada, an allergist and immunologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

“The body expends a lot of energy in making all of the cells, proteins and all of the other substances” that build up during an allergic response, also known as inflammation, she said.

This energy expenditure wears out the body and “some of the same chemical signals in addition to fighting off what it sees as an enemy, makes you feel unwell” and rundown, she said. This effect in seasonal allergies is like a watered-down version of the extreme tiredness that can overtake people who eat something they’re allergic to.

This disruption happens because when the adenoids get larger, they can cause obstruction in nasal passageways, which can reduce the amount of oxygen we need to breathe comfortably, said Dr. Priyanka Seshadri, a pediatric resident also at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.

Will Allergies Make You Tired

Can Allergies Make You Tired?

Yes, allergies can make you feel tired. Aside from the typical allergy symptoms like runny nose, other symptoms like fatigue, difficulty breathing and sinus pain can also be due to allergies.

1. Immune System Reactions

Many individuals are not aware that symptoms like tiredness, irritability, and moodiness may be due to seasonal allergies. How could that happen? Experts explain that allergies can cause immune system reactions that affect your energy levels, including your moods. It can make you feel too tired to get out of bed and make you feel irritable.

Allergens that trigger your immune system reactions cause the release of chemicals called histamines. These substances can slow down your brain function and make you feel moody and depressed. They can also cause sleep disturbance, resulting in excessive daytime fatigue. Sleep is often disturbed when people experience nasal stuffiness and difficulty breathing, which are also common symptoms of allergies. Thus, seasonal allergies have been linked to chronic fatigue syndrome.

2. Allergy Medications Also Matter

Can allergies make you tired? Yes and the culprits are not limited to allergy itself. The medications you are taking to relieve your symptoms may also be contributing to your extreme tiredness. Many over-the-counter anti-allergy medications contain anti-histamines like diphenhydramine hydrochloride, which have sedating properties. This ingredient can be found in many cold medications.

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My Experience With Allergy Shots

In my early 30s I was struggling with my health. My allergies didnt just appear out of nowhere, rather, my allergies had slowly crept up on me and began to affect my every-day-life.

I felt unhealthy, had allergic shiners , itchy skin, watery eyes, and always had a persistent stuffy nose. Worst of all I constantly felt fatigue.

I was in graduate school, busy with studying and an internship. At first I ignored the allergy symptoms because I had always experienced them.

As my health was snowballing downward I stopped going to my internship. I continued to study but slept 12 hours a day. In class I would struggle to keep my eyes open.

I had no idea what was happening. Was this normal?

Eventually, I wound up at an allergist an allergist. He asked me a few questions and chose to tested for a few allergens. I tested positive for most things and began allergy drops. After a year I didnt find much relief.

At this point I knew allergies were causing me to feel ill, so I made an appointment with another allergist. This time I was tested for over 100 things .

Again, most of my results came back positive.

Ive been working with my allergist for 6 years and Ive learned how allergy shots work . Ive experienced a few side effects and Ill share them with you below.

Sleep Disorders And Fatigue

Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, feeling exhausted upon awakening, snoring

Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that disrupt or prevent restful, restorative sleep. That can take a toll on your health and quality of life, so its important to look out for signs and symptoms.


Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders. If you or your partner notices loud snoring and you wake up tired and stay that way, you could have sleep apnea. More than one-third of adults in the U.S. snore at least a few nights a week. But if the snoring stops your breathing for seconds at a time, it could be sleep apnea.

Obstructive sleep apnea causes low blood oxygen levels. That’s because blockages prevent air from getting to the lungs. The low oxygen levels also affect how well your heart and brain work. Sometimes, the only clue that you might have sleep apnea is chronic fatigue.

Your doctor may prescribe a medical device called CPAP that helps keep your airways open while you sleep. In severe cases of sleep apnea, surgery may help. The surgeon will remove tissues that are blocking the airways. If left untreated, sleep apnea can increase your risk of a stroke or heart attack.

But sleep apnea is just one of many sleep disorders that cause fatigue. Other common types include:


  • Maintaining strict blood glucose control
  • Taking diabetes medications
  • Eating a low glycemic index carbohydrate diet, or, though controversial, a low-carbohydrate diet

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Heart Disease And Fatigue

Symptoms: Fatigue from an activity that should be easy

If youre exhausted after an activity that used to be easy — for example, walking up the steps — it may be time to talk to your doctor about the possibility of heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women. If your fatigue is related to your heart, medication or treatments can usually help correct the problem, cut the fatigue, and restore your energy.

Why Can Allergies Make You Tired

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The main reason why your allergies could be making you tired is because they can get worse at night, making it challenging to get a good nights rest. A stuffy nose, pounding headache, and relentless coughing are a recipe for disrupted sleep.

Additionally, the histamines that your cells release in response to an allergen can also exacerbate tiredness because your body is working hard to block a harmful substance. The allergy fatigue you experience is similar to the exhaustion you feel when you have a cold or flu. Falling sick can be draining enough, but when your body works overtime to ward off the viruses and bacteria, it can often leave you feeling worse for wear.

Whats worse is that treating allergies with medication isnt always as easy as popping a pill. Some allergy medications or antihistamines are known for causing side effects, such as drowsiness and lack of energy, which can aggravate daytime fatigue and cause excessive tiredness.

The tiredness that arises as a result of allergies can also cause brain fog. Put simply, brain fog is a fuzzy-headed feeling that can make it difficult to focus on everyday tasks. In fact, research has found that allergy fatigue can have a significant impact on the quality of life and that children with untreated allergies performed worse in school than others.

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