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Can You Give Your Dog Allergy Pills

Causes Of Dog Allergies

How to Give Oral Medication to Your Dog at Home

You may have heard that some dog breeds trigger allergy symptoms while others don’t, or that short-haired dogs are safe while long-haired dogs prone to shedding are not. But on the whole, experts say that isn’t the case. In fact, two dogs of the same breed can each give off very different levels of allergen.

It’s not the dog’s hair or fur that’s the real problem. Instead, people are usually allergic to the dander — flakes of dead skin — as well as the saliva and urine. So, no matter how long or short the hair, any dog can potentially cause an allergic reaction.

You might wonder why dog dander has such an effect on you. People with allergies have oversensitive immune systems. Their bodies overreact to harmless substances — like dog dander — and attack it as they would bacteria or viruses. The sneezing and watery eyes are just the side effects of the body’s attempt to destroy or flush out the allergen.

Benadryl Dosage For Dogs

The usual dosage is about 1 mg per pound, two to three times daily. Veterinarians often recommend that people start with a half dose to see how much it sedates the dog the first time. Also, pet parents should be aware the tablets and capsules commonly come in 25 mg size, but other sizes exist . Read the labels on the bottle.

Pet Insurance Can Help Pay Vet Bills

Dogs can develop so many chronic problems over their lifetimes, as well as unforeseen accidents and illnesses. But if you get pet insurance early in your dogs life , health issues that arise in the future could be covered for vet visits and prescription medications. See our reviews of the best pet insurance companies to learn more.

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Can You Give Your Dog Allergy Medication For Humans

Dog allergy medication is generally prescribed to pets that suffer from food allergies, inhalant allergies and contact allergies. These medications bring relief from the symptoms that are manifested due to an allergic reaction. In order to completely get rid of the allergy you will have to first find out the type of allergen thats affecting your pet and take efforts to prevent your dog from coming in contact with the known allergen in the future.

Testing For Dog Allergies

Dog Allergy Medicine Over The Counter

Your doctor can do either a skin test or a blood test that will detect allergen-specific IgE to find out if you have dog allergies. Even if you’re pretty certain that you’re allergic, testing is always a good idea. Some people who assume that they have dog allergies turn out not to have them. Instead, they’re allergic to the pollen or mold that the dog is carrying in on its coat from outside.

While allergy tests are helpful, they’re not always conclusive. So if you own a dog, your doctor might want you to try living without it for a while to see how you do. To get a good sense of your symptoms, it might take some extended time apart. It often takes months before the level of dander in the house drops down to a level resembling that of a house without a dog.

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Safe Human Meds For Dogs: Final Thoughts

Dogs are like family. The moment they start to feel unwell, they can get you worried and uneasy.

In some cases, pet owners resort to human medicine for dogs since it’s the fastest solution they can get themselves. However, not all human meds for dogs are safe.

As much as you want to alleviate any pain or symptom in your dogs, you need to be careful about what you thought is a suitable medication for dogs.

Meds for dogs are quite specific to the condition and its causes. Some meds for dogs will either treat a symptom or make the situation worse.

When your dog starts to experience pain or certain conditions, take them to the vet immediately. By then, you will be prescribed safe human meds for dogs.

What Can Benadryl Treat In Dogs

Benadryl is typically recommended by vets for dogs who are suffering from mild or moderate allergy symptoms. These allergies could be caused by seasonal allergies, environmental allergies such as grass, food allergies, or allergies that are caused by insect bites or snakes bikes. Similar to Claritin for dogs, Benadryl is commonly recommended for dogs who are sufferings from skin allergies and itchiness that is caused by this type of allergy reaction.

The most common symptoms that Benadryl can treat:

  • Instead of using Benadryl, improve allergies at the root level with Wild Earth Dog Food!
  • Cruelty-free, superfood ingredients without fillers or other common allergy-causing ingredients.
  • Try Wild Earth Dog Food for 50% off today!

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An Important Caution About Nsaids And Steroids

NSAIDs and steroids should never be used together because of potential damage to the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

So even though Zachory came to me for acupuncture of his neck, I was excited to discuss new, better, and safer options for treating his allergies. We worked with his regular veterinarian to select and administer Cytopoint. Zachorys injection was pricey. However, unlike some alternatives, it should keep him symptom-free for about a month.

Thankfully, Cytopoint wont interfere with his other medications and it has worked beautifully for him! Mom described it as a huge relief for both of them.

Can Dogs Take Benadryl For Anxiety

Can I Give My Dog Human Allergy Medication?

You might have heard that Benadryl can be given to dogs to help with travel anxiety or dogs that are scared of fireworks and thunderstorms.

Benadryl has some efficacy in the prevention of motion sickness in dogs and as a mild sedative, but the effects are not the same as with people. Some dogs and cats can actually have the opposite reaction to Benadryl, causing hyperactivity instead of sedation.

If your dog has anxiety, or they get nervous while traveling, talk with your veterinarian to determine a course of treatment. It might involve making changes to your dogs environment, behavioral training, or tools such as anxiety vests and pheromones.

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What Is Apoquel For Dogs

Apoquel is the brand name for oclacitinib, an oral medication that veterinarians prescribe to manage itching associated with allergic dermatitis in dogs over one year of age. The FDA approved Apoquel for veterinary use in 2013, and it has become one of the most widely prescribed anti-itch medicines for dogs. Its manufactured by Zoetis, the worlds largest producer of medicines and vaccinations for pets and livestock.

Apoquel effectively relieves itching associated with food allergies, flea allergies, contact allergies, and atopic dermatitis . Atopy is a common form of a dog skin allergy in which dogs are allergic to various environmental factors typically by inhalation or direct contact.

How does Apoquel work? Apoquel is an immunosuppressant that works by inhibiting Janus kinase enzymes in a dogs body. Blocking these enzymes suppresses the bodys allergic reaction, including both itching and inflammation.

Apoquel can begin providing relief as soon as four hours after administration and can last up to 24 hours. So, its typically given daily to manage symptoms.

Dogs under one year of age should not take Apoquel. Apoquel also isnt recommended for dogs who have serious infections or for dogs who weigh less than 6.6 pounds.

Can Dogs Take Human Medicine Is It Safe

Unfortunately, not all human meds for dogs are safe. Pet owners see these over-the-counter treatments are fast solutions, but it could do more harm than good.

The wrong dosage or medication for dogs can become fatal to your pooch or any of your pets. That’s why it’s very important that you consult with your vet before trying any meds for dogs.

Your vet will be able to determine the condition and prescribe safe human meds for dogs in the right dosage. That way, you will be treating your pooch without ever worrying other consequences.

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Can You Provide Itch Relief Without A Pill

Most of you want to provide your dog with some temporary relief before he scratches himself up and starts bleeding. Giving him a small dose of antihistamines is usually the best and safest way to do so.

If you cannot or do not want to give your dog an antihistamine, the best way to cool off his inflamed skin is by giving him a bath. Almost all dogs will feel better.

  • Oatmeal shampoo: Even if it is late at night, you do not need to worry about finding a pet shop to sell you shampoo. Take some oatmeal , put it in your blender until it is fine, and then add water until it is thin enough to use as a shampoo. Oatmeal contains polyphenols and antioxidants called avenathramides that have an anti-inflammatory effect on your dog’s skin.
  • Plain water: If you do not have any oatmeal, and there is no store around to get any, even plain water is better than nothing.
  • Dry bath: Some dogs hate water and will not put up with a bath. If you cannot bathe your dog, you can still use the oatmeal on his skin. After blending, do not add water. Just use the dry oatmeal and apply it to the areas that he has been scratching excessively. You need to leave it on for about 20 minutes before brushing it out.

If you want to do everything you can for your dog, give him the oatmeal bath and then a dose of diphenhydramine. The antihistamines have a better chance of working if the skin is not actively inflamed, and after all of the excitement of a bath your dog may sleep better. Then you can, too.

Common Irritants Dogs Are Allergic To

Dog Allergy Pill Prescription
  • Pollen. The same pollen causing hay fever in people can cause seasonal allergic reactions in dogs. Dogs might inhale pollen floating through the air from trees or plants, or sniff growing grass and weeds. Tree and grass pollen seasons tend to last from spring to mid-fall.
  • The environment. Dogs can react to environmental elements like pollen, dust, mold, and animal dander. Depending on whats bothering your canine companion, dogs might experience environmental allergies seasonally or constantly.
  • Flea allergies. When adult fleas bite your precious pup, they inject a small amount of saliva into the dogs skin, causing an itchy response. According to VCA Hospitals, just one flea bite is enough to cause itching for several days, which means you might see your dog scratch and scratch. Your dog doesnt need to be infested with fleas to show a reaction, and all dog breeds can experience flea allergy dermatitis.
  • Foods. Sometimes dogs can be allergic to something in their kibble or treats. They may be sensitive to proteins commonly found in dog kibble, like beef, chicken, or lamb.

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Your Environment And Dog Allergies

Most allergists agree that although medication may help, the best way to control dog allergies is to avoid contact with dogs. Here are some tips:

  • Keep your distance. Don’t touch, pet, or kiss a dog. As best you can, avoid going to homes with dogs. If you have to stay in a house with a dog, ask if it can be kept out of the room in which you’ll sleep for a few months before your arrival.
  • Use your medicine. If you know that you’ll be coming into contact with a dog soon, start taking your medicine a few weeks ahead of time. By taking medication preventatively, you might stop an allergic reaction before it starts.
  • Be wary of visitors who own dogs. Dog dander can cling to clothing and luggage. So even if your house guests leave their dogs at home, they can bring the dander with them — and that can cause you a lot of trouble.

Of course, some of the above advice won’t help that much if you already have a dog in your home. Even then, there are still things you can do:

Will bathing your dog have any effect on allergy symptoms? Experts aren’t sure some studies have shown that baths reduce the amount of airborne dander, while others haven’t found a difference. You can certainly try out weekly baths and see what happens. Just make sure that someone without dog allergies is doing the actual bathing.

So if you or a family member has dog allergies, talk to a doctor. Getting control of symptoms will not only make you feel better, but it will help protect you from becoming sicker.

Benadryl Side Effects In Dogs

Just like any medication, Benadryl comes with potential side effects. Common side effects of Benadryl include drowsiness, dry mouth, urinary retention, hypersalivation, increased heart rate, and loss of appetite for some dogs. The side effects of Benadryl for dogs are typically thought to be minor as the medication is widely recommended for dogs. If you are worried about adverse reactions when you are trying to relieve symptoms, it is recommended that you monitor your dogs behavior when you give Benadryl to your dog for the first time.

You can find some peace in knowing that most veterinary practices will recommend Benadryl as a safe option for environmental allergens and other issues commonly found in dogs. In order to avoid some of these side effects, it is important to remember to administer the proper Benadryl dosage for your dog as recommended by your veterinarian.

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Are Antihistamines All Your Dog Needs

In order for your dog to feel relief from his allergies, you need to find out what is causing him to itch. Unfortunately, finding out is not always easy. Antihistamines might provide some comfort at the moment, but they are usually not enough.

Your dog might need a dietary change, a new drug regimen like cytopoint or apoquel, or even a course of steroids like prednisone. Natural alternatives like oatmeal shampoos, coconut oil, and herbs help some dogs. The best thing you can do is find out what your dog is allergic to and prevent him from accessing it. There are a lot of options.

Can I Give My Dog Benadryl And If So How Much

Does Benadryl Work?

NOTE: Its always best to contact your veterinarian for guidance before administering any medication to your pet, including Benadryl.

Benadryl, also known by its generic name, diphenhydramine, is one of the few over-the-counter drugs that veterinarians routinely have owners administer at home.

You might be looking for Benadryl to ease your dogs anxiety, or maybe your dog was stung by an insect and is having a mild allergic reaction.

While Benadryl is generally well tolerated by dogs and has a wide safety margin, its not necessarily the answer to your dogs issue.

In some dogs, trying to give them Benadryl to calm them may have the opposite effect and make them more anxious. In addition, Benadryl should not be given to animals with certain health conditions.

Benadryl can also interact with other medications that your pet may be on , making it pertinent to speak with a vet prior to administering.

Find out when Benadryl is effective and safe and when your dog needs a different treatment. Here are a few things you should keep in mind before giving your dog Benadryl.

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Can I Give My Dog A Decongestant

Experts warn against a decongestant for dogs. Like pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine, decongestants can be life-threatening for dogs and can cause vomiting, severe blood pressure changes, abnormal heart rates and rhythms, tremors, and seizures.

Seek veterinary care immediately if your dog accidentally ingests any kind of decongestant

Is Benadryl Safe For Dogs

Benadryl is a relatively safe and effective medication for both dogs and cats, but there is a caveat. Your safest bet is to check in with your pets veterinarian first, especially if there are any other conditions or symptoms present.

Benadryl is widely available over the counter and can be used under the advice of your veterinarian for mild itching from allergies, insect bites, flea irritation and a number of other conditions, says Dr. Justin Shmalberg, veterinarian nutritionist at NomNomNow. Its a very safe medication it may cause drowsiness in some pets but my clients have never found this to occur at a concerning level. Of course, if a problem persists, if there are open sores or if you notice any adverse reactions to this medication, talk to your veterinarian as soon as possible.

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Dosing Instructions For Benadryl

The Merck Veterinary Manual recommends giving your dog 0.9-1.8 mg of Benadryl per pound of weight .

If you want to try over-the-counter Benadryl, the best form is usually a tablet, which is typically 25 mg per tab, says Justine Lee, DVM, a board-certified veterinarian who specializes in toxicology and emergency care.

This means that, generally speaking, a 25-pound dog would get one pill and a 50-pound dog would get two.

If you have a very small dog, you may need to use a lower-dose liquid children’s formula to get the proper dose for their weight.

“Veterinarians can also prescribe the dog a form of Benadryl, Vetadryl, which is the FDA approved form of diphenhydramine for dogs and cats,” Price says. Though it is the same medicine and you could technically use any one, Vetadryl has some benefits like:

  • A 10 mg option, which may make dosing easier
  • Flavoring for dogs, which may make it more appealing to your pup

Guidelines For Benadryl For Dogs

Dog Allergy Treatment Claritin

Never give a dog too much Benadryl an overdose is possible. Abuse of the drug can result in fatal diphenhydramine poisoning, so always consult your veterinarian if you are unsure of the proper dosage. Signs of overdose include constipation, agitation, dilated pupils, seizures, and rapid heart rate.

If your dog is suffering from an onset of a severe allergic reaction, use your best judgment to determine if it would be best to opt for an emergency trip to your veterinarian. There are cases where a veterinarian may need to inject an antihistamine under your dogs skin in order for the medicine to act more quickly.

Also, avoid using time-release capsules for dogs. Time-release capsules are absorbed differently in humans vs dogs and may affect your dogs dosage.

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