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HomeCauseCan Allergies Cause Enlarged Adenoids

Can Allergies Cause Enlarged Adenoids

What Is The Treatment For Adenoid Hypertrophy

What is Adenoids and Tonsillitis? (Complete Video)

Most individuals with hypertrophy are asymptomatic and may not require treatment. In symptomatic cases, treatment focuses on resolving the underlying cause of the enlargement. Bacterial infections will usually be treated with a specific antibiotic course depending on the agent. Unlike bacterial infections, viral infections do not respond to antibiotics and will usually resolve themselves within 5 to 7 days. can be treated with intranasal , oral steroids, or oral . Meanwhile, treatment for mainly focuses on lifestyle and diet modification, as well as the use of or acid-suppressing medications.

Causes Of Enlarged Tonsils And Adenoids

or year-round allergies Year-Round Allergies Year-round allergies result from indoor exposure to airborne substances that are present throughout the year. The nose is congested, itchy, and sometimes runny… read more ), irritants, and, possibly, gastroesophageal reflux Gastroesophageal Reflux in Children Gastroesophageal reflux is the backward movement of food and acid from the stomach into the esophagus and sometimes into the mouth. Reflux may be caused by the infantâs position during feeding… read more also can cause the tonsils and adenoids to enlarge. Ongoing exposure to children who have bacterial or viral infections, such as children at child care centers, increases the risk of infection.

When enlarged, tonsils sometimes interfere with breathing or swallowing, and adenoids may block the nose or the eustachian tubes that connect the back of the throat to the ears. Usually, tonsils and adenoids return to normal size once the infection is over. Sometimes they remain enlarged, particularly in children who have had frequent or chronic infections.

Removal Of Both Adenoids And Tonsils

In many cases, a doctor may remove the tonsils along with the adenoids. The tonsils are also glands that help protect against germs. However, they sit in the back of the throat rather than behind the nose.

Sometimes, both the tonsils and adenoids become swollen and infected. The removal of both glands at the same time is known as a tonsilloadenoidectomy.

Not everyone who needs an adenoidectomy will require tonsil removal and vice versa. Doctors base the decision to remove either or both of these glands on the childs specific symptoms and medical history. Children who tend to have swelling of both the tonsils and adenoids may be good candidates for a tonsilloadenoidectomy.

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Swollen Tonsils Caused By Allergies

Few allergies trigger swollen tonsils as a sole symptom. However, if you have pollen, fiber, food or other allergies then swollen tonsils might occur alongside other familiar symptoms. In some cases this will subside after a few hours.However, if your allergy triggers a serious reaction, it may swell the tonsils and throat to a point where they restrict breathing.

What Are The Side Effects Of Having Your Adenoids Removed

Enlarged Adenoid: A common condition in children

removal is generally not considered to be a high-risk surgery and healthy children usually have a low risk of complications. However, the most common temporary side effects are nose or mouth bleeding, bad breath, , fever, nausea, and vomiting. Other, less common, side effects include problems with swallowing , ear pain, or permanent changes in vocal quality. If an individual presents with persisting side effects, medical attention may be required.

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How To Treat Enlarged Tonsils And Adenoids Naturally

There are three main steps I consider when working with swollen tonsils and adenoids.

Determine the cause of inflammation

If you dont know the cause, you cant address it! Its best to work with a qualified practitioner who can help you with this.

If you know your child has allergies or intolerances, start by removing those. If youre not sure and youd like to start on your own, try a dairy-free diet for 6 weeks and see how they go. In my clinical experience, dairy is one of the most common contributors to inflammation, including in the tonsils and adenoids.

Build immune tolerance

Often people go crazy with restrictive diets, and end up not able to eat anything much at all. Thats why an essential step in any elimination diet is building tolerance. By building up the immune system, you can help your child to tolerate a variety of food and environmental substances without it leading to inflammation.

There are a few things you can do to build up tolerance. One essential step is to balance the gut bacteria I discuss this in my Kids Gut Health ebook, which you can .

Vitamin D is another one to look at. At this time of year, it can be tricky to get enough sun exposure to optimise vitamin D levels. For tips on how to ensure your child gets enough vitamin D, see my previous article here.

There are some herbs that can also be effective for building tolerance. A naturopath can help guide you with the right options for your child.

Heal the gut

What Are The Treatments For Infected Adenoids

The treatment for adenoiditis really depends on the cause and severity of symptoms. For adenoiditis that is not caused by allergy, common treatments include:

To treat the symptoms

If adenoiditis is due to viral infection, antibiotics will not help. However, there are some treatments such as decongestants, steroid nasal sprays and anti-inflammatory medications that may reduce swelling and other symptoms.

Remember, many medications can come with side-effects. So, speak to your healthcare professional about the best course of treatment for you.


If a bacteria is the culprit, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to eliminate the infection.

Adenoidectomy for adenoiditis

An adenoidectomy is the most common treatment for chronic adenoiditis. It involves the complete removal of the adenoids and is often done at the same time as grommet insertion, tonsil removal or sinus surgery.

Though some experts suggest that adenoids are unimportant and adenoid removal harmless, they often grow back after removal. This is thought to be because they play a crucial role in the development of our immunological memory, especially during early childhood.

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Risks And Complications Of Removal

Side effects of an adenoidectomy can include fever, nausea, and vomiting.

Surgeons perform around 130,000 adenoid removals each year in the United States. Adenoid removal surgery is generally safe, and healthy children will have a low risk of complications. However, the possible side effects and risks of an adenoidectomy include:

It is vital to seek immediate medical assistance if the child bleeds from the nose or mouth following adenoid removal.

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Treatments For Childhood Hearing Loss

What are Adenoids?

Depending on the severity and cause of hearing loss in your child, hearing aids, cochlear implants and a combination of speech therapy or assistive listening devices might be recommended forms of treatment. If you notice that your infant or child shows any of the above signs, take him or her to your family doctor, who can refer you to a pediatric audiologist to have your childâs hearing tested. If a child has wax buildup, an ear infection or another problem causing temporary hearing loss, the audiologist will take care of the problem or refer you to an otolaryngologist to have the temporary hearing obstruction treated.

There has never been more hope for children with hearing loss, even those with severe hearing loss.

Audiologists can perform in-depth behavioral hearing examinations for even very young children . There are several objective tests that infants, toddlers and young children can undergo as well. These tests are painless and non-invasive. After the exam, the audiologist will spend time talking with you about your childâs hearing ability and recommend an appropriate treatment plan or medical intervention.

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Your First Protective Barrier

We dont think much about our tonsils unless we get a sore throat or some other infection. What exactly are tonsils for and are they really of any use? These two clumps of tissue in our throat actually play an important part of your immune system and act as a filter. They fight off germs and other pathogens that enter our mouth and nose.

They filter out bacteria, viruses, and debris like allergens, especially pollen and food particles. Unfortunately, and ironically, they are prone to infections.

How Is Adenoid Hypertrophy Treated

Adenoid hypertrophy is usually treated with medication, but in severe cases, surgery may be suggested. An adenoidectomy is the surgical procedure commonly used to remove the adenoid when necessary. During this procedure, patients will be under general anesthesia and the adenoids are removed through the mouth. In less than a week, the area should be healed and patients should begin to feel relief from adenoid hypertrophy.

If you are suffering from adenoid problems, the first step towards feeling better is to schedule an evaluation with an experienced ear, nose and throat doctor. Board-certified physicians with New York ENT have extensive experience diagnosing and treating a wide variety of nasal conditions. Fill out the form on this page or call our office at to schedule an appointment today.

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Four Effective Treatments For Childrens Allergies

Raleigh Capitol Ear, Nose and ThroatAllergies, Chronic Sinus Infections, Immunotherapy, Pediatric ENT Services, Sinus surgery

No parents want to see their children miss out on the fun activities of spring and summer because of sniffling, sneezing and a sore throat. If these happen at the same time every year, your child may have seasonal allergies. If they battle these symptoms year round, they may have chronic allergies.

The good news is that physicians at Raleigh Capitol Ear, Nose and Throat have expertise in helping children overcome their seasonal or chronic allergies. Each childs allergy treatment is carefully tailored to fit their needs.

What Causes Adenoid Hypertrophy


Tonsils and trap germs that enter the and can become enlarged as a consequence of their inflammatory response. The main infectious causes of hypertrophy occur from viral infections, such as the EpsteinBarr virus, or bacterial infections, such . Chronic inflammation may result from recurring acute infections or persistent infection.

In some cases, and irritants can also cause hypertrophy. When or irritants come in contact with the tissue, the have a similar inflammatory response through which they can become enlarged. Additionally stomach acid caused by ” rel=”nofollow”> acid reflux), can irritate tissue, triggering inflammation and the enlargement of the .

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Does Speech Therapy Help Communication Challenges Caused By Enlarged Tonsils And Adenoids

While vocal pitch, tone, and articulation can be negatively affected by enlarged tonsils and adenoids, speech therapy cannot easily provide improvement as long as the enlarged tissues remain so swollen. It would be similar to starting with physical therapy for a broken leg before placing the cast on the leg to heal the break.

For those patients who have endured enlarged tonsils and adenoids for longer periods of time, especially children, speech therapy can play an important role in rehabilitation of healthy communication. Children who become accustomed to interference caused by swollen tissues in the throat and nasal passages sometimes benefit from exercises to strengthen those areas.

Treatment Of Enlarged Tonsils And Adenoids

  • Treatment of other causes

  • Sometimes, adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, or both

If they think the cause is allergies, doctors may give a nasal corticosteroid spray or other drugs, such as antihistamines, by mouth. If the cause appears to be a bacterial infection, doctors may give antibiotics.

If these drugs are not effective or if doctors think they will not be useful, doctors may recommend surgical removal of the adenoids and possibly removal of the tonsils during the same operation.

Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy are very common operations for children in the United States. Children who benefit from these operations include those who have the following:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea

Doctors may recommend only adenoidectomy for children who have the following:

  • Frequent ear infections and persistent collections of fluid in the middle ears

  • Recurring nosebleeds or nasal blockages causing voice changes or disturbed sleep

  • Frequent sinus infections

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Adenoid Hypertrophy

hypertrophy can result in a variety of signs and symptoms, mainly affecting the airways and surrounding structures. However, most individuals will have minor enlargement and appear asymptomatic. In cases of more severe enlargement, a common occurrence is nasal obstruction, which refers to the partial or complete blockage of the nasal airway. Such obstruction often leads to mouth breathing, or the unconscious tendency to through the mouth instead of the nose. This can lead to bad breath, dry mouth, cracked , and nasal congestion. Nasal obstruction may also cause a blockage of the , which connects the to the . A blockage of the Eustachian tubes can often result in , such as , or a cough. It can also lead to the obstruction of sleep, resulting in restlessness, increased snoring, and, in some cases, , a condition in which breathing momentarily stops while asleep. Persistence of symptoms can ultimately lead to facies.

Joy Victory Managing Editor Healthy Hearing

Top 7 Causes of Nasal Clogging or Nasal Obstruction

Joy Victory has extensive experience editing consumer health information. Her training in particular has focused on how to best communicate evidence-based medical guidelines and clinical trial results to the public. She strives to make health content accurate, accessible and engaging to the public.Read more about Joy.

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What Issues Can Be Linked To Enlarged Tonsils And Adenoids

When the tonsils and adenoids become enlarged and inflamed, a few problems can arise. These include:

  • Increased risk of infections including ear infections, glue ear, sore throats and tonsillitis
  • Sleep issues ranging from snoring to sleep apnoea, grinding teeth, sleep-talking, sleep-walking or a generally restless sleep
  • Problems with learning, concentration and behaviour in fact, kids with ADHD are more likely to have enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Some even suggest that some kids dont have ADHD, but that their behaviour is because of their lack of restful sleep
  • Fussy eating due to the problems swallowing and chewing, this can cause texture preferences, poor chewing and related sensory issues

Recovery After Adenoid Removal

The lack of incision during the surgery means that stitches are unnecessary. The child may feel pain or discomfort in the throat, nose, and ears for several days following surgery.

The doctor may prescribe pain relievers or recommend over-the-counter medications to help relieve any pain. These should never include aspirin, which can increase a childs risk of developing Reyes syndrome.

In general, most children recover from adenoid removal within 12 weeks. Doing the following may help with a childs recovery:

  • Offering plenty of fluids to help prevent dehydration. Popsicles may be helpful if the child is not drinking enough or feels sick. If signs of dehydration occur, contact a doctor immediately.
  • Eating soft foods can help with a sore throat, but drinking is more important than eating. The child is likely to start eating normally again after a few days.
  • Keeping the child home from school or day care until they are eating and drinking normally, no longer need pain medicine, and are sleeping well.
  • Avoiding airplane travel for at least 2 weeks after surgery.

A mild fever is typical on the day of surgery, but it is essential to call a doctor if the fever is 102°F or higher or if the child seems very unwell. Some noisy breathing and snoring for up to 2 weeks after surgery is not unusual, but this will usually stop once the swelling subsides.

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What Is Otitis Media With Effusion

Otitis media is a generic term that refers to an inflammation of the middle ear. The middle ear is the space behind the eardrum. Otitis media with effusion means there is fluid in the middle ear, without an infection.

Fluid in the middle ear can have few symptoms, especially if it develops slowly. It almost always goes away on its own in a few weeks to a few months. So, this kind of ear problem doesnt usually need to be treated with antibiotics. Your doctor may decide to treat it if it causes a painful infection or if the fluid doesnt go away.

Otitis media with effusion is most common in young children, age 2 and under. But it can affect people of any age.

What Are Signs That Your Adenoids Need To Be Removed


What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Enlarged Adenoids?

  • have trouble breathing through the nose.
  • breathe through the mouth
  • talk as if the nostrils are pinched.
  • have noisy breathing
  • have bad breath.

Do allergies cause enlarged adenoids?

Because adenoids trap germs that enter the body, adenoid tissue sometimes temporarily swells as it tries to fight an infection. Allergies also can make them get bigger. The swelling sometimes gets better. But sometimes, adenoids can get infected .

Can adults have enlarged adenoids?

Some children have enlarged adenoids from birth. Allergies can also cause this enlargement. Although it is rare, adults adenoids can become enlarged, due to a chronic infection or allergy, pollution, or smoking. Even less common is enlarged adenoids resulting from a cancerous tumor.

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Dear Pharmacist: Do Foods Cause Snoring Kids’ Earaches

Do you know someone who snores all night? Don’t let snoring ruin your relationship or cause sleep deprivation. Snoring may be controllable.

What about your child? How many earaches has he or she been medicated for? I sadly wonder how many children have undergone tonsillectomies because of repeated infections. Maybe these kids could have kept their tonsils if they had avoided foods known to trigger that problem as well as earaches, respiratory infections and asthma.

Researchers have tested the theory of food allergies causing something called adenotonsillar hypertrophy, or ATH. That is the medical term for enlarged adenoids, and adenoids are patches of lymph tissue near the tonsils in the upper airway.

Adenoids and tonsils are part of the immune system and protect against germs that we swallow or breathe in. From birth to age 6, these tissues grow as the immune system develops. They slowly shrink unless there are problems. Instead of shrinking, adenoids swell up in response to food allergies.

Complications of ATH include chronic ear infections, ear pain, stuffy nose, swollen glands in the neck, snoring and respiratory infections. Children and adults are usually offered antibiotics for these conditions, which almost makes sense unless you find out that the person has a chronic problem, they eat common food allergens or they lack a positive culture.

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